Page 115 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 115
April 24, 1980 Scrimshaw page 3 Shoddy -Iournaltsm Personal Viewpoint Soviet threat slanted writing Considering the possible consequences of this Keith Arnold munism. irresponsible reporting, the Scrimshaw has failed both the accused and those that read this Expressing this viewpoint Those who would argue that the Dear Editor: publication. without sounding like the last Sovietsdo not intend to usethe vast I would like to express my concern with scrtm- Sincerely, vestige of McCarthyism will be military arsenal that they have Shaw's coverage of the arrests that occurred on GeorgeKleb difficult, but It is essential that a built, haveargued that the Soviets, campus recently. In last week's issue an editorial P.S.You got the arrest dateswrong. cautious, Realistic world view be since WWII, have not attacked criticized The Carroll County Times for lack of P.P.S. Whose bong was that in the picture metntetned . and that such a world another state for the purpose of responsible journalism concerning alleged animal anyway? view not be called paranoid. There conquest, and, furthermore, that mutilation occurring on this campus. Last week, is a Russian threat in the world the U.S., in Vietnam, for example, however, the Scrimshaw failed to follow the very today, it doesexist, and it must be has behaved just as badly. standards it set for the Times: to presenf both sides Mind your own business dealfwith. Afganistan changedall that. of the story. Scrimshaw made no attempt to talk to The Soviet Union today is the Now these same Soviet deten- the accusedor even those present at the time of the Last Thursday I anticipated seeing the scrtm- greatest threat to U.S. and world ders, after the Russians have done arrests. Instead it chose to rely soiely on police shaw after hearing from several students my name stability. The U.S. can adapt 10 what these people has said they accounts. In reference to the article concerning was on the front page. After seeing what the article energy shortages, this country has would not do, are quickly ex- Pete Edison, it should be remembered that pre.trial said my anticipation turned quickly to disgust for survived depressions, but the plainlng and justifying the Russten " confessionsare not always accurate accounts of the the cheap and shoddy journalism. I'm referring to Soviet Union threatens, not the action. Such explanations Include the article by John Hines, which places the stigma truth, as they are often obtained under eressure and economy, but the very extetencect fear. Confessingto the police doesnot always mean of "criminals" on four WMC students. The personal the free world. Russian fear of Islamic upheaval, conviction. Also, I cannot understand why sertm- matters of students should not be printed, especially This'threat lies in Soviet Marxist but that still gives them no right to shaw had to implicate the Betesand the Preachers when these matters do not benefit those they con. philosophy. According to Marx, attack another country. Paranoia cern, or any other member of the college cern. Per"haps all is no justification. in the arrests. It would have sufficed to report that munity. Other students do not have any right to Communism will eventually these points have their merit, but Mike Goldstein and Jim Sullivan lived in p.sectten know my or anybody elses police records. This control the world. While many so does the theory that the MacLea. Secondly, Edson was not kidnapped in prying of the papers staff into private affairs of leaders in Russia feel this will Russians are heading for the order to steal a car. students must stop before more peopleare hurt and occur of its own accord, there Is Persian Gulf, especially when they I agree that Scrimshaw has the right to print all embarrassed. In the future, mind your own damn stili a large portion of the Soviet will becomeoil dependentby 1985. relevant campus news, but if also has the respon- business. leadership who feel that it Is the The most serious ramification of sibility to maintain fair and. unbiased reporting. Richard John Donovan duty of tlJe Soviet Union to ac- the Afganistan invasion is that the Personal ViewRoint ttvetv, Militarily spread cern- Soviets have proven themselves capable moving in, of A conservative and then some assassinating a government, and 'another occupying country regardless of motives. The U.S. is Jeff Epstein "maverick." The best answer, as draft (a position he shares with who live beyond it. If some of his a world power with interests all in responseto Jim FryandKelth usual, is facts, starting with Mr. Ronald Reagan). He has