Page 32 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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challenged God: she was either go- himselfwlfhthehandicapped. and we stili correspond to this A brief question and answer from pag'a1 ing to prove Jesus was the Messiah For her, God began to open up day," she commented. "I wanted period ended her testimonial, but going to do." Federal funding for or a charlatan. her "finite" mind. Shelearned her to share with him as I'm sharing before this she closed with a song making structural changes Is As the days wore on, she began paralysis forced her to face herself with you now ... the hope in God's written by a friend which sum- you? How your face ttushes . your to conclude she was a cosmic and hold life mere dearly. "I be: word. marlzes her belief: head starts to pound ...? That's guinea pig; a representative of came a little lessself-centered. "I know that though I'm hand- "ThQugh I spend my mortal what happene£!to me when he rats- humanity. She asked questions "It means my perspective Icappedon ail sides, I'm not crush- lifetime In this chair edhlsquestion. suchas, "Why am 1here?" "What should be optimistIc," she said. "I ed.Though we're perplexed, we're I refuse to waste a minute In "I looked Into hIs eyes," Jon1 Is the purpose of llte r". "What Is should look to the future. not in despair. Thoughwe're perse. despair noted, "and I saw there all the thegoal?""isthereaGod?" "I believe not becauseIt's easy," cuted, we're not abandoned. And though others may recede callousness. and bitterness, and Soonshe discovered that reason she added, "but because Irs the Though we are knocked down, we Irs a feeling I believe the anger: the disappointment and will never be enough. "If I knew truth. You can't Ignore It." are not knockedout. That He has given me a gift the understandable frustration why . would It change anything? Returning to the young paraple- "I hope, " Jonl added, "God will beyondcompare..." that I had felt." No! 1 would stHl needto be bathed, gic, Jonl mused on how she saw use my life to better equip yours For Jonl, life Is neither receding Facing the frustration of sitting dressed, fed, and exercised. It herself years ago and people she for all the trtats., the handicaps, nor full of despair because It is and In a wheelchair at! of his life, she would still be frustrating." has met who have ferr-paln in his that you might be expertencjng In will be enriched with hope, love, pondered that hehad come to feel a Shecould not rationally conclude ~~I:~O:r~J,tha~J~:ele ;:'1::n~UI:~~~Y r':::"':":'::;"';;..'_' _;w;.;:':.:'m;,;;';;;h,.:.'":::d.:.'":;',;;";.;:";_ __ --. lossof values. mankind exists lust to exist. Jonl admItted. that she might "We're too unique to tolerate that Country Air Inn have supported euthanasia once. kind of hopelessness.A flicker of :;I~~~~ol~~lhll~~:~~'a~~ ~:~e~=: 1 She might have even put a gun to hO"lebegan to brighten up my way all the husbands and wives on the 2610UttJestownPik«3.5JtllonRt.97 Price she asserted with a of thinking," her head "If I could have held It. Night ~:c~~;~:::;:~r~I~~db~~an~d~t~~~~.r MON: Ladles' ~~lcP~i:~~g~dieS!lt I had my accident ... I "After broadening smile. was so angered and so Incensed In studying the life of Christ, she Monday Night Football Draft Beer $.50 that this had happenedto me. Why continued, "there and only there "We spent long hours talking.. did I begin to understand ... God. me? I mean, I was going to west- This God loved me so much, that Speak out ern Maryland College, and I was Tues: All Eat In Plzza'h Price going to do great thIngs." he didn't desire to see me remaIn . 7,30·11,30 Pilchers of Draft Beer $2.75 a "L~~~=t~:~e:~,m :~h~k'~:k~9 ~~ ~t:ea~~~efrom him, but he became There will be a question and '------...::;::::.;..!.;~.....=="'""::;:,:;~"""=::::i:' to a dark. hospital ceiling (which "Thfs Is the Godwho Is worthy of :~~~: ~~I.~T:;:~~I,n~~l~~ seemedto,reflect my own heart) it my trust," Jonl emphasized. "He McDaniel Lounge. seemedthat life shouldend then. proved It on the cross. He stayed The SGA meeting will be at 9:00 "But all that has changed," she there." in McDaniel Lounge. confirmed. She looks at suffering Shakingher headslowly with her PLEASE COME!! not from a limited or temporal eyes and smile shining like calm ,..~:;::;:;.:;~~---...., viewpoint. but from God's vrew- pools, sheadded, "I couldn't argue poInt. with that kind of love, I couldn't While lying In the hospital, she resist It," for Christ Identlfi~ Goldsmith .Silversmith Purlleyors 0/ Fine Crafts Custom-designed pottery -. jewelry ~~1.10-5, WOOlF leather, Breakfast FI1.10·8 -Lunch 10% OFF wrra COLLEGEI Locust Lana Mall Downtown, Dinner .~Ke;e.~· ACDC Sub & Pim Speuiil.lists 113 W. Main sr.' Highway'" HeR $5. 99 .&OID BEER ~'A1tho Fo~k'" . COLD,BEER Soft lce Cream Dally Specials "BEER SPECIALS" '.' ....' ·'~~:~~~Jn,,;~... • • Sunda~~" _~~hortWalk" I . "'/ ..::C~rfing:Bla,c.rLabel S6.9P.• case (b~iiles):: .. . Plus More More More .. 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