Page 11 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 11
Thursday. September 27,1979 Scrimshaw Terrors stomp backfield and collecting 8 quarter. their first score of the seasonwhen Leon Brooke back sacks between them. On the defensive tackle Tom Glynn brock. Red hot Western Maryland ground, the Quakers found nothing ed a Swarthmore punt and fell on it stormed over visiting Swarthmore but mud as linebackers JoeMenen· in the end zoneto give the Terrors College here Saturday, 42-3 as eer. SteveJames and Eric Walker a 35·3lead. eager fans saw three school spearheadedthe offenseboth phvs- The defense remained stubborn records broken. The Terrors Icallyandverbally. against the Quacker pass attack scored a record high 42 points Inthenextseriesofdowns,WMC Safety men Randy Halsey and while junior wide receiver Mark took the ball Into Swarthmore ter- Tom Knieriem· had great games Chadwick had four touchdown reo rlfory and once again It was Sel- each pulling In an Interception. ceptions for 98 yards and a new fridge who found Chadwick 17 Unable to crack the Terror de- mark. The final record was shat- yards downfield for the scoreand a tense, Swarthmore had to give up tered by junior Craig Walker, who 14·3lead. The Terrors were not ttn- the ball oncemore with about three kicked six points after touchdowns. ished yet and with less than 4:00 minutes to play. The Terrors wast- Walker extended his streak to 26 left in the half, they started aneth- ed no time, however, and on the over the old string of 25 held by er drive. Working the passing first play from scrimmage, it was Terror line CoachTom Mavity. game almost flawlessly, the Ter· "that man" Frank Trautz who put It was a dismal and overcast day ror front four gave QB Selfridge up a 50 yard aerial that found its and the wet field caused nothing more than enough time to find way into the sure hands of Chad- but problems for the WMC running sophomore running back John Lel- wick, for the final score and a 42·3 game, as they floundered In poor bel down the right side line for a 59 Terror victory. field position throughout the early yard catch and carry. That play On Saturday, the Terrors will going in the opening quarter. Cap- set up a strategic 3rd down and face Muhlenburg away at 1:30, as Harry Peoples, (56), storms through offensive line to sack - ~:~~~~~~~eaw~hoa!~~~ce~~rt~t:t:o:~~~~:~sf~~"t~~C:':scs~~i;t~~I~; ~~~ they go for victory number three. _ Swarthmore Quarterback Steve Massi, (15). 'og downffeld lnto WMC terr-itory. defense secondary ,'",,'og. S", ',T,-b,all sweeps In season o,nener V J-' Fine running by quarterback fridge fired the ball across the m!o- I MaSSi got the Quakers to the 13 die to wide receiver Chadwickfor a MimI GriffIn ._ Gettysourg and Robin Armstrong Cox, Linda Byrne, Maria Wilson where placekicker Tony Favallafo 10 yard gain and another score. After being rained out Friday, '75, now coaching at Key High and, coming off the bench, Lori booteda 23yarder for a 3·0Quaker First half action ended with WMC the 79 Volleyball season started School. The team was compJeted Bimestefer. J.V. also won the Sus lead. on top 21-3. Monday with a game at home ~ith Kathy Lane '77, Lynn Glaeser quehanna match, the scores were With the start of the second In the second half, it was all against Susquehanna.Starting for 78, and from the class of '79, Sue 15-0and15·3. quarter, the Terror defenseproved WMC as Swarthmore faltered Western Maryland were co.cep. Sager, Pat Koval, Brenda Eccard Both Varsity and J.V. continued unbeatable as Tom Baugher [ump- series after series against the terns Tammy Roebber and Becky and our own Jy. coach, Ellen their seasonsthis week with games ed on a loose ball In the Swar+h- stalwart defense. Martin, junior Maggie Mules, Deb- S~roggs.Of the five games, Alum- against Towson and St. Mary's. more backfield to give the offense On their second possession,the bte Baker and Mary Schiller, and III wonone,Terrors four. Next game Saturday, Sept. 29, their first scoring opportunity. On Terror "0" moved quickly down- sophomoreJane Kernan. The 'rer- The J.V. team has been cern- away at 10:30 against F&M and the opening play from the 21yard field smelling paydirt. After two rors crushed Susquehanna 15·0, pl.eted and includes Anita Smith, home against Gettysburg err-oct. 1 line, quarterback Jim Selfridge big first down runs by full back 15·1,and15·0. Cindy Church, Jane Garrity, Lydia at6:30. faded back and threw a strike to Bryan Bain, tailback Glenn Just before the start of the split end Mark Chadwick who had Cameron found running room cut- season, last Saturday the team Runners strong losers his mean beat in the end zone.The -stde. He dashed28yards untouch· played five games against Alumni point after was good 'lnd Western ed into the end zonefor yet another v-Be!t Team members. These being timed in 27:59for the 5.1mile Maryland was ontop to stay 7.3. score and ~ 28·3lead. Cameron led members came from as far back Jim Gilford course, and Briggs In 28:30. Ren Swarthmore could not develop all runners with 56 yards on 10cer- as 1972. that's Fran McCab~ who When the Western Maryland ner just missed catching cettve- any kind of a passing offense with rtes. now coachesWoodlawn. Also play. crcee-ccontrv team opened Its burg's tourth and fifth runners, defensive tackles Baugher and Seemingly only seconds later, Ing for the alumni were Sandra seasonlast Saturday, It deflnately both of whom were top twenty fin Field~Iiolckey'fWici~Victorious .. ~e;~t:~o!:_';oO~~t~~Ci~~a~~:n~~?