Page 26 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 26
Page 6 Scrimshaw October 18, 1979 Smith reviews political arena from page 1 my years ct. political Involvement paigns, the realities are far more tleian fighting corruption. Old he Is that campaigns are Imperfect complex. over-emphasize this "Knight in In 1980.In terms of sheer specula- tfcn. a Republican candidate that land Is an unorganized, dispirited, mirrors, but mirrors none the less Political, social and economic shining armor" Image In the 1978 would appeal to the sunbelt without and fragmented party. Corruption of the candidates. When a candl- problems have a way of catching campaign to the point where It cost In Maryland has nothing to do with date Is successful, you see rettec- up with you sooner or later If they him the election? frightening off the Independent the citizens of the state, it is a pro- tlons of the campaign style In the are 19nored...sooner or later the Herb Smith: Ted unintentionally voter could very well defeat duct of the political and media way that candidate operates In the obligations are due. In Maryland. began to create a quality of self- Carter, Kennedy or Brown. I think systems: public arena. Richard Nixon's ...whlch was mismanaged by Mar. righteousness that began to grate the election could quite possibly ct. Scrimshaw: What was the malor campaigns, for example, were vln Mandel ...tlme Is running out in with the public and other pcu+t. fer the clearest choice to the Amer- factor contributing to the victory 01 characterized by gross mlsrepre many policy areas. There Is a need crens during the campaign. That teen electorate In the twentieth century In terms of Issues. Harry Hughes over Venetoulis and sentatlon, sjmple-mlnded emotion. for a serious and energetic ap- probably hurt hlm ...but there were ScrimShaw: Why do you devote lee In last year's primary etec- allsm and an underlying current of preach to the problems that the alot of other reasonswhy he lost. It so' much time and energy to tlon? deceit. It should have come as no state faces. The ChesapeakeBay Is was kind of 'get Ted Venetoulis' in political campaigns? Herb Smith: The Sun's enecrse- one area. In terms of public higher Herb Smith; I don't consider the ment, or promotion of Harry ••••• Ha r r y (H ugh e S) education Maryland has not been .....Rich.rd Nixon's cam- study of American government as ~ ~a~~i;~c w::e~~eot~~~e;~I~~~~represented the Ivy league, ~:~~~~~e;~~~h~yq~~::I~~~fc~~:t~~ p.igns were ch.r.cterized the exciuslve province of the libra· campaign ...1t wouldn" have hep- Ruxton, Roland Park·ish er we fall1nlo the good category Is by gross misrepresenl.lin, ry or the classroom. I think that to really understand the American in;~h:!t~~~t t;~n~~~~r~ :~:~~:dmental.ity of the Sun's ~~~~:u~~~~;:~:~~;~:~ :~~~:~oh~ Simplemindedemolion.lism political system, and the very him, provided him with a editorialbaam..... In Maryland by thlnklng ...he besfc- .nd an underlyingcurrenl of large responsibilities that each means to victory. ally took care of It by going to deceil..r person has in a democratic svs- Scrimshaw: Why did the Sun surprise that his administration University of Maryland football tern. you have to participate ac- ....'promote' Harry Hughes? would have the same cherecterte- and lacrosse games, and that was --------- ttverv In that system. That Is one underlying rationale for my ecnvr- Herb Smith: I think Harry tics. It. In terms of poverty in the state, the televlzed debates. With Blair represented the Ivy league, Rux. The Hughes campaign prior to In terms of racial affairs, we've Lee and Hughes and Orlinsky it ty. To understand it, to ccmmunt- ton, Roland Park·lsh mentality of the Sun endorsement was Similar lagged behind. The consequences was a three against one affair. cate it, to teach It, you have to per- the Sun's editorial board. to an iron lung': It kept Harry alive of inaction, inattention and Inertia They questioned him down to the ticipateinit. ScrimShaw: The Hughes cern. at a very low level. But It did have will IntensIfy year by year if way he laced his shoes.He could do I would say in conclustcn that I palgn effort has been described as enough polJtical savy, enough or- nothing Is done, If the present poll. no right. I went to a couple of the have lost more campaigns than I low·key, It seemed to let things ganlzatlon and money to ettecttve. cy course of tete-beck leadership Is debates and It was eerie, just. the have won. I probably continue my happen rather than make things Iy respond to the change In the poll- maintained. hostility In the air. That Ted did not involvement because I have won happen. Is Hughes running his ad- tical climate that the Sun created Scrimsllaw: In his successful deserve in any way shape or form, on a coupleof occasions in the past. ministration In the same way? for It. In hindsight, winning is campaign" of the office of County and I think It was fraudulent of It's an unbelievable feeling to help Herb Smith.i.._Q~ thlng_ t!:'a~_..! everything, losing Is the pIts in Executive, Ted Venetoulis pro. Hughes and Orllnsky to attack him a campaign that is a winning cern- for that sort of thing. have observed and learned during politics. But when you study cam· moted the Image of an honest poll. Scrimshaw: What are your paign. It's not a particularly pleas· ing feeling to help In a losing cam- Pub-lOSing money? predictions for the presldentla'l paign. But you !rave to keep in per- spective that to have meaningful electionofl980? Herb Smith: I've jokingly said political competition you have to cosf$1.30each. Harner, a full·time pub employee. that It will go to a Republican to be have winners and losers. Your con Paul Hogsten The pub .a-;;d grill aren', in "As d matter of fact the desserts named later, and I think I am half tribution, if you lose, transcends serious with that statement. The that particular campaign. By par· ~~k~~:;.!,h~ c:::~:r~~ "We can't decide yet whether we ~ac~ge~fofb~:i;;s;o~~h b~~~~~i~:~ :~dS;r~::~~ ~~e~~:a~~~~,~v:;I~r ~:I:;e mz.