Page 120 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 120
Scrimshaw April 24, 1980 Kebier makes MAC's In triangular meets on Tuesday Dtcklnscn were John Kebler and In the MO snapped on Tuesday, and Saturday of last week, co-captain Doug Renner, placing bouncedback with a 51.1victory on Western Maryland's men's track third and fourth in the mile, Saturday backed up by Kirby light and field team mastered Dickinson freshman Paul Wallin with a In 52.0 Sam Mitchell and Mark and then Lebanon Valley but in second in the javelin, and Mark Chadwick also took one-two In the both contests Susquehannawalked Cockerill, another freshman, high 100yard dash and then reversed away the winner. After finishing 36 jumped for second place. Junior their order while finishing two- points behind Susquehanna on Tom Knieriem, In his first meet of three In the 220. Chadwick added Tuesday, however, a fired up the season due to several ankle yet another second place just Terror squad came up just one injuries, placed second in both the behind Knieriem in the long jump point short on Saturday. long and triple. jumps. and grabbed fourth in the triple The only winners for WMC on Further evidence of Knieriem's jump. Tuesday were shot putter Dane convalescence was made plain on Fred Smyth, also a co-captain, Colbert and discus man Bruce Saturday as he led the team's took secondin theMO intermediate McCallon, both of whom are on- upset attempt with two firsts in the hurdles with a nice 56.9and added defeated so far this year. Dane horizontal jumps. Colbert and a fourth in the high hurdles with a notched another personal best by McCallon again placed first and 15.9. placing the shot 48'6" from the senior Harry Peoples scored in Both the 440and milerelay teams circle and Bruce won with a tossof both the shot and the discus. averaged their second place 131'5". Co-captain Eliot Runyon, atter finishes from Tuesday. The 440 Also performing well at having his 11dual meet win streak squad of Ruyon, Eric Degross, Mitchell, and Chadwick took first Big turnout at match of Smyth, Sam Hopkins, Light, and In 44.8secondswhile the a-reptime Runyon put together a 3:28.0.Eliot placement. Ward Street lost a brought the team home first by Wo Fat E 'The men's tennis team continued heartbreaker at number 4 in the making up a ten yard deficit with third set.. At number 5 singles, an outstanding SO.6anchorleg. The meet saw another exciting r.:......:""';_;::""" ......... -""'""_,;_4-....:i:::::!:~_,;__,;_::.._:_J! ~:fe:~~~k~~~le~:~g ~~I~eg:~~ Fran McCuliln staged an amazing come-from-behind finish at the comeback 4-6,7·6,6-1win, with an Dennis Hanratty cracks a double In last week's hair raiSing 5-4 thriller. At one array of heavy top spin and mile distance as Kebler stormed game against Muhlenburg. The Terrors now post an 8 point In the match, Western blistering serves which left his the last of his four quarters in 63 and 13 record for the year. The next home game Is Maryland was down 4·2. The opponent totally frustrated. Carl seconds to overtake _ this Saturday. spectators knew that only a clean MaAloose ground hIs man into the Susquehanna's man, who had sweepof the doubles could savethe court In a 6-0, 6-1 wipe out. beaten him Tuesday, and finish team from certain defeat. As the Dickinson was simply no match for just behing LVC's top man. John's three doubles matches climaxed, "Goose's" blazing groundstrokes time of 4:31.4qualifies him for the New Wave music the crowd became more intense and kicking serve. Mark Fabian MAC Championship. (pronounced point, every with cheering the Fred McAloose for the teamed with Smyth Terrors on to take a remarkable three out of three doubles matches second doubles match. Fabian's Smith), voted most coordinated _from page 1 giving the team a 5-4victory. awesome serve and volley proved competitor last year, had a per- he to be too much for the bewildered week. sonal record this with a derisive sneer. The Bludgeons', and the Catholics' The Terrors then pushed their Dickinson duo, as the freshmen remained In the startlng.blocks on Bludgeons performed mostly their attitude towards the audience is record up toan Impressive 8-1.with teammates racked up a 6·4, 7-5 his hands and feet, rather than on own compositions but included a more congenial. a 7-2 win over the Red pevus of win. Mark McCuliin and Scott his race, and successfully com. . few Interesting diversions _ Lead guitarist Kevin Dolan, who Dickinson. At first singles, Jim Smith picked apart Dickinson's pleted his races. Congratulations "Downtown," "The Ballad. of the bears an uncanny resemblance to Slack dazed his opponent ~lth number three doubles team 6·1,6·3 Fred, we knew you could do It. Green Beret" and "These Boots Paul McCartney. co-writes songs charmed passing shots that lust 8-1, Western Maryland Now WereMadef~rWalklng." with his brother Michael. They coul~n't miss. "Captain Slack" expects tough going versus Get- Sticks fly My impressions of the group, turn out some classy lyrics. dropped only a single game In the tysburg and Mt. St. Mary's, but garnered from their songs, an Michael says their music is match, dumping the Dickinson with Inspiration from managers in Lax game interview, and from a promptional "aimed at peoplewith more than a man 6-1, 6-0. Tim Hackerman had Wendy Sharretts and Robin The WMC Men's lacrosse team handout, are of a strongly high school education." less luck at second singles but Robertson, arid