seemed votes chill some conservative over the world, If the Soviets are Arnold's articles concerning their Anderson's voting record in less convinced than we are of the ardor, they shouldalso make him a allowed to think that they can get personnaI viewpoints on John Congress. need to increase defense spending more balanced and electable away with suchattacks then every Anderson, I submit an article The record is consistently to make up ground the U.S.has lost cendtdete-one who can attract the unstable region of the world is in which appeared in the Chicago against government Interventlon to the Soviet Union. On the other independent and Democratic danger of Soviet intervention. In Tribune and Baltimore Sun. The in the market-place. Mr. Anderson hand, he has supported the con. voters whose help is Indispenslble places like Yugoslavia the chances Chicago Tribune has long been has unswervingly backed troverslal neutron bomb as an if a Republican is to win an erec- of U.S. Soviet war are very real if considered one of Chicago's most deregulation of all and gas prices; element In strengthening NATO, conservative newspapers, which he opposedthe loan guarantees to and he tevcrs the grain emberac- ti~~'iSclear that In somematters of ~~~a~~t~~~ar:o~~a:~o~~~;r~~\~~; says much about Mr. Arnolds bailout Chrysler Corp. In his early even when speaking to the farmers fundamental rmccrteoce-umuec be the result. Strong responses theory that Anderson is the most days in Congresshe voted against who bear Its burden. Anyone who federal power, economic policy, often lead to strong reactions, but liberal Republican in the race and the creation of the Department of waits for a candidate with whom national security, and respect for weak responses can lead 10 that conservatives could never Housing and Urban Development he never disagrees will probably the rew-rre national mood has disaster. support him. as an unnecessary addition to the either find hImself voting for swung to the right. The fales··wlth America must make it clear that bureaucracy. vaguenessor will sit out a lifetime the help of inflation, the Kremlin, the Afganlstan invasion is not We support John B. Anderson of In the last three years, Mr. of elections without ever casting a and challenges to law at home and acceptable behavior. If the illinois for the RepublIcan Anderson has voted against ballot. abroad..have cooperated to show Russians are not convinced that presidential nomination In Illinois. establishing a Consumer the United States means to uphold State pride may add a certain tang Protection Agency; for enforcing Mr. Anderson's tendency to to this choice, but we are quite sure congressional responsibility In wander off the conservative that this swing is·lustlfled. But in ~:I~r::~~~I:n!!t~e o:~~~~~o~:~t~: that if Mr. Anderson came from meeting the goal of a balanced reservation on occasion will, other matters, such as racial quo then the world is in nrave any other state In the Union we budget, against broad tax nonetheless, cause him trouble at equality and equal opportunity dan~er As Khrushchev stated, would still favor him, and for the reductions aimed at consumers, the Republican convention. But the before the law, It Is the r~~ "WE w'lII bury you," and they will, same reasons. and against several pet bills of conservative Republican reser- ::V;:~t~;lnl~ t~~~~gm~h the If they are given half a chance. The principal reason is this: organized labor: "common situs" vation is uncomfortably small Among the candidates now on the picketing, labor law reform, and compared to the number of voters tunes. Numbers ballet, John Anderson best weakening of the Hatch Act soasto represents the qualitIes neededto permit more political activity of up! win nomination and etectlon-eno Personal Viewpoint having won those, to be a strong, fe:;.al ~~:~=~~record leans Barb,!:ra Rideout effective President. Most of the strongly to the conservative side That time of year has arrived qualltltes come in balanced pairs; on nearly all of the Issues vital to Soviets frightened? again, the time everyone views Conservatism plus conscience, our economy. His reputation as a with dread. Yes, folks, room toughness with prudence, an liberal thinker In conservative drawing time Ishereagain! ability to see the complexity of a clothing has arisen mainly because The Russians will not get any oil Drawings will take place during problem along with the eeter- of his position on various social from page 2 out of Afghanistan, they will not the second full week of May. minatlon to find the best (as Issues which have been drawn Washington's "Soviet threat" enchance their credibility In the