Page 27 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Western Maryland Collega Volume X, Number 6 Thursday, Novemberl, 1979 Draft activist shares history Laura Dick - with the New Orleans Santiago Rodriguez, Symphony. Bill Hearn arrested. To her these people made outstanding After his debut, sen- On October 26th the Western the 1960's l!I different time, .!!II more 1st, I tlago Rodrlgue:r: studied Maryland College campus was' Important period than the "dead at Western M.,vl."ri Col.1 with various teachers un- visited by Fran Donelan, dIrector times" of the 1950's.Civil rights lege, Nov. 6, In the til he entered the Univer- of the American Friends service and Vietnam fed off each other" Forum. A prize holderln sity of Texas to study with Committee's youth and militarism and while the former led off the ten national ccmpett- William Race for four council. Ms. Donelan was speaking 1960's the latter closed Itout. tions, Mr. RodrIguez Is years. From 1973-1977 he to Dr. Ralph LeverIng's"America One of Ms. Donelan's main also'the Artlst-In-Resi· was a scholarship pupil of In the 1960's" class about her In- Impressions of the 1960's people Is dence at University of Adele Marcus at the Jull- volvement In - dIfferent 1960's that she knew no one who had lost MIssouri-Columbia. liard Schoolof Music. movements. their Initiative, there were "no Santiago Rodriguez Rodrlgue:r: has won A graduate of Johns Hopkins backsliders known." This was an was born In Cuba In 1952 many honors in Interna- UnIversity, Ms. Donelan had heard Important poInt to her because" ... and began his study tional competitions tn- of the AFSC and its work in c1vll in the U.S. we have to answer for plano at age5. Hecame to cluding semifinalist In the rights before she became active. our elected offic1als actions" and this country In '1961, sev- Van Cliburn Competition, By 1965 she was working with John only when people are Involved can lng, "After Fidei Castro the Tchalkovsky Compe- Roemer, who would later go on to that matter. took over, my parents tition in Moscow and, In head the Maryland branch of the During the period she WllS In- sent my brother and me Maryland, the Maryland American Clvll Liberties Union. volved with draff counsellng and to 'he United States. As International cempeu- SheInvolved herself In the AFSC's GI counseling. The AFSC felt the tlon of 1975. peace committee, then dedicated Government was "not aiding He considers the high to bringing about peace In peoplein getting their rights under point of his career the Southeast Asia, even before It existing organizations." "Hell no, I 1976 Levlntrltt Competl- became a national cause. It was on won't go!" was considered tnet- which he was a this committee 'that she first tecttve action by the AFSC and . As a result, he learned "organizations lire only as conselors encouraged Individuals In Carnegie Hall strong as the people on them." to "think through and work spent3 years In a Catholic was televised on Here she met people who were through" their options. orphanage. We ended up two.part Inventions In ans though that he would "Sixty Minutes." dedicated to seeking real' peace. GI's who "had no rights of due in NewOrleans where my recital, had studies all have a chance to win the Tickets are available at She met a woman who protested process, freedom. of assembly or parents met us a-veers three-part Inventions and Symphony Competition. the Informatlon Desk and weekly by chaining herself to a freedom of speech while In the later." had begun Chopin. When He won, and received the are free for students, government fence, others who, military" came for counseling By age 8, Rodriguez he was 9, the nuns at the honor of playing the faculty, and staff. For all time affer time would protest etso. The AFSC knew AWOL ad played all the Bach orphanage In New orte- MOlart Concerto K. 595 cthers.fne ccstts nonviolently and continually be veterans were outside of any help Handicapped accessibilitY tested ;,~~rF'~~'::~~':~';;~:u;~.~~ Bill Byrne - m~::~:~f:r ~::I:u~~:~:I;~ discrimination, making programs entIre campus be made accesstble severely handicapped studentsand resultofa'questlon from a member Section 504of the Rehabilitation and activIties accessible, com- for handicapped students. For cannot be moved to accessible of the cress. When asked about Act of 1973, as amended, reads as plettng an Institutional self- example, Instead of spending locations. The handicapped Norman Morrison she shared the follows: "No qualified hand· evaluation with well-maintained $80,000to Install an elevator In student's use of such school ser- Images, over a decade old, of a so Icapped person shall, on the basis recordsotsuch,andcompletlngall Memorial Hall student that could a vices as the library and the in- Quaker,a"splrltual,God-orlented who chose to bring Individual" Is also restricted due to structural modifications necessary wheelchair-bound flrmary I of handicap, be excluded from to achieve accessibility. attend Political Science courses, the presenceof physical eerrters. aHentlon to what he felt 'about participation In, be denied the One of Important the the college could reschedule those most Making l benefits of, or otherwise be sub- features of the law Is that It [classes In an accessable location accessible these problem areas United States' Involvement In - handicapped Vietnam N - for jected to discrimination under any program or activity which ~equlres that qualified hand- I(such as the first floor of students can only accomplished by Morrison 'brOUghtattention :~~~ receives or benefits from Federal financial assistance." ~~fp~~~~~:.nt:e:v~:s a~~~ssa~~ ~~a:~:I;:~h~~:I::.II be In com- ;;::~~n~a,:~~~cb~~~lng~h:~~:~dl:; ~~:~;te::, t~~eu!:~~v~~~:v~~!e'Z Far reaching In Its Implications, tlvltles that are offered to non- Unfortunately, moving classesto to WMC's 504 evaluation, making manner" as Buddhist monks had section S04requires that Colleges and Universities throughout the ~1~~~~~PP~eS:~edre~ts.