Page 112 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 112
page 4 Scrimshaw April 17, 1980 Colbert goes for -gold; team takes silver The rain had finally stopp~ but entered a team In the relay their would not be overtaken. He meters, freshman Mark Cockerill made "the cheers that much more daylight was fading fast as the point total was fixed. Therefore, finished with stili more than ten also pocketed sliver by clearing exultant when the team trophy was runners In the final event, the Rick Instructed. the WMC relay yards on Haverford's ace quarter- 6'2" In the high jump. Also scoring' passed through the bus window! miles relay, removed their sweats squad had to take at least second, rntler. The team had done what In the high jump was junior Sam Even Eliot, usually stoic in vtc- and listened to the last minute which would give them eight they had to and then some. They Mitchell whose 6'0" flop was good tory, was so overwhelmed by joy Instrudions from the starter at the pclnts, and beet Delaware Valley had secured the runner-up trophy for fourth. that he was moved to tell Ralph of Messiah College Invitational in order to capture the second for the team and Iced i~with gold The Winners of bronze medals' the team's accomplishment as he Track and F-Ield Meet . last place team trop·hy. medals In the relay. were Smyth, who negotiated the walked through the parking lot on Saturday. As often happens In Thus Informed of their task the :. Though the other Terror scoring 400 meter hurdles In 56.-4seconds, the way to the bus. ' track and field, the mile relay' team went to work. Smyth led off may' have been less dramatic than and Eric DeGross with an 11.1 The woman's team, though not would be the deciding factor 'I~'the and finished his quarter-mlte stint the .mlle relay It w~s no less' docking In the 100 meters. Mark faring well In the overall team ts-teem meet. stnce Haverford strongly to give Sam Hopkins the essentIal .for ,theIr "Outstanding Chadwick claimed points In the 100 battle, also had some strong College, with Its aYieS9medistance baton even with John Hopkins: Del second 'place finish. Shot putter as well with a fifth place finIsh. A performances and Improved on corps, had already lOcked.up first v.aJlev.Yfas.1nfourth. Sam then ran nene Colbert week,' junior, Chadwick was the most some times. The 400 meter relay place, however, the batt'lewas now a· spectacular leg. Immediately In this reporter's opInion, deserves versatile performer for the team of Ann Royston, Allison for second and the r:uMer.up" Powering ·into the lead, he never credit for the superJatfve per. Terrors as he also placed fifth In Ward, Cheryl Unkoff, and Phyllis trophy.· ._::-':-. looked.~<;kun1i1hecamehometo formance of the-meet. En route to the 200 meters with the fIne time of landry' (pronounced LAUNDRY) Western Maryland's ··foi.;r~l~p: Kirby wifh"twpnfy yards between' a gold medal; Dane' trashed the 22.8seconds, fifth In the long jump knocked more than two secondsoff squad of Fred Smyth; Sam-: him and second place Haverford! field by more thenjwc teet and his at 20'81/,,", and anchored the fourth their previous best time with a Hopkins, Kirby Light; and :Eliot: Now thit, .question was whether winning put of 47'9' establlsl:l~ a pl"Cing-400meter relay. He and the dockIng of 55 seconds flat. Phyllis Runyon knew that· ttie'.p:r~s~re: kirby an(("Ellci"r-"liou'ld hold off new Messiah College field..record! other three members of the squad, also placed fourth In the 200 and was on. Minutes before the' nice,' Haverfor~f~ Ip~t two men who had Nice work, Dane, SenIor Harry R.unyon, DeGross, and Mitchell sixth In the 100 meter dashes. Coach Rick Carpenter called them' ear11er