Page 31 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 31
PageS Scrimshaw November 1, 1979 Terrors strike -back with wins Leon Brooke WestemMarylanaralHed by the 21-0Green Terror lead. Four plays Dickinson Red Devils 49·13 later, the offense regained the fired a bullet to tight end Mike Saturday as the Terrors unleashed pigskin via great defenseand were Gosnell on a flag for a 42-7WMC an awesomeoffensive assault that on the march again asthey crossed lead. Great defense kept Dickinson In gaInedthem 4J8 total yards. Great midfield to the 39 yd. line. Unable a holeand with 16secondsshowIng running performances by to find first down yardage though, In the third period, they were tailbacks Glenn Cameron (5 for 92) Hindman brought In specialist and Eric DeGross (4for 44)opened Walker to attempt a .56 yard field forced to punt. An ordinary punt It up the wishbone attack while goal which he missed lust short. wasn't though, as the ball was sophomore fullback Bryan Baln' With the start OT the second fumbled by punter James Bolten ran over and through defendersfor quarter, there came a spark In the and recovered by Western Md. on another 82 yards. Running an DIckinson offensive as they moved_ the Red Devil 7. On first and goal, almost flawless wishbone"0", QB the ball from their ownJ9 yard line freshman QB Paul Wallin handed J1m Selfridge led the Green down Into WMC territory. Working off to JIm Kouzls who found Terrors upfield behind superb the passing game OB Steve Hoff- daylight and the goal line for blocking by the quick offensive man connected with his prIme another WM touchdown and a line. target John AI"gento three times crushing 49-7lead. - Scoring action opened early In and got a big "roughing the The score remained unchanged the fIrst quarter of play whenWMC passer" call to bring up a firs, and until the final two minutes of play. took the ball at midfield on their goal at WMC 8. On the first play, when Dickinson had Its last effort second serIes of plays. From the Hoffman rolled out and once more to score. Goodrunning by tailback SO,senior tailback Cameron took hit Argento In the end zoneto cap a Max Vasmonsky and OB Bob the ball and raced around right end 61yd. scoring drive. With the kick, Freeman brought the ball to the breaking tackles and goIng all the Dlcklnsontrailed21-7. WM 6 where Vasmonsky--even-':- way for a quick TO and a 6..0 . Getting a good kIck off return tually scored from the 4 with only Terror lead. The point after was from Frosh, Jim "ArchIe" Kouzls, 22 secondsIn the game. The final seconds ticked off and Western g good as CraIg Walker was In the Terrors took the ball at the 32 perfect form for the day going 7-7 yard line and moved quickly Maryland had Its 5th win against E Inthe PAT department. downflel~ on go¥ runs by two setbacks. ~ WMC wasted little tIme getting Cameron and DeGross. On third w:17Ia~~::rt,we;:'s th:a~:rro~~ Quarterback Jim Selfridge (10) goes In tor a touchdown. the ball back but found themselves down and 6 from the 46yard line It In poor field position at their own 9 was once again "homerun" time stopped a 12 game Lycoming 6. Lycoming 8 where CraIg Walker yd. line. Keeping the ball on the when SelfrIdge put up an aerIal College winning streak with a 12-7 With 4:05 left in the game, booted a 2Syd. field goal to give ground the Terrors marched to that found speedster Mark upset victory over the previously Defensive end, Ricci Bonacorsey WM a 12-7 victory as only 57 their own J8 etter a fine 21yd. run Chadwick for a 42 yd. pass cam- unbeatenPioneers. It was a great recovered a Lycoming fumble on seconds remained by Eric DeGross.On a goodsecond pletlon to the 4 yd. line. The call defensive game as fans saw the 20yard line and four plays later 1!