Page 119 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 119
April 24. 1980 Scrimshaw page 7 Seniors to Only band that matters munch out They make you look like you're "- Obviously, people fed drugs by the Dane Buschmeyer everyonecan get downand get up ;S~:~ln:a~i~~!I/~:O!~~~~o~~~i~~ wearing a truss society can't overturn it. The Junior/Senior Banquet will again to the music of "O.K.", a an ideal universe are over. The 4 horsemen and It's gonna be us" "Oh, anything I want he gives to be held this Friday, April 25,at Big young band out of Elizabethville, modern artist realizes the effect he The Clash, for anyone still me Frock's. The evening wilt be Pennsylvania. They play many can have on the people. Some have u"ninformed, isa musical quartet of Anything I want he gives It but not broken into three segments: types of music, including rock-n- utilized this power to present a boys from Britain who aim to wake for free cocktail hour from 6:3{) to 7:30; roll, slow tunes, blue grass and superior moral, ethical, and us all up from the Me Generation. It's hateful dinner, which will start at 7:30; new wave. "O.K." plays music spirltualviewpolnttolheirpubllc. Growing out of the punk And It's paid for and I'm so movement, they are now It's only grateful :~~ :~~~~~~!~nd will play from :;::;Ie:~~heg~~~~~s, ~~:apa~ri~~~ :~~~~ou told me how your life was (uncompromising) survive-e. to be nowhere There will be an open bar except Van Helen, E,LO., Blondie, the An' I agree that It doesseem sosad Their latest lp, "London Calling," This year I've lost some friends during dinner. Dinner will be Cars, the Knack and many others. But that's the price that you gotta is a rock masterpiece from 2 tm- Somefriends? What friends? family style, serving beef and All In ali, It sounds like a great pay' por-tentprespectlve. I dunno, I ain't even noticed" shrimp. And, to all you gluttons, way to begin a weekend and the If you're lazing around all day First, de welds: this album Is Is this ironic orserlous? you can eat all the beef and shrimp perfect way for seniors to end their "horsemen coming right through filled with so much good political The second aspect of this disc y~f7e~nt'Coc~tails and dinner, yearsatWesternMaryland. "horsemen and they're plssing by. comment and personal expression that exceus Is the sounds that that it's hard to sIngle out a few assault your ears. The underlying i- --~-------------------- ... y~ examples. Fortunately lyric sheets raw power and urgency of punk Personal Viewpoint are provided, esJce Strummer's are stili there, however, the rex-. and Mick Jones' enunciation Is tures are much more varied, as unintelligible. well as the dynamic levels. Not Rock lyrics must be Spacing out on the shuttle Immediate and convey a message pretending to be virtuosos, the Clash propels us through the tunes which Is currently vital, which the Clash's lyrics do. Listen: with a simplicity that Is not Don"Sakers "Oh my own I faced a gang of thoughtless. Textures are This Spring, Congress willing, United Statescitizens. water in the canteen. We have only jerring carefully balanced for maximum the first of a fleet of space shuttles 4. Extend human litespens to hope, and we can reach over the -In strange streets effect. Somehow,every cut sounds will be launched. With shuttles, beyond a century, perhaps as far side of the canoe toall the water we When my nerves were pumpIng "live," with an intense energy that Earth orbit will be no further away as two hundred years. For could possibly use. and I builds !?eyondthe breaking point. IhanEurope everyone. So how do we reverse the course Fought my fear tn-t dId not run, Besides driving punk rhythms, Sowhat? Why should that inspire There are things that are· [uat of insanity leading our world to I was not done." there is reggae, ska, power pop, r- hope? Indeed, shouldn't it make us about within our reach now; ten to destruction? How does hope We are called to examine our end-b and even 50's sounds, all more apprehensive than ever, twenty years of space in counter all the other demons from lives and act on our society.'The stamped with the Clash's' style. since we got into such a frenzy over dustriallzatlon will make them the Box? age of the laid-back "cool" (read Here is transcendent music. Sure, Skylab? realities. Trite as it ounds,' write "cold") person is over. The Clash this stuff will be forgotten In 30 The Shuttle will usher in the age And, while we're hoping, here Congress. Demand support for the calls us to stand on our own and years, but right now one can feel of space industrialization. And are some things we will be able to space shuttle fleet, for the Space fight the corroding monuments of the vitality and sincerity In these that, to paraphrase Robert Frost, do by the end of the twenty. first Industrialization Act of 1979 and the past. s, gent's music. It's easy to sit back will make all the difference. century: the Stevenson-Schmitt proposal, "London calling to the imitation and be mellow In your own little Here's some of the things we can 1. foIake Mars, Venus, and the both of which will give rivate zone universe, but wars and cheating do right this minute, with less Moon habitable without spacesuits industry incentives' for expanding Forget It brother and go it alone are going on out there and we will investment of cash than for a war, or pressure domes. their operations into space. London calling upon the zombies of be touched by'lt. Don't forget this even e minor one: 2. Turn the whole planet Earth Demand that money earmarked death the Me Generation tscver. 