Page 118 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 118
page 6 Scrimshaw ADrll 24 1980 Faith and politics: necessary bedfellows called on and even when they are I am not confusing church and according to the will of the restricted by our government I'm a believing Christian, the not called on. state, but I am offering a fcun- majority of their citizens solongas More and more we see our free born again type you don't hear Supportis an active thing. Those dation for our country to return to; they hold office. If our leaders industries, which are the backbone from much, the ones you hear who are in a peaceful state of the Christian principles onwhich it have not acted according to the of any democracy, and their much too little from lately. I was unconcern and inaction are not was lounded can return our will of the majority, in most cases products and profits being can that sort of Christian until today, supporting any thing or anyone. If country to consiste~cy, stability it is becausewe have not informed trolled by trhe government. We waiting for the right times and the as Christians, you are at your and hopefor a future. There are no them of our will. Our leaders' alsofeel the pull of the government listening ears to give my neighbors' doorsand in your work real set of principles or goals at telephones,stenographers,andour more and more on the workers, testimony, and ashamed of the place continually witnessing about work, asfar as the rest of theworld leaders themselvesat all levels of ourselves. The more time, energy other.concernslike politics andthe Jesus Christ's love and plan of can see, in a nation that can government walt at our disposalto and goods that we are lorced to future of this country that seemed salvation, then youare, indeed,the provide asylum to an artist, who hear our opinions and our com. give back to our government, the,wasllng my time and my furthest point from being opiated. doesn't wish to return to the plaints, but in proportion to the lessfreedom we have to use them enthuslesm. I was ashamed until But if you are, like most of us, not suppressionof individual rights in total populations they represent, at our discretion today when 1 realized that Jesus living up to Christ's will for your his Soviet homeland,and then turn the calls and correspondencethey We must act. Democracy is at Christ wants Christians to be life, but are keeping your mouths around and recognise the corn- receivearefrlghfeninglyfew. stake. Christ teaches the love of concerned about their country, closed most of the time, except to munist government of Chinaat the The majority of our national disciplined freedom. That is what never wants them to sit idle and utter the wrong things just expenseof the democratic nation leaders have decided on reduced democracy is. And perhaps the thoughtless, unseenand unheard. w~iting, you say, for "the right of Taiwan. I'm an American and I spending for our national security misunderstandingof that meaning People in the United States must time" . thenpreparenowto change can't understandit. and have decided on boosting the over the years by Americans and stand up for their Lord and their your ways, for this is the right Weare presently atthe threshold communist cause through our American leaders is what has country before the freedomto doso time, this Is that opportunity we've of a world disaster, likely in the policies of ncn-ecttcn and brought us to our sad position. We is gone. This Is no personal trn. beenwaiting for. Wemust saveour midst of it. If we can't seethat, we surrender of our goods that they must disciplineourselvestoaccept pulse; the times are calling us. freedom in this country or there are as confused as the above entitle "foreign aid," taxing us the responsibilities of democracy. mentioned foreign policy. We mightity in order to do so. They Under communism we would have should pray, but we must not just have also made us lose face with plenty of discipline, but noneof the "We must save our freedom in this country or there watch and wait. Democracy is at our allies, who sincethe last World pleasures of freedom we are now ~ii~lh.