pla'ced third and first, Peoples else contributed pclnts teamed up for the fastest Terror notching a flne27.7ln her 200 heat. together and filled them In o!",t~e' resPedivel'y;:Jn:fhe:bpI!oh400 meter from the shot put crrcre wlth.a:toss one-lapreJay time In four years. Berlt KIIHngstad continued her situation. He told them that the dash, 'By.thidtmi·Klrby gave Eliot good f~ fltth*pl~ce:The P(lIY.6t_ti~i- ~:Rounding cu+ the scoring for the speedy one-lap running with a 63.2 team was currently In fourth the s_tlckwjth a fifteen yard lead, gold medal winner for.WMC also men's . team was senior Bob in the -400meters, lust missing the place; one point behind Delaware however;-~there was 1"\.0 more came.from the ranks fo the 'vielght. f-ioicombe. Bob perserveredjn the bronze medal. Berlt also anchored Valley and six points In back of questions' left. 'Eliot, -who Was the fhrowers "es " freshman' 'aruc~ grueling 10,000 meter run (6.2 the mile 'relay team of Elaine defending MAC Champ Widener In second place spoiler between the McCallon hurled the discus 13.4'1". miles) to finish sixth with at time lippy, Ward, and Leslie MCintyre second. Since Widener had not two-kaver.(ordrUl"!.ne~s In the -400, Medals were awarded to the top ~f 36: SO. which also placed fourth with a three finishes In each event and the 'The whole team Is to be much Improved time. Royston Concert reth()ught-" first six places scored points. In congratulated for their efforts added fifth in the 100meter hurdles 50.2 Saturday. :Thehours of sitting and fine to complete the scoring for the addition Runyon's to from page 1 . silver medal effort In the 400 competing in the rain and wind .Senate Into appr.ovlng their actions ba~~~~o::~~~'~o~~earltsBaa~~;~;~ Power serve off the line with the threat that the S500 would parties. They would test a lot less be los~If O~leanswasn" approved. than the small fourlng bands we The Senat,e accepted this black. bring In now, and more people Albert Schwartz The team quickly rebounded McCullin easily handled his man 6· mall without a whimper. would come'because they could be The Western Maryland College from this loss under the coaching 1, 6·1. Freshman standout Carl Sowhat did we end up with? 250 scheduled' for weekends, not Men's Tennis Team has racked up efforts of Ron Jones and the able- "Goose" McAloose, who executes people at a no-name band, at $20 a Thursday nights. an Impressive 5·1 record thus far ~~~~~;:~kn~f ~~~~g~~~~~~~ :~~I~ySh~t~daSaa 1~~e:U~~:~~~~~ se~hat do we need? Bigger event~ B::t~m:~I~ ~~. ;~~tbUay:~~a:~:I:t -:::~nal~dr!~e~~~t!~~r:~~~:: wallop Moravian College 9-p. smash, beat Moravian's ;66·4,6· f;fff.~i~~~5}~~::~:E=;~;~~~t~i:~~i~:~§§::~~l~:;i?'Ii;~~:~!~~,~~f~~:~:f;2~t;g::~~£f.:;:~~1g:~::~~:::::: cheap too. Buf Ifpeoplereally want and convenient way to hear some seasonopener 7.2. plete domination over his op· play these upcoming home games: to hear some music, there are two music of higher quall~ than The Terrors then trounced ponent, winning 6·3. 6·1. Number 3 Muhlenberg on Thurs. April 17, 2 ways fOgo. an~~~~~;:;~t:~t~r~~~ hse;~ing ~:~:~~~ :i~~:,~~~~nct~~I: ~~~~ ~t~~l ~:I~~h::~~I~u~~a~~:t W;;: ~;~"p.~~,k~nn~~:~a~~~· V~~~~ :~ Attention! ~~~~~:~b~nd;a~~ym~na%s ~~ ;~:.!~~~~:;r~~:h:.'I~~n~s ~~~r~,ICIPICl";Cy!:IIi";ic:"IC,mlCbelQC''l('IC'°I(",c'PI("I('"I(F)C')C'"x',cw,ced ,A,cPic')('''iC'',c'icp,)Cm)C,)C)C)C)C)C)C)jt ic All candidates for all offices and ~:~~~P~~.~ZI~o~~ !~n::f' ab:~ consecutive 9-0 match by I f:>. ZA & SU'B SHon positions who wish to submit a hold' more of thEmiarid spend less whitewashing York College. F&M/ ~~. PIZ r campaign statement to Scrimshaw - by getting
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