Page 124 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 124
page of In dual meet action on Hoffa the mile relay of Smyth, Sam awarded place sjnce Field last week, the men's track Hopkins, Kirby Light,. and Runyon Knieriem and the F & M runner team stomped Hopkins 100-51on came home in 3:32.6 who had tripped Kirby were both Tuesday, butsuccombed to Both relay teams were again disqualified. Franklin and Marshall 86-61 on successful in Saturday's cold rain, Inofherexc;lting, ifnotsobrutal, Saturday. These two- meets and the 440team beating Franklin and races, Degross finished powerfully this week's contest with York ere Marshall for the first time in six to just miss winning the 100yard historic because they will be the years. The only other track event dash while Chadwick, though last battles fought on WMC's winner for the Terrors was Smyth leading coming auf of the turn, was prtmo-dtat cinder track, known as he equaled his Hoffa Field best overtaken down the stretch to around the league as "The Batra." of 15.8seconds in the high hurdles. finish second by a lean In the 220. Mark Chadwick led the Hopkins Fast ImprovIng Childrey clocked a Runyon, too, finished second in a masacre by rolling up ln~ points. 16.5for second place while Smyth tough 880yard race after leading He won both the 100and 220yard also ran 58.0to finish second in the for the first 660. dashes with fine efforts of 10.2and intermediate hurdles. The women's team, though 23.4and, in addition to anchoring Knieriem was the only field losing to Hopkins squad with more WMC's winning 440 relay, scored event winner as he onceagain took than double their personnel, had second places in both the long and both the long and triple jumps. some fine performances. Kathleen triple jumps. Colbert had his long unbeaten "Casey" Crooks led the women's The field events were the Blue record in the shot put snapped as scoring by capturing first In the Jay's undoing as the Terrors swept he finished second to F & M's javelin, second in Ihe shot put and everyone. Tom Knieriem took top defending MAC Champ. His throw third in the discus. Phyllis Landry honors inboth the horizontal jumps of 48', however, was a fine effort. took a first and a second in the 100 while Russell Johnson claimed his second best of the season. and 220yard dashes and anchored third places ineach. Dane Colbert, Peoples picked up'.e third in the the winning 440 relay of Ann Harry Peoples, and Bruce England shot with 44'3" and also grabbed a Royston, Alison ~ard and Sherr! went 1·2·3 in the shot;, Bruce third in the javelin behind second Linkofl. Ann also placed second In McCallon, Peoples, and Colbert placing Wallin ..The high jump saw the 100 while Sherrl added thirds in swept the discus; and Paul Wallin, Cockerill and Mitchell go 2·3 and the 100and 220. Elaine Lippy ran Peoples once again and John Jamison scored a second in the well to place second in the 8BOand Dewees aced the javelin toss. vault. Berit Killinstad finished third In Wallin's winning flip of 193'1" is a In the mile, John Kebler, with the 440. personal best. one of his trademark last lap The women will have competed Mark Cockerill also scored a ~drives, overtook four F & M run- In the MAC Championships by the personal record with his 6'3" leap ners with tess than 200yards to go ti me you read this so look here next -"- _ week to see how they did. The men ... '----=='-- to win the high jump. Mark was and held off all but one of them to followed by Sam MItchell at 6'1". finish second by 7flOO of a second. will be participating In the MCAC's In the pole vault, Rip .Jerntscn Doug Renner made 12 circuits of this weekend at Ursinus College. cleared 12' for the win and was the track in 16:36to finIsh third in backed up by Dan Guy who placed the three-mile run. Tennis sweeps secondat m'. - The 440 yard dash was a Another double winner for WMC disastrous fiasco as three of the was Fred Smyth who took both the five starters crashed to the cinders Gary Snerd excursion earlier in the week to 120yard high hurdles and the.440 before the race was over. Kirby The amazing men's tennis