Page 7 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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growing trend in the garden apartments this year appears to be foreign foods such as this delicacy-Roast Dog- which was, as you can tell, greatly enjoyed by the WMC odaysu Debbie Wooden was usedas an example of a waste WMC Today Is I on a take long. Since there will be a Upon returning to campus this of paper. Mrs. Nixon admltted that large sheet and then reduced to limited supply of WMC Todays, she fall, many students were distress- she was the onewho decided to cut save paper. As more announce- asks that students .put them back ed to find that the WMC Today was down on the WMC Todays Instead ments were added, printing began or pass them on to other students not available on Tuesdays and of other paper-wasting uses. onthe back of the pageaswell. after they have finished reading The reduction is not just In paper Thursdays asbefore. Mrs. Nixon dicided that If the Mrs. Nixon claims that the WMC them. usage,but atsc In wattage, heating Joan Nixon, Director of College number of WMC Todays was cut, it Today Is iust now getting really Anyone wishing to put an an- and air conditioning. Sofar asMrs. Activities and creator of the WMC would not decrease the coverage Qrganlzed and efficient. "The nouncement in, must hand it in to Nixon knows, the College Activi- Today, claimed the reduction In since one of the main problems honeymoon Is over," sheclaims as the College Activities Office by 3 ties Office Is the only 'one that has printing from five days/week to wasthe repetition of events and an the newssheetfinishes Its period of p.m. the afternoon prior to the day beentold to reduce. Shestates that three was simply a matter of sev- nouncements listed. Now 7 days trial and error and settles down to it will appear. After three Issues, "Yeo.have to let the big users cut Ing energy and paper. That little worth of meals and announce- practicality. the announcement must be rewrlt- back first and then hopeothers be- sheet thet we grab on the way to ments is packed Into three issues. "It will take some adjustment:' ten and submitted again. All a'n-_ comeconsciousof It." class and carel,"ssly discard con- as opposedto the previous two-day ,.::.::;..:;;=:;..;;;;.;_;_;;...;.._---------------------.., she claims, but she feels It won't A three-dey schedule is now used sumesSOOsheetsof paper per day. Mrs. Nixon claims that this was one,according to Mrs. Nixon. the single largesf usageof paper on Changes have been occurring Steinmetz outlines plans campus, gradually 'In the four years since In an effort to save on energy Its creation, reveals the College Barbara Rideout O'Neill. Their vice-presidential "It has a necettve ettcct on and sup~ly costs, the Finance Activifies Director. Graphic arts Mike Steinmetz,president of the candidate was a write-In. Though students. Trying to get into new Department and Dean Mowbray have slowly' been added as etten- asked the College Actlvifles Office tlon getters. To make It easier on SGA here at WMC, has some very he was not elected, ~e did rec~lve schools will be harder. This Is not ..... over 200votes. Steinmetz received in the students best Interests. The progressive Ideas and plans for the to cut down Its usage of paper. She the eyes, announcementsare being claimed that our little Info sheet lined up In more column-style. The studentgovernment. over 50%of the-vote - more votes administration will not admit that "The student government has than were even cast"the previous they are wrong. At tlrst, evidence year. He took this to a mandate of backed them up. In the past three never:fully reallzedJt's potentialJo SGA plans action represent the students before the the students that they want years, however, the evidence has administration. It never really change. not been backing them up. This Barbara Rideout float (as are all of the classes), and approached that," stated stein- This year, Steinmetz "wants to puts pressure on the SGA to exert The first SGA meeting .ct the is going to be selling football pro. metz. He feels that last year was seea new level of participation on pressure. Everyone has united for year was held Thursday night in grams. They will have the conces- distressing. A lot of administratIve the part of the students. I'm only a this: parents, students, scrtm- the Davis Roomofthe IJbrary. slons at the Soccer game on policies were disliked. "Students catalyst. If someone that's going shaw, the etumnt. some of 'he l dent Mike Steinmetz. He stated sponsoring the Homecoming dance were dIsturbed about WMC. here doesn't like somethIng that's teachers, and the sororIty and The firs' speaker was SGAp-est. Parents Day, and they are co- going on, and doesn't do anythIng SomethIng about school policy fraternity presidents." Steinmetz hopes what that that the first thing the SGA had to with the junior class. blame are themselves." about