Page 116 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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page 4 Scrimshaw April 24, 1980 SGA Elections ground and into positive action. No' one can do it alone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who supported my I couldn't have gotten campaign; this tar without you. For those of you I don't know yet, I would like to say that it is really up to you to affairs. This will not be achieved In we should reinstitute the weekly junior and that the president Is think about the issues and make one term of office but must be a meetings between college ad- usually a senior. To this I can only the effort to vote. I cennct make SGA continuing concern of future mlnistrators and the SGA say that I see few, if any, ctsee- specific promises for the entire SGA; for myself, I will state that president. S.G.A. administrations. I do not promise any miracles, In addition, some of the most vantages and several advantages. the job needs to be done, it must be First and foremost, a junior does done, and If I am elected, It will be a President but rather pursuit steady, of ongoing, Important policy decisions which not have the pressures, excitement done. I will take the tfme to discuss affect the students are made by the greater relentless and distractions of senior year and any or all Issues with anyone that control by the students over their faculty committees of this college, own affairs. With this goal in mind, on which we are suppose to have the pending graduation. In ad- is Is really interested In seeing an dttlcn, if reorganization a ...-- .I :~~:;eac~~~ :~n~heaS~~~:\~~ student representation. This year, something that we want, then It active SGA next year. In closing, I however, we didn't have students will take time to implement and repeat; know the issues, think Vernon Roberts .Jncre control we exert over our on some of these committees until there will be people who have the carefully, The and please get out tc SGA needs student vote. own lives, the more reason we well Into the first semester. These have to participate in decision appointments must be made In the experience around the following support; nothing can be done To The Students of the W.M.C. making. _spring of this year so that we are year to advise those In the elected without you, the individual Campus: well represented on committees positions of leadership. This will student. Thank you for your time. such as Admissions and Standards, help to create continuity and thus At the present moment, I feel Athletic Council, Calender and make the SGA more effective. Jeff Dyer that the college community Is Chris Hartwyk Schedule, library Committee, In conclusion, let me say that I for SGA President. suffering from a stagnant student Undergraduate Academic Policy believe the SGA can be a powerful government organization. The lack and Curriculum, Trustee cern- student voice, but it needs to be of dynamic leadership has created The SGA is supposed to be the mlttee on Student Affairs, and reorganized or rather, better Russell Johnson an indifferent student body, student body's voice in the policy Student Visitors to the Board of organized than it presently is. I apathetic to the function of its decisions of this college. It has the Trustees. In addition, I would like believe that if I am elected representative government. In potential to be a legitimate, to see these student committee president, I will be able to As a student body we ail are order for a student government to powerful. and effective contributor members have a direct link to SGA reorganize the SGA and make it working for the same goals, and In function properly, YOU must be toward the formulation of college in the form of a vote in either the what we ali want it to be. If you order to acccompilsh these goals _involved. It Is the responsibility of policy. Presently, however, this is executive council or the student want a productive, responsive and we must join together under one the student government to get not the case. In the past twcveers t assembly. Presently, the corn- responsible SGA, please consider strong leadership. This leadership yoy Involved! Only a government have watched the SGA falter in munlcatlon between the SGA Chris Hartwyk for SGA president, would have the responsibility of with a far.reaching program can executives and the student cutting through all of the red tape inspire students to become active their attempts to deal with the members of these committees Is that has quashed our goals in the administration as the represen- in the decisions that Involve the tative of the students. No student lacking. Jeff Dyer past, I believe that I, Russell Johnson, would be that leader. total school community. A vote tor government organization can be The present SGA committee Below. Is a list of my proposals Vernon Roberts Is a vote for a effective if the elected represen system should be revised In such a that we, as a student body, must progressive student government! way that eliminates present teuves can not successfully To the students of Western deal with In the next academic George Gressman communicate to the ed- overlapping responsibilities; Maryland College: year. They are as follows: the Ad· minlstraHon the thoughts, desires, Once again, election time has clearly defines the purposes of the I mprove 1. and needs of the student body, committees; and thus increases come to this campus, It Is a time ministrat ion/Student relationsh ip. Through my dealings with the thetr effectiveness in getting for decision making and for 2. Correct the present mtsfn- Continuity Is an Important college deans, as a result of my things done. These committees as thought. There are many issues terpretations and inconsistencies aspect of any organization. I plan honor board membership, I feel well as all members of the SGA which must be decided upon, and in the alcohol policy. - to continue in Mike Stelrnmetz's that I have obtained the necessary must be active. Active in the the SGA wlJl be responsible for 3. Increase protection of student footsteps, He has