team look over the sights and sounds of intermediate hurdles. Also scoring Light went down In the middle of totally devastated Lebanon Valley Gettysburg with their reliably in the hurdles were Joe Childrey, the second turn, tripped up from College this week In a merciless 9-0 vivacious managers Wendy third in the highs, and Jamison, behind by an F & M runner trying whitewashing. This win made a Sharretts and Robin Robertson. third in the intermediate. to pass. Then KnierIem, In his first remarkable five times this year With a revttetued outlook on their Eliot Runyon won the 440 yard 440 of the year, staggered Into that the terrors have shutout theIr tennis games after the Gettysburg dash in SJ.6second and served on another F & M athlete as they opponents. Western Maryland now experience, the terrors wrre both winnIng relay teams as well. battled down the home stretch holds a strong 9-2 record with only totally psyched for lebanon The 440 squad of Runyon, Eric causing both of them to fall. two matches remaining in the Valley. Degross, Mitchell, and Chadwick Getting to his feet, Light managed season. Highllghllng the match was Tim sprinted to a .44.Bclocking, while to make It across the tape and was To psychologically prepare for Hackerman, who took the oppOSing the match, the players took an number 2 man In perfect 6·0, 6.0 Baseball hits it home sets. Relying on superb control and precision volleys, Tim showed a scored twlce-;and drove in two with all three runs before B mastery over the flight of the ball lis opponent simply couldn't The WMC baseball team swept a runs. One of Walker's hits wasan rellred eight of the last nine In rneu.n.At number 3 singles, senior doubleheader from Lebanon opposite field home run, his second saving the B-3vlctory. The Terrors Dave Zauche increased his season Valley College last week, bringing of the campaign. Glenn Cameron broke open a 5·3 game in the sixth record to 7·1 with a 6·0, 6-2 sch. their record to 10·13. also drove In a pair of runs to aid when Bruce Frick sIngled and maltzing of the Lebanon Valley Frank Trautz picked up the win the cause. scored on Peters' towering home player. Ward Street, having In the first game as he scattered The Terrors also received good run. Cameron then Singled and recovered from the Sigma format, Six hits, notching his third victory pitchIng In the second game as later scored on John liebel's base downed the number 4 man 6-1,6.2, of the year without a loss. Craig Kenny Reglec and Rob ecwen hit to put the game out of reach. unleashing a flurry of cross-court Walker and Scott Peters paced the combined to stop l VC. Reglec Extra Innings ... Trautz leads and down·the_line putaways. Co- 9·1 triumph as each had two hits, went 4'13 innings and was char ed the mound corps with a 3·0 record captain Fran McCullin, playing and a 2.57ERA ... Frick leads team number 5, fired cannon ball serves wittj :361 average Kevin Zawacki '.·1 fi . h followed by right passed his mesmerized op- 'T Duane Lee (.360), Women S Tennis .nlS es ~. L34<)..ndB,'.nZ.w"klL3401. .Terrors suffered loss when it was learned that catcher Brian Baln Public"", - doubles match ~ .~ 87~·3550 Pizza, will -be unable to play the wins at first and second doubles WESTMINSTER,Md.-·Threeset of the season due to ,- u,o- Cold Beer Illness.. Peters has been on a fear highlighted a disappointing con- remainder ot late, going 10.21 cluslon to the dual meet seasonfor in the last six Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Salad Bar games, while scoring nine times Western Maryland College women's tennis team as visiting and collectIng four ribbies; in the Call Ahead for Takeout Orders Sandwiches process raIsing his BA to .310. Gettysburg College came away their tiebreaker loss Terrors final four games are both with a 5-2victory Friday. home doubleheaders: Saturday vs. Sue Armstrong and Louise Maureen Martin and Jenny York, and Monday Herrera absorbed a 6·2 beating in In the first set. A pair of House of Liquor Sj'~"'),'~'hlio·nlllnlio··)oc)oc)ocDQ)OC)OC~t~h'~f~"CIO'tClO'o<'to<'o
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