Page 10 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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page 6 Scrimshaw Thursday, September 27,1979 Contrast prints soon Contrast, the campus literary magazine, will be accepting submissions for the fall Issuethrough October 20th. (P.O. Box 11).41).As always, we are anxious for poetry, short stories, art work, and photography. For the past few years, we have received and printed submissions from persons not connected with WMC. This year we would like all of the con- trlbutlons which we print to come from the campus, alumni, and faculty. We feel that we can do this and maintain the standards of excellence achieved In the past. However, we need campus input. (a lack of submissions In the past has Irtually necessitated the use of ott-campus materials) We'll be happy-to onSider all types of contributions. And Contrast meetings-are on alter· nate Tuesdays (October 2nd) at 6:30 In the publications office If you care to be part of the editorial process. Thank you- This 1$ a student poem submitted to Contrast. A "who's next" Behind steel doors cringes the silence governed vacuum pumps hum a mellow tune, by stark white walls, swe"eplngoutsin which reject emotion drlvenlnaslngle, remarkably current; It actually cess. left In women's faces "I love you" or 20 dollar blll. brings us up to the present point of The book has certainly attracted who try to rid themselves Leaving it nothing but, Springsteen's career. attention. The review copy, the on, of life's little mlsfake. a repentant mass of The book deserves a wider eudl- Iy copy on campus, was read by guts and splintered bones. ence than just Springsteen fans. four people In the first week, with A tearless hooker hides Dave Marsh Is Interested in rock stili more waiting In line. It Is, for and roll as an art and form, behind a makeup shield Of usedwomen, Springsteen Is a case study of what such a detailed s;tudy,a very read- waiting to losethe nothing is left happens when artistry and big able book. A common reaction unwanted byproduct gained but empty wombs business clash. The discussions from readers (Including this re- during a hard nights work. and lost pride. about the ways In which rock and viewer) was an inability to put the book down once the creation of the -anonymous roll is hvped-up and packaged are "Born To Run" album was begun. young girls, Important statements for any rock The story of its creation had just as deflowered, and roll fan. Springsteen became much suspenseand tension as if It before they even had alternately a hero and a victim of Born To Run is also a study of would be if the ending were un- the hype. Jon Landau, perhaps the Springsteen the chance to bloom, . most influential rock critic in the roll's tradition through rock and known. The Influences of cry about a womanhood United States, once wrote, "I saw rock and the early attempts at Another high point is the gained a bit too soon. rock and roll future and Its name is music are set out carefully, so that chapter, "Thunder Road." It ex- --,==- Bruce Springsteen. " It was picked the reader understands the rete- plores not so much the music, but L ,..--'UP by the press, as well as Colurn- tlonship between this Influence and the philosophIcal Impact and Trustees review year, plans lot of power to these Interpreta- meaning of the music. There is a but they are somewhat ens- ucne. concerting. Those of us who live, Mitchell Alexander optimistic about going through late September, with the target of The new strategy is to make Springsteen have already formed Regan Smith with the project. completing the building by the fall Operation Renovation an tm- ourjrwn Interpretations. However, The Executive Committee Mr. Schaeffer later reported on of 1980 as feasible. Once completed mediateflrst phase in achieving all Marsh's view does add Insights ln- to Sprlngtsteen's character that meeting of the Board of Trustees two properties located on Penn. the Psychology department will be of the capital objectives of the convened on July 24th and the Ave., between Union Street and the upstairs and the Deaf Education present Long Range Plan. In the give us a deeper appreciation of his following items were discussed Garden Apartments, which had department downstairs. General plan, Gill will have three smeu- struggle to control his art. and presented. The first was the recently become available on the classrooms, seminar rooms and scale playing areas where hand- or Onecriticism, Is the lack of a eel- photo section. Springsteen's commendatory letter from HEW market. The property was in- multl-purpcse rooms will also be ball, squash and badminton, inside face Is as expressive as his music, Deputy Commissioner for Student spected by the chairman of the housed In the renovated Winslow tennis, Inside basketball and the and the photography captures the Financial Assistance, Leo Kern- Buildings and Grounds Committee building. Intramurals can be played. The feld said that he was pleased to along with Mr. Scheaffer and it seats on the level will be sublime moments as well as the note that the default rate for WMC was conciuded th~t It was not mechanIcally moved In and out. rockers. But why only black and