1. Build solar power satellites into an idyllic parkland. for the military be spent on the one Quit holding out-a'nd take another "And I have lived that kind of day which will beam to Earth 3. Support in perfect health and hope that the country and the breath" When none of your sorrows will go unlimited, safe, clean energy. happiness a population of twelve world have for survival. Their stand on drugs is shady. away 2. Move all our polluting tee- thousand billion throughout the It gOesdown and down and hit the tortes to space, where obnoxious Solar System. including some of us Barb takes off troor substances will have billions of alive today. Down and down and down some cubic parsecs to spread through. Those are things we could do by more We can't pollute space; it's too big. the year 2100. Beyond that we Whiteford Hall's Head ResIdent other Whiteford R.A. have been Depression Even vaporIzing the entire Earth cannot realistically imagine. Barbara Meyers resigned her made to cover for Meyer's Bit I know there'll be some way In short, the age of space in· -j wouldn't pollute the Solar System. to dustrialization will be the greatest position In early April after departure. Shirey expressed the When I can swing everything completing work on her master's 3. Build space settlements Back my way Further, I serve as greenhouses for Earth's Golden Age the human race has dissertation in physical education. hope that the end of room Like skyscrapers rising up billions. ever seen. As NASA put it in the Meyers was offered and accepted a check would be assisted by next Floor by fleer- I'm giving up.. If we started new-end we can, design study for spacesettlements, ~~:\~~:I~~.actiVltleS director at a yre'_'..." ..R_.A_"~~S_'f..;"..."!....h_i!:_fO_'_d.=,=-.......... _....,. .......... ....,. come Spring.-we could accomplish "For a very long time at least all this and more in twenty years. mankind can look toward Dean Laidlaw said there is no By the end of the century, many of resources so nearly inexhaustible plan to replace Meyers position ... ItS us now in college will bewcr-ktnq, that the current frustration of this year. She described the Breakfast ,* .. , living, or at Ieest making r'J\!·i,,~ limits to growth can be replaced by situation in Whiteford as "not rl'lll\l" "SS ;;/ trips to Earth orbit and beyond. a senseof openessand the absence adequate but It will have to do." 'Lunch Here are some things we'll be of barriers to further human KatIe Shirey, a resIdent Dinner able to do soon: development." assistant In Whiteford believed Daily Specials l , Mine the asteroids, bringing We canmake that future, just by that Meyer's decision to leave was b3ck enough metal to satisfy the reaching for it. Unfortunately, we en intelligent one. Shepointed out, needs of a population in the do not seem to be reaching. In- "When you are offered a good job; "trillions. stead, we are spending all our you have to take it." 2. Set up a global Information resources on a vast military Shirey went on the explain that Soh Ice Cream network that will allow' face-to machine to pretend to protect oil arrangements between her and the lace communication anywhere resources that cannot be protected Sundaes A short wafk wlthln me Moon's orbit, will put us in the first place, and which we do 'An Incredibly from campos' in instant touch with all maior not really need in the second.When Banana Splits 'libraries and ail record~d we are within reaching distance of Exciting Movie' knowledge, and will cut down on unlimited energy from solar power Rt. 140 Westminster OPen 6 AM til 12 information overload by alerting satellites, it makes nonsense to us only to news that we deem instead try 'to protect oil reserves impor~ant. (We could do this now, which are inaCfequate lor world and we will--!n the United States- needsanyway. • but it will take longer to tie all the ,. In this"present "energy crisis," developing countries into the the nations of the world are in the network and make it cover the position of canoers floating in the globe.) midst of a gigantic freshwater 3. Bring the world to a standard lake, and arguing to the death tot living enjo,yed now only by about who will get the last drops of ~ ,. .Gold .... lt. ·SII"er.m". • 0/ Fine C..raJ,. '~ CUSTOM TEE'SHIRTS $4.99 and up . m-designed SGA Movie pottery jewelry 7:00 p.m • .... :·Set.'0-5. wood' leather Showtimes 9:30 p.m. ~ ERIC CLAPTON LIVE Rag. $10.19 Now $9.19 ici'"~OFF WITH COLLEGE ID 12:00 p.m.) - Locuat Len.... R-Downtown.. - ,Admlssi~n $1.00 .' With this Ad
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