Page 111 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 111
A~1I17, 1980 Scrimshaw page 3 Personal Viewpoint ~~~_~~~~'"'~~._~9.~_~~«rightsena? myself fu1ty In last week's someone IS a homosexual by minded Her attempts to ban the point that It may harm others In refusing to rent a room or an Scrimshaw when I said that I had nature or by choice Is at this time Gays from entire counties is ab any situation that there are two or apartment, that Is within his home, the right to discriminate under unanswerable. The research Is far surd. Her denial of the Gay more viewpoints, there Is also to a homosexual, if he feels that the certain circumstances. I have been from conclusive In any direction. community Is equivalent to going to be a fringe area at one homosexual would be a bad In- told that I should be shot. I have For this reason, I feel that there is racism, or the denial of womens extreme or the other. In this fringe tfuence' on his chlldren. If he Is been called Ignorant and erose- both a moral, as well as a civil voting rights. She stands In a area, each case must be dealt with afraldofhomosexuals,thenheand minded. It has been suggested that rights question Involved In the Gay position which advocates the on an Individual basis. The two his family should not be required to I read the Bill of Rights. All in all, Rights issue. removal of gays from' scclety. ' areas which I raised were that of live with that fear. If someone had the reaction to my personal My poi,nt about legislative Contrary to the' impression' that renting part of a private home, and a choice between two or three viewpoint, with rare excep'[lon, has morallty Is uiet the government some people received from my last' that of local public education people, who all wish to rent his beentotally negative, .... should make no law that either erttcle; I lnno-wey identl~y with systems, There is, In both basement apartment, then should The Intent of my article was to promotes or discriminates against the' logic or 'the actions of Anita situations, reason to look at how he not be able to choosethe person point out that In the adva.ncement any aspect of a moral Issuesuch as Bryant and her cronies. I am no Gay rights may effect scrne peale, that tie' thinks would have the best of one Individual's or one group's sexuaHty. Under Maryland State more against the advancement of in some situations, to ensure th'at Influence on his' family. If the rights, It Is possible to advance law, homosexual activities are Gay rights than I am against the no one else's rights are Infringed owner thinks, or even knows, that their rights to the point that prohibited. In some states any type advancement of Black Rights or upon. As I stetedm my last article an ihdTvldualls a homosexual, then another Individual's or group's of sex other than the missionary Women's Rights: But does the fact I feel the same type of ar_g'ument why should he not be able to rights are infringed upon. As In the position for procreation Is for-that I agree'wlth t!'lefindings In the can be used In beth siltiatloris, so I consider' 'that in making his Bakke case, the court ruled that bidden by law. These laws have no Bakke case mean that Iam'agalnst will limit this to' a further decision, If It concerns him. Just as the policies that had been adopted place In our society and should tie the equal rights cj'blecks. Bakke'~ . dlscusslcn of just one of' tncse' tie will use other criteria such as for the advancement of the rights taken off the books, These are rights were violated 'by an at- Issues. .... " ... ' -. grooming 'and manners In making· of Blacks had, in that case, en areas which an Individual's own' Hrmetrve action' policy. l' am In As I stated. I. feei' that' 'no raw his dectsi'on, he should not be unfair negative Impact on Bakke. set of ,values should be the favor of affirmative action but I sho~ld prohillit~, a :man'" fro'~' for:cedto ignore sexual preference, opi~~o~sosts~~';!,d.;:~ect~~~~Of~~ ~~~~~:~~,e;~11a~~~ne;;::;~;:~~ '~~I~~~~~=~t~t~!~':e~~:':a~.ase, Personal,Viewp<;>int' statement th-at "I consider .sexuet activity is proper. InIes+weeks article I briefly homosexuality to be a personal Some people on this; campus' poinfed to twd areas In which It Straight rights choice," The statement was part at have decided that I am WMe_own might be'-possible to extend the my argument against legislative. Anita Bryant. Far from tt.. I feel' 'right!i'of the Gay'communlh' tothe Tlm'Stree" Jhls personal vhiwpoinf Is being Personal Viewpoint written on behalf of 'the non·gay chose to express these feelings once this age was reached. No camels no cowboys population of Western Mar>fland tempting to shatter the stereotypes by at- He began the lecture College, to let people kn~w tnat All Alzatarl ' they can be "proud "of 'tf,-eir' of the gay In our society. He In- Three years ago, In my fresh- what you see of us is the same ten Well, I do-not blame you. 00 you heterosexuaHty_"Secause"· you' slsted that gays were useful, man year, a student screamed at. percent: the first uve ere.trcm the know why? Because the dislike homosexuallty "does not' productive members of society by me because I said that I was a "top of the society and the other five Arne-teens and the Arabs are I~si:;'ga:~~~: Palestinian, After Dave Cleveland from the bottom of it. victims. We are vtcttms of the ~:~~:~~il~s ~~~Za:::;/o~; .