Page 123 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Scrimshaw page 3 Vie.wpoint SGA Election Results Chris' potential examined Last Thursday approximately 530 Western Maryland students cast rights and freedoms. resignation over one case) is well their ballots ln. the S.G.A. elections: Chris Hartwyk was elected Cooperation Is fine, as long as it taken; but does he also mean that president, Teresa Baker was elected vice president and John Hines achieves desirable results. But If we here don't have the right to was elected treasurer. cooperation doesn't get desired question how the administration In addition to the S.G.A. positions being filled, class elections were results, then students, through the performs his or her job, and how held. Also, three students were elected to Judicial Board and two SGA, must resort to various fofms they are protecting the rights and students were elected to flll Honor Board positions. The tabulated and levels of conflict; from freedoms of students? If he is, then resultsare: complaining 10the administration, Chris will make a rotten SGA S.G.A. PRESIDENT and even protesting, to such"dirty president: for while the elected JUDICIAL BOARD tricks" as writing Trustees, head of the student body must • Chris Hartwyk 233 Ithree positions open) parents, and alumni to gather cooperate with the powers.tbet-be. RusselJohnson '" 65 • Jay Edinger 326' Vernon Roberts pressure from above. The tm- he must also defend the wetl-belng GeorgeGressman 61 • Virginia Macleay 302 portance of the goal determines of the students he represents. And 28 • LesMartin 278 how far conflict should 'go; but he can't do that without the Jeff Dyer Adam Wright 271 somegoals will require that kind of willingness to directly lead op- VICE PRESIDENT HONORBOARD conflict If they are to beachieved. position to measures that violate • Teresa Baker (two positionsopen) But what about ChriS? In his that well-being. Keith Arnold 326 179 desire to be able to get along with "utttmeterv. the SGA and its • Jay Edinger 251 the powers-that-be, will he be able president - should, to most ef- TREASURER " Ann Hardebeck 226 to point out where they err and tecuverv defendstudent rights and • John Hines 259 Vicki Kessler 197 violate student rights? How far freedoms, have the same power Larry Beyer 214 Linda Mapp 146 would he oppose their actions if over student affairs as faculty they were perststent in their et- have over faculty affairs. (The RECORDING SECRETARY CLASSOF 1982 PRESIDENT forts? Would he argue, yell, cause faculty make rational decisions, SueHobbes(unopposed) * laurie Mather 78 trouble? usually for the good of the whole Phil Barner 60 Chris made an interesting college as well as for themselves. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Corey Mann 14 remark when attacking Mike's Why can't students?) All SGA resignation motion at the last SGA presidents should regard this as at RonnieKelley (unopposed) CLASSOF 1983 meeting; he maintained that since least a long term. goal. According CLASSOF 1981 (positions unoppd~ed) we, as students, had little Idea of to the. statement I quoted earlier (positions unopposed) John Hackney - President what Dean Laidlaw's job was ("legitimate" methods), it seems -really, like, then we had no right to doubtful Chris will work towards Nancy Casey StewartSuls "" Vice President call for her resignation over one this end. This in turn castsdoubt on Ralph Prelsendorfer President Ed Johnson Treasurer incident. That point (no nts ettecttveness In general. Secretary Michael Grusby secreterv Activity credit passed by Senate from page" gave the Impression justice was year, those offered every other negotiate their own plans for based on. He has, he said, been not done. Apparently the case also year, and those offered only when getting credit with the relevent involved In the casefrom the time had the other violations of student student demand Is up or the departments Involved. of the alleged violation until now. rights listed previously. professor is willing. Mike accepted Both the original proposal and Apparently onestudent was caught Unconfirmed rumor has it that this motion over his own; the the amendment were passedby the at an illegal keg party, and was Mike is contemplating taking the motion was put to a vote and Senate after some debate over included In disciplinary action by Collegeto court over this case. passed. whether the ideawas feasible. Dean Laidlaw. The student denied The SGA has also acted on the Ralph Preisendorfer made a ..Mike O'NleJJ proposed thaJ any direct Involvement In the following matters .. concurrent motion that all courses Dean Laidlaw be Invited to a party, but was fined the same as ..The ambiguity of the frequency required for a major be offered at closed SGA Exec council meeting the others who were directly In- courses are offered and how they least every other year; this was to answer questions concerning volved. He had to pay the same are listed as offer~ In the college also passed. disciplinary policy and Mike's fine, even when another student catalog was attacked in another __Mike also proposed that the accusations. This also passedafter took full responsibility over other Steinmetz motion. The Senate college granf credit or fractions of somedebate. students and had his fine reduced, thought Mike had a goodpoint, but credit to students who partlcfpate ..The Spring Dance bid was as well as