Page 12 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 12
pageS Scrimshaw Thursday, September 27, 1979 Open gallery Alumni's poetry -published Open Gallery is now Ireett! Mail to Jewish Monthly." She has also where a mother leaves her child- box 1 or give to any staff taught at the elementary and col- ren who attach themselves to her member. lege levels as well as having work- by the threads in her dress: ed as editor with small magazines Can you name (our people who wouldtakeM.L. to dinner? and presses. _ And each step their mother So you think you keep the bulls in thecaleteria? Her poems cover many subject Put down asshetraveled, President John, where'd you get those cords? matters, but the overwhelming Her warm wooly clothes Just asquickly unraveled, What's in a Green Terror Burger? tone seems to be with mankinds 'Til the children were left . Who has the Green Terror costume? disenchantment and uneasiness With a tangle of thread S.D.-You may soon eat your words. with oneself and ones place In the To kiss them and hug them world. This feeling Is found In the And tuck them In bed. Who knows what works in final stanza of "A Family Circle" Whiteford's laundry room at where: "Baby Book" portrays this emp- midni~ht?? The secret lozenge tiness even more vividly when Doggie burgers for everyone! of disappoIntment there Is the loss of a baby and the LodgesIn children's throats. mother feels: Help, my fish are diseased. I recognIzemothers of loss: George, where are you? Her poems seemto hint, not only weslgnthealrln Dean, where are you? Jaselov, WMC graduate at our uneasiness, but something supermarkets and doctors offices courtesy of English Dept. or some understanding which lies with runesthat fade like smoke, No comment womenwhosearms, now filled by What's a whoji? Jennifer Ulrey ~,~:~:h~;e ~~:tnd ~~:ngr~~r~~'~ lively children, Beth Jcsercw; a former student where Alan says: hold somewhereelse, another chUd of Western Maryland, has recently It was sleepingout under the stars had a collection of her poems Pro Musica Rara published In a new book entitled thatgotmedown. almost knew, had named secretly Inour stunnedsilence. I thought head of the Comparative Litera. Pro Muslca aere. Baltimore's ments as they were made during Gypsies. According to Or. Palmer, I laughing at me, could hear them Gypsies is a book filled with resIdent professional ensemble for that period of time. Pro Musica ture department, "Beth Joselow tinkle tInkle tinkle tee heetee hee. human feeling, of life's fullest and the performance of BaroqueMusic Rara vIsited Western Maryland attended Western Maryland In the Now I agree, It was probably most desolate moments. Beth Joselow has appeared twice at on authentic Instruments, wlll pre- Coliege once before, in 1977,and tate 1960's." Shereceived her B.A. paranoia Western Maryland to read her sent a concert in Alumni Hall, on was enthusiastically received. from GeorgeWashington Universi- and mescapable Inany case. pbetry, and Dr. Palmer says, "the Friday, September 28at8 p.m. _ Tickets are available at the In- ty and her M.A. from Johns Hop- Her poemsare elsc expresstve of English Department plans to have The concert will provide IIsten- formation desk free of charge to klns University. Shehas since had the need for human relationships her back soon." Copies of Gypsies ers with an opportunity to hear the students and faculty and for S2.50 many of her works published in and the emptiness that fills our are on sale at the college bookstore works of 16 and 17 century compos- for guests. such magazines as, "The New lives when these needs are unful- forS2.5O reproductions of tnstru- Yorker," and "The National filled as In her poem "sneetess" lnternationalfilms presented Jim Fry are also relatively new and all Lasf week was the debut of the Each film will be announced In .For students who have prevIous beenbefore Amerlcanaudlences In series with Francois Truffaut's the Scrimshaw the week It Is to be Iy never had the opportunity to see the last two years. However, the The Man Who Loved Women. shown and a small synopsis and foreign films that opportunity now films acclaim or how recently they There were over 100 students who critique will be presented. Every- (!Cockep'!) ~abern exIsts here at Western Maryland. were made are not the reasons for attended and from all appearances one can take advantage of this of· The Lecture Concert Committee student Interest. The main reason enjoyed the film. There was a fer to see some movies, free of 216EMa,nSt has provided funds for five films to Is because these films are dlf- small problem in that not everyone charge. All films are to be shown Westmin~t~r. Md. 21157 be shown this year. These films ferent. was able to read the subtitles. on Tuesday evenIngs so they-wlll 848·4201 promise to be quite good having Most movies shownhere on cam- 'There will be additional elevated neither interfere with weekendec- VOURHO"T been acclaImed crItically as well pus are box office successesthat seats for the next film, Swept trvttres, homework, nor Monday Lee cambas :1~~~~:::'t~~~il~~~e~l~h:e C;~j ~~:;~;hl~~~r:;!~t~r;rO~:e~:.m ;~~ ~A~W:::,~y•.!:to~b::e~'h~ow:"~O~'t~Obe~',~.__ ~",9~h!tt~oo~tb~'~".~ ..!::::========:!, received here on campus aQdmore any film shownat the local theatre SANDWICHES will be shownnext year. are at·best six months behind what FRESHDOUGHPIZZA The five movies to be presented the rest ot the country's viewing (AII$.
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