brought the level of communication which is legitamate senseof wr.!tlng formal doing so. As a candidate for rights. S.G.A. along to greater meaning In essential to the effectiveness of the letters of approval, disapproval or President of the SGA, I have 4. Promote freedom of ex the everyday life of we students. SGA. suggestion to Dr. John, the ee- carefulJy considered many up. pression on campus. Mike has laid the foundations on It is about time that we had the ministration, faculty members and coming Issueswhich will arise next 5. Change Sunday library which tobuild a more powerful and knowledge of what the ad- the Board of Trustees. year; the Spring Concert, the fate opening from 2:00p.m, to Noon. influentual student organization. ministration was planning to do The SGA should also push for of WMC, the alcohol policy, and so 6. Help allevIate student apathy We must sieze the opportunity to before they enact policy which representation on the future on. People have asked for by restructuring the SGA, continue in this vern. directty affects the students. Need planning committee. This Is an solutions; the best solution Is a As an active member of the SGA I will continue to strive for a I remind you that the decisions to Important committee which et- strong SGA which is willing to along with being active In various more powerful and effective ban section parties and to raise the fects the image and structure of listen to all sides of the arguments, other organizations on campus, I S.G.A. My dream is to eventually honors requirements were vlr- our college, whiCh.presently has no and make strong policies ac- feel I am qualified for the SGA see the S.G.A. exert as much ln- tually carrIed out, In action, before student representation. cordingly. It will take a group president .. fluence over student affairs as the the SGA knew what was going on. There have been many questions effort among all the officers of the Thank You, faculty council exerts over faculty In order to combat this, t believe regarding the fact that I 'am a SGA in order to get policies off the RusseilJohnson SGA 1· ---------------_·_------_·_--------------- Vice- --------------------------------------------- -ceeretes. I am a hard·worker, and change tactics. By thrashing out In order for the SGA to be a without attempting to Improve our I could work well with any of the food (threatening the strikes), President candidates for President, all of SGA only causes an equally hostile powerful voice on campus, student situation no beneficial changes can must be encouraged. be achIeved. participation whith are friends of mine. response from the administration, The SGA can succeed if the and nothing is accomplished. The it Is essential that the meetings be To further increase a positive held regularly and that they be relationship with the faculty and members of the SGA, and the officers must work with the ad- well-published. the administration the SGA should Keith Arnold student body, keep two things in ministration to solve student Idon" feel that the SGA can -enccureae student representatives mind. One is to be enthusiastic, problems, and bring about change. encourage student certr-rpettcn by to student/faculty committees to and Involved. Student apathy may This would be what I. as Vice creating an ~x,cesslve beaucrac.y. contact the Senate in order to keep My name is Keith Arnold, and I be a cliche, but if the SGA receives President would attempt to do, and Although Ioriginally supported the the students informed. I would also am running for vtce-Prestoent of no input from you, then what you Ithink it could be effective. Assembly as I hope to support all like to seean exchange program in the SGA. This position is an trn. want will never be attempted, let Thank You, In!"ovatlve moves In the SGA, I which an individual student portant one, but I feel that I can do alone accomplished. Secondly, the Keith L. Arnold believe that the Assembly has representative could attend the a good job. Through my work on SGA must work with the ad. failed in Itsorginal f;unctlon. It has faculty meetings, and-a faculty Scrimshaw, I have demonstrated ministration, not against it. This Is served only to frag\,"ent the SGA representative could attend the this year as Secretary of the SGA not to say that the administration and to duplicate some of the major SGA meetings. Assembly, and have working is always right· far from it . but it Teresa Baker functions of the Action Committee. In addition to his responsibilities knowledge of how the SGA does mean that the SGA must It is imperative that the SGA to the President, the Vice imp~ov~ an~ increase cern- President's duties include serving CIIIvriage Ileuae .£iquMa I am interested in being Vice muntcetren With the faculty and as Homecoming Chairperson and In the past Ex Officio member on ail Senate the administration. 113 W. Main St.' President of our Student cove-n- year we have seen that a hostile committees. of I believe that I am ment Association because Ibelieve handl ing attitude toward the administration. capable these COLO'BEER "At the Forks" COLD BEER that the SGA at Western Maryland is not beneficial to the students. We responsibilities. New Introductory Beer Special can be a much more active and should .recognlze that as students 'For the SGA or for any influential voice than it h3Sbeen in we have a great deal of power. It organization fo function properly BUSH the past, I have witnessed first· we coordinate effort with the the officers must place. that Spedai hand some of the frustrations administration, problems such as organization high on their. list of $2.25 a Six involved in Student Government, the quality of the food service, priorities. The SGA is high on my , and I think that it is possible to proposed curriculum changes, and list. Please consider me when you alieviate some of these others can be solved calmly and cast your vote today. 848-3466 OFFER EXP. 4/30/80 College 10 required-. frustrations. rationally. As long as the SGA Thank you, eontinues to play the martyr Teresa Baker
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