Page 13 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 13
Committee starts anew Barbara Ridoli! - The Social Committee is the developing a better rappO!'"twith Activities Office on the contracts- Senior co-cap· largest committee of the SGA. the students. Students are now setting them up, and making sure taln Secky Ma,.. Armed with half of the SGA going to the committee about that WMC gets what is in the tin displays her budget (about 15,000)'they bring events, rather than the committee contract. spiking ability amusement and enjoyment to the having to go after the students to Cantrell works with the that wIll hopeful- WMC campus. help with events. So far this year, financial aspect ot the committee. ly help the Worn- The Social Committee sponsors they have sponsored a movie, a he has already come up with a ens Volleyball and/or cc-soonsces such things quad parfy, and two mixers. The budget for the year (a copy can Team maIntain around campus as the Terrace turn-cut has been very good. The be obtained from either Cantrell their PrInceton events, band parties and mixers, only thing that they have lost O!'" Alexander). Cantrell also orders the beer, and organizes Invitational title. concerts, movies, wine and money on was the quad party. In competition cheese parties, novelty acts, and Alexander and Cantrell would like people to work on the events in last year the Ter- the big dances. Each group has II to set the record straight, though. the set up and clean up rors defeated sub-chen-men. all groops being The had nothing to do with the capacities. "We're responsiblefor East Strousberg under the supervision .of Mike violin concert given the first every thing. If something goes In the tina I Cantrell and Mitchell Alexander, weekendthe freshmen were here. wrong, we get blamed:" match for the chairmen cf the entire committee. Alexander and Cantrell were There have been several tourney "_tle. The The committee has changed each approached by Jeff questionsabout the reinstatement of the spring concert, and the team has won considerably this year. "The one Robinsonlast year, and asked to the Middle Atlan- thing we are trying to emphasize head up the committee. Neither cancellation of the reduced ticket tic Coast Cham- is that we are a new organlzC!tion. wanted to work etone. however. prices and free bus rides to pionship twice In We've had to deal with agents Later, thoogh, they changedtheir Baltimore and Washington area ·the last two renigging on their contracts minds, and each submitted an concerts. It was explained that years. So 'ar this because of the actions of Jeff -appltcetlcn to the SGA. Late last the Social Committee was losing a year, the team Robinson (former committee year, the SGA elected them to lot of money in the latter practice has won every chairman), " stated Alexander. their position. for the enjoyment of 40·50people. match, continu- There witl be changes made in all Alexander handles the business This year, they will attempt to ing their . aspectsof the commlttee . the two end. He makes sure that the hold, a spring concert with a group of fairly big name local record. The team major changes oeing keeping a proper equipment Is available, peopletor the enjoyment of all. will leave tomor- better account of bookings, and and he works with the College row for the week- end round robin competition. Volume X, Number 3 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 4, 1979 New Sorority astounds' campus L~ Maxwell . the number of women her~, we she had met with Steve and In. break another sorority's. We nee-dgirls who were already good pha Nu Omega emerged on needa fourth sorority to fulfill the formed him the Omegas would the other sororities' help In this, friends and already had a lot of ~~~~~:e~:~~1 ~~~o~~r;~~n~~i?~~ ~~:~~~. Three sororities aren't :~~~; ~~r:roposaJSthe Phi Delfs ftd we plan to approach them for ~~~~:~I/P~:id~~O;~~gi~~~to~: ~~t~~~~~e~t:tt~~I~r~~C:e~~~aSrJ~~ Ph~~!~e:a~~~:;~t;he::~~~~e~:ru~~~~sh~a~:!k~~j~~~~~e!~'~:~:fr~:~~ee:~~~~i~resha1o~o~h~~hh~~~~~~~ur~;c~:~~~,,,h~\~st~:ss!