~.e no opportunity to witness or practice our stake.The presidentof our country War have dependedon us as the taking for granted democratic remaining Communism is the opposite of is not at this time doingeverything largest in his power to protect our nation in the world to set an democracy; communism is totally democracy. He is nof doing. example lor hard core entr. restricted life, life without The leaders of the Soviet Union will be no more opportunity to everything in his power to protect communist foreign policy. We freedom. This is the principle have often called the belief In witnessortopractlceourfaith. our democratic etues . and at this know that a majority of our behind a government that can Jesus Christ "the opiate of the There is not one American who point in time every nation which national leaders have been declare it will relegate Christ to masses' and in the early 1960's owns either a television set or a still exists as a democracy should responsible for the decisions that mythology. Such a government they announced, "Let us go forth radio who is not being steadily be considered our ally. But rather have beenmade in the nameof our takes away not only free voice, and Christ shall be relegated to bombarded these days with the he is in the midst of a wholesale country, because the legislative free vote and individual creativity, mythology." Sincethen the Soviet plight of our country andour allies. operation to sell us out to the and executive branches 'of our but its end goal fs to crush free leaders have done much to show There can scarcely be an In Soviets and to Red China. He is government are also democratic; thoughtandreligion their promise was in earnest and dividual who hasnot seenor heard relying on the United Nations, in the voice of the majority of the We are at a position now where nothing to demonstratea changeof oJ our people being kept as which the Soviets' cherter-qtven leaders governs their final we must decide how important our heart. To say that they will hostages in one of the most tm- right of veto has continually made decisions and actions. And even democratic foundations are to us "relegate" means that they will portant oil.produclng nationsin the a mockery of our peaceefforts, to when the president of our country Soon we may be faced with the "move" or "change" the position world, our trade beingcut off from be our representative both in Iran formulates policy contrary to their impossible choice of nuclear of Christ "to something.other and that country, our pleading efforts and in Afghanistan. In his years in opinions,they have the democratic holocaust or compromising our lower than It normally or actually to gain support frorn two office he has decreased spending right of vetoover him. freedom to world communism. Is." Their choice of words shows crtmeruv-unttee States-funded for our national security and sold If our leaders have made Don't force us into that nightmare, that the Soviets are aware of the but sevret-ccntrcnec "peace" our technology to the communists. decisions,which we as democratic but remember it is fast ap- fact thaf JesusChrist is more than organizations, the failure of our Now he uses the withdrawal of citizens are ultimately responsible proachlng if we remain Idle. We myth. But that will not, nor has It dollar onthe world moneymarket, such sales as a sheepish way of for, that do not reflect the voice of must do something and do it now. ever, stopped them from per and the easy sweep of the Soviet "punishing" the communists. And the majority of our people,then it We must speak and make our verting the truth. Union into Afghanistan, its first he tells the United States farmers Is our fault. Our leaders, including voices heard. It takes all of us. But it is the other part of their major military stronghold on that much of the grain he's our president, don't hear enough Thatisdemocracyatwork. statement which has even greater today's most strategic area In the refusing to sell the Soviets will from us, whether from letters, We not only must inform our urgency. TheSoviets(meaning the world, the cu.rtch PersianGulf. Its become additional foreign aid. telephone calls or visits to their presentteadersof our opinions,but leaders of the communist gover. first and absolutely not its last If Anyone who has stud~;d ~he o!fices or meeting places, and so in this major election year, we nment of the Soviet Union. the we conflnue In our present opiated' pol1tlcs of what we call forelcn they really can't know the must stop letting forces other than peoplewho are subjected to living state. aid" knowsits awful, real fate. The opin Ions, complaints an~ our own free thinking, be they under communist governments There is not one American who truth is disillusioning and are not necessarily pre. doesn't need somefhing solid, disheartening. The majOl'lty of our "Christ teaches the love 01 disciplined freedom. communism, but they have no something with meaning and aid does not go to democratic freedom to object or to advocate constancy and with a future, and nations bu' to "developing That is what democracy Is." ~:j:~~;~~sr~~t~c::~~~:tte~I~~ that something certainly isn't ~~t:~~la~:~ t:h~h~~v~ke ~~ opiate ts anything that, like the ~It~~ ~~~~~~~~fh~~s9~;t~~~~;~: crushed by the Soviets or Red frustrations of the majority of governemnt, the media (television :~~e~:u~~t:~~c~~~~~~::~ ~n~ ~I~~~d:~~;~ ~tn~si!