Page 122 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 122
Personal Viewpoint ~~~~~~~ It's worth a credit CreatiQnists argue for equality national law. Academic freedom Is Quite frankly, student activities are a hitch. They are often as Mark Mylln and is Invalid scientifically. why the creationist feels he can I am wrltlng about Creation and Evolution sustains that life Is the demanding, if not more so, than regular course work. And even Evolution what these two views result of impersonal "natural cretm the rlghftobe heard. though it seems as if you're learning more from the activities, you are, and If they should be taught selection" and lots of time. This Intellectual honesty Is Important don't get credit for the knowledge. You don't get many rewards side by side In public schools. process would require blHlons of to me. As a student {though some either-just your own personal satisfaction. People are quick to offer Truth should be taught as truth, years and the evolutionIst claims that know me may disagree with constructive criticism, helpful things like, "that sucks." Those who criticize the loudest are often the last to volunteer to help. For those even If It offends "relIgIous" the earth to be that old. Species my studiousness} I try hard not to poor unfortunates who end up in a 1eadenbip position, they have the people. Theory Is also very Im- similarities are the result of be blinded by what I believe. I added burden of final responsibility. The campus is given a con- portant and should be taught as common ancestry. Food chains believe In a creator, the personal venient figure to blame when a series 01 events result in something what It Is, I.e. theory. Both and essential chemical cycles extst God of the ChrIstian faith. A Bla. happening that doesn't please every single penon OIl this campus. Creation and Evolution are because they work and were Chem double maior Is some Last week the SGA passed a propcul to live students who are cialmed to be theories, I"Ielther can chanced upon.~ Again, others evidence of my ability to think. involved in extra-curricular activities some credit for what they do. be proven as fact. The question disagree and consider evolution an 'Personally I am eager to take Dr. Evolution course Long's It's about time. Granted there are still problems to be warted out seems to be, In light of Evolution, unscientific belief held by people .resolvecreaflonvsevolutlonlnmy and VIABLE IS A CREATION thatdon'tbelleve In God. with the pl'optUl. Steps must be made to insure that DO one is ptting THEORY? First, what Is the The bills Introduced In over II own mind. Scientific creation more credit than anyoae else, and DO one is lettiDg credit they don't deserve. The credit should not become the major reason for a creationist view? dozenstate legislatures all propose should be taught as long liS It student's Igetting inyolved-it is more a reward for those ~tudents who A creationIst -believes that an a "two model approach." Both doesn't become a meens of do chOrJse to contribute something to the scbooJ. ,via extracurricular Intelligent crelltor Is responsible evolution and Creation would tie re!lgious Indoctrination. If activities. Some students (eel that eredit sboukl not be liven. aDd for an ordered cr.atlon. The earth . taught side by side. Two such bills teaching creation was attempted they argue "they're extra-currip1lar activities." That is true. they Is seen as young, much younger have iust recently failed In Iowa andperverted before long we cecte certai!!b' are. They are also iDcredi.bly time-conswninl, aDd im- than the evolutIonist believes: ..nd Georgia. T~ proposed laws have Hindus, Buddhists, and many portant to the character oC the school. Tbe title "extra..ctll'l'ieular 11,000 years oid versus several contain no religiOUS terminology others, aU claiming the rIght to activitieS" is just" '8 classy synonym' for plain old bard Work. ADd billIon years old. Scientific and the content Is not supported by teach their storIes In our public students who work barddeservesome rewards. creation leaves the tIme perl~ of ScrIpture. In fact they were school science classes. Creation Wewould lite to take a moment and thank Mike Steinmetz aDd the creation undefined. Many believe written sclentlflcally within the (not religion) should be taught 1979-1980 SGA for the work they have done this year. Although'we creation Is a belief of Christians limits of logIc and state and alongslcMofevolutlon. , Personal Vi.wpohit .have often criticized Mike's policies in the past, we recognize the amount