Page 9 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 9
S Personal VieWPointMowbray' What was for lunch, Tuesday? actions examined Dave Cleveland =~!=~~maybe we could ask ::~:un~~~am~~~~" ~~~id.plastic Le~h~~~e Metz Incident is a ~a~ ~~r~~~ ~~::~::~)~I~:~:~ a~~g~~:~~;~~a~:;:~a~~~~~~: There weren't a lot of people spoons?"askedSteve. depressingexample of how events rebukedMetz In front of Maclea, Macs with Steve,a friend of mine, ~~~~~~.when we pulled Into Poll· fl;~~I:hSI~~SS'=~s;:,~~~~:~do~~~~ ~~: :e~:I:eC~::!~~a whole year. Or :~e~~an:o~;ak~~Wf:rI::~;t~~;~ ~1~~~~~k:h~;a~~~e;~af;a~h~ert~II~~"Maybe they're all In the cate- "Then they started serving only DeanMowbray's failure to back residents to hear' and see what feria now," Iguessed. their cheapest meals. We had up Metz In Immediately enforcing transpired. day Ina row. "Maybe they're all at Gino's, It meatloaffor IS days in a rowl" the school's alcohol pollcy and his Under these conditions, It Is no "I can't take this any more," was pretty crowded:' said Steve. "Any kind of .spoon would be reported rebuking of Metz while In wonder Metz resigned. How could moaned Steve as he struggled to We saw one student walking up a fine," said Steve. the Quad may have cost the cam. he carry the respect of the Quad drink his Super·ultra·thlck·thlck· hili toward us. He was pale, thin, "How about this year," Iasked. pus authorities whatever credlblli> again if the man who gave him a shake through his straw. had glassy eyes, dragging feet, and "The cafeteria saved so much ty and effectiveness they ever had. stick to enforce the rules set down "Forget the straw," I said as he his mouth was hanging open. last year that they finished with a Metz has at least come out of the by that man suddenly, on the first started to turn blue, "try scme- "All the signs of malrurtrttton." I profit. So the administration pick affair with at least his self-respect, time Metz tries to use it, suddenly thing else." observed. ed up the Idea as an easy way to if not his job. takes that stick away from him "That's not the problem," said "Looks like he just got out of make cash. So now we don't have His position wasn't an easy one. and yells at him for trying to use It Steve. "We're paying a lot for the lab," said Steve, finally giving up any spoons," ranted Ann. - He mayor may not have liked the et eu. cafeteria to feed us, but we keep a'! the tubing. "This tubing doesn't "She's ranting," I said to Steve. Administration's alcohol 'polley; This puts him In ~ double bind, ~:~!;~~~~~~~:~er~'~~:~:ea~~ work either." "No spoons," grumbled Steve. he mayor may not have thought It an untenable situation. It was ~se~~~~ !~de:o:~k:a~?:Oe~=~ ::~ St:: t~~~:~~s :lIi~th:k:~::I:~~ w~':ehe;efl~~:~,:h~to~~h~~t :~tve;~ ;~~C~I~:~~e~n~o~c~~~~~~~ !~:elt~:rc~~~o:e~;.~~:::!~~respect. this stuff. The shake Isn't coming ~anr~:~~~~no:~ ~~~~~dd~~ ~ea~:! ~~~~' 7a:~~w:r~~~ha;~~~ ~~~: ~~~:~C71~~I~h:"n~:C~~~:~~n~~~~ aC~i~~;:e:!:~I~~~~a~;;:~:::n~~~ up the straw." another student. - they're saving labor costs by not on what the new policy was and tant vJith his position. HE IS THE "Try a bigger straw," I sug· "we're rrern the Wrochard Food washing the plates and cups." how It would be enforced. He lold DEAN. Deans are on duty seven gested. "Maybe that one Is too Service and were wondering what "We thought occasional peanut them what he thought they could days a week, twenty.tour hours a small." Steve sucked obstinately the possibilities were for a corn- buHer or dried egg yolk on things expect If they broke the rules. day. It was his job, then and there, but without success. "Let/s go and mission at Pctlbucket." I said by was bad," exclaimed Steve. He knew the fraternities knew to enforce the polley he himself ~:t~~r.'~~ll~:" liSs~;; at ;~~~: ~~:~~i~~j~~' o';~~~~dc:~e~ as'~:~; ,~~a:t ~~~~~:,h:r'~~"o~ :~;e~u~~~~~~~~ ~I~;~:~;~e~h:: ~:~;:~;~!