Page 113 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 113
Baltimore music scene Marble Bar hosts New Wave By Tom DiMartino native, manages the Marble Bar more expressive new wave hoofers From UMBC's Newspaper with his wife Leslie. Roger, who are a fascination to the uninitiated. On a recent Saturday night, in claims "Rock 'n roll has to be a They appear to be having epileptic the company of "Meat' Conroy, I little bit sleazy for people to enjoy fits. visited Baltimore's home of New it," says he's proud of the club and For those not acquainted with Wave and punk music, The Marble its following. He speaks of his new wave, my impression of it is a Bar, located downtown in the guests as "great people" who hybrid off·spring of punk and rock basement of the old Congress cause no trouble and come to the 'n roll. New wave seems to draw Hotel. This once elegant retreat Marble Bar for a "nice party." the bizarre, undirected energy of has gone the way of much of the He told me The News American punk toward the more ordered and inner city, and today offers no has referred to theMarble Bar asa conventional sound of rock 'n roll. contrast to the run-down neigh. "Temple of Decadence," but said The result is an intense, driving, borhood in which it resides. It was he prefers the tille "Temple of unmelodic sound that seems to accurately characterized by a Creativity." He spoke animatedly rocket from the stage as if under member of oneof the bands we saw of the creativity he feels the too much pressure. An extreme there as true "urban grit." Marble Bar fosters. He says he example is Devo, a band you may Physically, the Marble Bar is wants no "camp" bands, and Is have seen on "Saturday Night almost cavernous. Sometables are proud of the original music he Live." scattered about the center of the showcases.And with a perspective This night's featured bands floor, fronting an area against one likely gained from a beer or two, were, The Dark, Ebeneezer and wail, where the bands perform. A heeven spoke of turning Baltimore the Bludgeons, and the Catholics. long, genuine italian marble bar, a into another Liverpool or New The Dark and the Catholics are remnant of more genteel times, is York. No stranger to the sfage, D.C. bands, and the Bludgeons,the by three or four bar ten- Roger occasionally plays guitar crowd's favorite, is home grown ders, and stretches 63 feet along here In his own band, the There is no connection, however, another wall. I met a couple of the Alcoholics. between this band and a popular bar tenders, Jean ( a long lost As an historical note, Roger told local band of the late 60's called, I grade school classmate) and me Marlon aranoo wes rnerrtedet betetve. "The Bludgeons and the Albert. They are very original the Congress Hotel many years Civics." Dr. David Carrasco, a 1967 WMC graduate, spoke In people. ago. The Dark opened the evening. Decker Auditorium last Tuesday on "The Great Aztec Roger Anderson, an affable J.lle crowd for the evening's new This is a four piece band, half of Temple and Human Sacrifice." _twenty-seven year old Baltimore wave concert ranged fr am sleazy to which is fetchlnq- young female preppy, thought admittedly, was guitarist. vocalists' Sara Burke and light at the preppy end. Some Merideth Hardy. The band is patrons came arrayed in new wave technically competent, and the I apparel and hair styles. A small girls' presence helped maintain area In front of the band was often my interest. Sara (whose voice is crowded with dancers, and the strikingly similar to Patty Smith's) and Merideth write the I Western Maryland College Volume XI Number 8 Thursday April 24, 1980 bulk of the music in The Dark's The Meat was par. repertoire. I ticularly partial to this group. I enjoyed their music, but It seemed a bit more en-otmenstonat than Bob Egan Company to come to determine the that the spliCing kit, as well as all what the other bands pumped out. On the last day of classes before location of the power outage. The other electrIcal cables were In The crowd's response, un- spring break, a power line company was unable fa locate the proper working order. Af 9:00a.m. fortunately was Indifferent, at carrrying 13,000volts exploded In outage (Whlteford) until 5:30 the testing was completed and full best. Applause was meager ana front of Whiteford Hall. Friday evening. electrical power was returned to there were occasional calls for the Initially, the cause of the power Mr. YIngling then called in a the college. Bludgeons. outage was unclear. At the ter- private electrical contractor to The repair costs were ap- The Bludgeons did not dlsep- rnrnat In front of Whiteford the repair the destroyed splice line. proximately $1,300.Mr. YIngling point. This is a polished unit. Lead power cable Is spliced into three Throughout Friday evening and on said the college was very fortunate singer Ebenezer, bedecked in Hawaiian shirt, tousled hair, and smaller lines. Saturday morning, the contractor because "colder temperatures -; According to Preston Yingling, was unable to locate any elecfrlcal may have caused the water to pointy toed Cuban heeled shoes, I water must have seeped Into the warehouses on the east coast freeze In the (Individual) building displayed a more than adequate first slice. At 5:40 a.m. this