Page 25 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 25
October 1-8,1979 Scrimshaw Homecoming Football Turnovers cost Terrors Leon Brooke amongst several turnovers. Selfridge faded back in the pocke~_ It was a cold and blistery day Despite the fIne running pee. looking ecwnuere for spl1tend·· "on the hili" while disheartened formance from Degr05s (84 yards Mark ChadwIck who was double Homecoming fans watched un- In 12-ce-rtes). and several first covered. Feeling the, heevv defeated Widener College upend downs, WMC couldn't hold on to pressure, SelfrIdge squirmed from Western Maryland 14-6, as the ttie ball and soon fumbled on a bad the grasp of a defender and f1ipped terrors fumbled away all chances exchange from center. Widener the ball to Jamison who broke of vtctcev. Suffering from "chronic went Immediately to the air upon tackles to find the sideline and fumblltls" the offense turned the possession and got a big pass rn- raced 62 yards downfleld to the ball over five times and couldn't terference call that put the pigskIn pioneer 6. Then, after failing to put sustain but one drive long enough on the terror 15 yard line. the ball Into the endzone, kicker to punch the ball over the goal line. However, the mean terror defense Craig Walker came In to attempt a Virtually controlling the game kept them bottled up and fOf'"ced 22yard field goal, but missed wide between the twenty yard lines, the the pioneers to try another field as the ball knuckled part of the left terror offense marched off 226 goal 25 yards out. The "0" post. Seconds later, the half ended yards to Widener's 202, but didn't concede though as free with Widener on top 7-6. couldn't capitalize on decisive safety Tom Knieriem raced in Western Maryland (3·2) will face scoring opportunities. "from the outside to make a undefeated Lycoming (5·0) next In the first quarter action, beautIful diving block and set Saturday in Williamsport, Pa. Widener threatened to score on WMC fans inan uproar. last Saturday's Homecoming game. their second possession after With plenty of time left In the recovering a looseball on the W.M. game, Western Maryland took 30 yard line. Unable to move the over at the 17, but on the first play Soccer struggles -ball on the tough terror "0", the from scrimmage, they fumbled to pioneers were forced to aHempt a give Widener yet another chance to showed they have skill In ball field goal from 37-yards out. With break the game open. Trying Ed Johnson the team all season. The only way control, but again the team could the wind to his back, placekicker 'futilely to get the ball Into the The past two weeks have not to stop it is to make fewer not score. Greg Shockley and John John Ferco got off a strong kick endzone, the pioneers put up three been the happiest for Western penalties. On the brighter side, Patrick played excellent ball, but but missed wide. TakIng the- ball straight Incomplete passesto bring Maryland soccer. W.M.C. has lost Haverford was expected to beat us were not encuob for the over at the 21, QB Frank Trautz about another field goal try. From to Haverf~d 1·0, and to Muhlen· soundly, but only victored over us victory over a powerhouse then worked the wishbone 3J-yards out, kicker John Ferko berg 2·0. The team tied Johns by one point. Again our defense Muhlenberg team. downfleld behind strong blocking booted the 'ball long but missed Hopkins 2·2. Because of the latest was excellent but there was no Despite the recent turn of events by interior linemen Tim Street and wide to lose another scoring games, the soccer team's chances scoring. ' the team is still looking forward to Scott Nichols. Goodground gainers chance. tor a championship have Against Johns Hopkins, W.M.C. many victories. Most of the by Eric Degross and Rip Jameson After falling to move the ball, the diminished. There are stili chances led at the half 2-0,but in the second players, who were previously moved the ball to midfield but the terrors had to punt in trying to for an end of the season tour- half the team sort of died out and Injured on the varSity squad are terrors were forced to punt on a keep good field position. The nament. Hopkins came back for the tie. back In shape. Perhaps this season fourth and long. defense remained sta.lwart and In the game against Haverford Dirk Moo~' and Alex Gerus made will not produce the champion Getting great field position on a when they were unable to convert a on October 6, W.M.C. lost yet the goals. team, however, with the young 65 yard Craig Walker kick, the third down and 10M play, they another game due to a penalty Last Saturday the team played talent the team has, W.M.C. soccer kick. The penalty kick has been the what many consider to be its worst terror defense tightened up and were forced to 'punt. Ba-ckdeep for Is getting better every year. kept the pioneers with their backs Western Maryland was Randy most unrelenting monsters against game of the season. The players to the goal