Page 17 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 17
~~~~~~~w Thursday October 11, 1979 Western Maryland College volume X, number 4 Homecoming builds spirit Barbara Ridout school band and Pom-pom squad p.m. until1:00a.m. It will bean the Ralph Prelsendorfer, vlce.prest. float. There will be prizes for the lower level of the Student Center, dent of the SGA, Is the chairman of three best floats $60 for first wIth a band In the Forum, and an. this year's Homecoming Commit. place; $40for second; and $20 for other In the cafeteria. The bands tee. Prelsendorfer has had to third. The parade Marshall will be wilt be Triad (Rock and Roil), and organize all of the events con- Catherine McMahon. Taxi (DIsco). nected with the weekend. The football game, against WI- This year's theme is "BuildIng Friday night at 7:30, there will dener .College (the f?rmer Penn- the World New," and It was chosen be a bonfire and pep rally on Hoffa sylvania Military Academy), will by the Homecoming CommIttee. Field. The pep rally will Include take place at 1:30. The Hcmeccm. There have been complaInts, but performances by the Pom-pom Ing Court will be presented at half "We go through the same thing squad, the cheerleaders, and the time. The King and Quee.n are every year," states Prelsendorfer. band. The football team has been Fred Smyth and Ann Louser. The "Someone doesn't like It. It's hard requested to put In an appearance. Junior class attendants are Valerie to come up with something 10suit Different groups will also be con. Enflellan and Carl McWIlliams; everybody's taste. structing their floats that evening. Sophomore class attendants- are "I think If will bea great success Saturday, at approximately Corgle Simmons and Dave Sulor; thIs year, and I hope everyone will 12:30(participants are asked to be and the Freshman class attendants go out and enloy the festivities. I there by 11:30), the parade will are Caryn Brandland and Dave hope to see more spirit this year begin at the East MIddle School Engel. than in past veer-s. I think the peo- parking lot. It will make Its way The traditional dance will take ple are more spirited." down Main Street to Hoffa FIeld. place Saturday night from 9:00 Among those In the parade will be the Homecoming Court; Or. and 'People' commended Mrs. John; the Alumnus of the Year, Arthur G. Broil, class of '29; Councilman Mann of weetmtnete-." representing an attitude of society Ann Louser of Gettysburg and Fred Smyth of the four class floats; the Phi Delts Ed Johnson to give the audience a hint of what Towson will reign as Queen and King over the Kazoo Band; the various sorority This past Friday, Saturday, and was coming up. The six characters Homecoming festivities at Western Maryland floats; the Drama Department Sunday nights the drama depart- represented the following social at- College on Oct. 13. float; the Argonaut float; and the ment presented "setter-s People," tltudes: (1) anger, (2) sncouness a play that examines American (3) deep thinking (4) happiness (5) College benefactor dies edy, the play was performed In a In the skits there general at- society In the 1960's.A unique cern- sadnessand (6) utter confusion. most unusual way. Much of the tltudes were specified to meet the play's staging' was a result of AmerIcan scene In the sixties. AI· modern theatre techniques, especl- though Viet Narn, Civil Rights or Russel Johnson Wilmington, Delaware. 1956.1974; minster Communlty.Players. ally the sparse use of make-up and hippies were never mentioned, the MIss Elderdlce, who wa; the And "We Have Spokenfor a World scenery. The modern techniques, play analyzed the effect of the Elderdlce Miss author of numerous plays and Without War," with a cast that mined' woman of was a deter- the unique scenery, and the mix- Issues on our whole society. What con. strong pageants, a costumer and cIvil Included women from 23 countrIes, vtctrcns. While beIng a lifelong ture of witty comedy and serious Is so outstanding was that the ac- rights ectfvrst, died of cancer at The Hague In 1965, for the member of the Methodists Church, analySis of American society pro- tors were accomplished enough to Monday, October 1, In her West- Women's International league for she was a feminist who advocated vlded for an extremely entertain- convey the Issues In such a hllarl- minster home. Peace and Freedom's 50th an. equal rights for women long before Ingevenlng. ousmanner. The plays and pageants Miss nlversary are among a few of her the national movement of recent Even before the play started the One of the funnier skits shows Elderd1ce wrote and directed were many works. years. Miss Elderdlce was also an audIence could tell that this play television's profound effect on performed In Carroll County, New SInce 1937, Miss Elderdlce had active proponent of civil rights who was going to be different from romance. Two marrieds, glued to Castle, Delaware, Baltimore and assembled 5000 costumes that participated In the great March on most college productions. The set- the tube, attempt a deep converse. In The Hague. Miss Elderdlce crammed the