Page 14 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 14
~~~~w Remembrance The lost art of liberal arts This year's trip to Gettysburg stones. Like it has a lot some of marble small cemetanes was~'t ,"?uch bett~r than last family mausoleums, terrifyingly The following is a guest editorial by a WMC stu- while doing little to encourage growth artistically. year s. It s not the kind of place r gloomy places. to look in on. The dent. Past Drama department Chairman Bill Tribby once li~e to visit. The atmosphere stillness usually found in Recently, double standards in different areas of noted that studies show the encouragement of d~sturbs me. Gettysburg is the cemetartes is broken by inaudible WMC life have surfaced. The alcohol policy has not growth in artistic skill is the area of college educa- kind of place that overwhelms comments echoing remotely from been handled evenly when the Administration has tion most often neglected by colleges. yo.u when you'r~ there and you the observation tower and by the deal with violators, and an article in the Scrimshaw Someask, "How useful is artistic skill? We would think hard about It. regular crowing of a rooster. It's indicated Dean Mowbray felt that faculty may be never use our ceramics knowledge?" The only It .is a glorious place for not a partlcularly meditativespot. taking one law into their own hands rather than answer is another question: "How many WMC Amencans, or anyone else in- But it is the spot where Patti bring Honor Code violations to the attention of the graduates have gone on to fence, use their judo terested in history. It is the place Stoner is buried. We went up on Dean of Academic Mfairs and the Honor Board. skills or rappell off nearby cliffs?" It is a sorry com- where a tremendously important October 1, the anniversary of her Recently we have been made aware of still ment on a college community that puts weight in a battle was fought, thousands died, death, bearing flowers. The water another double standard, this time in the Area Re- four week course on golf and none on the ability to and th~ outcome of a war was we shookover them hung drop-like quirements of WMC. As all students should know, act. A requirement of a one-credit semester long determined. As such it is on the buds and stems. Her grave proficiency in physical education activities are a re- co~r_sewith ~hoices in acting, painting, sculpting, honored, ~ histori~~l monument already flower laden, seemed quirement of graduation, but unfortunately there is wnung creatively, or others too numerous to men- to our nation; a military blunder hardly more to the eye than any no parallel requirement in the arts. Indeed, an ap- tion, would make WMC graduates better people, made sanctified. other there. preciation of an art is required, but artistic skill is which is what the liberal arts college is still about is From the tall grey observation But it is much more to us. It is not cart of thesecourses. it not? tower you can look over the the grave of some close someone WMC requires four physical education activities ba.tt1efields. where hundreds of. so dear that even after; year you Personal Viewpoint g~lm starvmg m.enwere blown to still ask yourself why. The ac- on the You can see cident bits by cannonnre. ROTC weekend Right's viewpoint defended where calvary charges fell and COUldn't have been avoided view perhaps, but does that change the failed. You get a "panoramlc of a colossal scenario of blood, outcome? It seemed little more John Hines from perfect and It has to change. Who Is refusing to accept pa.i~ and de~th, courtesy of than another military goof. Phil LaPadula- You call for the students of Ameri- change? The 60's are over; this Is military necessity. But we took the time rode "Radical rights rides again" Is ca to unite, but unite In what, the 70's, Christ, It's almost the 80s. From this same observation through the beautiful' early irrational garbage. thumb-suckfnq apathy? If this is What worked In the 60's doesn't t~wer you can also get a good autumn sunset, with the last rays Frank Rizzo's "gestapo" pollee what you want, you already have work now and you are condemning view of Evergreen C~metary. It's glowing on the newly turning force; latola Khomeini's revcru- If. Students and society have been those who now seek change, any not a big place but It is heavily leaves and found ourselves slill tion In Iran; the Ku Klux Klan; quiet for ten years and it is not do- change. "' sprinkled with granite