Page 121 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 121
Weslern Maryland Colloge Volume XI Number 9 Thursday, May I, 1980 Grade review r---=-~....;:::_""'-"---~~:";___:::=-'___::_::=-'';'''':'==''_~ Local law proposal takes pot O.K'd seriously Ste~e Bainbridge Steve Bainbridge The Faculty Council passed, It the recent statistics on the use without opposition, the so-called of marijuana are accurate, 15%of Grade Review Board proposal at the Incoming class of next years last "tuesday's rneettnc. The freshmen will smok.e pot eyery proposal must now be approved by day. In the state of Maryland, lout the entire faculty before it can g·o of every six high school seniors into effect. The draft will be smoke marijuana every day. Many brought up at the next faculty of these future WMC students will meeting, May eth. and may well not realize that they are going to be come up for a vote then. According living In one of the toughest drug to Dr. Ralph Leveering, member enter cement counties in the state. of the Faculty Council, and Dean Carroll County hasa record of very McCormick, this was the second strict drug law enforcement. In the time that the Faculty Council· had first quarter of 1980every si!1gle considered a draft proposal. A . person who came up before a draft, prepared by Dean Mc Carroll County judge on charges of to with Possession Intent Cormick and Dr. Don Jones was sent back for revrstcn at the end of Distribute received the maximum the February meeting. penalty. In Maryland Possessionof under The Grade Review Board has been an Issue for the last two, 1 ounce is a misdemeanor, years, both among students and .,_. punishable by 1 year lrn faculty. Last year the Faculty prisonment and/or a 1000 dollar Council discussed the idea several fine. Possessionwith Intent to Sell times, and this year a proposal was is a felony, punishabre by 5 years in drawn up toestablish sucha board. prison, and/or a 5000dollar fine. Dave Cleveland, a leading student According to the Carroll County advocate of the board, originally States Attorney's Office, first time proposed an Honor Bcard-Ilke users will normally be remanded system composed of both students to a drug rehabilitation program and faculty. Since most faculty rather than receive jail sentences. members probably would have Second time offenders will nor opposed the idea ot students being mally get jail sentencesand fines. on the board, according to Dean Distributors, as noted above, McCormick, that idea was never almost always receive the full seriously considered penalty, both jall term and tine. At the February Faculty Council Some more Interesting dope Meeting 'Dean McCormick sub statistics: 70%of the 18-25year age miffed the original proposal. That group have tried pot, 43 million proposal would have established a Americans have tried pot, 130,000 muftt.step system involving the pounds of dope are smoked in the faculty member, department US every day, and Americans spend 2Sbillion dollars a year on _, head, the Dean of Academic Af· marijuana. 65% of the pot con- fairs, panel review a grade in the US now comes from composed of three professors, enc" I ultimately, the entire faculty. The was rejected proposal by the faculty council who sent It back to continued page 6 SGA debates Laidlaw proposal acres in the Andes Is also given of to the production, over marijuana. Marijuana is now the biggest cash crop in Colombia, Lee Maxwell situation did not warrant any the hearing"; and "Accepted disciplinary procedures, rather having caught and passed coffee "Due to the fact that all of these demand for resignation, and voted responsibility for satisfying the than as groups of brothers. Mike production. Each grower receives violations of student rights and downthemotiondecisively, Burdenof Proofclause." also defended his last accusation, about 6 dollars a pound for dope. College procedures have as their Mike Introduced a second Debate on this motion brought noting that Oean Laidlaw rarely The pot has a US Miami street orientation the Office of Associate motion, that '', .on behalf of all out the fact that Dean Laidlaw relies on any real burden of proof. value of at least 600dollars. Only Dean of Student Affairs, we hereby present and future students" of already allows - now . the choice After some more questions the very Intense State Department request the resignation of WMC the SGA demands that "the between her hearing the case and motion was voted on.and passed. pressure keeps Colombia from Associate Dean laidlaw." ..Motion constitutional rights of due process the judicial board hearing It, and Mike described briefly the case legalising the growth of by Mike Steinmetz introduced in in all Academic and Disciplinary that now fraternities will be that both of the motions were continued page 6 the Senate Meeting last Thursday procedures, and WMC's total handled as individual entities in continued page 3 conformity with the 'statement on night.' Student's Rights and Freedoms' M til ti h oj Mike Steinmetz is making his U a on c arges resur ace bl•• est wevee es be reers tre ene whtch thls school adopted" be of his presidency; at last week's upheld. meeting of the Senate he in This motion went on to mention Nancy Menefee, place. troduced the above motion on the the specific areas of violations, as Dave Cleveland The Disciplinary Hearing Board Tim Stumpf Delta Phi Alpha grounds that Dean Laidlaw drawn from the specific case Mike A story charging the Preachers did hear a case in which the presjeent. stated "rumors get out violated the rights of a student was Involved in. Dean Laidlaw, with animal mutilation was the Preachers were accused of animal every year about the mutilation" whose disciplinary case she was according to Mike, has not: "In- lead article on the front page of the mutilation. The Board found the When asked if there was any truth handling formed students of the charges Carroll County Times. The article fraternity not guilty. to them, he said there was no truth The motion, the second piece of against them, provided fair op- stated that Gary White, a former However, a security guard, who to them. He said that he could not business Mike brought up, was porfunltles to refute them, or tried security guard, had witnessed the worked with Gary White, said that divulge details from the hearing, barely secondedand had to be read not to be arbitrary In Its actions"; students swing a cat against a door Gary "is not a story teller. He but he did say that he felt Gary again to an incredulous Senate "Refrained from searching and had seena goat dragged into A woutcn't make things up." The White had "nobasis for fact." before any discussion began. Of student's rooms and removing SectionMaclea. guard, who says he has discussed Our reporter asked to see the the several people who commented personal property without their 'rhe erucre said that Gary White the incident with Gary, com- reports but was told by Dean on the motion, the concensus was presence and knowledge"; "In- "had written up a report of the mented, "from what I understand, Laidlaw that_"Guard's reports are that while Mike may have had a formed students of their rights who incident which was referred to he saw _the kids carrying live not publicly available." point over the particular case he have beendetected in the course of college officials, including Calvin animals in there, and then White said he was told he was not was using as the basis for his serious violations of institutional Wray Mowbray, student affairs carrying dead ones out later. Now to bother the students and to turn J was uncalled for in this situation. request the priv.ilege of a hearing dean." questioned, Dean those animals didn't commit he initiation. He said that the guards head fraternity during his motion, his demand for resignation "Granted upon regulations"; He also said that suicide." When areatWMCjustforshow. constituted SGA prestceirt-etect Chris Hart- before the regularly Mowbray said, ."1 do not know of thought that Gary had entered the When asked to comment on the that because commented wyk students, in writing, of the reasons students had little idea what was hearing board"; "Informed any report at any time of a student clubroom. Times article, and the afleqattons swinging Another guard remarked, "what a mutilated animal called for from someone in Dean for the proposed disciplinary around." Mowbray tur ther was printed in the paper is the of rnutttteuon. Tim Stumpf stated, Laidlaw's position, no one could action with sufficient par- commented that he didn't think truth. It happens every year. You "I couldn't say there's any trufhto judge her on the merits of onecase. ticularity, and in sufficient time, to that any animal mutilation took know that. I know that." rt et eu." The Senateat least agreed that the ensure opportunity to prepare for
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