~e:: employed by WMC food servic~s, cake or pie that.a student ~an pick Republicans have a tremendous ticlpating, you maintain the Vitali. ty of self-government. opportunity to win the Whitehouse Donald, as she leafed through her estimated that roughly 250 dif· up in the cafeteria for nolhlOgcosts financial record book. MacDonald, ferent peoplepatronized the pub on 50or 60 cents at the grill. . WWMC fights for life Director of Western Maryland - Friday nights~ about 400 were The pub and grill may be 10 College's Food Services, then went there durIng Saturday nights danger of operating with a loss on to say thafthere was still some unless there were some closed because they charge com· from page 1 pus. Since carrier current is run campus electrical educational FM station (ranging through the mInor equipment left to be paid for ~'~:d'ei~~sO:;:em~u:heapn~bl:t:!;a:nn~.~~ anywhere from $18,000and up), a system instead of being broadcast by the pub and grill's profits. They -> ... f h II d 500 watt AM station (ranging over the air, it may not be possible around $9,000),or a 30watt carrier to include all of the PA Houses.The are a blender, a hot machine, pizza nl.~~t:t:JCUlarlYexpensIve food does ~~odl:::~~~~~ ~a! ;o~~ed ~;~~~ current AM station (ranging stated advantages are that it costs cU~:~~~~:I~h~:~;:s:=t;~'say that not contribute to the losses of the Top Hat Drive·ln on route 140, the around $6,000).With the aspect of a tess, is immediately available and a lot of the pub's glassware has pub and grill either. Since they pub charges 20 cents less for 2 year wait for an okay to build the is not under the jurisdiction of the station, plus the extra costs of an FCC, thus allowing the station the 70e:S:s.stoi~:rew~~~e a:~n tow~~: ~~::, ~hned7~hs:r~~~e~:t~~ri~7~~ :~;~~~g~:~tsal:~S ~~~~~~~;.g~hS~ air frequency survey for either of ability to advertise. the regular AM or FM stations, the In summary, referendum will be - glasses stolen. Over 400 beer :~; t~~~:f~~~~iao:~~r:~r~:I~~~ ot~~~~~~~~9a~~h~b;~~~~ds:~I~~re sub·committee decided on the held in 2 weeks before the whole ~~::s:ene~~:le~.oi~~: a~s ~e;~~ the same companies. "Most of the doing a good b~sines~,they are not carrier current AM station. student body to determine whether 224 dollars. There have also been a food comes from the stockroom showing a profit. ThiS may be due Carrier current has Its ad- $5,000of the Social Commlftee's vantages and disadvantages, and budget should be reallocated to the couple dozen pitchers stolen. Thev downstairs," commented Gary ~~i!::' ~~:rh':,~t~;:~; a~:thb~~~~~ the biggest of this seems to be that radio sub·committee to build a Bio club reveals plans :~:~::::::~O~,"1~':;':";:e~~'~~ it will only be picked up on cam- radio station on campus. Lisa Finch one is alarmed by the threat of loss Trl·Beta Is a national organiza. me.ntaloffice. because, as Arlene MacDonald put tlon of outstandIng biology stu. Meetings with speakers are open it, "The object of the pub and grill dents. Meetings are held twice a to all who are Interested. Topics of is' to lose as little money as month and Include guest and house the meetings are usually announc· possible," or perhaps to break In the biological field. Social ac. - . "-IiiIIIr:t::~::g:;!--1 ed beforehand. speakers discussing various topics tivities such as picnics and wine UMVERSITY OF PrITSBURGH and cheeseparties are included In i 800FRl:it i GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS the year's aplvltles. REC.RD This year Trl·Beta hopes to make several outside trips. Ten· I Order of Fries I 11 MONTHS + YOU = MBA tatlve plans Include a trip to Bluck GALLERY Water Wildlife Reserve and per· I With this coupon I haps a few cavIng expeditions. You fit this equation if you: Several members plan to attend a I When you p':!!:.~.!!.asa I I o have an excellent academic record. District meeting of Tri·Beta to be ;]Diseount\~ : any sandwich o are committed to a career in management. o are a liberal arts or science major. held at the University of Delaware L Beeo"d~&1 o are a mature individual. Marinefacillty. lN~bodycandoit likel o are seeking a higlHJuality AACSB-accredited FleeJ:l:a~~; MBA program. IU~I~;~n~=::-:ol~a:e;o:' Tusk $12.39 I McDonald's can," pleted at least thirteen semester Eagles I M I Formoreinformation. detach and mail. hours In biology and who have an The Long Run $6.99 average of 3:0 or better In biology LedZepplin courses and at least a 2.75overall. I I I ASsociate membership Is available l3uThrough the : •~ I to students who do not have enough The Police t Door $6.99- biology hours to qualify for active membership, but who have at least Regatta De Blanc I I a semester's residence at WMC $5.99 I We'tm'",'e,",d I and a minimum average of 2.75In 148-3939 I Re'''M'',_ only I biology ~nd 2.50 In ali subjects. Ap. 876-6700 I Sunday,Oct. 141hrough I To: GraduateSchool of Business, Directorof Admissions,University plicatlons for membership are Thursday.Oct. 18 of Pittsburgh. 1401 Cathedral of Learning. Pgh..,PA 15260 C14 available In the Biology depart· 140 VillageShoppingCenter t~o=~u.:~.!.c.:t=~.1
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