coaching efforts dropped a heartbreaker Tuesday 1 opinionated collection of minds. Besides the Catholics, came on strong in first doubles, from Ron Jones and Robby Jan- afternoon to Mount Saint Mary's I They use their music to sound their Bludgeons, and The Dark, a puHlngb awar DickInson, 6-3, 6-~ sson, the team Is eyeIng its best by a 15-14margin. Leading scorer views. and their messageseems to number of other new wave and with an ~erheads lind Ing season since 1963.Come out and support the Terrors In their only for the Terrors In this unsuccessful effort was RonHiltz. ::c:~~~:~:~o~~~C:;~~:~i:,or:~ ~~;~:~~:~tsB:~P;:~;~~il:~I~:; ~~::~~u~~~:::~ hl~~t~:~: o~~~~ remainIng home match on With a 4 enc e overall record, the social conformity. Indeed, the title be of Interst include: The Young breaker wins, defeating his op. Saturday April 26, at 1:30 when Terrors prepare to face Muhlen. of their recently released EP Is' Turds, Tiny Desk Unit, Ineentecs. p~nent 7~, d 6 . 3 ,b In ~ m~tC;h they take on the Crusaders from berg this Saturday .ln their next "Peer Pressure." They have Original Fetish, and Dark Side. c aracterize . y auc e s Susquehana. home game. labeled their music and philosophy The popular Root Boy Slim and his superior maneuverability and "Primal Stomp." This is certanily Sex Change Band have also per- an apt description of the music. formed here on occasion, as has Happy foot-stompin' concert The Catholics 'characterlze underground movie and punk rock themselves as "accessible new star Edith Massey. wave." Their sound is less severe The Marble Bar, under the Jeff Dyer featuring a female vocalist and a ~fte; the conce~t'dmembe;~ of the than The Dark's or the Bludgeons', Congress Hotel, is located at 306W. and seems to be intermediate Franklin St. Phone 727-5336.The The SprIng Concert of April 10t~ ::~7;nc~la~7;h Wh~f:::~~~~s t~~ t::slas~:~~~ee stu~~nts 7n ;;~ - between parent rock and roll and bar is closedMonday and Tuesday. was little publicized, but an ex= lid it b pe. d fiddl crowd. They added that they had more typical new wave sounds. Music is featured nightly, and new ceptlonally vocal crowd cheered sro:id~~ :~rlv~IOSo~t~ern rocek enjoyed ·doing the show, and ep- g The beat of the Catholics' songs is wave is the staple. Expect a cover. both the featured ~ousette.Dart ~ound, along Wlth some so-called predated the "volume" of the not so relentless as Is the Beer costs$1,as dodrinks. Band, and New York s own Buddy "dancin'" music. Members of the crowd. Those who missed this h . -C· oncer t b ores C a irs minute got restless due to a twenty ~~:.~r:t :~~~ s~a~eea!~at~~~:; Miller Band. Buddy and Company cr~d break. who had never heard of this band dearing stage Fansofthebandrec:ognlzedsuch tunes as "May You Dance," chose not to come on that ground alone. Those who did come left Doug Otte are allmasbed toqether tc produca "County line," and "Amnesia." Alumni cheering and screaming. The Poussette-Darf Band, whIch music that's painlessly pleasant dr~o7til~~ngs were uptempo and Both lead sInger Jon Pousette-Dart One tended to knock the SGA for appeared In AlumnI Hall on April with little innovation or originality. had a slight country flavor. T:er~ 7nnd~~:s::~e~r~:~:;~:e:~r;~~ ~~:e~r~:: it~i:~:~:~~~,~h;!fu~~ ~~t~!~~gO~~::.'i;~e~~n~~~i~s ~a~~ !~r;h:~ ~~~~~~s~~~~~~g~r~~~~~: ~~e;ic~u~~:rS::~h h:~:e Raa:~y ~eua:tJ:tt;~:nteg;':I~~te V::n~~~~ Justsay that maybe the SGA did a many styles: mellow rock, pop writer's adrenalin was not stirred Newman's "Sail Away." There solo "';as little short of incredible. ~:: !~b'a ~~s~d,st~~~nt~ad~~~~; rock, country rock, funk and a by the uninspired rehashing. was also a lame put-down of disco, Regular drummer Michael Dawes choices were just unavailable . • ::e.:~~:u;t;:.;';;~:;;:~ ~:::i~~ o;~y,_~~ which at this date Is like kickin~,a was not with the band; his : vote : ~~t~~jnMg}.'lge~O~ap~~h~l~o~~;i~e;:~~~r:~gemd~~~s'we: h;ell ~h~~9ht~~~PI:ce~~t, ~~~~~:~~~~~:tU~~t:~ rope • RUSSELL •also pleasant and requIred no out, with nice breaks and textures. learning all the music in lust three They were ,,;ell-rehearsed an~ the weeks. One of the most unusual .JOHNSQIl\.T • : thought from the listener. two guitarists. were espeCially points ot the concert was John Hey folks, can't think of anything : The Poussette-Dart Band crept • '1 ~ • onstage at 9:30. They were off to a adept at their Instruments. For· Curtis' rendition of "If I Only Had I fun' to do this Saturday the 26th tunately, the volume was kept at • 1< • slow start. For quite a while the only about fjv~ decibels above the ~o!r~~~,'~i~~~ ~a~Z~r:~i~h s~o~ from 1:00p.m.? Boy, S' : or : bass player appeared vaguely threshold of pain have I got a deal for you. Come to • SG' A • bored. The groupies shaking their The audience (Alumni was about adg:~rs~I~,po;~:roc~:~:r~u~:~c~x_ the Rappelling tower, behind Gi II • [f"I • hips offstage became a distraction. three-quarters fuil) thoroughly cellent. The dose harmonies and Gym near the wafer fower to learn • President • Yawns came regularly. After a 'enjoy~d the. show and th.ey power of the Dart Band was the ropes of being a wall walker. • :while the energy level picked.up a was Sponsoredby R.O.T.C. espeCially havmg the opportunlt~ amazIng. The stage vitality : PaIdfor by R.J. : ~~t~:;td, :;:e~fn~::;rn~e~~lnf~O~ ~~~~;~~~and holler to theIr hearts impreSSIVe~! we~ In an interview •••••••••••••••••••
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