tomb- with an emptiness inside. what are you trying to say, that the ingourcountryanydamngood. L _j conservatives of America support these things? I don't support these things any more than you do and I Letters to the Editor don't know envcne who does; yet I am all for the conservative swing inAmerica. become such. synonomous witn "cestructrcn." shown that, aside from being un- The 60's was looked upon as a A different view 1 also r(lust take issue with But anyway, as a result of these in- necessary, the deodorant in the terrible time for America by the Scrimshaw on its stance on the dtvtduats standing up and having tampons can cause infections. "older generation." They saw the Dear Editor upgrading of Honors the integrity to share the blame, Douches as well, are unnecessary counter-culture as a threat to I have a great many concerns requirements. I sure hope people Dean Laidlaw slapped a five dollar for healthy women, and can dls- society. The one point you and I with life at Western maryland don't do just enough work to get fine for each, plus a written repr-i- rupt normal functioning and ere- agree on Is that some good came College. I would expect many an A or 3.0 or a 3.A {or whatever mand for the alcohol violation was turb the natural chemical balance out of the 60's, but that was ten people to share some of these it Is) and stop. The general \ob put on each persons citIzenship reo of the vagina. years ago. People are getting sick concerns; I hope they do. I must [ectlve of WMC is to provide an cord. How is It that a fraternity of I would hope that in the future, of the way things are, just as they say, however, that on the whole, education to those who wanl it. fifty to sixty members gets a $25 the peoplewho authorize the dtstrt- did In the 60's,and things are going Western Maryland College Is a Why try to attain a 3.46and stop? fine for a keg, and seven people in bulion of these packages will be to change. pretty good place. I wouldn't want If you can do that well, why not Blanche get a $35fine for a keg? more sensitive and more selective You seem to think there Is some. to be elsewhere. shoot for a 3.47 or even a 3.0? Not to mention the "alcohol viola of the products they authorize. thing wrong with a "polarization of Western Maryland has some 4.0?? Hen" stamped on their personal LlndaA. Hart our nation." You must prefer the problems. This I grant. And t admil I would rather do away record. Something is wrong here. last ten years of wishy·washy poll. because I care about the In- with the whole grades bil anyway. Yes It was a violation and it was 11- MNF worship tical trash that has dominated stitutlon I choose to attend, I try It's not a totally accurate legal, but why such Inconsistencies Madam: American politics. For the firs' to relieve those problems if I can. measure of Intake of knowledge in the alcohol policy? These seven What Is the special significance time in years It looks as though After being here for just three and development of thought, but people were treated much more of Monday Night Football to the people mIght take a stand and be- and a half weeks, though, I notice ils the best way I can figure out. harshly than either the Betesor the whole of western clvll1zatiorl? It come Interested In our country's some unpleasantness arising out To be honest, I think I can learn Preachers. To have an effective seems, at least from reading your future. tccennct Imagine a better of the student body. more In the pub over a beer with alcohol eencv . it must be consrs. paper last week, that MN F Is ex- thing for our country than Kennedy First of all, let's quIt yelling at Doug Ostrum or Bob Hartman or tent and so should the people who tremely Important to t/:le students and Connally squaring off a' either the .Dean. I admit I don't un- Tim Weinfeld or some buddines enforce It. Who knows - 11these at Western Maryland. Because It ends of the political spectrum and derstand his actions in the Quad than In some classes. but I still so seven people had gone to Dean was mentioned twice, It seems that fighting It out. Obviously, you the weekend of the seventh, if to classes, r stili take tests, and Mowbray Instead of Dean Laidlaw, It must be almost holy. would prefer another Jimmy what I hear and read IS true. But to Hell with my GPA. To Hell he night have dismissed It for in- The fIrst mention was In the ln. Carter to stand In the middle and have a heart, people. Maybe he with Honors. I'd kind of like to get stance, as a couple