time for someone to be a dowas to get organized. Said Stern- The meeting was then openedfor affected them negatively. It, was about it, the only ones they can policies he begins with the SGA men. "I'm here to listen and do, discussion. A change In the postal student leader". with a different Steinmetz would like to see the will perpetuate themselves. "If It not to preach. Every student is a sys'em~ to allow all Inter-campus approach and a different outlook." policy of 'he administration is not done now, there may never member of the SGA." mall without any postage· was Steinmetz then gathered four changed so it Is consciously taking beanother chance." Next was Ralph Prelsendorfer, unanimously backed by the Ex- other peopletogether to make up a Into consideration the desires of _ Steinmetz Is "personally willing vice-president, who spoke about ecuttve Board. ttcket . the first In WMC history. the students, rather than being to talk to people 01')a one-to-one Homecoming. The theme for this The refsed requirements for Three out of the five were elected: concerned about It's Image. An basis." The SGAoffice will soonbe year will be "Building the World Honorswere discussed.The Action Stienmetz; recording secretary example of this would be the In- open in the basement of Rouzer ~~~~~ ~aok:~n~~:~n;:;, t~7t~~~c~ ~:I;~I:e~~1:ge~Uee~t~~a~;:~:one's ,,5;;;"';..;.;",;;;'b;;;b::.,,_;,;;;";:." _;".;;";;;',;;;".;;"-",M:;;;ik.:... _,_,,:;;;,::.,,_;,_tt_h';..h_'",.,_,,_,._;.;..",_,,_m_,"_,,_. _"_;':;;;";... ._~ lions on October 2. Prelsendorfer Another problem was the ban on requested the help of the student open section parties. The SGA and Drama opens season soon body In finding convertibles and the fraternities are going to work flatbed trucks for the parade. He together on this. The general con. Susan Claypoole Portraying the men are: Robert short scenesand monologuesJules also needs help with the flowers sensus at the meeting was that, Herr, Don Rabush, Glen Pruitt, Feiffer, the noted American car- and the bonfire for Homecoming. although not everyone would at- Westminster , Md.-The theatre DenniS Randall, Joseph lmpal- toonist, displays his skill' as a (If any student can help, or has a tend them, the optiC,,"to do so is department of Western Maryland • truck, please call Prelsendorfer at desired. The biggest problem con- College will present "Felffer's terre. Charles Clark, Erich sccrel.satlrtst. Dixon says, "Pert- Lehnert, Hugh Dawkins and Tom fer has brought the same kind of 876·7842.) cerning open section parties are People," as Its opening production Armbruster. The women are: Kit wit and wisdom to these cherect- of the 1979-80 season. The Sixties: Corresponding-secretary Alison the new Carroll County laws con- Ward requested help in setting up cerning liquor. Licenses are need· The Spirit -and the Madness. The Stanford, Laine Gillespie, Kelly ers"-ashe put in his wett.kncwn car· the SGA office. Ward, recording ed to sell beer even at parties, and show will open Friday, October 5th Stone, Marl Ebby, Kathy Chand· toons." secretary Sue Hobbs, and treas· the party would have to be cleaned In Alumni Hall _and continue ler, Betsy Mayer and Pippa Hail· "Feiffer's People," is free to urer Mike O'Nelll explained their up by 2a.m. through October 7. All perform. stone. Each cast member will play faculty and sfaff ($2.99for others) jobs. In addition, O'Neill explained Anyone is welcome to the SGA ancesbegin at 8: 15p.m. a number oJ roles in this fast-paced so make your reservatiQns soonat how money is distributed to the meetings, and the help and par- Director Max Dixon carefully se· string of comedic vignettes. the CollegeActivities Office various committees. There Is a tlclpaton of the student body is lected a cast of sixteen from the By using a series of humorous certain amount of money (about desperately needed many students, faculty and com !••••!••••••-'~••••••~••••••••••••••, = Hoase of Liquors $24.50) allotted for each student n9tfo;anymuslcaIPur~se-JusttoworkonScrlm- i munlty members who auditioned, ~~:~~lledco~~~~e':~fa~:~h!O r:~~ Yes we're thmkmgof gettmg back together No, : ... goes to the organizations as they Special of the Week ~ n~~:~rts from atl of the commlT- shaw." 16-oz. Colt 45 S,·'ver tees' indicated that students al-e -John Lennon Scrimshaw is looking for interested writers,: ~~~~:~~~:lru~~~:~~oH':c'~~:~~,e photographers, and volleyball players. No ex-: $1.99 ..6 pack !~sHt:~S~~:~t~onn:,:~\I;~,c':~~~!- with this coupon If d I t perience necessary. Just bring yo~ ideas to any ,. !~:sSGA.intereste , p ease con act Scrimshaw meeting. (You'll also fmd out why we Ie Carroll Plaza, Westminster The sophomore, jvnior, and sen· need-volleyball players.) Join us, Mondays at 7 [.1.1; 848.1314 ~';;rt~.Jas_;~:tsho~nhO:~~:t~:~s r~~ p.m. in the ScriIl.! (Celebrities,wel- ; working on their Homecoming come.) • .Aj_f
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