(lOClOClOClOClOClOClOClOC'2 downceu. QB Selfirdge found wide then went to Rip Jamison who dove Linebacker Steve James go Into a Craig Walker gave the Terrors a 9· receiver Mark ChadwIck In Red In for the TO and a 28-7 Terror feeding frenzy with Pioneer 7 lead with a 29 yd. field goal. On Bombers No.1 Devil ground for a 24 yard gain surge. running backs and Tom Glynn the ensuIng series of play, down to the DIckinson 42. From Like bees from a hive, Western blocked his third season punt. Lycoming tried desperately to Watch out Bete~ there, It only took one call as big Maryland came out of the locker- Cornerback Mike Shatz recovered score but a big Interception by Ca tai d dO Bryan Bain found a gaping holeoff room following halftime and stung his 3rd successive fumble In as Vince Bohn brought the ball to the + d tackle and slashed his way Into the Red Devils quickly with two many games and-Bob Upshaw had P In e tea..e open field where he ran into the quick touchdowns within the first 30f5QBsacks. endzonefor a 14·0Terror margin. four minutes of play. The first WM trailed scoreless 7-0 until the Ed Johnson enjoys the challenge. Jeff likes the The stalwart Terror defensethen came after a Steve James In- played Uskey role as they crushed terceptlon that gave the ball to the ~~:~~nln~~~~~:rcl;~~~or~;~~ In One or tne co-captains of the Idea of two captains, becausethen the Dickinson running game and offenseat the Dickinson 28.On the Pioneer territory, QB Jim ~:s::r~::r~I:~I~:r:~kc.erJ:~~~sfO~ ~~::ee;P~~~ib;~:~e~e~:ne~r~~~~~~ forced the Red Devils to the air 47 next play, Cameron slashed and ~~I~~~~Cekh~lt~I~~ r~~e~~~rt:~~~ senior and Is majoring in business move smoothly. He also gets a times. FindIng no successagainst weaved his way to the 8 where the defense eleven, Dickinson Jamison once again wheeled It in ~~;r~r~a~e~tndfO~~:e s:~e'p~I~~ ~ne~b:~o~~~~:. p~ie D:~taa~~et: ~~~~~~~~tb~~~:~I!:~~~~~!~ when turned the ballover at theIr own 48 for the score. With the score now yd. line. Selfridge showed his 35-7, Dickinson was looking beat conversion and the lead but QB fraternity. Jeff is pleased with this year's . running powers as he kept the ball but the Terrors weren't satisfIed as Selfridge was stoppedinchesshy of PI~;:~g en~~y~h:OCt~e;ma~~nfi:~~ :~:~~~h~~~c~~lIr~~~~~b~~:rr~~u~~ twtce and worked It In to the 2 yd. safety Randy Halsey Intercepted a the 2 pt. taJlyand the score held 7_ fulfilling. As co-captain, Jeff really M. C. He pointed out the team's line for a first down and goal to go. Hoffman pass and ran It back 24 new coach, younger players and a Coach Hindman once again called yards to the DIckinson 23. On the Soccer mOVIng better team attitude ere reasons for "Self" and he punched the ball first play of the series, Selfridge ;~~~the;::~~~~ t:~~~ ~t:~e~~;:: across for an almost instantaneous faked with a pley-actlcn and then _ for the better season this year. Captain active Ed Johnson Greg Shockley's first collegiate C. should be constantly A 500season is now the goal of Sh~~~~~~rshut out was dealt to ~~~~ ~ Western Maryland soccer, and this past week W. ·M. C. soccer Im_ Lebanon Valley. Dirk Moore, Jef~ To g:t ~~YChedfor a game, Jeff Ed Johnson sl~~~~n~oaspr~::I~~!