of "the girls" tervrew with Dean Mowbray who be laughed atby both sides. did blow It··ok, it's over now. I'd an eduetrcn. The grades mayor getting together for a "Saturday said, In essence, that keg parties You denounce an attempt to just as soon forget about it. I may not be an accurate measure night football game." would nof be allowed during the bring back the draft, because you Imagine everyone has learned a of that. The graded don't matter; Name Withheld week, according to school policy. feel that It would lead America Into resscn-the Dean, George, maybe the education does. However, that rule might be waiv- an Interventionist foreign policy even the Frats. Continued griping I would like to share In Good stuff? ed 11a few guys wanted to have a and eventually into war. I, per- won't help much, will If? Can we Scrimshaw's congratulations to kegand watch Monday Night Feet- sonally, am willing to take that jus_tforget the whole affair now? Drs. Case, Panek, Yedinak, Tothe Editor: ball. t guess that watching MNF ;~:he!t~';'o~~:1no~n~~I~t'i:~~~ :::y~~ h~~~'ab~~~y~~O~~~~-::~ ~:i~l:ta;~d ~~i~~at:~ ~~b~~: Last week I came into the Stu- wouldn't constitute a party, right? How about letting them have a keg wind blows. If we are not classified glad you did what you thought ca~~~t:n:n t~:~i~~:~t~~,:s. the ~:~!t ~::t~e~~dt;o;'~~I~ea:~;~: to watch another socially signifi- cant show like The Young and the ~sl:~~::s:e:~i~~~t;I:~:r~fn~~ ri~h~;~~~~~\~MC Today last di.ffeience ~tween a Personal it~~~~~;:~~I~~~~t~~~:~~ Restless? ~:: ';::~~:;.s~~P~o~h~at:,et'::~~ ;a:en~emae~~ ;~:!~ed maad: :~ ~~~~i~tw:;~ur~ourt~~r to the "Gift P~cks." I ~illed out my little The second mention was in the article about SGA film presenta- tinue to lose allies around the nauseous.Something addressed to "-"r T~lsn~e"d','.Y'~:;v~:~hy. t~;tl~I~~a~~~~a:;~e r:; tions. This said that films were world, then by all means.get off "Freshman and all others wh9 ......:0 Y useful oblects. r also received a presented on Tuesdays to avoid in- your soap box, give Jimmy a hand have yet to become apathetic great insult. Included In my Gift terference with homework or Mon.- ~~~s:nt~~~~=. rally his mice to ~:~; d::;~~ ;o:e::~:S:I~a~n~ Fine questioned Pack were deodoranf soap, a dis- day Night Football. I don't know about the rest of WMC students, You advocate inaction; no draft, your kind. I don't think most To the editor po~ab~~razorb~~orant tampons, but my professors have not no intervention In foreign policy, students are apathetic. I sure I'm writing In response to last anJt:t:~~~~e,e af~~~n:~enlngand refraIned from assigning no change In social norms, no hope nol. But don't insinuate that week's article concerning "Metz examining the contents, that there homework because of Monday or ~'::-h..;.'n-,• ..;..,,:"~'_";... T~h...;i,...;,;;;o'...;nj;;;";..i,,;,';;",,;,'_' _,_m_o_, _.;.,v;.,,,.;.,o;.,n,;.. _.;.,";;.• ...;;,W;;;,HIvs. the Betes and the Preachers." was a message conveyed by the Tuesday nights. Why do they Nancy Menefee .. _... _.... Chief A similar alcohol violation took "gifts" I received. The message is schedule around a football game? I Dave Cleveland .. _ _.. Managing Editor ~~~~:~b~~anl~~.w;~: o;;r~~ur!~~ :~:; ~~ ~~ ~yS~~~ _a~: i~f~;~ think that if someonewanted to go well do Bill Byrne _.. " ..... ,.... _... News Editor contained in one room, was not created is not very nice. That to a film, they could very without their Monday Night Foot· Jim Wellman .... __. Business Manager loud, and no complaints were is- message is hogwash (for lack of a ball fix; WMC students are old Phillis Menschner . _Sports Editor suedabout it. A keg was purchased more descriptive, printable adjec- enough to be able to make tough Scott Dahne.. . Photography Editor for reasons of practicality and tive). It isa messagewhich women decisions like that. Ralph Preisendorfer _ _ Graphics :~~~o~:~ ::a~~e:f~~O~~:\~:r:~: ::h~:~nlt :-:da~~ev:r I~~::~I-aor~: I, might be a surprise, but there are some students who couldn't Special Assistanfs: Joan Hughes Steve Bainbridge less mess to clean up from broken educational institution would not care less about football and who Layout: Barb Ridout, Meredith Rankin ~~!~~~r ~:\o::~d:r~~r b~tt~:e;; he,l~~ed~~tion,the deodorant tam. feel that catering to thosewho do Is I-.-..-. __ Nina Blecher, Chris Bohaska from a keg. The word "keg" is not pons can be harmful. Studies have uttel"lyridlculous. -Name Withheld
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