Page 114 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 114
Letters to the Editor Tim wrong preferences aren't the same a!i accepted, we're joked about. we Vote,' it's your money • After reading your personal your own. For all you know, your even [eke about ourselves, and Dear Tim Streett, or even vcur best friend, room. then drown tn self.dentel viewpoint In this week's Scrim. mate could be gay. Would you turn Yes, I am gay. I am just shaw, I felt you needed' to be set against them? Would you wipe out beqlnnlnq to come to terms with We're tired of student complaints. Students complain about straight. years of friendship because his myself, and there are many others everything from what's for dinner to the weather to the Alcohol I think Sgt. Matlovich had a lot of sexual preferences were different facing the same problems and Policy. A few students try to do something about their complaints. courage and I admire him than yours? I hope not because achievements. There is still a long Most just keep on complaining. Year after year they complain about tremendously. His lecture was that would make you worse than personal stru~gle for us all, both the ineffectiveness of.the SGA. This year they were too apathetic to very informative and humorous. Archie Bunker. His excuse. Is gay and straIght, and the many complain. He handled a delicate subject very ignorance. What's yours? more In between. Thank you a~1for Today, we begin the cycle of a new SGA Administration. A lot of well. As long as homosexuals don't opening your hearts and mines. people say it's just the same old thing, and nothing will change. If I don't think you listened force themselves on you, don't And remember, apples, oranges, that's true, then, as usual, only about half of the campus will vote. carefully to what Sgt. Matlovich worry about it. Let them live their bananas, pears and peach~sare all We could begin for once to break that same old cycle by having s_ald. You were too busy feeling lives In peace Yo 't fruits; Gays are human beings. 100% of the campus vote. People could cease complaining and begin threatened because a "fruit" had through life being u c~~;tant~; .Thank you, to come to Western to do something by taking that one small step of voting. the nerve and talk about his ~:~~~~~s of everyone. Ltte is just Silent m~~i'~a Billion. Maryland Have you ever received an ad wamingfora floor party? Vote. Did you want to seea Spring Concert? Vote. sexuality. He wasn't tryingfo I hope this letter has changed Dear Nancy, Have you ever had things confiscated. from your room? Vote. convert anyone to homosexuality, your view on homosexuallfy. I am On behalf of Sounds of Silence Are there courses you want to take that are not offered when the he was lust telling his life story. not gay, but I believe In letting and myself, I would like to thank catalog says they should be? Vote. He was right when he said people people live their own lives. all those who made our first per- Did you ever receive a grade that you felt was unfair? Vote. were afraid of homosexuality A Right ToMy Own Opinion formance on campus a big success. Do you feel that some clubs are allotted more money than they because they were afraid of their Being Gay Weall apprecfated those who came need? Vote. own sexuality. When boys are to the show last Wednesday in the Are you concerned about the current housing set-up on campus? growing up, they are expected to To the Campus, Forum and "hope that everyone Vote. be rough and tough. They are I am writing this letter in who wanted to see us then but Do you want fresh orange juice in the cafeteria? Vote. expected to play contact sports to response to all the recent couldn't wlli catch our next per Scrimshaw is not endorsing any particular candidates. However, prove their masculinity. If a boy discussion of gay issues on this tcrmance on May Day. We have an we urge each voter to consider the candidate's experience and isn't interested in sports, he is campus. entirely new show lined up for that qualifications, especially their experience in the SGA. This year's branded a sissy or a fag. First of all, the response this day and hQpethat all interested in administration floundered around the first semester and spent much You were upset when Matlovich campus has given to the Issues has the group, all those who have valuable time learning how the SGA functioned and learning how to said guys play football to prove been wonderful (except for a few followed us since our