Page 20 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 20
,page 4, Scrimshaw October 11, 1979 Dave Cleveland For those of you who did not notice that Big Baker Is not ringing this year, do not worry, neither did. Preston Yingling, director of the Physical Plant. This photo was taken at 1 :31. Football wins from page 3 Great defense crushed the line. The fumble was recovered by Moravian offensive eleven and Moravian, but with less than one they were forced to turn the ball minute to play, they cOUldn't find over again. QB Selfridge took the any hope for a score. The seconds ball on the Greyhound 29 and ticked away and Western moved It Inside to the five on two Maryland had another victory, 12. nice pass receptions- by split end O. Mark Chadwick and fullback Next week's homecoming game Bryan Baln. On second and goal will feature MAC champs, Widener from the two yard line" Selfridge College who will try to maintain ran the ball around the end but lost the crown, as they meet Green the ball as he lunged for the goal Terrors of Western Maryland. Cross-country from page 3~ , Elaine Lippy was the first finisher and then came Briggs, Renner, In a time of 14:17. Jenny Fllbey Runyon, and Kebler for the followed her In 15:32, Stephanie Terrors. They ran most of the race Opdahl finished In .15:46and Leslie .is II pack and only split up at the Mc:lntyre finished the course In very end, when the race had been 16:10. decided. Bob Holcombe was again check our specials On Saturday, the Terrors ran the. Terrors fifth scorer, taking against Galludet and Washington eighth place and assuring the win. College, beating Washington by The Terrors next run against forfeit and getting Galiudet 26-29. Phltadelphla Textlte and Galludet took the first two places, Muhlenburg this Saturday' at Philadelphia Textile REC.RD ?~?~ GALL_ERY '"" ~ Cold Be~r Mon.• Sal. 10-5, .san!lwiches Pizza' ,!Discount\\ . LiRe-cords -&~ carroll Plaza Shopping Center 'Salad Bar Tapes' Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876:3550 INTERNA TIONAi fOREIGN - Led Zepplin In Throughthe out Door l~RRv.OuTBrtR-HoMEMADESOUPs"'--~ $6.99 ..- CAR SERVICE '. Eagles I TACOS BREADED MUSHROOMS SpeCjaiizjn~ in all types The Long Run $6.99 FOrejgn~~ad Giiines . $5. 99 I OS & GINNY'S of foreign cars Free Pickup Gellhe Knack 10% Discount, $5.99- "THE PIT" (with this ad) and Delivery I I . _ I 425 E. Mef'!.-St. 848-9'''8 (to WMC campus) .Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. Lunch Speclsls 11 •. m. 10 2 p.m. 24·hour road service (848-6009) • 25' OFF ANY PIZZA 876-7030 WITH THIS AD %mile north of campus on Penn Ave.
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