Page 18 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 18
Library hours attacked "On-the seventh day He rested." That was easy and feel that the solution is Simple. Obviously, the for Him to do, He didn't have an Econ test the library is confused by the Carroll County Blue following week. For the student, Sunday in the most Laws. They are unsure if a place of business that important study time. The weekend's playing is "deals with the transaction of knowledge should be done with, and the day is not broken up by classes open. After an, if it's illegal to buy shoelaces, should and meetings. The student can wake up fairly early, a student be able to use a microfilm machine? eat breakfast, and start the week's work. We would like to reassure the library that re- Unfortunately, this is possible only if the student sources and a quiet place to work will not be offen- lives in a quiet room furnished inEarfy American sive to anyone. Resource Material. In theory, Western Maryland is an academic com- The library does not open until 2 p.m. on Sundays. munity, and as such, is supportive of scholastic ef- The early energy and enthusiasm that the student forts on the part of students. If the administration is started with is worn off by the time the library so committed to the academic atmosphere that it opens. Attempts to fill time until then often lead to would restrict parties, it might consider more all day distractions. Dinner opens in two hours, and positive action. Granted, not everyone wants to the day is halfway over. study on Sunday mornings. But those who do should Saturdays are a lesser version of the same prob- have a quiet atmosphere available, one that is con- lem. The student who gets up for breakfast before dusive to work. The dorms simply cannot meet the studying faces an empty hour before the library need. It is a responsibility of the administration to - opensatlOa.m. provide students with library hours that demon- Scrimshaw has tried to understand the rationale strate some understanding of a student's schedule. behind these hours. We have analyzed the problem Letter to the Editor, It's about time that Scrimshaw our own Ira Zepp, and yes, Billy Muzzle Phil! realizes that It is not the place for Graham In many avenues of pollti- Madam-- the venting of Phil's personal cal and social concerns. I'm not entirely convinced that spleen. He, unable to argue people It's about time that Phil realizes being a columnist for a newspaper Into agreeing with hIm, reverts that Conservative Christians can gives one the right to be offensive, back to playground psychology be moderate or liberal In their That politics. ~~I~ obnoxious, rude, and (worst of all) and ridicules them for being so vative Christians countless censer- Apparently stupid as to disagree. PhJ1 non-numerous. belong to groups LapaduLa Is. Ifeel for him. like the Sierra Club, Wilderness Phil ignores of such Slow down ,__you commentary and "thoughtful" Christian groups the work Christian Soclety,andCommonCause. as In the past Phil's "biting" social Lastly, its about time Phll grows Children'S Fund, World Vision, and have been Interest. calling missions. " move too fast news analysis 4 "Up Against the Conservative Baptist pour hun- up. I realize he Is probably as weli such as these so I might Groups Ing, If nof Informative. me a However in Neal, and the October dreds plunge ahead. of dollars Until Phi! grows up of mlillons Every person ... Waif" column, he escapes all man-hours into feeding, -clothing-, enough to write responsible [cur- All the events of your life bounds of responsible lcvmeusm. and healing the poor around the nallsm then I say: MUZZLE PHIL Are there because you have Not to mention showIng a total in- world every year. Phil ignores the LAPADULA. drawn them there. ability to write quality political work of Christian ministers like Steve Bainbridge What you choose satire. Martin Luther King, Andy Young, to do with them is -c-Richard Bach up to you." Illusions Personal Viewpoint . So much of our time is spent sweating the small stuff; an87 or an B8 (the difference between an "8+" and a "B+"), the date we didn't have, and Fringe drives out center the letter that didn't come. The race for the almighty "A" becomes a trip whose finish leaves us asking, "what did we miss?" In order to find out what we are missing we must first lind the perspec- losing their seats to RepubJfcans or California long enough to run for tive that wiiJ let us relish each moment. We must see the ways in which Steve Bainbridge conservative Democrats. The President, and ceu a new Con grade pursuit limits us. We must step back to gain this perspective. Imagine this scenario, Ted ramifications of this trend Is stttuttone! Convention.Personally Lean back from your note-taking and Simply let the ideas reverbate Kennedy as President, a con- terrifying many major liberals. I was kind of fond of the old through your mind. servatlve dominated house, and,a In Utah Frank Church is facing one...modern Washington would Go out into the fall colors, open your eyes, open your nose, and let a Republican Senate. Unllkelv-? Not his most serious challenge in have to turn out a 400page report flight of birds against a sunset assault your hold on grades, according to Time magazine's years. A group of ultra- to cover what Jefferson, etc. This is perspective. Taking a step such as this forces you to see the folly analysIs of recent voting trends. conservative "crusaders" from handled In a few brief lines. of a 2 or 3 point difference. Some 