beginning, set up the basic structure. their masculinity. You felt he was minor "assholes" who we all know and all those of you who don't even The statements of the candidates can be found elsewhere in this attacking your masculinity. You and love). To see so many people know what we do will show up and issue, and the candidates themselves are willing to answer put Mattovich on the defensive open their minds up has been more find out, The show promises to be questions. The final responsibility for how effective an SGA we have because of the way you asked your than heartwarming. To know that as good if not better than our last, rests with you, right now. questions and the totally disgusted most people think of the normalcy Thanks to all who have supported ------- look on your face as you waited for of a person, not in terms of sexual us and who continue to do so. We your answers. ability to serve society In a decent support. Elections for SGA and class officers and Honor,Board and Judicial Gay people are productive and preference, but In terms of their definitely appreciate everyone's Board members will be held today at the following times and places: . beneficial to our society. They are humane capacity is most exciting. Sincerely, 10:00-11:00 near the mailboxes capable of contributing something Except for the 100 or more 'gay Binky Bielefleld 11: 30-1:00 in the Rouzer Lobby of the cafeteria to society. Suppose you worked persons on this campus most of you Great trip 3:00-4:00 in the Senate offices with a guy who was Into kinky sex don't. know what It Is to be gay; the Dear Choir Members, 5;00-6:00 on the Whiteford side of the cafeteria (SM). You wouldn" hold that pain, the suffering, and especially I would like to take this time to 6;00-7;00 in the upper lobby of the student center against him, would you? You'd the joy as you realize that you are express my sincerest gratitude to Students must have J.D. cards to vote. Senior may vote for SGA, probably say his sex life Is his own just as worthy of respect as anyone you for the marvelous time on the Honor Board and Judicial Board members. Election results will be business. AND you'd welcome any else. The straight world, If there is spring tour. In my eyes, It was a available from the information desk at approximately 9:00 tonight contribution he had to society. a so-catted straight worl~, needs to most -rnemoreble event for all after an attempt has been made to notify the candidates. Being a homosexual Isn't a bring down its barriers and see participants. But not only this, I crime. You can't go through I1fe that gay people are no one to De also feel we grew closer as a group hating people whose sexual afraid of. Gay people are beautiful, and as friends. I got to know Cleveland blasted ugly, dumb, exciting, friendly, practically everyone and I enjoyed Facts wrong on concert obnoxious. We come In all shapes, every minute of It. This tour and sizes, and colors. Every aspect of you will always remind me of ali campus life has gay people within the fun and love we shared for that -j Mr. Cleveland. you, Mr. Cleveland, either dId not student votes than the remaining Its bounds. We are Independents, one terrific week. Thank you so I the "news analysis" that you wrote poor research skUls) or backed out of the contract, we administrators men, sorority women, much Sue, Charles, Rtse, Heidi, fraternity Include In your artrcte (because of cheaper bands had. After Orleans I strongly questIon the validity of Kevin, Gayle, Jeff; Patti, Cindy Z., and faculty. We last week concerning the spring "bastardized" in order to fit Into decided to pursue the next most play sports, Sing songs, and party Steve, Barb, Mollie, Jim, Cindy R., concert. To quote your editor, I your "objective" news analysis. available band ._ PouseHe-Oart. with you. We sit next to you in Bruce, Sterling, .Auson. Karen, believe that In your article "ob- Yes. there were problems with the. We realized that audience at- classes, th_epub, and In the dining Dave, Suzette, Louise, Annie, Val, jectivity has taken a back seat to concert, but these were due to the tendance might have been hall. We're your roomma~es,.your Bev, Laura, Janet, Ed, Fred., Dee, sensationalism." Claiming that an red tape In the SGA constitution decreased If we scheduled the trtenes and people you'!09k up. to Kathy, EUen,.RacheL .j;.D .