~/~:cu:a~!o~~~ :~:~:~~. :~~::'eha~:;:;e~t:~:; ~r:e;:::lec~::~~n:~e~ya~!~c~~t~: ~~!te:~';::~~~~m:~f !hh:t ~:;; ~~~~~~~he~; challenged to slstent action according to clearly ~!~~~::~on~~~:~~~I~~~oe~fno,':~ ~~::::ef~~e~:;~~:;o~:~t~n:~~~ :~lstdO~e~~~~~u~h~i~~~~~is:~ In the book of Hebrews In the ~~~:nn:.r~~~1~~~e:l~t:~~~st~~! fact aid the peopleor the causeof right men into office Isn't commentators and newspaper Bible, Christ's meat outspoken learning from the events and freedom. Without real military ever"ythlng.A leader is not really editors In this country are living In witness Paul challengesChristians mistakesof the past, that wedonot supervision, which we rarely made until he meetsthe challenge a democracyand havethe freedom :~t~te:ct~~~.ofHt:e~~I~;C:nnct~enma~~:e:~u~~~o~~aw~!t~:~:a~~I~ f~~Vid;~:~~~II~';S~c~;~:eaid ~~ ~:i~~i~~ ~~~:,~;t~:i:e ~~: ~;t:l~g o~t:~':eC:I~~C:~~~f:: support not only the doctrine of something so real and exact and developingnew nationsfor them to heIs meant to represent. way or suppot"t particular can- Christ but also to sUppDl"ttheir constant that there can be no coecoer and manipulate. Weare In We have bHn creating an en· dldates over others, this is sImply governmental leaders who have questionof what we stand for. The actuality encouraging the com· vironment In which It Is Impossible the majority opinion of one small their nation's welfare at heart. If glorious andhopefulpart is there Is' munlsts' goal of communist world to preserve a democracy. Here we group in our country. As citizens of we are to accept Paul's challenge, such a something. All of us who government, and at our expense have leaders who have very little a democracy, we must not let our we must make sure that we have have received JesusChrist as our and the expenseof our allies. Our but their own opinions to work media be the sourcefor our way of ~~::~!h:'on~s~:~tsu:=~h th:~ ~~~eo:~~~:~~n~~ ~~~~~~::~I~ ~:::!r~~:I=:~? so~~!~!:~~~~~,I~~:~e~:i~: ~~~a:~dt~~ ~:=~bll:~'l~t:~s I~~:;:~C:I;~ back.bonedenoughand principled It Is in Christ Himself and In His can stand up against communist ownopinionstOWOl'kwith, because preserving his freedom, to study enoughto stand up for the welfare word as contained In the New expansi9nandquit abetting It. that Is all they permit. Although for himself the record of each of their nation every time they are Testamentofthe Bible. The more we continue to give their founding philosophies are candidate. Did he decrease f~';.::;;'U4.Co:::'::~.:":::;::';:='::::''''':?c';;:~:'':::'::~::'.--''' ::e:!~e~:w:rllto .ku~oen~~;dt~: ~oo~~:~:!y a!~en!~:ur~:~~~~~:! ~~~~una~e;~dc~;;r~~st~:ut::~s ~ .. .. against it and the more like our governments and our own are which a democracy depends?. this enemy we will become. I can say becoming more alike. In the is the true test of whether a can· "we" when I speak of American communist countries, the meansof didate has the welfare of our 'Put ~ - Cold Beer fhe Soviet Union, Red China and workers) and the goods of Any public librarian can help you production (the industries and the policy because,unlike the peoplein democracy and its future at heart. p. Izza~ their satellite nations, we live in a find recordsof the candidates'past production (the products and the democracy where our leaders 0.. performance in government; tell profits) are owned and controlled him you are interesled in unbiased stand for the voice of the majority by the government. Here in our Salad Bar and Carroll Plaza Shoppin~ Center Sandwiches of the people they govern. This is country, where the majority of us government documents dq all ~~~~~~7ngth~~~~eveC~:i:~ e~~c!~:. :~~: ~~~~ei~t:~te~~~t~~: i~e~od~~~cO;~i~e:i:;:~=:~~r~:'must e Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876-3550. :~~o~~;h!!~.~r.~:;sp;v(l;~~); !O~nc~:.:lI r.~~~~~~i~~~o.::,:~r.~~: .~r~~~!? keep~~ur democracy
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