Page 33 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 33
Alcohol- vandalism a pseudo problem? Keith Arnold and John Hines "mood Is a more positive one as The alcohol and vandalism pro- compared to last semester." While blem on campus, was an Item of the Dean stated that In the majorl- great controversy last year. This ty of disciplinary cases brought to year, however, with the exception his office, the student has been ~:s::::~:o::~~e~~c:~e~~~t~~~~~~~~k."~~;~t;~~~S:I~~~~~n~:~i~;u~~ front. The Scrimshaw, In an effort ed by It." to determine the degree of serlous- In stating his views on alcohol, ness of the situation, talked to the the Dean said that he supported Dean of Student Affairs, the Dean "the right to drink but opposes the of Housing, and the Infirmary staff right to get drunk." The Dean does aboutthese problems. not believe that the alcohol pro- According to Dean Mowbray, the blem is any worse this year. How- vandalism problem on campus this ever, he feels that any alcohol pro- year has improved. He feels that blem is a problem. The Dean cited the locking of the Decker Center, not only the damage to the person, and an honest concern among the but the economic loss, an estlmat- students about the problem have ed 25 billion dollars nationally In ~~:e~e;~ ~~P:~tV~e:I~:eS!~~~t~o;~~~~~~rt~~::~:~:~~~I~~c~~~~:~~;~: ~1~,""II'.IIl!.~~ administrative decision hoi policy on campus, the Dean LA"'I-'CO'""h-'O~1a-n~d-Y-.n-d-.-lIs-m- .. -------'lJ>~t~haa~t ~n ~:l~~yf~~:;t ~f~~~ ~~~~~~setht~t ~~lIea~::~o~~s~~I:a~: >L_ ..........!Jo.Ji:!li;DL.......:. ::J provement is that the campus continued on page 4 WWMC defeated Steve Bainbridge them significant support as many Tuesday night the radio station seniors were angered by the ac- went down to defeat 231 to 257 cusatlons that they 'didn't care'" votes. Due to a wave of apartment- said Senior Scrlmshaw- Editor Thursday, November 8, 1979 Western Maryland College Volume X, Number 7 :~:~u:,::~I~s~~;~7:eo~~~~: Nancy Menefee. The key leaders of the com- station went from a 5 vote ed- mittee demanded a recount, Guyana survivor to speak vantage to a 26 vote deficit. The raising accusations of ballot, vote was- rallyed by Craig Rae, a stuffing. They Intended to request junior SGA rep from the eper+. a vote of the SGA to call for a new Lane examines cults mente. who pounded doors and election if the number of names of up- 40 practically dragged voters did not equal the number of perclassmen up to vote. votes cast. Lee Maxwell had "no comment"atthattime. Ken Ballou In addition, Mark Lane has pro- anSwer session will follow the lec.\w~~~tt~:h~o:a;.~;: ~:!I~I~~b~~ Mark Lane, a controversial at- duced a documentary film, "Rush ture which in turn will be followed to generate sufficient support. The The Radio Station Committee torney, author, and lecturer will to Judgement" and a movie based by a press conference. A limited election committee noted that the counted 482 voter signatures, and speak at Western Maryland Col- on his book Executive Action. am:lUnt of tickets are available at no votes came emphatically, and 487votes cast. Even if these were lege on Monday, November 12,at When not actively involved in the the Information Desk and are free from mostly upperclassmen. all positive votes, they would not 8:00 P.M. in Big Baker Chapel. political world, or writing: he uses for students, faculty, and-staff. The "I th_lnk the offensive ad- affect the outcome of the Having been a lawyer for Jim his time to explore controversial cost for all others in $2,50. vert Ising put out by WWMC cost referendum. Jones and the People's Temple, subjects. Mr, Lane, who barely es- Mr. Lane will give a lecture entitl caped the mass kllllngs of Guyana, Art treasures rotting ed "Cults: Cause and Cure." He claims that most of the deaths in will draw upon the Jonestown, the People's Temple tragedy last Guyana massacre to illuslrate the year were nol suicides, but instead sort It all out." the average piece Is worth 100nun- points he makes murders. Keith Arnold Yet another problem Is the col- dred dollars then that collection After service in the U.S. Army Mark Lane's relationship with "We have something of value" tecttcns value. While prices for art alone Is worth 6,000dollars and and gradual ion from law school in Jim Jones, the leader of the cult, said Dr. wesvt Palljcwk, head of work fluctuate, prices for these that's a radio station. 1951. Lane practiced law in New began about two months before the the Art Department in describing works have certainly gone up since "The college eilher does not York City for ten years. It was in November deaths when a friend the artifacts possessed by this they were last calculated (for the care, or does not know about New York that he founded the Mid·- convinced him to fly 10the jungle school, "I'm not talking about Egyptiancollectlon.1953).lfthese them" said Dr. Pal1jczuk, who Harlem Community Parish Ner- city to glvf a lecture. He states, monetary value, but we have works are worthwhile they should claims to be the only person who "They had no money for my fee, something interesting and worth- not be allowed to go to waste, nor has taken any Interest In the cb. but Ihey said