Page 23 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 23
Scrimshaw Please wake up Thompson sl"lng In class last week I' blase on the professor's part. If In a chair and assumea etercpost- that I was doing more these---profs dislike their work, tlon. Th!:'t say ,!othlng, offer no I1stenlngto a lecture and I perhaps they should consider reaction to a professor's question, it was a 9:00 Econ another profession. What student they 1ustsltl excited about being has I!I burning desire to arrive at \ What prof would be enthuslastl_c was an intense desire his/her 9:00 class oniy to eeseeve about teaching a class of :r.ombles? and an environment can. the prof grogglly consumea cup of Certainly this situation doesn't the learning process. coffee In an atfempt to prime his make a positive contribution to the thought on the sueteet system for teaching? Why must educational process. It you're sl,· to conclude that the prt- students be subjected toa prof who tlng In Constitutional Law and tune for this environment plants his posterior In a chair and out the prof to read Sports lIIus· was the prates- proceeds to deliver an apathetic trated, what Impression does that 1,."'",,,.1,,", .,nth",I' rsm in teach. oration. Would not classesbe more leave a prof with? When your mld- Econ at 9:00can be effective and student Interest term grades are low, don't blame this class Isn't, greater 11 profs could muster that the prof; chancesare whlle he was utility and etesuct- enthusiasm for teaching? explaining Brown vs. The Board of Students, lest you blame your Education you were reading about profs for your dis-Interest In class I the Oriole's victory. ask you; where is your enttwst- College is a demanding expert- asm? Do you dislike your work? If ence. it Is one of growth and so, maybe yOu should consider change; although we can't be In a another profession u.e. non-eel- . state of bliss twenty.four hours a ~:r~el:~~~~n~ve c=~ I~C~:~::I ~::;o~ss:en~os~~;~~s~~~,~th pro- through the door ten, fifteen, 'or more excitement about what even, twenty minutes after the are doing. To both groups I say, exists a general sense of ctass has started, only to collapse nrtre enthusteem.please. Squirrels on the offensive .....",-....,.... squirrel dellquency? There are' pose for a Scrimshaw photographer several possible answers. There Is 3 Easy credits always the poss[bility that the cafeteria staff has beenfeeding the poor animals. If you think of what Cathy f-Aorris & Don Sakers the food does to you, just Imag[ne Jan Terms Pro1eCts least four lost plays of what It doestoa small animal! Or That Didn't Make It Shakespeareand give a rational, maybe It's a ca-seof overcrowding. 1. Workshop In abnormal reasoned analysis of Finnegan's The squirrels have been squeezed psychology: Take over the world Wake. Into their accomldat[ons-two Into and completely exterminate oneof 6.Topics In Art: Find meaning In single branches, three Into doubles the following groups: a. Jews; b. modern art. Overcrowding rs evidenced by Marxists; c. Capitalists; d. 7. Biology internship: Create at the overabundance of squirrels Blacks; e. Whites; f. Women. least three (3) verifiable new rushing about here. Is it any 2. Internship in future planning; speciesof life. that these squirrels are so Plan and construct space cetcntes 8. Computer Science/Theology when they al'e living in capable of supporting a total of one interdisciplinary workshop: such crowded conditions? Or, billion people. CreateGocI. '~~E!~~i2~~maybe Irs a lack of big open tree 3. Topic In PhysiCS: Construct a 9. Engineering: Construct the ;;_:I parties without entertainment working antigravity device and 'rrere-Pecrttc Highway. (even humans get grouchy at proposea Unified Field Theory to 10.History workshop: Construd' your dorm •.. those!). explain It. Passing grades will be a time machine and change the ·B,R, stopping to supply what lookedlike What can be done? First, new awarded only to those 'with course of Human history by a starving animal with a peanut, trees must be planted to reduce negat[vewe[ght. altering one of the following: a. Look out students. Run for your shecontinuedonher way. overcrowding. Tree parties should The Tower of Babel, b. The Battle lives. The campus has been Shewas suddenly startled to see be allowed (with unlimited water 4. Geopoltics Internsh[p: Make of Tours; c. The Sinking of overrun by deadly creatures . the squirrel race after her, teeth for those -squtrrels who like to peaceIn oneof the following areas: Atlantis; d. The Battle of the killer squirrels. That's right. bared with a frightful yell. Sheran drink). And what about the Middle East, Northen Ireland, Hastings; e. The Birth of Christ. First the killer rabbit In Georgia. for protection-making It into cafeteria food? There's probably South Africa, Eastern Europe. 