splice which carried the "splicing kits" causing broken pipes." stage presence, chiding, wailing, apparently exploded. This ex- neededfor the repair. Mr. Yingling also said that high cajoling the audience - usually plosion probably damaged the Finally on Monday morning, the voltage lines are very unstable and continued page 6 second splice and a few minutes contractor located the splicing kits later the second splice line ex- and they were delivered a few ploded. hours later. All day Monday and Trustees guide s£hHQl,onTh. tot" When the secondof three splices Into the night, the contractor tn- Mitch Alexan d er, Gary Stern entering over half were In the top giving to the college encourages us was destroyed, power was cern. stalled four splicing l<:IIs; each Regan Smith, twenty percent of their graduate. to believe that we will exceed the pletely lost in Whiteford, taking between four and six hours The Spring meeting of the Board class with the mean average of 3.G4 $1,000,000of gifts during this fiscal. MemorIal, Decker Center, and to install. of Trustees was divided into two on a 4.0 scale. Seventy-seven year. This would then be the fifth Rouzer. On Tuesday morning, the meetings, the first a structural percent of the Incoming students consecutive year wlth gifts above At 9:00 e.m., the college Maryland Testing Company look and the second the business are living In Md. and four percent that figure. requested the Maryland Testing returned to the college to ensure side. The first meeting began with are coming from New- York and Dr. John confinued by men a historIcal look at the college and from Virginia. In addition to this tioning that the Association of Numerical geniuses on to the sub-committees under the twenty-two schools, representing an Women (AIAW) Athletics for from Intercollegiate percent came has emerged, trustee'sauthorlty. private The Institutions the top five The businessmeeting began with increase In_thenumber of students providing a parallel track for Jim Wellman teams were from were: 1st·· the election of 14 new trustees. from private schools. women's sports with Its own rules, M.I.T.: zne-cer. Tech.; ard-. Then each committee gave Its Next, vice president for conferences and tournament The Math team of Dave Cross, report. The vice president for development "(James Ridenour) arrangements. Alan Dudderar, and Bill Spring Princeton; 4th··Stanford; and stn-. academic affairs (Dean Mc recently represented Western Un;v. of Waterloo. This exem- Cormick) began with a comment SGA faces administration Maryland College In the annual plifies the fierce competition that the coltEtgeplans to make the CroSS,Dudderar, and Spring were WII1Jam lowell Putnam best useof its resources to improve over basic student rights Mathematical Competition. up against. the quality of education that the During this competition, they went college offers. This entails three Mike Steinmetz hours of through six grueling solving. in a Rocker advanced problem ~:~~~:~~~!~~faO~~::i~~~~~~~~~ DoestheAdmlnistrafion of WMC have the right to make their rules wide number of mathematical study abroad opportunities and :~:~~~~~~~~~~ ~~u~~~~:9a~i:~~~~~i~~Usdt~~;~:~~~o~~~:~~~t:~:~~ fields. Only.the top Institutions in Keith l. Arn~ld the United States and Canada On Saturday, Aprll 19, Circle K =~~~~;~o~!~~~~;:, i(~t!~:~~~g f;~ of? Should the Administration write rules and regulations which enter the Putnam Competifion, had a Reck-a-then at the Carroll intensive language instructional ~:~:~::~c~~::~set~:s~o~~eOgU~dc:~a~~e~::~~~a~:~~etec~~~~;:::~~ and their representatives are the County Senior Services Center, top math undergraduates In the here in Westminster. WMC ~::~~~su::~~:;th~~~~~h:oSi:~~ WMC as the frequency with which courses will be offered? Should country. students, and senior citizens the oral aspects of language ~~~o~::~~~~~~~~ed~~re:;~~e?n~~~~~;~~~~v:~o~ea~:tl;:~r~~1a~Y:O~; Western Maryland College made rocked Ifor the Senior Overland an exceptionally good showing. Service. This service provides f~:e~:~~::ara~~fe~~~9:xinancd~~~ in denying students the. right to determine the scope of their own Dave Cross finished 374th out of rides for citizens over 60 in the 2,300 individual entrants. This is area. puter science. from the vice :~~gl:~:s~~u~!~:; i~~~=~~:~~~~r :;~~;~;~o ~:;~:;~ff~~~~~lea~~ report The informed adults? the highest finish a member of Over 4COdollars was raised in WMC has ever achieved since they the event, which consisted of a r:;_~~~:;;)fO~:ltl~~e~.afi~~s ~~::r~ Your Student Government thinks not. Unfortunately, the Ao. started competing five years ago.- bake sale and a car wash as well. As a team, WMC finished a The WMC jazz band played for the ::~~~~~e;h~~r!h~nd~Orl~~~u:~; ~6~~~~~0:~s~~~g i~11~~~at~i~~g~:utn~~~r!~~~~:il~~t~a~: h~~~ remarkable 90th out of a total of rockers, and for the many senior resident students in the fall of the problem-s in each of these areas. If you are interested or have 258. The highest WMC has ever citizens, who came to show thelC year than in any previous year, ~~:tt~~~e~~~~~f~!~~~:~:u~:~~~ter all, shouldn't WMC exist totally finished Is64th. support. hot/sing J,213 students. Of those i.~::,:;=:::.:::.::::.:::.:;.:::.:::=iti.. """
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