Page 15 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 15
October 4, 1979 SCRIMSHAW Terrors come up short Leon Brooke Selfridge dropped back for the Coach Jim Handman, Walker The Green Terrors suffered their pass and found tailback eric pulled the baH up and threw a first loss of the '79seasonSaturday DeGross 36 yards downfleld for a beautiful 33yard pass to freshman when they were upset by big first down. Getting good Jim Kouziswho was pulled downat Muhlenberg 14·13In exctttna MAC ground gains by Glenn Cameron the 3 yard line. On secondand goal ecttco. It was a game that left (59yards In 11carries) the Terrors from the one, a bad exchange in many fans disappointed with the worked their way Inside the the backfield left the ball lying on Terrors Inability to capitalize on Muhlenberg 5. Full back Bryan the ground where linebacker Bob late game scoring opportunities Baln then got the call and dove In Alencewicz' recovered - for the after falling behind 14·0 early in from the one. Craig Walker's extra Mules and shattered the scoring the game. point madethe score 14-7. drive. In first quarter action, The Terror defense had now Midway through the last Muhlenberg took the opening settled down and throughout the quarter, the Terrors regained kickoff and started an 80 yard secondquarter they kept the Mules possession on their own 37 yard scoring drive from their own 20. In their own territory with the help line In what proved to be the last Using misdirection, motion and of Walker who averaged 45.6yards scoring attempt. After getting a play action passing, Muhlenberg punting. The offense threatened to pass interference call the offense succeededin crossing up the tough score when Freshman tight end then moved Into field goal range Terror defense and soonscored on Bob Debeer caught a 37 yard with a 17 yard pass play from a 27 yard touchdown pass from Selfridge pass, but time ran out as Selfridge to Baln. With fourth down quarterback Don Sommervi lie to he was hit out of bounds at the 7 from the 27,Walker attempted a 45 split end Ron Didio. Minutes later, yard line to end the half. yard field goal which had the after regaining possessionof the In the second half, Western distance but missed to the right Cameron ball on a WMC punt, Muhlenberg Maryland came out hungry and and the Terrors fell to their first and plunges through to the five. Photo by Vernon was onceagain threatening. Onthe wasted no time In starting the defeat 14·13. second play from scrimmage, QB offense. After a key Interception by Roberts Sommerville faded back In the middle linebacker Joe Menendez, .~ pocket and hit wide receiver Ted the Terrors put the ball In play at Volleyball cleans up Nivison who raced into the end the Muhlenberg 12. On the first zonefor a 75yard touchdown pass play from the huddle, QB Selfridge and a sudden 14·0 Muhlenberg pulled up on a play action pass and Mimi Griffin WMC won the match In four and Tammy Roebber played ex- lead. hit wide receiver Mark Chadwick The WMC Volleyball continued games. Scoreswere 15·5,14·16,15·0 ceptlonally well, with several ex- Trailing now late In the first for his fifth seasontouchdown and their two year winning streak this and 15·3.Saturday's match against cellent hits. The scores of the quarter, WMC launched Its first a 14·13tally. Then, as the crowd week with matches against "row. F&M was expected to be tough but WMC.Gettysburg match were 15·4, scoring attack from their own watched disbelievingly, Walker they played poorly and WMC won 15·6,15·3. territory. After setting up the missed just wide with the point son, St. Mary's, Franklin & Mar In just three games with scores of Tomorrow, WMC will once again ground game, quarterback Jim after to end his streak at 27. shall and Gettysburg. Last Tues- 15-3,15·3,and 15·9. travel to Princeton to compete In The tough Terror defense kept day's match against Towsonat the Another tough game on Monday the Princeton Invitational which Flails and the Mules at bay with great games Towson Center was the first really against Gettysburg at home was they won last year. There, the Ter tough competition the girls have from linebackers Menendez, Steve seen this year. Towson Is In ptvl- flops at UM James and Eric Walker as they sion II so WMC was playing a 50% also won in three games. Gettys- rors wlll play many big name Vol- burg has a strong offense and good leyball wall.known teams from stifled the offense. With little time remaining In the third quarter, scholarship team. It was a tough hitters, whom WMC successfully schools In competition often con- shut off with some excellent play- sldered warm ups for the reqlon- match, lasting almost two and a Doug oue linebacker Walker picked off a half hours, closeto three times the Ing. Jayne Kernan, Becky Martin, ats. Sommerville pass and returned It Last Saturday night's concert. to the Western Maryland 33where usual length. Towson is.i much lrn- by the Clash at University of the offensetook over. After moving proved team with a powerful ct. Runners perform well Maryland was very disappointing. across midfield on good runs by reese. but WMC never gave up. It One of the only groups to survive DeGross and Cameron, the took five games to win as the Ter· Jim Gilford overall for the Terrors followed by the British punk scene of '77.'78, Terrors were faced with fourth and rors kept on coming back, with the After taking two tough losseson Eliot Runyon, John Kebler and the the Clash's records have been six. Walker