Page 24 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 24
Page 4 Scrimshaw October 18. 1979 IJoni visits- WMC 'Long Run' sees no end Kurt Linkoff Want No Freaks is one of my Hollywood Director who makes Ed Johnson happen to me, God?" Eventually THE LONG RUN favorites becauseof the humorous people stars. This song has good Tonight at 8:00 P.M., Alumni GodansweredJoni.Joni learned to This new Eaglesreleaseis a fine lyrics running through it. When I vocals and a fine guitar soloat the Hall will havea very specialguest, trust God through her painful album bordering on the verge of first heard it, I thought my roomie end. Joni Eareckson. Miss Eareckson experience, G\:'dlet Joni suffer so excellence. The Eagles have put switched it on 45. It almost could Listen to this album a couple of has become a nationally, if not that she could be happier in the together an album reminiscent of pass for a song out of the fifties times before you make your world renowned born·again future; soJoni could heve peecees the "Old Eagles" combinedwith a The last song on this side, Sad verdict, it really grows on you. It Christian. She is famous for her an adult, and so she ccald love brilliant touch of their recent "Joe Cafe, is an excellent song could be one of the best albums of two books, Jon! and A Step Fur- more than she ever thought Walsh Era." Side two is better reminiscent of the old Eagles with the year and certainly worth the ther. In the books, Joni tells abo..':l_tpossiblebefore. However, for Joni than side one because of its fine a fine alto sax solo by David bucks her struggles to gain and keep her. things were n~ always 'eesv. variety and excellent solo pieces. Serborn, a famous jazz sax player. This album was generously faith, while confined to a Doubts about romance and love Heartache Tonight, their hottest It's a very mellow song that also donated to the Scrimshaw by the wheelchair. These books have entered her mind. Shehad to seek hit, starts the secondside, and this ranks amongmy favorites. Record Gallery, where you can inspired thousands to know God God's will. Through her confusion, one could be a favorite of many, if Side one starts with The Long find this and a whole lot more at ,........, personally and changetheir lives. Joni learned patience and un- the radio stations don't wreck it Run which is the onlX sonq on the ",t:::",::;e.-=..... record Westminster's only real Tonight Joni is, appearing at derstanding. first. It has the typical "Joe album I really don't like. It's r P oj W.M.C.toshareherstory. For Joni many beautiful things Walsh"influencewithafewsmall somewhat weak and doesn't Joni's dramatic story unfolds on happened as well. Afjer her ac- patches of Joe on the slide guitar. deserv e to openthe album. I Can't oem 0 July30,1967.Justweeksbeforeshe cident. she eventually began A song written by Bob Seger, Tell You Why is by far the best ~:I~e~~,~~~rb%~~e;;r ~e~r:'i~n: ~~~;iC~:; a;:~;~i~~ S:~eCO~t~dr~:~::tagc!':d ~;~ii~:t a~~sC~UI~re:: :~~ ~~~~~s:!~~;~r:o~;~li~eWql~i:~ the Week swimming accident. Years of drawing, holding the pend.1 be- number one before irs through. ev ening. In the City Is a tune Aspiring dreams revoked depressing, confining tween her teeth. The she painted. These Shoes is a song dominated written, sung and played by Joe of thoughtsprofane rehabilitation followed. Bitterly Joni was soonselling a few paint- by a Talk box, a dev tee made Walsh. It's an excellent song for Vexatlng desperationflow disappointed, Joni wou!d never ings, each with the letters "PTl" popular by Peter Frampton. This those hard core fans of Joe. The from eyesmundane walk again. Her pain was physical. below her name. PTl stands for song has an excellent stretch by Disco·Stranger, believe it or not, Tersebitterness emotional