~e~~ ~~df:ltl~~o~ i~o~~~ dr~7n~0:flfnt~0:~a~~ya~~iI~~;~:~ terla?" burned?" pected them to test the rules and future? College. Steve had found a piece of hi~~~:'P~~s~~~: ~~~::u~:X:nodv~: h;;;,~;:al~e:~'~~~'BaU,'~~e~fs~~~:~s hi~s~~:~:ar~~li;h:hre y~~~. Dean ~::nd~~~~~abya~~ ~~:zr~.p~e is to drink his went' running off screaming pensive, so they use water instead. MOWbray. logical. He is also tough. He must "Stop jostHng my elbow," or "~~~:t~:~:~' .:~r::a::ed~~ing to ~~;:::~~~ ~~:~ :~~,~ even more by ni:e~e~::~cft~~:~;~~d~~r:~~~: :~~~nh:h~tah:e:i~~~;t!a~!n~i;~'~ ~~:~~~~gWt~:~~~~~=I;~:.r~~:~~u~~ find a plastic spoon," grumbled "A new economic principal!" I Iy, breaking the alcohol policy want to Incite a riot by immediate· be dangerous." St~~~~:~lln~l~t :~~:~~::.~~~~. of ~~~I'~~m~~'~;f~~i:r p~~~u~~ ~~~ :~~~~'.~:~I~~!~~~~~hi~~~~~I;:tjo~~ ~e~~:~~IPi:~::~e~Z:' ~:;o~i~~~ st;~w :~~ ~~~~~r:~:~e.t~ t~~~kt~!: strongly," I admitted. reducing consumption." told members of' the two fraternl. people can get if they want beer stuck. Do you have a wrench In na~:r:"a~nt~:~oth:,~tua~~~d h~~ it,~:~:i:es!e~~~- ~;~i~~e ~~: s~!~; ~~~ ~~V~II~:~!~es~~tll~!yt:e ~~~~ :~: ~I~~~d~e~~t~~~~~clia~~~~ ~~:~ ::;~~:aS:::~~~~e~n~~rh;h~u;e:f~ Sh'~~h~sa:~~;t~:~ae C~~:e:sit went oV:ea;a~~~a:~yu: tl~~~~ and left ~::ni~::~~a~i~o 0~:1~~;!:~~~~~~:a:n:it~a~~~n cO~~~'::e~~e:,an::~ ;~~" will we find out about the broke last year," said Ann, "about with the feeling of having awaken. his authority. would at least need Security. "We could count the fast food ;he~o:~re i~~~n~:;I:~t ~~m:~~e;; ~defr~~a~ l~o;:.b~:~~O~;::s s~~~~~ he~ow~:rz. ca;;~~:~;y hew::~~~ to ~ahca:~~e~:~~g~e~~~~~~~~c~a~~~~ ~~~~!Ss: ~~:~'~~!r:'i~i "~rt~~ a~~f ~,ad to cut back on a tot of Poll bucket. through the one section, reportedly Metz his effectiveness and now his l..&S!llll!.p.!!e~r.i!s~olLnL!!a!tJ1!.!!VllIie!!!W'"p"'ocli!!lnlLlt-'tIIll.::.....,....---------------.l ~~~eBI~~;~:r~~'~~:tmhaa:e ~~n~::~ "A med,,'um coke, Mowb"y hlm,elf"d Office to the whole system. -, Honor Board Effective? on ease ', Student head Affairs or resident What resIdent assistant can now fully expect to be I I backed up If they must enter a con· Jot~c~j~rs parTicipation by both of the faculty Is also wide spread. P frontation with students breaking a students and faculty Is the major Although the W.M.C. handbook rule? How much will this uncer· flaw In the Western Maryland stales, "The faculty member does College honor system. not have the options of unilaterally b~'~~~~hB~~:b~~dZ:ocolate?" This G::~~~~:~ complaint was the lack ~a~~~ it~~:: ~~:i~a~~r:~nhcOe; Members of the W.M.C. taculty disposil')9 of the situation," in was the first question I heard when of tables on the porch. Surely the many p~ple would feel they now _ have expressed, when Interviewed, cases of suspected cheating, many a wide range of opinions on the ---()fthe faculty apparently feel that I walked into the grill. Not a great shop. could construct a few basic hav~ allde fa~to II~en~e to bre~~ structure and effectiveness of the they should have the choice of start, I mean, I figured they would picnic tables. Everybody seemed ~t~yI 0 t~e ru e Ian ~e away;; s ~ dSI~ \1 honor system. There is a genera! using the honor board or handling hire people who could distinguish to like the pizzas, but only two at a . t~ thl e ~n~ukn~ amage one feeling that the. honor system, as it personally. Dr. Orenstein and colors. Despite that initial impres· time can be cooked, which may w';h tl f an idea, is a great benefit to the others have expressed belief that sion, the grill has turned out to be a cause a .b~~k.up on busy nights. all iS~~OtShiS: ~:w :~c~ur~snc~~~r college community, but all .....ho some of the faculty consider that ~':et~i~s ~~; ~~:~~Io~:~~n a ~o;!: were interviewed said the system the board Is a waste of time in PI~a;;entl~~~~rl~~re Monday with ;h:~;a~: 1~~tl~!eC;~:::!~t =f~:=a; was no' as effective as it was many circumstances. ~~~in:~II~:eedd. f:~~tl~~ ~:~b!