of time and energy be has put into the SGA.Wethalk him for Hartwyk: Will he fight? his attempts to make this campus a little bit better place to be. The credit proposal will not becomea reality in time to reward Mike and the SGA members (or their work this year, and so we offer instead Lee Maxwell ning Committee. The way he said it, the quote our thanks. Scrinishaw also wishes Chris Hartwyk and the new SGA Now that Chris Hartwyk has Throu'gh these already must mean "iegitimate to equal officers much success.Maybe it will be a bit easier to put up with the been chosen by about 30% of the established but basically only." And it that Is what he hasslesfor credit, but, quite frankly, we doubt it. Wesincerely hope student body as its next SGA overlooked links, the SGA can means, then he's really stepping that the SGA officers embezzleenoughoff the top to buy themselves president, just wnet ·kind of effectively communicate "the towards..!!'eother extreme. A step a pitcher of beer, havesomefun, and stay sane. leadership will Chris show? What thoughts, desires, and needs' 'to backwards, in fact. Letter to the Editor can we expect him to ecnteve. and the people who presently regulate increaseSGAeffectiveness: revise has a second way to But Chrts the ae- life student here; how can we expect him to achieve it? ministratIon, the faculty and the the "present SGA Committee To the Editor of Scrlmshav.:and sensuousasanyoneelse. Chris' primary goal is to in Soard. system In such a way that "the 100 or more Gay Persons on I've never had sex -.ylth a guy crease communIcations between Chris stresses that through his eliminates present overlapping Campus": before, I never plan to either. But the SGAand Its leadership, and the dealings wIth both Dean LaIdlaw responsibilities, clearly define the I am a heterosexualmale. Idon't my personal opinion Is that faculty, administratIon, and the and Dean Mowbray as a member purposes of committees, and thus feel threatened by a homosexual homosexuality Is a psychological Board of Trustees. Healsohopesto of the Honor Board, "I have ob- increase their effectiveness in who comes to our campus talking and emotional maladjustment that use the links set up before Mike tained the necessary level of getting things done." about his sexuality, I do however should be dealt with under the care Steinmetz's term: weekly communication which is essential This Idea has been kicking feel a bit nauseousand a great deal of a psychiatrist. meetings between the president of to theeftectiveness of SGA." around for a couple of years in disgusted. And in closing I'd like to add that SGA and the admInistration, and The approach that Chris stresses various forms. One proposal is to It seems that every homo I've Tim Streett and I are secure much greater emphasis on placing .. cooperation and discussion.. will fake Action and Housing Com. ever heard lobbying for his cause enough In our masculinity that we and keeping students on faculty be a radical change from the mittees and change them Into the has been on the same trip. "Your sIgn our names to our letters. committees and onclosely working blatant preference for conflict AcademIc Affairs and the Student masculinity Is threatened," "You What's your excuse? with these members. Chris also Mike Steinmetz has used all year. Life Committees. Another aren't secure with your own DavId Denton,Jr. wants .tc add student represen- Cooperation is apparently proposal would be to create a sexuality." This Is bullshlt, I'm as tatlves to the Long.Range Pten- regarded as potentially more committee to act on complaints successfulapproach, since conflict over and a policy; academic New SGA looks forward policy formation (Honors committee and to food problems, on concentrate has neither significantly affected housing Requirements) or increased disciplinary policy, and anything Bob Egan student participation In SGA. else not under the broad category . President "the leadership will 'frown' on case. And Chris has a point here when of Academic policy. It has also people who don" attend SGA Further, Baker believes that it Is stressing cooperation as a starting been suggested that Action be Chris Hartwy:k, who was elected meetings." He belleves that one of the sole obligation of the Vice point for better relations with the abolished, and in its place special president of the SGA, stated hIs his major goals is increasing PreSidel"jtto represent the views of administration. Cooperation and temporary work groups be set up main concern in the coming "political efficacy" by making the