andspiritual. "Praise the lord". Then to her Walsh and ends In a Talk box solo hasa Disco beat and tells of all the Revl Iethe lossof love unshaken Joni grew up in a deeply shock, a businessfriend gave her a TeenageJail is a rhythm and blues wild and sleezyQueensof the Disco Cruelty dealsunkind cards Christian family. Shewas always a surprise art exhibition in song about young people wasting Set. King of Hollywood,a nicesong Shuffledandstackedby Satan. regular at worship serv ices, celebration of her life. Quickly her away in jails. The Greeks Don't to end the first side, is about a Big -JeanEliot prayer meetings and youth popularity spread. Joni found personal relationship with Christ. and on programs like the Today Recent records reviewed fellowships. But Joni never knew herself lecturing and sharing her what it was to have a completely experiencesat colleges,churches, Shenever knew what it was like to Show. Tonight many are looking Steve Bainbridge Returns". havemoved to Mercury in hopesof be dedicated to Him. Jon! asked forward to hear Joni share her Bob Dylan: SlowTrain Coming. Nick Lowe: Labour of Lust. Nick achiev ing the recognition that "Why me?" "Why did this have to faith anda Jove tor Christ... Dylan's latest has soaredto #3 on lowe has beenkicking around the their friends Bruce Springsteen Save that paper Billboards charts, while drawing basement ot the recording scene and the E Street Bandhave echte v - genera! critleal For the for years waiting for his chancefo ed. The first Mercury album, en- first time in receQt.memory Jann make "a pile of bucks and retire." Wenner did a rev ie._wfor Roiling That chancehascomewith Labour titled The Jukes, showsa final et. tempt to get out of Bruce and Helga Hein operating fund. Mr. Yingling Stone, praising Slow Train. of Lust. The album is presently Miami's shadows.As such it is not We·cycle Office Wastepaper, or stressed,that more Important than Ironically the release by newly. stalled at #31, while the single completely successful. While he WOW,a paper recycling program, the money made, the program born again Dylan is being treated "Cruel To Be Kind" is starred at was with Epic, SouthSidegot most has been instituted at WMC in benefits the en....ironment in that as tittle less than the Second. 11, and is headed for the top 5. of his songsfrom the talented and cooperation with the Weyerhauser the college doesn't have as m~ch Coming by muchof the Rockpress. Despite commercial success (the prolific pensof Bruce Springsteen Company. The WOW program waste. Furthermore, recycling The religious/social symbolism dreaded bogey of many fans of and Ste....e Van Zandt. This release operates in the following manner. paper trees that would on the album is rampant, and has lowe and company) lowe has re- showcases the writing of Allan One puts a small WOW container otherwise have to be cut down for been ground Into the ground by mained indifferent to tame. He is Berger and Billy Rush.Theoverall on his desk, discarding all ac- newpaper. countless re....iewers. Suffice it to content to tour as a member of song quality dectines Im_ ceptable paper items into It. When Mr. Yingling stated the response say that this is the se<:ondDylan Rockpile with Dave Edmunds, measurably, and this lack of hIgh the contaIner is filled, It is emptied has been fairly good thus far, but album I'....e bought, and the first I while recording asa soloartist. caliber songs Is deflpitely the into a bigger WOWbox. After the said there is always room for e thought deser....ed the hype. Labour of Lust Is a resounding album's major problem. box becomes full. someone from growth in the program. He Compared to the banalities of success.It was the freshest, finest However, there are se....eral ex- the service building comes to pick