Between now and then, each distinguIshed from the easiest) somewhat Irrationally into the policy. ttes Achesonseemsto say, region and they will not benefit student will receive a number and solutIon. One trait that does not area of ueeret- conservative the Soviet threat was conjured up terribly strategIcally even If they four pages of instructions in their come paired with anything else is warfare. as a sort of P.R. tactic, then the do manage to re·lnstall a friendly mailbox. The instructions are to be Intellectual honesty; Mr. Anderson It started with his 1968vote In implications are rather chilling. government. They do worry about read carefully before going to the has shown that In abundance. favor of an open housing law. At What makes It disturbing is the the Moslem insuragents spreading drawings. It Is not surprising that his the time, such a proposal seemed po5SlbJlltythat the Cold War need trouble across their border. The For the uninitiated, things go as campaign has reflected these shockingly liberal to the party's never have occured. But, that Is large Moslem population of the follows: each student Is 'lssigned a qualities. What we find heartening old guard; 12 years later, we are history. The modern analogy 15the Soviet Union Is centered In that number, as long as your deposit is that voters seem more and more sure that most of those who Middle Eastern crisis. region.. has been paid. Numbers are first to recognize and like them··even denounced his vote then would Unable to deal successfully with Still the Soviet IncursIon should assigned by classes. Juniors have though few of Mr. Anderson's agree that It was the right one. the more vital and complex issues not be justified. Obviously any the lowest numbers, freshman the stands seem aimed at popularity stree then, Mr. Anderson has facing the Middle East, Carter has military "adventure" Is poten· highest. In other words, freshmen and hedoesnot temper his views to bolted from the orthodox con· 'opted for the pollticly ee- tlally threatening to world peace. get last choice. Within each class, suit his audience. servettve line not only on handgun vantageous policy of blaming the But this Is not the first time a a computer randomly assigns He calls for controversial registration, but also in supporting Soviets for our troubles. By maior power nes Intervened In a numbers. If your deposit was late. measures like handgun SALT II, a woman's right to an labeling it the "greatest tbreet to country to secure a government you win receive a higher number registration, or wholly unap- abortion, and in voting for a International peace since World that is favorable to Its interests, than If you had gotten your deposit pealing ones like a SO-centtax on compromise solution on the Alaska War Two." Carter Is deflecting unfortunately It probably will not in on time. However, you will stilt gasoline, because he thinks they lands bill (this vote for con. some of the heat he should be be the last time either. In con. bewith your class are right; and while such servatlon, strangely enough, getting for not being able to deal cluslon return to a Cold War at- When the day arrives, your proposals may earn him someboos seems to rank as anti· with the more complex problms of IItude in either country is number will come up, and you will on the campaign trail, they have conservative.) These are con the Middle East. Those problems threatening to both, and to prevent get fo choose what room. oul of also earned him respect.. which Is troverslal issues on which he has are the Arab.lsraeli dispute, the that, we need to look reallsticly at thoseavailable, you want more lasting. stood for what he believes'is right; question of Internal problems In the Invasion, and not over react If there are any questions, Ihey No list of personal merits, and on the issues named, we Saudi Arabia and the recent" becauseit is the traditional way to may be directed to Dean Laidlaw; though, will overcome Mr. An· happento agree with him. Iranian Iraqi dueling at the respondto policy. or Julia Logan or Rick Reeker, co derson's chief handicap among There have been Issueson which border. The vital Interests that we In short, considering the Soviet chairmen of the Housing Com conservative Republicans; the we disagreed with Mr. Anderson, are trying to protect are more invasion as defensive rather than mittee idea that he is too liberal, a most recently his resistance to vulnerable to indiginous flare ups offensive is not a _rash can· ~ ~ . Democrat in disguise, a renewal of registration for 'the :1 than:to a~asslve Soviet take over~, sideration.
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