basement, attic and Washington (200,000 peQple) on ling of the stage was very simple. tion on how theIr marriage has l wrote and directed Sheathing of small, hand-lettered sign readIng, Aug. 28, 1963, when Or. Martin Few props and little scenery were gone sour. Their only frouble Is spare rooms In her home. The the Sword, with a cast of 1000for used. This InspIred the audience's they cannot decide whether their Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I the dedication of Hoffa Fjeld In "Costumes," was finally removed turned for curIosity and let them use their tm. marriage really the 1922; The Westminster Btcen- from her front door about a year have a dream ..." speech. In the aglnallon. The play then started worse during Gunsmoke or I Love tenntet Pageant, with a cast of ago 'when she contributed her 1960's she crusaded for open with a fantastic self-Introduction Lucy. 1500, In 1937;Outdoor NatiVity and collection to the Carroll Players, theaters and restaurants. As by the characters. Immediately The sublect matter was some. Easter Pageant, Asbury Church, formerly known as the West- recently as 19n she led a group of another modern technique was cb- times serious, but the treatment of Dorm rooms draw of the Equal RlghtsAmendment. vrcus. The actors were wearing lit- It was satirical. People" was a huge 25 men and women on a five mile march In Westminster In support tIe make-up. This gave the eoet- "Pettet's disappointment. 'Western Maryland College, ence another opportunity to stretch success. The scenery, lighting and Miss Elderdlce graduated from acting were excellent. Everything their Imaginations. set on and behind the stage came to- Instead of the traditional In Emerson College of Oratory Bill Byr~e These students expressed summa cum laude, In 1911, scenesand acts, "Fetfer/s People" gether beautifully. The play The room drawing procedures frustration with a system that 1913,and was a student of Leland was written in quick-paced skits stimulated the audience's brain at any college are bound to leave saves desIrable rooms for them Powers Schoolin Boston from 1917· loosely woven together to get and their funny bone as well. The some students unhappy, and as freshmen, only to all but ex. 1918. Her father was Or. Hugh across the playwrlte's point. Be- cast, the director and the. crew Western Maryland is no ex- clude them from those rooms in Elderdlce, President of west- fore each skit a light would flash should be commended for fhelr ef- ception. One of the gr.:oups of their sophomore year (unless they minster Theological Seminary fort. students most unhappy with the room with upper classmen). from 1897-19J2. current situation are those Cindy Church pointed out that the Miss EIderdlce was honored by ,----------" rooms in Blanche "have a lot of the Carroll County Branch of the Percentage distribution cif character," because unlike American Assoclatlo'n of women students in Blanche Ward Whiteford where everything but University Women, In which she Hall and Whiteford Hall by year the chairs are built into the walls, held membership, on her BOth of graduation in those dorms students can move birthday' in 1972.She also received year of the furniture around as they wish. the Alumna of the Year Award at graduation Blanche Whiteford In defense of the school's room WMC In 1974,the first such award . 80 14% 4% drawing policies, Dean Laidlaw to a woman; the Rotory Award by 81 49% 9% expalined that "I will do all that I the Westminster Rotarians In 1976; 82 10% 61% can to make the most people and was awarded life membership 83 28% 26% happy, but there is no way we can In the United Methodist Women In L- =;__..;;;;.;~_ make everyone happy." She went 1965and In the United Methodist freshmen women who lived in on to say that the ad. Historical SocIety of the Baltimore Blanche Ward Hall last year and ministration's basic goal was to Conference In 1976. were unable to find rooms in that "maintain a representation of During her lifetime, Miss dorm for this fall. every class in every building." Elderdlce had sponsored and Western Maryland's room After making inquiries into the opened her home to many foreign drawing system gives preference possibility of moving to Blanche students who attended WMC. She to upper classmen. By the time from Whiteford this fall, was very proud of her in- that last year's freshmen began sophomore Nan Sadler was left ternational family and In her to choose their rooms, Blanche with the impression thaf' the memory a scholarship fund Is was fltled to capacity and Mc· adminIstration had a really bad being established at WMC. The DanIel Hall had room for only attitude about the situation." scholarship will be named the part of the students who wanted Another Sophomore felt that there Dorothy Elderdice Scholarship for to five there. For many stUdents, must be some ~ystem that the Foreign Students and an the only open dorm was .college could use that would be award will be made to a needy and Whiteford. more equltable..;. t deserving foreign student at WMC.
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