line, where they turned Halsey, who lost the ball the ball over after three plays. momentarily and then fumbled Athletes inducted With the ball now on their own 46, Into the arms of an opponent. Publicity WM sparked it's only scoring drive Widener, now -on the WM 32, of the day. Affective option run- went to the air on the first play and Seven outstanding athletes and ~~sS:ba~~p~:r;r ~~enc:;~~:~m~hn~ Joseph "Champ" OrteniJ, Robert ning inside by fullback Brian Baln QB Ron Cole found slotback Tony coaches have been inducted into Western Maryland soccer team to J. Gill, Charles A. "Rip" Engle, Maryland Western College the set up on the outside for Eric Brittan open In the endrone for a Sports Hall of Fame at ceremonies its best season in history in 1959 Charles W. Havens, George Leo Oegross who broke loose down the quick score and a 14·6pioneer lead Oct. 12 on the Westminster with a 9.1.1record. Ekaitls, Harold W. Kopp, Alfred A. sideline all the way to the Widener with 1:24 to play. Fighting the cern- Also included are: Harry L. Sadusky, William Shepherd, 20.After moving the bail tothe 7on clock, the terrors had one last pus. Included in the group are: Paul Lawrence, class of 1931; Anthony Sterling "Sheriff" Fowble and Carl l a fine scamper by Rip Jamison, chance to score, but three in- captain of the undefeated 1930 Sigurd L. Jensen, class of 1947;and The Western Maryland College ortenzt. class of 1938; C. "Molly" H. "Tony" Twigg. L. Bates, class of 1931, who was complete passes left ali hopes of QB Jim Selfridge optioned to the victory out of reach as terror fans left where he found running room the college's Alumni Assccrettcn. inside for the keeper and a quick stamped their feet and shook their varsity football team and one of Anne Christine ctemmttt. class of Sports Hall of Fame, sponsored by \959. two commanders for the first en- terror touchdown. The point after heads in bewilderment. Time ran _QJ.ackcombat infantry units in Jack Dawson, associate news is designed to recognize former missed wide but WMC was on top 6· out and Widener had a 14·6win to director for WMAR.TV, was guest athletes who have acquired O. keep them atop the MAC. Europe during WWII; Julia K. speaker for the lnducfion prominence In their fields and who The Western Maryland defense an effort to gain the lead. On first Berwager, ctass ct 1939,who was a ceremony. Charter mpmhp.r!; of have contributed to society, and to remained touqh as lineman Harry do~n from the 37, QB JIm versatile college athlete wl1h a 32· the Western Maryland College honor friends of the college who year physical education career; Peoples and Ricci Bonnacorsl and varsity soccer, basketball and Sports Hall of Fame, Inducted last have contributed significantly to teamed up to crush the pioneer year, are Dick Harlow, Carlo !he athletic program. rushing game and Joe Menendez controlled the middle with out ... ~~~h~. standing play. Soon though, PUbliCY(jlleyba},~yS~~~,gg;, Mul" ~.~ A AA ~ Widener was threatening after 7~ they recovered a loose ball on the ~~~:ieb:t~:er;~~:e~~~~~e ft:; °7~~:::~'':7~;~~~~::n~~c::~I:~nW:~ Prd ~~Htr~ Y:rf:erl:S~m~~n~rs~:~~h ~~~~!fi~:~~:~~lldnef:;;~~e;~~li~hc~O~: WM 27 yard line. Superb running by Jr. tailback Hal Johnson (141 Cold Beer yards on the day)-moved the ball > Sandwiches inside the 5 and set up the score for Penn·Mar Conference Title. Friday evening. Pizza tailback Alan Mlnker who took the Coming from behind in the third On Homecoming morning, two handaff from QB Ron Cole and Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Salad Bar dove in the endzone from the four ~;.~e~n~~5~1;0~~~I: ~~~~h~~:~~~ ~~~~dw~~e~·e~~e~d~~:y~dWaM;;I~ yard line. The kick was good and ::~::rn °Jiao;;I~~i~ie~e~~ns~~:;eed ::~~hr t~:~nst Elilau~tt:~~: i~~~ Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876..3550 Widener took the lead 7-6 with over. I::========:::::::::::::!:=======~ minutes to go in the half. excellent volleyball .technique on Elizabethtown was easily Getting the ball on their own 25 ~hi~:a;~~~~!1 ~~~;a;:~~ P!~t;:~~~:er~da ~:ds w~o~ n~efe~S:a~~~: r yard line the terror offense worked ·'Breakfast the ball quickly toward midfield in bench to help with blocking and American. Sloppy offensive play marred the 'Lunch third quarter as both teams Dinner struggled for field position International Foreign error I~I Car Service Sub & Pizza SpeCialists in all types SpecialiZing ~ 10% Discount of forelgn cars Free Pickup . Soft Ice Cream Daily Specials Scrifushaw would like to apologize to the publ~city office and Russell (with this ad) and Delivery Sundaes A short walk Johnson. An article that was (to WMC campus) from campus credited ,to Russell Johnson was jIiiii!!Ij!IIl 24·hour road service (848·6009) Banana Splits actually a publicity release. ~ 876-7030 _.' Rt. 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 %mile north of campus on Penn Ave. 848-9110 Saturday and Sundav
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