Page 8 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 8
We challenge you Although Scrimshaw has not in the past favored open section parties, we now feel the question deserves some new consideration. The Forum parties are an alternative to section parties, but that's all they are, an alternative. They-lack the variety necessary to satisfy social needs. A band party by any other name ... is still a band party. They do tend to get monotonous. And when Forum parties are bad, they're the worse The pub is also an alternative. However, many students frequent the pub on week nights and they want a change of scene on the weekends. One of the major charges against open section parties has been that the social life then revolves around alcohol. We agree that this is hardly a desirable social climate. However, are the pub events and the Forum par- ties any less alcohol-oriented? We do not promote returning to the "marathon" section parties, which lasted all night. Nor do we like the "meat-market" atmosphere that was prevalent at the parties. But Scrimshaw wonders if maybe things wouldn't be different this time. Perhaps the year without open section parties will make the frats more concerned about seeing that rules and regulations are obeyed. Noise and vandalism might be kept to a minimum if students realize that they are dealing with a privilege, not a right. A year without parties (except for the "invitation" affairs) has not solved the problems in the quad, as recent events have shown. Scrimshaw would like to extend a challenge to the fraternities. There is no guarantee that standing around a clubroom will be more interesting than standing-around the forum. But we think that the frats could come up with some pretty unique party themes-something a little bit more in- teresting than just a "keg" party. How about it, men'? If open party privileges are restored, do you think you could come up with a Iun alternative to the forum parties, one that stays within the college rules and is not characterized by excessive noise j\1\ "\1I-'6"""FLN/1 NlD 1:t..~IS C~Frrtr'(_>TO M'I"-_l f and vandalism'? Up al)ainstthe wall· • Sense of honor violated .Radical right rides again Scrimshaw would like to briefly make a stand that we will continue to matter, once In another are support all year. We hope that the SGA and the student body will be sym- Phil LaPadula a society enters a Supreme Court judiCIal ruled that the a super powers and threatening -again to has Whenever sabers rattling pathetic to our beliefs. . period of rapid change, there are judge may order the doors_ of a drag the whole world into another We do not believe that juniors and seniors should be forced to have their four years of work evaluated and classified under last year's new Honor always those individuals who courtroom closed to the public in a cold war. What has been referred Requirements. _ refuse to accept change, even pre-trf al hearing. The ruling was to as a revolution in Iran, in many We do not understand why a GPA that was deserving of Honors though, more often then not, the Intended to limit cre-trtet ways was actually a coun- freshman, sophomore, and junior years is no longer worthy of such change is for the benefit of the publicity;' but many see It as an terrevctutton Khomeini, a right· recognition. The school set goals, and many of us achieved those goals. entire society. Such individuals are unwarranted infringement on the wing extremist, roseto power after We fulfilled our part of the contract, and if Western Maryland has any often referred to as reactionaries freedom of the press and fear (f leading an uprising against the sense or honor. it will fulfill it's part, and give us-what we earned. or right·wing extremists. may give birth to a kangaroo court social reforms and rapid DOring the 1960's, there were a [usttce system if the ruling is ever modernization plans 01 the shah. number of_,.political and social extended to apply to an actual He has since taken his country WMC rewards job well done retor-rns enacted that were trial. Nobody knows what goes on backward decades While executing necessary for the survival of our behind closed doors. - hundreds. His regime is rapidly Scrimshaw extends congratulations to Dr. Case, Dr. Panek, and Dr. system and the continued progress From the south, we are hearing becoming one of the most op- Yedinak for their promotions to professor; and to Dr. Eshleman, Dr. and well.being of all our people. news of the resurgence of the Ku pressiveonthefaceoftheearth. gvergates, Dr. Rabush, Dr. Seidel and Dr. Smith for their promotion to Today, there are an Increasing Klux Klan accompanied with These developments should not associate professors, and to Mr. Carpenter for his promotion to assistant number of people, usually violent clashes between klansmen be viewed as isolated events. They -, ~CO!!!fS"'!!''2!°a'c.·m--e-p-Ia-y-e-r-S-h-o-. -o-t-s-a-g-a-I·-n-~ ;~tI;~:~:tinSgel:~s~~~~e~~:ts~o~I~~ ~~s~c:~~e~~;tss~ac~~~s:s. ~:;c~I~~ ::~en~li~liya~:s~:u:ti:eo~::t~~n:~~ progress made during the '60's. Montgomery Alabama retracing movement. The relatively. her- I like a child who refused to accept .. the footsteps of Civil Rights leader mless neo-conservative movement Nancy Menefee are they compared to the thrill of the onset of adolescence, these Martin Luther King Jr. more than of the early part of the decade is I have to admit, we do get a lot beating the Flash? people cling Lfutlllty to the old a decade ago. quickly becoming a threatening for our $5,000 dollars. We get a tetr-: 3. The Flash would make money. ways. They want to drag our In Philadelphia, Mayor Frank and devrstve nec-tesctst monster. Iy decent liberal Arts Education. My Flash habit alone supports country back to the 1950's. Rizzo's gestepo-stvle police force As we enter another era of rapid (Which, I'm told, Is a good thing to several arcades along the O.c. Because of their rigid