Executive Council before the even some compromise should be over' each problem concerning academic year is the student members of the Senate and the Senate. the basis for a good working students. They would act on these constitution. He believes the student body realize the true Baker said she plan~ to work on relationship, the starting point, problems with SGAbacking. constitution "must be updated and powersthey hold. making the Executive Committee and hopefully the norm of all The whole idea Is ·to make the revised." Harfwyk described his political a more cohesive body than In relations. SGA "better organized than it The new General Assembly and formula as "just having to know previous years. She also hopesto ~ But later on Chris carries the presently is (thanks Chris, good the ability of a senior to serve as who 10 talk to, what to say, and ensure better attendance on the idea even further. When he men· quote)." The motive behind the treasurer are provisions not when to say it." part of student representatives at tions briefly how SGAshould be an idea is fundamental: members of conlained in the 1975 student. next years senatemeetings. "effective contributer toward the specifically targeted committees radified constitution, and may Vice-President Treasurer formation of college policy," he will have more time and energy to require the student body to reo Teresa Baker was elected S.G.A. As treasurer of the SGA, John mentions the "legitimate" way to spend 00 particular problems. The radify the present constitution. vice president by the largest Hines stated that his main goal is accomplish the above: "writing problem with Action Committee is After meeting with Dean margin of any elected official. formal letters of approval, that it is paralyzed from having too "to make sure the budget for 1982 Mowbray, Hartwyk now feels fha't Baker described her main goal for goes smoothly." Hines feels that disapproval, or' suggestion" to many things 10 do. the neededchangesin the studenl next year as "having the S.G.A. the budget process this year was faculty, administration, and _ ThIs idea is a good one. Un· handbook have cleared up the work with the administration and "screwed up." He was referring to trustees. continued P,!ge 3 ambiguity In administrative not against it, which has occurred sev~ral budget meetings, of which. proceedings. ... this year." Further, Baker said, members of the executive com· 'In reference fo the SGA'spresent "Chris (Hartwyk) and I want the mitteewere not informed. relationship with the ad. administration to see what the Hines has.a low opinion of Mike SCRIMSHAW ministration, Harfwyk said, "The S.G.A. is doing and to un· Steinmetz' attempt to have the SGA has not worked with the ad. derstand." S.G.A. demand the resignation of Nancy Menefee Editor-In-Chief ministration ... there are in. Baker felt her main job for next Dean Laidlaw. He described the dications they (the SGA) have year, besides aiding the president most recent S.G.A. meetings as Dave Cleveland. Managing Editor worked against it." was to ensure that the college has "circuses." Bill Byrne News Editor Hartwyk commented that an enjoyable Homecoming. Hines said that he haC!no in- Sports Edito( President Steinmetz's recent Baker's view of Mike Steinmetz, tention of running again for Jim Wellman .. Business Manager proposal, which demanded the the present S.G.A. president. were President of the Assembly, saying Adam Wright Photography Editor resignation of Dean Laidlaw was similar to those of Hartwyk and the position of treasurer wou.ld Photographers Vernon Roberts~ "Ludicrous." Hines. She felt that since the "take a lot of time:' especlally Further, Harfwyk said, "The Assistant Dean's job requires during the second semester next Typists Mimi Griffin Jane Bielefield very fact that Mike (Steinmetz) some adverse student opinion, year when the budget must be Layout SueFrost Lee Maxwell Diana Palaynes debates most comments on the Steinmetz' motion before the S.G.A drafted and submItted to the ad· . Mimi Griffin Janet Trainor Senate floor is a violation of Senate to demand the resignation ministration. Roberts Rules of Elementary of Dean Laidlaw was absurd. Next year Hines plans to per· . Special Assistant Joan Hughes Procedure." This "must be Baker felt it was totally sonally call budget meetings to Graphics Ralph Preisendorfer changed." unreasonable to- demand the process will moveL.-----------------__~ Harlwyk also said that next year resignation based on one isolated ~:~;:~i~~~;~e
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