11. Geology workshop: Reloin Now WMC has bred the first killer Blanche lust asthe squirrel tried to no real solution-though starvation NOTE: A failing grade wltl the continents. NOTE: Extra squirrels (A national epidemic sink his chops Into what seemedto isan acceptable alternative. ectemettceuv result In case of a credit will be given for triggering perhaps?) be a promising meat. Shewent up At any rate, until conditions for nuclear holocaust. the SanAndreas Fault. It -ttrst came to light when a to her room to collapse. The the squirrels do change (and they 5. Engt1shWorkshop: Deduceat lovely young co-ed was squirrel went back to seekanother are-slowly), beware. You never "Roll out the Borrel" precariously making her way up victim. know when, where, and who will be the hili near Blanche with her What caused this sudden rise of attacked next. Nancy Menefee Chlldr;n." 'weekly fix of munchies. After Twenty one_circumstances In 11. If the Contrast staHwanted to Scholarships reviewed' which to have a keg during the get together and have a keg while reading non-exlstantsubmissions. week: 12. If a group of guys wanted to 1.---U a group of students want to Ed Johnson were 528.90In '78 and 530.54in 79. students may be considered for get together and have a keg for Del get together to watch "The Edgeof Night." Mrs. Martha Duddley Kelter-of Therefore the quality of student is financial aid only on the basis of Palmer's Thursday night poetry 13. If Ralph Pi'eisendorfer want- Admissions clarified some con. not very differentfrom last year. It need. Those who receive financial etass. ed a keg after spending three trcverstet questions students have 'is interesting to note, however, aid, do so, because they have 2. If a group of guys want to get weekshunting for flatbeds. been asking about athletic . monetary need. Likewise there are together at 12:30 and watch the 14. If a group of guys wanted to scholarships, and the quality of that according to additional no academic scholarships given to "Young and the Restless." get together to watch "The Guid- studentsattending W.M.C. _.,..-statistics women may find It more W.M.C. students. Should anyone 3. if a group of students wanted ing Light." Onthe issueof whether or not the difficult to be acceptedto Western receiving aid be a scholar or to get together at loam and watch 15.If a group of students wanted quality of students attending Maryland. (Unless all women on athlete, this Is mere coincidence. "Make Me Laugh." to get together in the middle of a Western Maryland Is lower than the average are more Intelligent "They are getting financial aid, 4. If the cheerleaders wanted to last year, the official statistics that menere.j The average G.P.A. becauseof financial need. get together after cheerleading Herlocker lecture. 16. If a group of girls wanted to G.P.A. of incoming freshmen was was3.23andinI9793.17,compared a nuke club practice. get together to watch Charlie's of women entering W.M.C. in 1978 negate--thls belief. The average 5. If the editors wanted to get 3.08in 1978,and 3.04in 1979.This is to 2.87and 2.90,respectively, for together and get wasted after Angels. 17. if a group of the devout no significant difference. The the men. Jenifer Ulrey Scrimshaw Layout. wanted to get together and have a verbal S.A.T. scores in 1978for As to whether WesternMaryland A group concerned with forming _6. If the rats wanted to 'get incoming frosh was 489.95and In awards athletic scholarships, or a Nuclear Power Coalition met on tSgether after Monday Afternoon kegafter ChapelCommittee. 18. If a group of faculty wanted 1979495.-41.The Math S.A.T. scores nof, Duddley siad, "No." All October 10.They are interested in Learning Lab. having a teach-in sometime In 7. If the teachers wanted to get to get together and watch "The February dealing with both together, say, during a faculty $1.98Beauty Pageant." 19.If the SGAExecutive Council Open gallery ~~~~a~o~~~: :r:~e~~c~er~u:e~:~ m~t:~g~ group of Econ students wanted to get together before both pro and con. The group hopes wanted to get together before, meetings. _ F.T .A- The Cadets. to include peopleof the community after, and during the exam. 20. If the Honor Board wanted to Is it to late toask someoneto Homecoming? as well as students and faculty of 9. If the custodial staff wanted a, get together during Honor Board Let me goback to sleep. It's not snowing! Western Maryland. The next keg after cleaning the dorms Mon· Hearings. MG-We miss you over in Men crtat. meeting will be held Thursday, day morning. 21. If Dean Mowbray wanted to 1!.=================d1 November I, at seven-thirty in get together ,to watch "All My have a keg on Thursday after 10. If a group of guys wanted to Want togoto the Hatloweendance? reading this article. Baker Chapelseminar room.
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