reeretence has gained a reputation for beating change and awakening, it is induce that necessary The have) We get acceptable food. Boardwalk. to change, and they violence conflict people who run and stop abuses signs. have elements be kept such extremist place. in their complaints situations where (Well, alright, it's not the Rive 4. We could completely cure the there could be peaceful reform and become so widespread that the Are we forgetting that the radical Gauche, but nobody's died yet, American feeling that we v.:0rk and cooperation. It Is these individuals Justice Deputment has Hied suit right can be just as threatening to have they?) work for no real purpose, except who, by attempting to Interfere against the entire city. a democratic system as the radical But still something is missing. money. We wouldn't be making wffh the natural evolution of our On the military front, there are left? Are we forgetting that Adolf Perhaps students have that hottow- money; we'd be making quarters! society, are contributing to the currently two bills pending in Hiller was not a communist? eyed look because they live in And when a quarter Is equated frightening polarization of our Congress to reinstate the draft. _ It is time for the students of Rouzer, but I think it's more than with a gam·e of Flash .... Well you nation into two hostile camps. With the support of ecnservettve America to wake up and recognize that. I think we need a Flash. have a whole group of people will. Many of these people use religion Senators like Jon.n Stennis, at least the threat that these reactionaries Those of you who know what I'm ing to work their bumpers off. and evangelism to deceive the one of the bills is given an excellent. pose to our own security and talking about agree with me. Your Wo~ldn't John Calvin be proud? public into supporting their own chance of passage, if not this development as well as to the eyes light up like double bonus 5 We have a constitutional right bigotries and regressive political session, within the next two years. stability 01 our nation as a whole. Opponents causes. of the draft see It as the We have been deceived by a very signs. to the Flash. "life, liberty and Since the early 1970's, a con- first step toward the return to an clever hoax. Now is the time to The administration and other old THE PURSUITOF HAPPINESS." servettve movement has gained interventionist U.S. Foreign policy stand up for the cause of social fogies probably think the Flash is I ask you can there be any hap. steady momentum in America. rr" and the eventual commffment of justice and continued social an old man in sneakers and a re!n- plness greater than.,hat of a stu. has just been in the last couple of troops in another war. progress. ,We can make a dlf- coat. But you and I know better. dent who has just won his fourth years or so that this movement has Evidence of 1:1 counterrevolution terence. The alternative is to _",,!eknow that the Flash is the ut- consecutive free game? reached such a degree of intensity can also be seen from an ln- continue burying our heads In ttmete incarnation of a pinball 6. Students would be better that many political analysts are ternational perspective. The SALT selfish ostracism. Youth of machine. They mar build bigger equipped for lectures. Increased beginning to clessf ty it as a II Treaty is in danger of being America unite! The counter- more complicated machines (the muscle development In the fingers reactionary or c cu n- reiectedbytheU S Senate and the counterrevolution has begun Paragon is an example) but ncth- would give students such agility ~:;aey~OI~::~;~~: of ~~I:e:~~~: I NanCY.Mene ee Edjt~r-jn C~ief ing can touch the pure pinball that they would never again suffer terrevoruttcn are everywhere. D~ve Cleveland Managing Ed~tor ecstacy of a Flash. The Flash is to from writer's cramp. Last August, a baptist preacher B.III Byrne.... . News Editor pinball what Bruce SP.ringsteen is 7. There would be no need for in. who claims to be a "born again Jim Wellman ~ :. Business Manager tol~c~;~f~ ~~~~9h. But just let me ner campus phones. (Which just Christian" expelled a 14 year old Phillis Menschner Soorts Editor try to tell you the benefits of having get ripped up anyways.) If ~ome. white girl from a private religious Scoff Dahne •. Photoaraphy Editor a Flashma"hine. one is not in·class, they're In the ~~=~lcI!~~m:~:.f:~~atdha;~n~ee~ Ral~h Pr~isendorfer •..........• : .• : Graphics ... 1. No more over· crowded gameroom. viewed by many as horrendous SpeCial ASSistants: Joan Hughs, Steve Bambrldge classes. Students would sign up for I hope the administration wHI the minimum amount of classes to consider these points. 1 know they decision, U.S. district court judge Scrimshaw-is a student newspaper published by the students of Western have more fre; pinball time. place the happiness and well·being Oren R. LewiS ruled that Aleck Lee Maryland College. The editorials are the opinion of the editor. All other 2. The school could save $14,000. of their students high on their list Bledsoe was within 1st amendment opinion is the opinion of the writer alone. diverse opinions, Scrimshaw and encourages welcomes That is the allotment which the of priorities. (It comes right after rights to expell fhe girl based on room for opposing viewpoints. If you desire to be published, and provides or wish to of an old interpretation Bledsoe's Lecture/Concert committee re "No Smoking" signs lor the Quad.) testament bible passage which he communicate in any other fashion, please address material to Scrim· ceives. Students would no longer and if al! else fails, we can always ~!~a~~~Shj~~~bidS interracial l:'::;h'::;W::.;' B::o::,X,::".:;W;;;"'::;".:;,n.::M::;,::.,y:;:',:::n:;_d::C'::;"'"=".:;W:::"'"'m",l",n,,,',::."",M;;;D;.;':.;.l1;.;.57:.;.. _ __. need lectures or concerts. What biowuptheJibrary.
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