Page 117 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 117
April 24. 1980 Scrimshaw_ page 5 SGA John Hines Recording Honor Board I Secretary Treasurer budgetary process, I, John Hines, years After witnessing this have realized that there is far Sue Hobbes Ann Hardebeck I have these qualifications and more to the job of S.G.A. Treasurer I, Ann Hardebeck, am on the wish to perform a dutiful and ... --------. than jus" handing out prealloted ballot for the open position on the thorough job in the bestjnterest give of Therefore, Honor Board. I am presently a our community. Larry Beyer money. The Treasurer must be a fullyactIve member of the S.G.A. Corresponding sophomore. My qualifications are: me your consideration and sup- he can not limit himself to the an Interest in the students and port. lhank you, To the students of WMC: I am financial end of the S.G.A. he must Secretary school, a basic sense of right and Jay Edlng~r running for the office of SGA be active In other policy areas as wrong, and a strong desire to see Vicki Kessler -, Treasurer because t feel that this well. every student treated with decency is the manner in which J can best I am currently the Chairman of and the standards of Western Students of WMC: serve the students of Western the S.G.A. Assembly and from that Maryland College upheld. I am running for an Honor Board I Maryland. As an Economics and perspective I have seen many Ronnie Kelley Thank you position. My name is Vicki Kessler Business Administration meter I ways in which the budgetary Ann Hardebeck and I am a sophomore. I feel I am am Interested In the business process can be run more et- The Student Government Jay Edinger qualified for this position since I aspects of the SGA, and Iam 'eager ttcrentlv. feel very strongly about violations I to gain the experience that comes I hope that you will give me your Association is one way In which My name is Jay Edinger and I of the honor code. Cheating with the position of treasurer. I support in today's voting. Thank students can take an active part In am running for H_onorBoard. The reflects badly on the integrity of would like to help make the SGA a you, their school. As corresponding honor.system serves an important our campus and It Is unfair to those successful service organization to John Hines secretary the main thing Ican do is function symbollcaly as well as of us who do our best to work hard all of the students at WMC. Like keep the floor representatives practically. The fact that we have for the grades we earn because we many other students, I am also Informed of meetings and provide an honor system demonstrates our have strong convictions about Interested in sports and other them with minutes so that they can communities ability to mafntain its honesty. I trust you wi II do your activities, and participated In the vote keep the students up to date. My own standards for higher learning. part to uphold the honor of our intramural program. I think that main purpose for running for A member of the Honor Board Is campus by voting for me on the I enjoying campus life is an Integral corresponding secretary Is that I delegated the responsibility of Honor Board Ballot. Sincerely, part of the college experience, and want to get involved, for In- enforcement. Therefore ths person Vicki Kessler Insi'ght, and volvement is the key foan effective _ must have objectivity, a strong SGA Is Important in I achieving this goal: Plea-se con- student government. justness as well as compafabillty Linda Mapp, sider me when you cast your vote Ronnl Kelley for Corresponding with the student community. Helle, my name is Linda Mapp I for SGATreasurer. Secretary of the SGA and I'm running for a position on Sincerely, the Honor Board. As aware Larry Beyer Class of '82 I students ofWMC, I'm sure you are and bored school of cheating," '------------' tired of promises to "purge the President CorevMann up as well as decoration of our President I would serve as a with promises that say, "I will be member Phil Barnes As a qualified and concerned H omecom I ng d a n c e, a nd representative as well as a trustee. the best Honor Board quatlfled, I have the enthusiasm and drive to because I feel I am arrangements for our class picnic sophomore, I am running for the office of President of the class of (May9th). keep our class activated. Please certified, etc." I will say that I am have I 1982.I feel that the main objective representative been for an active vote for me. My record for ex. concerned with the welfare of the do will students. speaks that and pertence and qualification student I our My name is Phil Barnes and I'm of a class president is to organize government for 2 yrs. and for Itself. everything in my power to ensure running for next year's Jr. Class the class and coordinate its ac- f~ev~~srYh~;I~s~xh~~tIV~,':s~tiO:: r::----------, Presidency. Effective leadership tivities. I also feel that, If I am that each student who appears of p'e Jr. class Is the key to-a elected, I can achieve these ob- President, Treasurer, and Treasurer J ~::~~:e f:~~ an~Oj~o;.tr::~~nt~~ succ.essful year. The Jr. class has jectives. r.epresentatlve. Between this year Toni Edwards please vote for me, Linda Mapp, on many important responsibilities, I have always been a willing and and the class president is one of the enthusiastic participant in cress ~;~O":S~~I:h:o~I~=y ofF!