~r:~~;r ~~ proved its chances to meet this Rosenberg,and Scott Kailins eac usually listens to a lot of _rock Oneofthe two co·captalns on this well. He feels that because there goal with two fantastic victories scored. Ag.ain the offense and music, often punk rock. In the year's soccer team is senior John are so many popular sports In over Dickinson and Lebanon ~:fense clicked together. The locker room, he then usually at. Patrick. John, a physical America today that soccer will Valley. Impetus was surging In hopesof a tempts to psyche himself while education malor, Is also actively never be popular in AmerIca as It Albert Mensah and Alex Gerus - involved In the campus's R.O.T.C. Is [n Europe. Howeverprofessional scored in the shut out against 5~si~~si~~'recenttwo victories th.e ~~::s~;~e~ejSe~Pghaa~l:e:~:hl~uihh~ program, is president of the soccer Is definitely on the way up Dickinson last Saturday. The game team now stands at 5-4:1. ThiS team looses, everyone, Including Gamma BetaChi Fraternity and Is in the United States. was extremely exciting and fans Saturday W. M. C. Will play himself tries not to be too serious a member of the lacrosseteam. As for the future John Is looking saw the excellent talent of our Franklin ~nd Marshall. Next about It. They want to win but in With all his activities John stIli forward to three years In the army team finally cohere into great, finds plenty of tIme to be a good as a second lieutenant In the In. teamwork. Offense and defense ~:::~::d~:Si~~:. ~~~: pr~:I~e ~~ ~:~rt~~ ~:e~euin;~;:~::~~~.try to student and feels that he gains fantry. Then he may choose bet- were equally strong against a bechallenging competitors. As for professional soccer Jeff more from being involved than by weencontinuing an army career or tough opponent. The offense the soccer team will seesthe sport as reaching ne~r the lust concentrating entirely on teaching physical education. A seemedparticularly impressive as contmue Its winning ways. In our popularity of foothall within the .J!':. academics. real ambition for John Is to it was probably the strongest it has next Issuea lookat stats will prove next ten years, here in America . As a co-captain John takes his eventually coacha lacrosseteam. beenall season.Thegamewasatso that while Western. Maryland ~as As for Jeff's own future, he hopes commlttment very seriously. He Runners tnOumph :~:pf~;:X!,~~~t:~~r:~:~'o~~t~e :~r~~~a:ioi~b workIng at a major - ,.. I, 'ha' a ,o-'.plaln h., 10 b, an example to the other team •........... ~ i members. At the same time It is wontwo meets by forfeit (oneteam : - House of Liquors' his responsibility to communicate Jim Gilford any problems to the coach that the With a little luck and a lot of good didn't show and one didn't have five beat Washington coach may not already be 'aware running, WMC won four out of five College 20·35and lost to a strong !Special of the Week., runners), of. Being co-captain means "team cross country meet on the last two leadership" to John. weekends to bring their fInal Lebanon Valley team 15-45.This John is impressed wIth this record to 8-9, just short of a.5OO was an impressive showing since : "OldNlilwaukee" 12 pak : " year's team. He takes pride in the s~ason.The wee_kendof fall brli!_akc_,<.;tll~ Terr,ors were running~wl.thout, ': · ' ,. 12-Oz.'cans $2.99 • . : • ~~~~~!s ;ourc~e:~~~i~:s::~~ ,~:h8~~~::;,:~r;e:tf~~ ~}~:~I)~j~Fa;: Terrors, and six,th'overall in a time • • ~~u:~ert~~=s~:~in E~:~~t~~~y~~~ 4-1 are v.ery probable. An 8-4-1 vel'.,. 'strong team effort. Doug season wouldbe'orie of the'best Rennerranfirst,RollleBriggsand o.t 27;44' for"t,he" ;I~e, mile : ,~'ith'thhi~o",pO'n" .' :," I records for W.M.C. soccer ever. Eliot Runyon finished third and Washingfon course. Briggs was · Ca....oll Plaza, Westminste .. _ ,', .' • John is also very impressed with fourth respectively, John Kebler right behind him in 28:08 and : ~ Coach Easterday, who he finds and Bob Holcombe ran a personal Kebler came in tenth in 28:56. • 848.1314' : working extremely hard to put bestof 39:4D for the6.2 mile course. Holcombe was 15th overall In together an outstanding team. T')ls past weekend, the Terrors 30:08. ~ :
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