dropped back for the help of all nine varsity players, to previOUS weekends, the Western consistentry good. While the punt snap, but on a great call by win with scores of 13-15, 17·15,Maryland Cross Country team ~;~~;h~o~:~:a~:~ ~~~c~~~x;~' :"~~~~ ~~ ~:~::i~~~i~:~~SS~h~~ Hockey 13·15,_15-11, and 15·10. (WMC spilt two meets tastweek, weenes- place and captured the victory for scores first) This was quite an day they routed Choppln State the Terrors. While noneof the ron. decipherable) are biting cern- upswi_ng emotional win, with many parents 16·39and on Saturday lost to Sus- ners approached personal records mentaries on international Issues present and even a sign to WMC quehanna46.17. for the course it must be added shouted from the working class . from Mayor Schaffer's office In Wednesday the Terrors ran at noneof them were pressed and all men. Yet something was missing Katy Dowd Baltimore. . home against an Inexperienced finished cruising. I Wednesday, WMC played St. ChoppIn State Squad and took the The Terror's Women team also l from the concert. first The field hockey team lost their Mary's College at home. Although first four places as well as sl.xth ran Wednesdayover their 3.1 mile game on Saturday against The show opened with a fairly good power pop outfit called "4 Franklin & Marshall with a score St. Mary's has a good defense, place en route to an easy victory. course. The women ran unopposed Out of 5 Doctors." While retaining of 0·8. The Franklin & Marshall their offense Is not strong and cc-ceetetn Doug Renner was first with Elaine Lippy finishing first In they also displayed songwrltlng and with the help of some U.S. Booters' morale soaring a time of 23:45.Following her were the raw energy of nuvo wave, team played excellently together (25:00),Jenny FII· LeslleMclntyre variety and Instrumental ablllty. team players, they conquered the bey (25:02), and Stephanie Opdahl beento Moravian. With last week's (26:15). ~~:u:::cn~t 1t~~W!~r:n:hd ~~~ Jh~~~~~~t;:~eJt~VF&~~2~ropped Ed Johnson victory we holda record of 3.0.The The Terrors didn't fare so well t~~!agn:xt act was one of the y:~~;~a~:~;ewO~m5~~.d;~::~~ ItsW~~;~'~:=f:;tt;:t:r~:;!~n~I:~ ~:~~~sr;:,e::er:x~~t~:;~!s~g t:: _ ~~::~~: ~~~n~:~r:~.~u::en:n::~ most unusual I've ever seen. A goals fO!""WMC were Ann Dryden tory over Susquehanna6·2. they look forward to the rest of the again WMC top finisher commg In guy with an Iqal (Arabian and Lori Rafferty. Muriel Turner Excellent defense kept sueece- season. The team Is stili Injury fourth overall In 25:40 (after nm. headdress) on called Screaming scored three times for the Terrors. hanna from scoring any goals In plagued. However, the Injuries nlng the first three miles In 14:45). Jay Hawkins and his z-etece band Ann Dryden also had four essrets the first half. Several good saves have not kept the other players Susquehanna too~ the next four (in suits yet!) played a kind of and Marcie Allman had one. WMC were made by goalie Greg Shock- from making1Jp for It. Thls-Satur- places, with WMC s Brlgg (26:45), simplistic 60's rcck-n-scul. The dominated the game from the ley in a fest-paced struggle for day the team plays Haverford here Runyon (26:54), Kebbler (27:U) at 1 p.m. The next few weeks will anj Holcombe (29:G4) taking =~~wa~~~~!~~~~~t ;~~sgr;~~ ~:;t'd:~~~~on~~~~:o~~~orde: ~.~t.~.~;;~~o~~~ ~~:':~:ns~ ~::~ be crucial for the'soccer team, as places nine through twelve to com. definitely the (bizarre) highlight tense. Susquehanna managed to score, they gain.hopes for a champion. plr 'he scoring. of Hie show. The J.V. team also was vrctcrt- ~nu,ttf~~y~~~lt~rnnotM:~Cy~a~~'~ceo:~ ship. In our next Issue Coach ' ..-' next Terror CrO$SCountry The volume of these acts was ous over York with a score of 2·0. Easterday will share some of this action ~I.II be Saturday when the much too loud, yet when the Clash Goals were shot by Wendy Sher. Scott Kailins and Bob Wassman at thoughts about the team and team Will head to Gallaudet for a took the stage it was cranked up ritts and Katie Ward. RoseWalsh two goals a piece; and Albert Men· what's happening. 10'30start even more·beyond the threshold had oneaSSist. sahand Dirk Moore with onegoal a should have been I.'"···_··U··O··u·s··e···o·f··L··j·.·u··o·r··s-·, ~.~···i of pain. I must-say the group was The team's record Is now 2.1.1. piece. energetic enough. Leaping about Tomorrow the womenwill travel to Thus far· the season has gone as The flower that the stage, flailing away at their Lebanon Valley for more season predicted by the coach and team. instruments, and quivering like action. Western Maryland~s only loss has lives for ever! music. i exciting. It maniacs, What was missing was the music. A solid wall of sound Silk Flower Corsages and assaulted the ears, annihilating distinction to the The Special of the Week boutonniers for Ho,pecoming concrete bleachers were ~:;:t:~~il~h~e'Y;i~"J;;:e~;;,~,:,sGenesee Cream Ale 12-oz. cans: mer, lead shouter, was the center Carroll Plaza, Westminster l O~O2;{@ • features, and almost passed out = i h hi : bosketmart and ~~t~nt~~:st~~k:e ;jt~' ~~~:~~ ; or N.R.'s $1.99 a six-pack : near the end of the show. The .• W t t 8 coupon ~ trim-a-tree Shop ~I :~~~m~;o~~a~~~I:r:~te~ht~eCr~;s~= 848.1314' : others in the band simply looked ~ encore, I was diSillUSionednot to ! : 1301)849·1774 W",-STMINSTER. MD ST 21157 E.o.ST M.o.IN 47 mention nearly deafened ;... • ~.4 1- ..1
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