~ meeting last Thu~sdaymght where an "overabundance of _gIrls no plans to 'change anything." are really grateful: We hope we that this was not the.result of any 'h,'" ~en,a,te unamm,ouSIY'hvotedto rushing" and a "need for" the Another Phi uett explained that canget more help from them later, bad feelings toward anyone o c.a y recogn ze e new Omegas. She believes that a new the rumor "started as a joke" becausewe needto get it started." sorority, but rather just good sO~;~"bers ~f the sorority present ~~r~~~t:~yat~~~::~~u~aa:j:~~~ :~:rnih:~~~ ~::~~~~~n~~:~~; A~go~:gn t~a~'~~r~~: '~~~,~~ fe~~~~~,~;o;~~~c~h:h:~ture, the at the meeting fielded questions their organization a secretuntil the becamea rumor spring rush and took shape over sorority plans to both do a lot of -, from the SGAabout the newgroup. day of the SGA meetJng.On that The Omegas with a charter the summer. "We were no dlf· work In'the community and to get ~,~:~ s~;s~e:y th:;dth~~::r~t~h:~ ~:~h th:, ~~eg:o~osr~~~r~:~~:n~~ ~~:~~s~~elrOf f~r~t P~:71t~e~~ :~:~tt f~~a~t~~~era91~~wWhs~:~~~~~:~!~e'~fe~~~vOe~~hi~he~nhc::p~~ 1 were gOIn~ aro~nd about the~. I.nfor~ing ,~hem of the group's themselves this fall. "We've got except we went ahead and dId It." definite plans, they are hopefulfO!'" Mem~ers mterv.lewed later said Intentions. I and someother girls some ideas, but no definIte plans. When asked why they wanted to the future. And they are, In their ::~e w;~:ir c~nrf~~~t ;,~~~.c~~:~~~tnte~~c~~hee;::e-~r~~:~d ~~m~ :::dlt%~~tan~ m~~~a:~reo:e d~~'~ :!~~~n~~~ ,,~~nw~~~o~~'ro:~~ ~:c~t:dr:~d ~~~a~";f:.~fPY'eager, many members, we re really lot of toesduring rush week." psyched." Joyce Reynolds, president of Reactionto the new sorority has Delfa Sigma Kappa, agreed that, Holt disappoints listeners been varied: most students ex· though the new sorority was pressedsupport for the new group needed, It did appear all of a at the meeting and later on, but sudden during rush, "which Is Bill Hearn some had concerns about how a always touchy for us. I don't know quarter to learn the tables and down. Speaking without prepared newsorority might affect the other how II will affect rush; this Is the John Holt: Not the idealist he rather than scoring well right from notes he be9an to meander over sororities. wrong time to say." oncewas. Before going to seeJohn the start, does not achieve high the idea that the future will see Mimi Eby, president of the new Mimi defended ANO's actions, Holt on September 24 one could scoresuntil the end of the quarter. smaller units of production, sorority, responded with some arguing that "If we hadrevealedto attempt to receive a taste of what Grades basedon averaging of test consumption,andeducation. concern about the rumors the rest of the campus what we was In store by looking at the scores will give a higher grade to At one time school reform was situation. "We are not in opposition were planning, questions woold Hoover Library's exhibit of Holt the student who assimilated the his goal, but he eventually stopp· to any other sorority 'or to the have beenthrown at us before we articles and excerpts. Un. tables sooner, whereas the end ped believing In the idea that sorO!'"ity system; we want to were ready. Peoplewould think of fortunately, the John Holt who result of knowledgegrowth was the learning is an activity separate participate In it." us as foolish and unorganized.We wrote during the 1960'sand early samefor both students. from life, done in places where "I think that there are some wanted to be organized, to be sure 70's and the John Holt that ap. In Alumni Hall, John Holt nothing else is done. In lac.t these people opposedto us," responded :~~~e:;~Owde;,es~~~gc:~~;::h~;a~; peared on the Alumni Hall stage started off his talk, "Education separate learning places are not Mimi when asked about student reaction. "Although we don't know fo~~~e~ur~~;~:~"of rumors has ;~~~:au,~.edifferent In both ideas into the 21st Century," by stating ~~!\~rn~~~~;,s~:ior~~a:~~ I~~;; why. We would like to create a greater feeling of unity between ~~:e:s dr'rhe~tI:'i1~~~g:h:dm;~; w~sh: ~;~~r~fn~,~~S~:~a:::i~~~ Critique ~~~~~~~angein the next generation thefour sororities." Valerie Lambert. president of rumors that quickly.spread after came to that career relatively late that, "Nobody knows anything What does Holt recommend? Sigma Sigma Tau. had no (11). the SGAmeeting,the mostpopular in life (at age 30) and shook about (the future) at aiL" People Take thechildren outof the schools jections to the group;Dut feel!>the and widely reported was that Phi education's foundations with who talk of1he future talk as If the· and begin to educate them at existanceofa fourth sorority could Delta Theta, the brother fraternity radical theories of "why Johnny train rides a track to a place, and home. He said he would be sur· Increase competition between of the Sigmas,wanted to drop the can't read." Then, he fel+ many we can 1001
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