~;~~~~~~ :~~I~~s~~:w~~~~t~~~spr~bl;~. ;~: ::~~~:o~~~~:s d~~:~dit~o::~tV~~ !:~do~~~f~:~:;:nl_~S~~~~. ~~ natIon meet deadlines for making section S04coordlnator,pointed out Biology and ChemIstry lab classes, make the changes as It renovates daught E II Ith hi t th notifications of non- that this doesnot mandate that the for example, are not accessible to old buildings, the College simply main e~~~an: ~'t:e Pent:; an~ the ca~not afford to make all after setting his daughter down on Joni Eareckson in,Alumni ~~~u~I~:~:a~!dt~~ar~~'~:I~::~ ~:r~OU;:so~~! :~:~nghl~w:~tI~: Ron JoneS' dent. as part of her therapy at California are kind of dragging their feet until Is body, sat Buddha·llke on the t::l:~ernment t~~rit~~;~~tn ground and lit himself onfire Committee not in gear th;'eon~I~~r:~~:~ ;::d~:::~~' :hc~ CO~:I::h':Ju~~~~~e~,utha~' aanr~~~St~~~'~~~~~~%'(to drive a van) . r::::::::::::::.:=:::.t::l!:~-----"""",,- __----, summer of 1967, a Baltimore Coun- (painting with a/brush held In her I've neve! really encountered any· ty resident who planned to attend teeth), and she has founded a non· thing like that," sheadmltted. ~~tern Maryland College in the ~~~f1tFO~~~~~~~ti~n~~~~~r~s:~~;~ Sh:d~:~::~g ath:t::~~f a~:~~e~ Jenlfar Ulrey centage for the cllISS of 1979 and However, her dreams and hopes serves the handicapped and their recently a young man who was also Accord,lng to Action Committee found that there hasbeena definite came crashing foan endonJuly 30, families. a paraplegic, at a congregation In co·chairman Mike Davis "honors Increase that continued to go up In 1967. During a swimming outing at Last year, she was awarded the Westminster. requirements Is not a dead'issue." 1979 rather than going down. the ChesapeakeBay, Jonl dove In. honorary degree of Bachelor of "He asked me," shesaid, "'Jonl, Mike Davis feels.~here "is a very, Recently, there was a meeting to a rock, and was paralyzed from Literature from WMC. Now, she is I want to know why you don't use stong posslblllty to get it dealing with honor requIrements. the neck down: shewas a parapell- starring In a movie concerning her your fame to promote self.imposed changed." This would be ac- Rich claims that Action Com· glc. life, "Jonl," which is lIppearlng in euthenasla?' compllshed by written leHers, mlttee was not Informed of the Last Thursday evenIng, Jonl several local theatres. "And," she said, "y'know what petitions, and getting the support meeting until the last minute and clime to WMC to tell the story of Moreover, during an interview happens when something shocks of the parents. The general Idea they were therefore unable to her odyssey out of anger, despair, before her testimonial Joni noted behind the raising of the honors prepare properly. S',nr"rr"tlr"ngers :~~c~~~:s~~~~:d ab~o~~~~!I~~~ she Is also learning to~rlve a van continued on page 6_ ~~~~~:"~n~I~~h~r~!~ta:~a~~. N~":s _!_nterpret~tiQii I Godand her will to overcome para- y students are graduating with The plans of the Action Com- lysis. honorsthen ever before. mlttee seem confused and sm~ll;ha~7;~:c:I~~s:~I~~:tl~~ Nancy 'Menefee parently W Invol~eG tne ticket w~!k~I~:~mS~a~::I~:S::::;:~~; :~::~:~~:et~~ pe~':.:teof ~~v:~: Jonl gazedout toward 900students, Mitchell Alexander, co- money." that idea. Rick Benlte:r:,the other tervlews had not been In any faculty, and local residents amass- chairman of the Social CommlHee When contacted, J~f assuredthe co-chalrman claimed that last contact with his committee co- ~~~~:"~~at ~~~ w:~;I~~~~n ~~ ~v~r:~~~~lln~,a;!ka~~~~,ld, "This ~:;;nS::~r:~:I~~:s~::C~~ _~~I~;:;'~!::t~:!~~~t' ~~~;~~g~~~~a:ne~:fa=:; '.~~~~ D=~t~:~r:;:~d t~~~:~~ ': edT:~~~~:I~~~:~~: ~C:t~:~~~~;;!s':s~ilm.~~i ·t~I~::IICo'::,~ ':l~ghe~J~:C~rl:y~he amount ~o ~::e~:~:h!~O~tte~;~lh:·;~!t Ing the talk. They khew Jonl's mlHee's money. 'Mttchefi. e*,ess:ed his views on ahotd of these statistics from Dean 1979 had not been previously triumph over the deadening effect' Mitchell said, "I'm not sure the situation saying, "And Dave Mowbray It was found that the tabulated. We are now eight weeks of permanent paralysis led her to where the money came from - I Cleveland and Lee Maxwell say statistics for 1979 had never been into the semester. Whether or not succeed In ways she may have know It had something to do with the spirit on Jeff Robinson doesn't tabulated. Mowbray, then the honors requirements Issue Is never Imagined before her accl. the suitcase ~~ .last .rear:. Ap. IIngeronj' proceeded to tabulate the per- I dead Isstlll a debateablequestion.
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