especially encouraged int~rested Street Legal, this albulT,lrestores sound to blast out of the radio all cellent reasons for buying this it up, leaves a new box, and takes students to take part In the Dylan's position as rock's poet summer, and although further album. One, the Jukes are prob- the full box to the service building program. For information on how laurate. Best Cuts: "Gotta Serve mo....ement up the charts will pro ably one of the three or four best for storage. Weyerhauser then to initiate the program in the Somebody", "Slow Train", "Do bably be thwarted by forth-coming bands around. Two, their use of comesto collectthe filled boxes. student areas,. contact Mt. Right To Me Baby", and "When He Eagles, Fleetwod Mac, Blondie, them a delightfully dif. of the Physical Plant, notedthat all 'Leaves' blow SIX' ties etc...releases, Labour of Lust re ferent sound than the countless Mr. Preston Yingling, Director YinglinginElderdlce2oo. summer and maybe the winter. Three, it grows on you. Two songs administrati ....e and faculty offices, mains the finest top 40 album of the Zepplln imitators floating around. along with the library, dining hall Best Cuts: "Cruel to be Kind", stand out as potential classics: and service building are par The theatre department of "bananas." His son Is A.W.O.L. "Cracking Up", "American "I'm So Anxious", and "I ticlpating in the program. He also Western Maryland College will and plans to blow.up fhe Pope. His Squirm", "Skin Deep", and Remember Last Night". The rest commented that WOW programs present The Houseof Blue Leaves, mistress Is most uncooperatl....e "Switchboard Susan." of the album Isfilled with good(but are operating at the County Office the second play In this year's and insists on seeing the Pope Southside Johnny and The not great) songs,and superb play- The Houseof Blue LeavesIs free a~c"=,~o:::m:::m:"~'I::.Ic.t:::IO:::;.'~'=t=h':,J:;;':;;'.~'....R:.m;;;.;;;m:":.:.',;;L~.'~tN~i~9h;;.t';;.'.==_., Building and the Carroll County series "The Sixties: The Spirit wearing an 'I JovePaul' button lett As~ury Jukes: Jukes. After three ing. Best Cuts: "I'm SoAnxious", Hospital. and the Madness." The show witl over from the Beatiecraze. great albums on Epic (that were "All I Want is E....erything", "I The pr~ram i~ adv~ntag~us openFriday, No....ember 16and will ~or:~,va~:;e~~~~:~~o~~t;~ FI;~;~:.n~~u:e~;;::~!~~~:y~I~~~n~~ :~rS!~~:;s~F~arci~lf~r~n:tl~~~~;~~jft . college for the recyclable paper. 8:15p.m. the CollegeActivities Office at 848- ~ HlJII6e.£iqu.e116 This money is put into the college The cast of eleven, selected by 7000 ext. 266. 113 W. Main St. P~t ~~::B!~~r,"j~~f~~~:~~~~~~; COLD BEER "At the Forks" COLD_BEER L~~;;rt, t~~~; ce~oC:~r!~;:c~~~:s ::" :;::;!~;~~~~~~~~~,::i~ BEER .SPECIALS ~:~~;~~n~c~~~r 2:~kat~::~~~:~ns~li~:~~s~~~~~~~k~~cker, Abortion Gr?lsch $2.99 a 6-pk Heineken $3.59 a 6-pk McDaniel Lounge. Her ne....est John Guare's The Houseof Blue Se..-.:r:ces. book, Twelve Moons, is now Leaves recounts the day In 1965 ..I.. 11..1.. With This Coupon available In the CollegeBookstore. when the Pope came to visit New Her other publicatIons Include No York for the first tIme. Guare's 848-3466 Offer Expires 10/31 College10 requir;d ~~::~;tyax~ OhC:~~6,~:rs~o::S unIque humor evokes compassion Free pregnancy testing. Birth control services. •...............~ ······~~······1'· and The Nillht Traveler_ Ad- :~t:: ~~:~;~~:~ ~a~yz:~:~: Prompt confidential help. : -_ Doaseof~nq..-ori ~ _~ . :;:~~~~ntol:;;,:. and everyone Is from Queenswhosewife has gone • tC~Rv~~~:-H~EMADESOU;S--1 iSpecial of the Week I . TACOS BREADED MUSHROOMS I : . :~ ; OS & GINNY'S J :. Tuborg Gold : I "THE PIT" I I : 12-oz. cans or NR's $1.79 a six-pack : ! I with thl. eoapoD •
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