Page 19 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 19
Spikers f~ght to line' championssurvived via a 15·12,13· advance to the title match. Hitter Publicity Office It was an unheralded Western 15,15.11conquest- Debbie Baker respondedtoWMC's Maryland College volleyball team The GreenTerrors drew Yale as dilemma with several keyfilts that stunnedIts large collegerivals their quarterfinal opponent and against the much taller Navy last year when the Green Terrors Fritz drew a few appropriate netters. "The 6-2 also helped us break won the first annual Princeton stateglcal changes from her ~~;V:~b~~t:t~~~ur:~' c~~II~~;~Zk Invitational Tournament. This coaching bag of tricks to set the year, carrying the prestige of a =I~~~~~. up for a 15·14,- 15·3, things up If they got hot, lust like defending champion, WMC con- "It was our best match of the uslngatlmeout." ~ tinued to play giant killer at the tournament," Fritz commented, In th:~~~~r-f!~~~~~~~~s;:is~~~~:~ J Princeton affair with another berth in the tltle clash. reference to the Yale encounter. the year 15.13,15-7 to usurp the "I was not optimistic before the WMC changed Its traditional 4·2 tourney crown. The Mountaineers tournament," reflected Carol alignment to a 6·2 as the Terrors are an AIAW division I schoolwith nine full SCholarship athletes on >L-=""",=~l,:::===~~===-:-::-::-:c:7.:---' Fritz, head coach of the Green utilized their reserves. "This Fritz explained, Terrors. "We were in a tough first something I decided to do several Is the roster. West Veronica Hammersmith, round grouping. Howard Is a days ago in the event we should Virginia's coach, said, "Western Haverford. The team will have a 3·3 record going Into this division I team that beat us a few qualify for the championship' Maryland was the only team that weekend's game with Muhlenburg. years ago; New Havenwent to the Hockey holds even eastern regionals last year; and round. Although we're a good 4·2 could pick up manh of our hits. us our gave team it can leave some defensive They certainly Keanwas a total mystery to us." holes when our setter goes up to toughest match in the tour- Katy Qowd KeanCollegewas not mysterious block. I substituted a hitter for one nament." The Mountaineers didn't The WomensField Hockey team Rafferty scored the only goal for enoughto escapea quick two game of our setters and played the-best lose a game en route to the fled Gettysburg In a thrilling game the Terrors. Towson's goal was beating from Western Maryland personfor eachsituation." championship. last Wednesday.The score at half scoredona penalty flick. 15-9, 15·3 on Friday evening. time was Gettysburg 2, WMC 1. In The women will meet Johns Howard University was dealt a lisa Bryant and Cheryl ~tonfer th~W~e~~~1t~~u~~~::;, th:n~rl~he~ the first few minutes of the second Hopkinshereon Friday at 3:30. more severe pummeling by the relieved setter Maggie M~les as natural ability to play with the big half, WMC scored twice making .rer-crs 15·5,15·2as WMC clinched WMC rolled Into the serm- finals schools at Princeton," concluded a spot in the championship round and a meeting with the Naval Fritz. "It all came down to hustle ~~:z: t:~~ ~a~t~~u:~ds~~~~~ WMC runninq onthe first day of play. • "Our players wer,e excited but A~~d:~r~~fpre-gameconversationI ~~=rt~f~~~t~n~~h:~~~1~~\~~e~~r game to tie up the score. Scoring Jim Gilford we were s11l1apprehensive," said between officials the head referee: WMC assistant coach Ellen goaisfOl' WMCwere Lori Rafferty, In a busy week of running, the team Fritz. "We knew we WOUldn'tbe for the Navy-Western match said, ,-Scroggs said, "Everyone played Mo Turner and Reeni Gardner. Green Terror cress-ccunh-y Virginia and wellforus.BeckyMartingaveusa looks like ~ett taking anyone by surprise. Five of "It Navy will go to the finals." The big boost offenSively and Tammy Ann Dryden had one assist. The moved closer to evening their the teams there had seen us play other official replied, "Don't count Roebber was our most ccnststent teams played very well con. record by winning two meets and barely losinga third. slderlng the condition of the field. last year and two other teams had Western Maryland out, I've seen player." already played usthis year." that team do some uncanny The Green Terrors, 1].1 on the Due to vandalism and Dad On Tuesday, Loyola College One of the teams that had seen things." seasonprior to Tuesday's match it weather, the field was, in places, barely slipped by the Terrors with WesternMaryland beforewas New The Terrors did get _Intotrouble, Gallaudet, will risk a 13 game three Inchesdeepin mud. a close 25·30margin. Loyola took Haven,the GreenTerrors last first losing the secondgame 15·4to the homewinning skein against highly On Tuesday WMC tied Towson the first two places and fourth I round opponent. The Chargers Mldshlpmen,_ ~~t _ "Western touted York College on Thursday, State 1·1. Despite the heavy down placeaswell to assure the victory, I . - extended WMC