~; :~~n!:. Carje Simmons ~~~~~d:~a~rll 24th for the WMC most important student offices on activities, such as selling class picnic, Homecoming, Follies, campus. It is not a job to be taken programs at football games and and the Juntcr-Sentcr banquet not lightly. concessions at basketball games to mention any other fund raisers t have pilt careful thought into and helping to plan our 1979May or activities we may wish to House 0/ Liquor my decision to run. I have put Day activities. Through these sponsor. The success of these activities I have learned that activities Is crucial In producing Carroll Plaza, Westminster _ I ;~~t~;~;h~~;s~~s:1 c:n ~;e~ organization is very Important to the needed funds for our Junlor- and SpeciaTof th~ Week candidate than the others who are class government. Senior banquet. Our Junior year running for the office? Will I have If elected, one of my major goals will present the most difficult the time required to do a good Job? will be to establish a system by demanding events of our class After much consideration and which juniors will not only be In· activities. COLT -45 SILVER ~~~~.ningI came to the decision to formed of the class plans but also I would like to bel~g I $1.99 a Six take the' will have an opportunity to voice respons~llIty Of, our The main job of the class their opinions; another very tm- President so I may give the 12 oz. cans president Is to organize. In this portant aspect of class govern- dedication, orgai.:zatlon, and aspect I believe I could be a better ment. . leadership our class needs. As with this coupon 848.1314 president than the other can, Follies is debateabally the most dldates. No matter how hard the important Junior Class activity. 1 Class of '81 president works, if the class does have nine credits of Dramatic Art not follow his or her leadership, he and have participated in four President or she cannot do a good job. I major stage productions here and Nancy CAsey believe I have the abJilty to suc- at theaters at home. I feel that this cessfully organize a good year. will help me to best organize the Secretary .!tmi~ll. If I am elected. I cannot do the talent of our class into an excellent job by myself. I'll need support and production. Ralph Preisendorfer \ participation from the class. If you Iam not strongly involved in any are not willing to support your would be able to devote all my I J~!~: I other organizations and therefore class, then don't vote for me. But If PREPARE FOR: you are willing to do your part, available time to the class. vote for me, and I will do my best I have ideas, and so do you. We Jay Edinger MCIT· OIT· LSAT •SMAT to.prcvlde effective leadership for should get them together for our our class. benefit. I want to establish a class Virginia Mac/eay SRE· SRE PSYCH· SRE BID government desfqned to do just Les Martin that. You are the class of 1982and PCAT· OCAT· VAT· MAT· SAT by doing it for the class, you do it Adam Wright I Class of '83 for yourself. Corey N. Mann My fellow W.M.C. students: 1MB LB.m.ECfMS· FLEX•VQE I'm not going to make a lot of 1- President Laurie Mather promises that I wouldn't really NDBI,U· NPBl· NLE C,II'"det,iI, l~.fl' John Hachney As your class Historian I have want to or couldn't keep. I won't Flexible Programs. HOUri a long list my of give you Vice President begun and kept a journal of our to qualifications. I'm just going to Join our classes now to prepare-for Fall 'BOexams. addition In Full or split summer sessions available. class memoirs. promise one thing--FAIRNESS!!! Stewart Suls - fulfilling my responsibilities as The Judicial Board is something Days, Evenings, Dr Weekends. MPIJIN I have expanded ciass Historian, school shouldn't need. Un- this to those of a fifth Treasur~ my duties These duties have in- fortunately we do need it. I stn- 243-1456 executive. cerely hope to provide the needed Ed Johnson cluded: assistance in and fairness to judge everyone equally. £DUCT~~~P~"~~:" SPEC'AlI$TSS!ttC(1938 organization of May Fair events Secretary for 2vrs., coordination of our prize- of I am hopeful that you will vote for 3121 $1. Paul$tlwt. la!tima .... Maryland21211 me today. solicitation winning float, Michael Grusby programs for Homecoming, clean Sincerely, Centers In Major US Cities rcecetc, Puerto Rico.nod Zurich. Switzerland AdamWrighf I -
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