3O-odd Democratic Senate New York have gone Into the race Yet, if It's a choice between Our lives at WMC are four short years. The people and places, ideas incumbents come up for election in using a major loophole in the Brown or Kennedy or Granpa and experiences will be but memories shortly. Ask yourself, what images 1980, at least 24 of them are con. Federal Election Laws. Since their Reagan, I'll take Ted (would you will be left after ten years time? sldered to be in serious danger of ads have not endorsed any of want the next president to be an ex- Church's opponents, they can salesman for 20 Mule Team Personal Viewpoint it really new? ~~~:utasth:u::pe~~lt~~:~ ::I~~ ~:ra;~I:?)'t:t ~:a~~~Oe!i~:~m:~~ Is • applyed to the opposition's budgets compromise Neither left nor right is a dying art In US or fund limits. Thus ISO Utah radio politics. Lee Maxwell because of the actions of Jeff havethemselvestoblame. stations were swamped ads, with entl- seems able to compromise. As the in both dirty Church resvrses. essen- propaganda right The headline read "Cern- Robinson." Now that's a nice Jeff did do some things In run- 'Ially free advertising for anybody politics and popularity, the left mittee starts anew." Mitch sweeping generalization that nlng the Committee that could be going up against Church. Any becomes increasingly In- Alexander even said it In the ar- clearly shifts and centers blame on criticized as ineffIcient or un- wonder why Frank is so upset translgent. Rather than seek tides: " ... we are a new com- someone who is no longer here popular. Mitch and Mike have about the Soviets In Cuba? logical compromises both sides rntttee." Things have changed, to defend himself. Improved Social Committee by The same bunch of reactionaries stick to their guns, and the public Is they say, we're better than last But I don't thInk the allegatron Is acting on that criticism. The are working in California against caught in the mIddle. year. even true. I know from personal events they have sponsored have Cransfield's reelection. They are Ccuntercutture liberal heroes Bull. experIence from last year, as well been well-run, and they've kept up targeting him as their main at- seeking one last cause have fixed You don't start a new year by as on Jeff's word (and he admits with bookings and finances by tempt for an upset. Almosl 400,000 on nuclear power as their great laying blame on last year's when he Is wrong) that no agent splitting the work load dollars have been budgeted social challenge for the eighties, Committee and Its chairman, Jeff renlgged on any contract he signed However, these pluses have been . already, with almost another half· without offering technologically Robinson, for problems this year. wIth any agent last year. He didn't almost offset by their .eesrre to e.muucn being raised, and not one feasible alternatives (don't all you Mitch claimed In the article that sign any tor this year, so If this resurrect that long dead pennywillcountagainstanybody's solar power freaks get upset _ it "We've had to deal with agents year's Social Committee Is having anachronism from its well- spending limits! Dick Nixon [ust isn't feasible now, but I hope ,..:..:,e:::"~;g~g;::l"g"-,o:::"...::th:::e;::.., ~,,:::"t:::"~';:.:t,~p,.::ob:=:J.:::m::'.:w.::lth::;':::'":::t:.::":;:'t.::',.!!th::;.y:.;o~":?:.IY ~:~r"-r~eygr:rvee, 19t~:ri~:rit~ge ~~~t~~~I:;;; ~:;~ t~a~ac::e i~;~~!~:; ~::nS:~i~e ti~~n~::~:i:~1 bae)~ Nancy Menefee .. _ --. . Editor-in Chief that this college is too small to host because of him are allowing a proposing a Federal Energy Board Dave Cleveland _.. .. . Managing Editor a successful spring concert of the bunch 01 neo-fascists out-trick that could overrule any local, state Bill Byrne _.. . __.News Editor kind we traditionally have. The Tricky Dick. or federal laws. Hitler started the Jim Wellman BusinessManager money wasted on a concert could Yet the left fringe hasn't been same way folks. Phillis Menschner . . ._.Sports Editor be used to fund a number of idle' either. Jane Fonda; having Other examples could be cited Scott Dahne _ Photography Editor smaller, more worthwhile events. fos1 but little of the naivete that like the draft, SALT, etc But Ralph Pre;sendorfer _ _ Graphics CI!i:int~ t~ S::~~;O~u~I~~~~~ ;:akce:i~;r inst:~~:~:~~ i5.~~~~~~ ~a~~~!J ~~~::a:~~;~~~~~~v::~ Special Assistants: Joan HU9hes Mark Israel claim to be better. They have "Economic Democracy." As Dr. and tess pregress. However, by Layout: Nina Blecher ~~~Ut~~~i~IS~~ee;~:~n~h~:9~~ ;aa;~~;I~~~;e:iln;~~I~;:~O~~~~ ~:!~:a~:I:I~ln:O:~n~~;~e;:::!~: Typists: Jane Bielefield, Patsi Moyler same things every Social Com- economics she ought to read at the expense of the environment mittee has at one time or another Chapter 3 of lipsey-Steiner first." civil rights, free speech, and clean Scrimshaw welcomes and encourages diverse opinions, and provides ~~:r~~~:~hi~~~n~q~a:;~:n~~~:: ~:rl~e b~~~; t~~:n:h~ g:~~~p:~~: '~~::t~C:~e~~:~i~:' b~itk~o~u~~e~~ ~:,mm:o;j::::~!n:n~ie=:n:;~~:o~~up~:s:;ea~~~:s~U!'~~:;i;, °t~~~r~;~ more innovation and a little less band, it might be more en. liberals who$e overall policies poli_ticing wo~ld Il)ake_!his newer.., tertaining. Meanwhile Jerry repulse me but not as much as I:'::ha::w:;_, ::Bo::,',:,:",:;W::;":::t'::,,"::;Ma=:,!::,ta:::"":::,:::Co:::":;! .. !!.,:.!w::.:::":::m:::;"!!,":::,:.,:' M:::D::..:.:21~1S!.:7._-!SOCialComm~ttee a better one Brown keeps trying to get out of policies endorsing strip·mining.
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