~S~ ~~~;S~da:~:~~ru~~~::~~~~:~~~~:;: pie ~f onellnt~dent /~a~ ~xgp:~s ~ designed to be. When asked about faculty Dr. Herrman feels that the lack participation, Dean Mowbray The faculty members rated the py hour" when faculty and student ~~~f ~~:sa~ov:~~::'::ha; cann~~ of student participation is caused reiterated that the faculty- is huge mllkshakes ve~y good but could relax there together. : t t th th t t . by two factors. In cases where "bound by college policy to enforce voiced a common complaint the In general. the Grille has good one 0 t~ r~~g ,en e sys em, 0 there is no immediate competltlol') the honor code." Mowbray feels drinks are all either too big or too food at competitive prices. After re;nov~ e t a7' th·t t b in a class for grades, Herrman that fhe only fair -way of handling small. There is no medium sized months of waiting it is great to.... ~~e, so~ f 0 ~~ on y m~s e says that strong peer-pressure possible violations Is through a ~:~k~sTp~:s~~~~ld be corrected as ~i;:~~dO~~e P~:iod Aift'e~hO~ldb;;~~ ;:;~e~l~ :~db;~t~o~St ~~i~~~~. ~o~~ makes students heSitant about uniform system such as the honor turning in other students for C'Jde. He expressed a belief 1hat I had a cheeseburger which was vid~ WMC with an excellent alter· ~~,e~e~eus~tar~~~I: aal~Oh:~o~~i~ ~ cheating. In a class where there is stUdents would not always get fair fresh mea!, well cooked. The meal native to town spots. With a little but some rUle~ coverln alc~hol:S direct competition for grades, such treatment if honor violations were ~a:r~eu;'P:~~n~l: ~~;s ~~~t ~~~~ ;:;~~~~~:~~ a;:'I~ ~:~ s~~svoene~ well as other areas. ~f the SAO as CJJrved test grades, Herrman left in the hands, of Individual feels that students who do not professors. better than McDonald's or Ronald McDonald picketing us. ~:~~e~O~~~~II~h~~~att:;i~i~i:~d:~~: abide by the honor code are "damn trolwhattheycan. fools," So that no more Incidents like Dr. Herrman also said that Hearts and'minds find history George Metz' can occur. because of t!'le intense questioning of witnesses by the honor board, the disenchantment of American of the audience was either com .- ---, some students would be hesitant to Ed Johnson youth, and the suffering of In. pletely against the war or held turn in a case. But Herrman also "Hearts and Minds" is an ex: nocent Viet Namese families. The mixed feelings. Some came commended the honor board for cellenf exploration of the movie clearly pointed out the because they already held strong HELP the heavy questioning as a means emotional and psychological immorality and ignorance of opinions of the war, While 'Others The Homecoming Committee of protecting the innocent. background involving the war American policy towards Viet came out of curiousity. needs your help to make Home- Other professors expressed America lost, Vietman. The movie Nam. All in all the audience and this coming a success. We are in concern over why a student would documentary was set in both Viet The movie obviously impressed reporter found "Hearts and desperate need or convertibles sign the college contract upon Nam and on the front line of the the audience. Consciences were and also tractors and flatbeds. admiHance and then later say that American politlcal_ scene, Each stirred, thought was stimulafed. Minds" to represent one ot the best If you can donate any of the they were unaware of the honor seHlng provided the viewer with The presentatIon encouraged analysis of a time in America bit. above please contact RalpiT confUSion and marked by code. The contract binds the the hard realities concerning the people to beHer analyze the war in terness. I 'would definitely Preisendorfer at 876·7842 or .... student many things, --one of war. ~ the hopes of learning something by recommend the film to anyone Apt.I·C. which is the honor code. Highlights Included the experiencing a part of it for two interested in discovering a part of Lack of partlcipajion on the part hypocrisies of American offidais, hours. After the movie a majority our recent past. .I- .l
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