they would send a while." should they be left In a building tects. This college would be foolish plane ticket. It seemed intriguing, The objects' In question are a whose security Is no better than If It did not preserve, display, or at so I went." large collection of art, ranging anywhere else on campus. If we worst sell these errttects. Anything While Lane's first VisIt to from sculpture from ancient Egypt take the sixty piece Egyptian eel- would be better than letting them Jonestown was only two days, he and Greece, to American Indian lectlon as an example and assume rotor bestolen returned shortly before the etu. rugs and various death.masks ings, when Rep. Leo Ryan (D· These objects, as welJ as being of Spirit malingers Calif.) and'a group of his aides historical Interest, are worfh a decided to Investigate charges that moderate sum of money. The the residents were being held Egyptian collection, for example, against their will. consists of sixty to seventy-objects, Dave Cleveland "I never trusted him." Aqualn After Ryan was assaulted by a donated by a John Khayatl, and Scrimshaw has recently ctscov- tance Susan Hubich accused "He dagger wielding resident, hedecte- each object (In 1953) was worth ered that qneofthe members of the" has a money 'hungry look about ed to leave the city. It was only between twenty and eight hundred Social Committee stili has in his him. I'm not surprised by this at because Lane opted to stay behind dollars. possession about $5 worth of the alt." to try to cool Jones off that he ___These objects are, however, sit Social Committee's cheese. Scrimshaw approached Maxwell avoided the airport gunbattle that tlng around wrapped In newspaper Lee Maxwell, the student in on the matter. "Sure I took the left Ryan and others dead. In the basement of the Art Bulld- question, has had possession of the cheese," admitted Maxwell. Radical lawyer Mark Following the incident, Lene was lng, without security and proper cheese for about three weeks. He "What did you expect me to do? I speaks here Monday confined to a building as the mass preservation. These works of art has wrapped It In a plastic bag and was hungry." coticsClinic and the East.Hertarn death began. He said It was here. are slowly deteriorating In the buried It deep within his rccm- "They'll never get it back:' he Reform Democratic Club. In the that he could clearly hear Jones dampness. Of all the pieces West. mate's refrigerator. continued. "They need a search early 1960'sMr. Lane served as a ordering the massacre. Lane was- ern Maryland owns,only the IndIan Maxwell's roommate, Dave warrant to get in here, and that ~Iew York legislator and was an able to escape by convincing rugs are dlsptaved . those In the ed- Cleveland, discovered the cheese hardened criminal Jeff Robinson aide to John F. Kennedy during his guards he would "tell the truth" minlstratlve offices. when "I opened the door to my can defend me if it ever goes to Presidential campaign. 'about the incidents and then fled The problems do not end there. refrigerator and there It was. I was court." - Lane has written seven books, into the jungle. "This:' Lane said Not only are the art works decay- shocked. I asked him (Maxwell) "I'm really glad you came to among them: the international in reference to the deaths, "is what ing in the basement, but the art where he got it from, and he said it talk to me about this," said Max· bestseller Rush to Judgement, con· (Attorney General) Bell says was department Is not really sure what was leftovers from the Wine and well. "It is a [TIark of responsible cerning the assassination of PreSi- suicide. The vast majority of these Is down there. In the twelve years Cheeseparty. I assumed he would journalism. I'm surprised you dent John F. Kennedy; Conversa- people were murdered." H~ said Dr. Palljczuk has been here, the return it, but as time went by I would even tell me you were writ- tions With Americans, a series of he was not willing to "wait until collection has been categoried realized he wouldn't. It really ing something after the way you Interviews dealing with Vietnam 1993" to find out the exact details once, but this Itemized list of ob. hurts, but I've got toturn him in." handled a Similar article last War atrocities; Citizens Dissent, leading up to the Jonestown inci- jects, ranging from antique light, Scrimshaw received further In- week." which related his trials with the dent and that he was "pressing for Ing devices, to portfolios of many formation on Maxwell's character Mitchel! Alexander, the involved media and government; and Code release" of all Information the campus artists, is, If complete, from aquaintances of his. Adam Social Committee co,Chairman, Name Zorro which he co·authored government holds regarding the certainly not well organized. Ac- Wright said of Maxwell, "He looks was not reached for comment. But with Dick Gregory, about Dr. Mar incident. cording to Dr. Palliczuk, "it would like an embezzler." Maxwell's as Maxwell sal's. '''His spirit mal· tin Luther King'sassassination. . An audience question and take a ~erson working part time to neighbor Phil La Padula revealed ingers."
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