• Mr. article is a news analysis and that we were cut through concert for a weeknight, but that and respect. We are susceptible to and Mrs. Hylton, and Barb, placing It on the front page of a before we could have a concert. was the only night that Pcusette. everything you are; we' cry, we' . Sincerely, newspaper leads readers to believe And yes, the Idea of having two Dart was available for the price love, we.laugh. However, we're not 'I don't get if!' that the writer Is presenting an cheaper groups did win the student that we paid for them ($35(0) and objective viewpoint. You admit, vote. But, In between the time that they were one of the sfudents' Personal ViewpOint however, that you have been we talked to the agents, counted choices. Our hopes were lifted working against the idea of a the votes and asl;tedfor contracts, concerning audience aHendance Kremlin offensive? spring concert all year long. This Is many things had changed. The top when we found out that the-group hardly' what I would call ob- vote geHers among the cheaper had played the night- before at ' Tom Armbruster munism; or whether you think we jectlvity. Your article should have bands either changed their tours or Duke University'. At Duke;- 2500 ~~~r~!;:~~~:~!::~~I;o~nee~a~fI~; been placed on this page with the had raised their price so that they tickets had been sold for $8 each I definitely entered Western rest of the personal opinions and were out of reach of our budget. and we were only charging $1. ~~~~~~~~t;~I:;;r~gal~ ~o~:r:z shambles and In need of ald. not passed off as a well researched Rather than go to fourth and fifth Granted, that only 250·300 people pr:;r:a~i.I~':~~i:~s :~~~~:a~~~~ and objective news analysiS choices among the cheaper groups, aHended the concert-but the SGA ~~~a~I::: ao~At~:rl~~~I=;PI~~I~~ worthy of the front page. we chose to pursue the possibility receives morethan $20 (the price For the campus' benefit, I would of having a higher priced band. that Mr. Cleveland stated that it aren't always considered kosher at . of men and energy that has our basicalJy ccnserveuve school. scarcely been rivaled in r':;,:"::.'.;:'o:..:"::;o:;:,"::.,:::0":;.' .:._;:,.:;:w:_,::;.,:;:,":..':::h.::,:'_:be:·,::.:"'::,._::'h;::'"-y.::h.::d~'.:":::.::.'v:::"':..m:::o::.':.e~~~~e~~)Chf~:u~en:~~h a:~~:e~~: To make up for all. the times I was peacetime. According to Lefler's SCRIMSHAW~ tuition. Using means Cleveland's invited Melvin Lefler te speak last memoirs (which makes this about interpretation WesternMaryjand of Dean Acheson's In the "wrong," Mr. this that the figures, students that attendee the concert Thursday night in McDaniel a sth hand account) this could only lounge. It .wes .nice to listen to a be accomplished by conjuring-up a Nancy Menefee Editor-In-Chief actually paid for it through their sDei!ker thall could finally Identify "Soviet threat" to-motivate both Dave Cleveland Managing Editor student activity fee and fheir with. Lefler Is c;orrenily wo(king ~~~g~~~:l:~:, ~:~~~~~~:~~~~g:~ tickets. Bill Byrne N~ws Editor The Social Committee cannot Sports Editor satisfy all the people (not even :~~:~n:~:~~~no; C~~:'u~~o:;~:~! way threatening power at that Jim Wellman .. -:--,BUSiness Manager Sameof the people) all of the time. the.orlgin-s of the Cold War and time. . about the current The'SovletJJnlon was devasted. criSis in the Adam Wright Photbgraphy Editor We have to satisfy as many as we Middle East, both in Afghanistan Twenty million people lost their can as best as we'can. The people Photographers Vernon Roberts .that attended the concert had a and the region ingeneral. ~~:~~~~~~~ge!~~h~a~Jhc:~~!~~~~ Typists Mimi Griffin jane Bielefield good time and felt that the money w~~;;:,i~~~ric~~I~:lij~~ m~~;~~ destruction -of much of their in· Layout. Sue Frost Lee Maxwell Diana Palaynes had been well spent. I'm sorry you got together and decided the most dustry and agriculture. There was Mimi Griffin janet Trainor do not feel this way, Mr. Cleveland. preSSing foreign policy problems no real air force or navy to speak any more If you desire to print Special Assisfant joan Hughes analyses of Social CommmiHee was the enconic dislocation of of, and the Red Army was in no Graphics . Ralph Preisendorfer Europe,_Whether you believe the mood fOf' war. In summation, a activities, please' ask Mitchell or American aid was sent to create a war for the Soviet Union at that .,,:"y.s.etffor t,he.f.~~tsfir~t. mark~t for American goods or was time was inconceivable. , '. Mike Cantrell an act to stem the tide of com. Still the PU:~~tI;::d ~~dg.O; I~
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