to the full three Maryland sandwiched15·13 and 15- Oct. 11,at6:30 p.m. pour of rain and the cere weather, but Western Maryland made the • game limit but the defending 12 verdicts around the loss to WMC played excellently and score close by faking third (Doug dominated most of the game. Lori Renner In36:54 for 6.2miles), fifth, I Terror defense does~the job running 38:12 In a strong effort. sixth, and seventh places. Eliot Runyonwas the fifth place finisher Following him were John Kebler In 38:43 and Rollie Briggs In 38:56. Leon Brooke Glenn Cameron who ran around the half ended9·0. chose once more to go to his Bob Holcombe was Western Western Maryland upped It's the right end untouched for a 7-0 Throughout the third quarter of kicking specialist, Walker. From Maryland's other scoring runner, record to 3-1 Saturday beating Terror lead. play, the Terror defenseremained 48 yards out, Walker nailed the ball coming In ninth with a time of Moravian College 12-0, as the On the ensuing series of plays tough as tackles Harry Peoples hard and If sailed through the 41:30. The Terror women ran I defense erupted to provide the following the kick off, Moravian and Tom Baugher Jammed the uprights for a Terror leadand a tie unopposedagain, as no cempetl- QB, Daryl Eppley, was forced to dominating force In the game. In a middle while backers SteveJames for the MAC field goal record, l contest that was marred with leave the game after being sacked and Jim t.enever had their best which hehimself set twice before. tlon has been found for them, and over a two mile course, freshmen on a crushing blow by Eric Walker. games yet. MoravIan was stifled penalties and poor offensive play, the defense returned to the form Working from Insidetheir own ten, and didn't get a first down until continued page 4 continued page 4 that ranked them number two In back up QB AI Strouse faded Into midway through the third quarter. the nation a year ago. Working the pocket to pass but quickly Maintaining good field position, 'Breakfast with a more aggressivegame plan, found himself smothered In the Craig Walker aided the defense the mean Terror defense set the end-acne for a .safety on a play by with booming punts Including a 70 , 'Lunch tone for the day with an eight man Bob Upshaw. With the score 9·0, yarder that broke another school blitz on the opening play. Great Moravian was unable to sustain record. --""'Dinner line play, led by Ail-American any drive as the Terror defensive Moravian was now playing good defensive end Ricci Bonaccorsy, unit never had to stay on the field defenseand they kept the Terrors kept the Greyhoundsbottled up all for more than five offensive plays. out of scoring ecettrcn until late In afternoon In an effort that gave With ten minutes left In the half, the fourth quarter. Taking the ball Sub & Pizza SpecialistR them negative 17 yards total ct- QB Frank Trautz led the .Terrbrs at the 40 yard line, QB Frank tense. It was a total team effort Into Greyhound territory to the 25 Trautz worked the triple option Daily Specials that won the Terrors their first yard line. Failing Justshcrt of the and moved the ball to the Soft Ice Cream season shutout while keeping first down, they were forced to Moravian 31 on a couple of fine A short walk scoresby opponentsat30points. attempt a 42·yardfield goal. With a keepers. Faced with a fourth and Sundaes In the opening quarter, Western strong crosswind In his face, three situation, Coach Hlndmm_, Banana Splits from campus Maryland gained possessionof the kicker Craig Walker booted the r--~t~~=c':7l-- I =~t~ront:~~a~t~~Vi~:~yya~~I~~ ~1~S!:~id:.n~O~:~tsbl~~e~~a~::I 8:00 P M .. 11 :00 P.M. I Rt. 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 jumped on a loose ball In the two nice passesfrom Selfridge to I, FREE I, 848,9110 .; Saturday and Sunday Greyhound backfield. Moving the frosh tight end Bod Debeer, WMC B· Mac I !::==;:;:::;;:;:::;~;:;;;:;;;:;;'"_~~~~~~~_:::===::::: ball quickly, Quarterback Jim wasagalnlnfleldgoalrangeatthe I Ig T.M_ ;:~fri!gne o:t;~ne:t~~u:~~1It:~~~ :al~r~r%d ~h:a;h~~ o~~ln:~I~~~ I With this coupon I I The flower that couldn't cut the wind as the bart I I••••••• ~•••••••• ~••~•••••••• ~•••••JI. wben you purchasea T_M_ I I lives for ever! keepers. On a first and goal from Bi sailed past the right goal post and .1 1\1 tbe s. heplfchedtheball totailback 9 ae I: ! --House of Llquors.Nobodycandoit :,PA Iikel boutonniers for Homecoming Silk Flower Corsages and : , .1 McDonald'scan'M Homecoming Special -1 i: " I $1,99 a six-pack ., I : : : National Premium 12oz-ams or N.R 's •• Sunday.Oct. 14 through I DOO~/0 ond MC~.~d. basketmad I ",Ith this :II eODpoD westmjnsteran~ '. Carroll Plaza, Westminster -11 Reisterstownoniy I trim-a-tree shop =_ .: I I = - 848.1314 - .1 Thursday.Oct I ...,NS~ ................. , ~:I!.t..:!.o.: ~u.:~.!.c:.t=~ IS .. L... (301)848.1774 .....;;;__w_._"_"'_M._'"_''_'M_O_'_"_'_7_OJ 47E"'5TM
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