Page 28 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 28
~~~~w Radio station demands second look On T ue-sday, there will be a school-wide more movies? One final point to consider is the amount vote concerning the radio station and the Any changes Will result in Dean of students the radio station will reach. It should consider other uses for the money. Special Committee budget. The radio sta- Mowbray reapproving the budget of the may not be available to the apartments, On the other hand, we should make sure tion would like the SGA to take $5000 from SGA. Thus far, the few times the budget and it will 'not be available to the PA that the radio station will be able to the Social Committee's budget and give it has been changed, he has approved the houses. develop an ongoing organization that will to WWMC. The money would come from changes. The radio station is a good idea, certain- make it a worthwhile part of campus life. the concert allotment which now stands at Scrimshaw supports the idea of a radio ly as good as the idea of a Spring Concert. We hope that the students will consider $7,230. If the radio station receives the station. It is an exciting format, and it The Spring Concert is a part of an on-going carefully what they want, and what each money, that will leave the SGA only $2230 opens up a lot of new possibilities for the established organization. If that is its organization is capable of giving them. with which to have a Spring Concert. That campus. We would like to see WWMC reason for ex.istance, then perhaps we Tbe final choice lies not with any group but figure would have to include lighting and become a reality. But we must question with the students themselves. equipment as well as-the performer's fee. the present organization 'of the radio sta- This would mean that concert choices are tion. restricted to local and small name talents. Last year, the radio station made a mo- The Social Committee would also be un- tion to receive an allotment of $1000. They able to sponsor buses to concerts at the could have applied for any amount. Ex- Capital and Civic Centers. ecutive Council member Rick Roecker Since the issue is up in the air, the Social says, "They said $1000 would be enough to Committee could not have a fall concert. get them started, to get fund-raising go- In-many ways, Scrimshaw feels that it is ing." Another Exec Council member felt positive that we have been forced to ex- that the SGA had been led to believe that amine our monetary commitment to the $1000 was all the station would need. concerts. The. money is only tentatively The radio station sponsored a raffle and committed to big concerts, and can be put a rally. These events raised $100. They into other activities. have not applied to co-sponsor any of the Much has been said about the concerts mixers or dances, which are usually that flopped (Pure Prairie League, Melba money-makers. (For example, this year's Moore,. Dirt Band) but there have been Homecoming dance made $700.) Scrim- concerts that have succeeded. Tom Chapin shaw feels that the radio station has not drew 400-500 people over Easter weekend. shown much initiative in their organiza- Orleans drew· 1,000 people, Morning Star tion. It should be far more impressive if has twice had audiences of 450+, and the they were able to say, "Look, we took the Atlanta Rythem Section attracted 500 to $1000 you gave us and doubled it." 600 students. So it is possible for a concert However, this is not the case. Mike Can- to succeed. The question students must trell, Social Committee Co-Chairman, consider is, do they want a Spring Concert stated, "Maybe they can do it with $6000, this year? And if they do not, do they want maybe they can't, but the point is they said c~~ '];\1 ~,'"" ~:>"E>lJ 'tiC'lO\) the money spent on a radio station or on last year they could do it with a thousand. something else under Social Committee Are,they going to come back next year and 1\&.Q tfle.~ COMal~ vi.asaf jurisdiction, such as smaller concerts or ask for more money?" Open letter to students SGA inaction blasted Scrimshaw would like to bring_ to the attention of the SGA and the cam- WWMC vindicated pu~:e;:I~~:~~~~:~~:!!'n'::tz~~rer7t:~~v~:edExecutiveCouncil To the Faculty and Students of aware of what if Involves. For that comes even close to ac- consisting of "old guard" and new SGA members. Mike is also trying to w;:~e;t~me ~~~~I:e~~ ne~~~~~~~~ those who haven't the faintest Idea comodatlng 1300 people, has such sw~~w~~~:eg::~t!:sf~r!:: ~k:::f:~~t;b~::!~::tak_ the students of WMC will have a ~fb;i:~~::~~i~~.all about, here's !~~lda~~~d:!~~h:~:.tM:~; p::;~ Band and were not wit ling to pay ing. No meeting has been called to make the Senate members sign up for ~~~~~: ~~P~~:~~~~·S! The proposed campus radio don't particularly like the Dirt standing committees. These committees must be organized early in station WWMC will be a carrier order to address such issues as the Honor Requirements and self- ~~~~u~~~~i,:t:::' atmosphere on current AM station. Carrier the bucks to see the band. ~~~~~~~a::~;a~~~~~:::e:~:c~:~~:~~ew:~~a~:~ba~ On Nov. 8 a reterenovm con. ~~;r~r~n~~lt~:;t~~S~i~~~~V~!~~: co~~:r;,G:n~oot~:t,~i9~~~:yond~::~ quirements go into effect for all students (including seniors) at the end of ~::~!~~:~a~~~::;~~~!oooywlllbe modulated through the electrical the drain that the 1000 other people this semester. An examination of both of these prcclems must begin now, system on campus; our signal will never saw. Since bands like the or the resolution may be too late. ~~tUg~~~oreSP;:~lns~~de;~u bO::~ probablybeatabout850Hz. Dirt Band are among the best of wiT~~~~ :~;~;n~r:~: f~:nB~rg~s~~ ::ri~~~:t~l~:~' students get to choose between in ~~: ;~~o~ffii~:~fi~~lo~~e~O~~~~ ~~~~:~70~;~~t::p~~~ $~~ ~n ~ half a year's voice. A proposal by John Meyers on vandalism has been spending that $SOOO for a campus It wlll consist of a small stuotc to concert you probably won't ever go largely forgotten, and the SGA offices still aren't open. The SGA meeting :~~~ ~~~~n c~~~~!lnpg r~t"ecOt"' be used for both on-the.alr fa? places and times vary, so that is hard to create an established forum. broadcasting and production use Even if you normally would want These are all little things, but they add up to one big thing, a Jack of (which basically will come down to during the off hours, and a small to see Jay Ferguson or.. Dr. Hook voice on the part of the students. This year's ~GA promised us a greater a fall or spring concert.) office space. The campus Itself will (that's who the SGA is planning to voice. Theyhadhope
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