I students Is not only -substantially The basement will come out on the white photos? This Is especially I less than the national average of Th. 1979·80 Cost of Selected Colleges and Universities w", level of the soccer field. The limiting when one realizes the presented as follows: 17.36%but It also falls below the basement will house lockers, the tremendous care .taken with the 10% target rate of the Office ot College/UnIversity increase tuition room & total training rooms and an all purpose lighting of the shows. Education. Now WMC stands as over '78·79 & fees board ']9·80 space for wrestling and modern Born To Run studies the Ins and the model Institution in the WMC 400 $3,475 $1,550 $5,025 dancing. Presently, the physical outs of what makes up Springs- National Direct Student (NDSL) American Unlv. 748 4,134 2,250 6,384 education complex (excluding the teen. It can't provide the kind of feeling and power one gets when Program, because of our .5.05% Bucknell Unlv. 57S 4,996 1,550 6,546 track/playing field, which we listening to his music, but It can default rate. F&M 475 4,480 1,690 6,170 assume will be completed In two help explain w.hy seeing Springs. The heart of the meeting dealt Gettysburg College 420 4,260 1,450 5,710 years) is estimated as follows: with goals, strategies and reports, Harvard 635 5,300 2,840 8,140 teen in concert produces such positive such as the Treasurer's report. Mr Johns Hopkins Unlv. 590 4,500 2,155 6,655 Field House& strong is created reactions. The on stage by magic Schaeffer announced that the Lebanon Valley 495 3,720 1,740 5,460 Gill Renovation $5,900,000 Springsteen; the method is cere- operating budget is balanced Mount Saint Mary's 3,. 2,870 1,625 4,495 Tennis Courts 100,000 fully examined by Marsh in the because of two sources of income. Princeton Unlv. 594 5,585 2,226 7,811 Baseball 50.000 book. Don't miss either one. They were: (1) the annual fund Wash. Coliege 300 3,306 1,550 4,856 $6,050,000 Increase and (2) the use of en- YaleUniv. 720 5,630 2,590 8,220 dowment income over 5% of the , Brown new Bio head principle to balance the budget as advantageous to the college to own The final portion of the meeting authorized. Mr. Schaeffer ended the buildings. Therefore breaking dealt with the projects approved Barbara Rideout Delaware. His degree was in Plant that portion of the report by ex- the school policy of buying the for Operation Renovation and Doctor Mike Brown is the new Physiology. Dr. Brown came to pressing his concerns about the '79· buildings on the campus side of Conversion, which was as follows: head of the Biology Department WMC because he liked the stu 80~Operating Budget, specifically Union Street and Pennsylvania here at WMC, replacing Isabel dents, and the dedicated staff. He in fuel, oil and food service areas. Avenue, in order to form a border Alumni Hall Completion $350,000 Royer, who retired last year. felt that the best thing about the In reporting on the status of the around the campus. Center Renovation 455,000 As many upper classmen know, college was the friendly atrnos- Union Street Project, Mr. Lastly, Mr. Schaeffer informed Library "Renovation 100,000 Dr. Brown has been teaching here phere, and the "human aspect" of Schaeffer said that' the Hope the Trustees of the status of the Track/Playing Field 450,000 for the past twelve years. Dr. the area. States Brown, "The sue- ~ organization Is still negotiating Winslow Center Renovation. The Campaign ccst . 40,000 Brown originally came to WMC cess of the staff is determined by with the Federal Housing architect still...J!xpectsthat the immediately after receiving his the success of the students. The Association (FHA) and is still bidding will take place in mid to total $1,375,000 Ph. D. from the University of staff is committed to teaching stu- Goldsmith Renovation planned d'~:"~~:~~h"~~'~i~";;:f; 'co cording to Preston s. Yingling, presently discussing currlculurn ~ Silversmith Keith Arnold Director of the PhySical Plant and changes in the Biology pepert- .The Winslow Student Center is Purchasing, plans are being devel ment. However, they are net-vet being renovated and will be reo oped by the architect, and the con. "at a stage where they would bear r of Fine Crafts opened for the Fall semester of struction, mostly indoor remodel. too much publicity." next year. Located on the south _[ Man . Sal. 10'5, POTTERY JEWELRY side of the campus, behind the ~~~~i~~:;.completed by the next ch~~:eso~r;~~ i;'~rs:in~~~o~;~;~ _ Custom·designed The plan involves placing the about would enable students in the Lewis Hall of Science, It was not pre-nursing program to transfer Fri. 10·8 Psychology and Deaf Education for situated Ideally a student WOOD LEA THER center. Since being replaced by the Decker Center, the building has ~:"a~t=;~~, I;h;:: :~~~d:;~~n~! ~~~~cft~~~Q~~c~niversityof Mary are located in the Hoover Library. Dr. Brown is very easy to talk to, ., 10% OFF WITH COLLEGE I.... not been used. ~!~e;ryW~~I~I~:e~~er::~e~ha:~: ~i:~' ~'J~~~o~~i~f~~:~:~i~ ~~lIo;f p,,,,,tly,how,v",,pi,,,,"io L- ~Lo"'c:!;;,."'M:::a:::J/:.:D:.eo:!!w:!!nl~O!!w:!!n --J :h~o~a~~~: ~~r'~f:yr~;:n~:~ 10; vacated. Science.
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