being taken off conduct objected to Mike's language, which In extra-curricular activities on announced to Alpha Nu Omega probation. The case was appealed they thought was too strong. Nancy campus. SGA presldent, class over three other contender's, Phi to the Appeals Board, thoughMike Menefee composed a friendly presidents, editors of publications! Delta Theta, Alph Gamma Tau, amendment rewording Mike's SGA officers and committee and Delta Sigma Kappa. This is +' .] motion in more specific and ec- heads,were just seine of the people new sorority's first sponsored ceptable language. Nancy's mentioned for people who would formal dance. motion called for a three-point get credit or fractions of credit per ..Social Committee is hoping to system marking coursesoffered In semester. sponsor a Quad Party and Bull the Director of College Activities. the catalog: it would distinguish A friendly amendment was Roaston May 10. Even though no difficulty is ex- between courses offered every added that other students could pected in filling the position, it's reckoned that It will take ep- Sixties' draws to a close in Alumni proximately three months to hire someone.During this period Dean ,OnMay 9,10, and 11,the Theatre the world, but only until they had to eascn Mowbray and Mrs. Harrington will What Influence has the decadeof Department of WMC will offer die for it." a full take over Joan's multlfold the sixties had on our lives? Sure, some Insight into this question in Douglas Jay, as'Sparger, brings who responsibiHtles, which range from we recall hazy memories of the form of KENNEDY'S us an underground actor dedicated several weeks ago, has chairing the Lecture/Concert protests, J.F.K., psychedelic CHILDREN. Written by Robert to the surreal and existential arts. working since the birth. Committee to reserving College drugs, hippies, and, of course, Patrick, KENNEDY'S Douglas sees his character as says that a full facilities. All final decisionswlll be Vietnam. But how has fhls most CHILDREN is the culminating "vulnerable, nasty, even bitchy, search will be con- madeby the Dean. turbulent era affected us? production of this year's series, but a hell of a niceguy." to find a replacement for "The Sixties: The Spirit and the Phi Beta Kappa recognized Madness." two act play Ralston, is a young man who Mark, portrayed as by Jim dynamic, This Publicity Harbaugh, Susan Gene Hevener, Argonauts) are: Dr. Rlcha'rd A. centers around six characters who, served in the Vietnam War. The Dr. Catherine S. Sims, vice Catherine Theresa Lewis, David Clower, Mrs. Mary Ellen Elwell. In 1974, attempt to relive their war sooncausedthis naive country president of the Phi Beta Kappa Keith Moskowitz, Kathl Lynn Dr. James E. Lightner, Miss Paula social and political experiences of boy to lose touch with reality and Society, will present a charter to Mullenax, Michael John J. ottinger, and Or. H. Ray the sixties. . consequently turn to drugs. Laine Gillespie, as Wanda, Pete Weller, as the bartender, ~:~::~~y ~~~~Ii~~~ ;:I~eg~, ~~ g~;~e~~h~~braM~~~~II~utt:~~~~~ st~vh:n:OCiety, founded In lF6 at reflects much of the splrif of John although never speaking, is the in cnly character fa interact with the fallen F. Kennedy. Virtually establish the Delta Chapter of Tamara Ruth Roebber, James The College of William and Mary love with this great personage,she others onthe stage. f'ar!land on. Im- Walter Slack, F'red:.ricK Leroy represents excellence in the speaksoften of his death and of its KENNEDY'S CHILDREN mediately after rnsteuatrons of the Smyth, Mary Judith Walker, traditional core of the sciences impact on her life. promises to be unique to any . chapter, 23 WMC seniors will Charles Henry Wheatley, IV, and and humanities and election to the As Carla, Mary Ford portrays a previous production offered in become the chapter's first Carl ErlcWinzer. . society is a significant statement Marilyn Monroe type sex goddess. conjunction with this year's theme. ioining the 16 faculty Charter members are: Mary of Western Maryland's consistent According to Mary, Carla simply "KENNEOY'S CHILDREN should named as charter, Ann Alspach, William Cipolla, high academic quality in the "wants to bewanted by everyone." raise questions in the minds of the and honorary Eulalia B. Cobb, Cornelius P. liberal arts and also of the school's Eby's interpretation of audience as to the unsettled nature Mimi Darcy, Donna Evergates, David devotion to the liberal arts in both Rona brings forth a revolutionary of the decade," comments director W. Herlocker, Esther Mildred a broad and an historic sense. and spirited woman who was KenGargaro Igllch, Ralph Levering, Edith Membership in a chapter is based Ridington, and Kathryn B. on high scholarship and good actively Involved in various KENNEDY'S CHILDREN will Hildebran. character and eligible students protests and movements of the be presentedonMay 9,10,and 11at Alumni foundation members must be pursing a field of study day. As her character began to 8:15 p.m. on the mainstage of {those tult-tlme members of the recognized by Phi Beta Kappa as develop, Mimi discovered that Alumni Hall. Contact College faculty who were members of the fulfilling the society's liberal arts "the sixties were an age when Activities at a:48-7000,Ext. 265 for undergraduate hbnor society, the requirements. young people would try to change.Hcket information.
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