~~I~~g~~~~~~U;~~~grl~n29\8V~~~ Harry Peoplesrunning looseIn the the Terror defense came up with" Lehman '75, head V Ball coach at had lis work cut out for It Not only Ishers In the conference last year Katy Dowd The J.V. team over-powered on Susquehannaand came out vic. :~s~~:g'Bbu~::t:eYh:~~toc~~~::.he~ :~: ~:~~~ n~~~hf~~~~~~~~~i~~I~~ The varsity field hockey team Juniata finishing with a 3·1 score. torious with a 1·0win. {Su,squehan. make matters worse, the course Ing the scoring for the Terrors I opened their season Saturday, Wendy Sharretfs scored for the na was originally scheduled for was in slow, wet condition after reo were John Kebler (twelfth In Terrors along wilh Diane Cavey Friday but was rained out.) The September22by tying Juniata I.]. l Muriel Turner assIsted by Ann whoadded two tallies. with an assist by Dryden. Defen cent rains, and in the end, the Ter· 29:43)and Ron Antllte (fourteenth Terrors goal was made by Turner rors didn't fare sowell, dropping a in 30:05)with goodefforts. Kebler, 15.45decision. like Renner, just missed catching Dryden shot the sole goal for the Monday afternoon the team took Terrors. slvely, Micky Potts, at right half, However, the results weren't two~Gettysburgrunners In the end. Boaters win dynamically ~:~k, ~:~;hy~:~~~;~ah~:c:~I~e~: :i~~: ~~:li:~~~.ra8~~y~~~~:s~~~~~~: s~~~I~I;gfo~U~~oLf~~~~ngB~~ Ed Johnson and forth play. Well Into the second ability. Barbie Peterson and ners took ttie first five places, but Holcombe (31:14), and Mark ·Mor· It's 4 p.m. on an average fall half the game continued at normal Laurie Rafferty also showed con· following right behind them were rls, who ran a 34:06 in a very afternoon at WMC. With classes pace. With five minutes to go trol on the forward line. Western Maryland's Doug Renner strong first·ever effort. over, one of Ihe thIngs fo do is things did not lookencouraging for The J.V. team lost their game by and Rollie Briggs in sixth and The next Terror cross·country watch the soccer game fhat bas WMC as Messiah led 2.1. Then a score of 2·1.Susquehannascored seventh places respectively. Both meet will bethis Saturday, away at just gotten under way. Everyone suddenly Fran McCultin kicked a the winning goal In the last minute ran excellent races with Renner Susquehanna. present Is iooklng forward to some goal to tie the game. A whole new of the game despite the excellent r' --------------------~ light entertainment. Only this outlook about WMC's chances play of freshman goalie Rene' CARRY·OUT BEER HOMEMADE SOUPS I TACOS aft~rnoon, Wednesday,Se~tember arose. Both teams struggled to Nacrell!. SherrI Ketts assisted by I 0 BREADED MUSHROOMS 19,ISsoonto be special. ThiSIsone gain control. The excitement Katy Dowdscoredfor the Terrors. I S & GINNY'S I of those rare occasions when the mounted. Finallywlth two minutes Saturday the team will travel to I I entertainment will be more than togo Albert Mensahscoredto give Franklin & Marshall. The next I you expected. - WMC a 3-2 lead. And with the end home game will be against Get· I "THE PIT" On Wednesday,the WMC Soc<;erof the game WMC soccer felt the tysburg onOctober3at3:30. I __. I team played against Mes~lah thrill of victory well.earned. I 425E. Main Sf. 848·9848 I c~~egame began just like any IOpen 7 days a week 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. Lunch Specials 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. I other game with the usual back I I 25' OFF ANY PIZZA I I o. WITH THIS AD - Jogging starts Ab rtion ... .;:.V!.M!:I;.;:::'!!.s.!:!~~ ,J SueArmstrong Services. The Intramural program Is now offering a co·ed jogging activity 'Breakfast which will take place twice weekly Free pregnancy testing. 'Lunch for six weeks. Participants will jog Birth control ser-.iccs. Discount two nights a week for approxi· Prompt confidential help. D.inner mately two miles each night. Records '" This will be an activity for those Tap,es looking to run off a few pounds or just to f~J the fresh night air. In Carroll.County's largest Sub & PiZza Spe£ialist.~ pace and let the rabbits lead the §7ttkw either case, beginners are wel- selectIon at domestic come. The group will keep a slow records and tapes. , Soft Ice Cream Daily Specials way. European and Tee shirts and certificates will ~?!fj Japanese Sundaes A short walk be given to thosewho complete the Import albums, Banana Splits from campus program and two absenceswill be 45s and cut· outs. accepted without complication. Sign up today! Send your name 301-788-4400 848-3939 Rt. 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 and Campus extension to Box 1553 Baltimore, ~1a1J'Jand 876-6700. 848·9110 Saturday and Sunday clo intramurals. The Deadline Is FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28. 140VillageShoppingCenter
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