~~~ ~:~~?:~re;I=~:,h own personal his created' inferred by our renowned guest and I worked on an article about Now, returning to my freshman media that distorts the 'true Image Sgt, Matlovlc;h. I am well aware of stereotype of the gay' as being the Mideast conflict two persons year. The situation I just described of the people; that show you. as the clauses 'of cvr tons+ifution always productive .and 'always attacked' hIm on the pages of the was alive three years ago; Idid not cowboys and show us as camel which protect personal beliefs and beneficial to humanity, I suppose Scrimshaw because he dared to know about you and you did not riders. And we ask ourselves what the Freedom of Speech, however, he merely forgot about the per- listen to an Arab. 'three veers ago I know about me. But, today I can Is wrong with the world? Why do this does not say that I must verted degenerate element of gay came to this country not knowing seea change in myselfas,well as In people misunderstand each other? tolerate the lecture and Concert society. Has anyone ever heard of anyone and no one knew me. No the friends I have; not only that, Why do'they fight with each oth'er? Committee spending my tuition John W. Gacy? Sgt. Matlovlch one knew anything about the but I can also see It on a larger Because they do not -{now eacb mdney to support the gay seemed to be somewhat confused movement. To me, one thousand Arabs, let alone the Palestinians: I scope, nationwide, Granted, the other. dollars, plus plane fare, ac- during his lecture. He states "I don't care what the Bible says... I I have lived In many places and 1- was asked if I had a ca~el or a Arabs are still depicted as either have travelled around the globe; comodatlons, and expenses is an don't believe in religion," yet he prince,s savage or handsome' harem or If I owned an 011 well. It extravagant amount to spend for a admitted to praying on his knees was extremely hard to answer trlbes,jlnd they still show the same among the students who did the one hour lecture. I sbare with for help in copi".g with his these questions; even when I said shows in Kuwait, but the same thing there exists a belief, many others the feeling that the homosexual situation, He also no, the person would look at me as awareness on both sides has In the knowledge that the people In beliefs of Sg1. Leonard Matlovich expressed a on~ time fear .of the the world do look alike, do un, if Iwaslylng. creased. Ican seethe change In the are repugnant to the standards of 0,5,1., which is a non,exlstant But, what do we know about the cover of TIme magazine last week. derstand and do love to live In morality and virtue by which I was organization. He is an admitted Americans? po you know that the I never dreamt that the day will harmony and pe'ace. If only we raised. I pity Sgt, MatlQvlcp for racist and overall a very disturbed most popular show In Kuwait was come when the Palestinians will could communicate without the being so socially maladjusted that person. McCloud; now would you believe It make the headlines In such a distortion of the media, then we he could not express his love and When I questioned him after his If Itold you that the majority of the favorable way. John Hines said would not have to go through'wars emotion to others untit he reached lecture he said that I was "mixing un- that Time Is a liberal magazine-.:.,an~ love and misery; of thirty. Yet, i do nQt my apples with my oranges." But the/age people who watchep the show a f actually belleved that a cowboy :~~c::~~~~ ~~tn:hl~YV:;;n~~dt,~~ '~:;~:;:~:~s ~:~I:n=:~: :s~Placed .lia~glc,eeIOCWlCltlCh ICthlC,~",~a:l4"":I4')4' i1CWlChl:M'hlCh:l4':JCiiat:iit')i')jal:ii, ..~a f)4,V;,.;t)4"iIO g. 'g.Vg.It!iJODODI rode his horse in downtoWn Manhatten and arrested the think of Time as a liberal In less than two months I will Mafia? People believed that_you magazine, What I think really leave to the Middle East with this cannot walk In the streets without happened is tha~ tt'le leyel at conviction In my heart, and I will being mugged or raped. awareness has risen and there Is a work for a t>etter understanding And what do. you watch here? belief that the Mideast conflict Is between the' two of us; I hope _ You see a show about an ultra- not going anywhere without' someone here will do the same handsome dark prince running satisfying the Palestinians. thing. 'It Is very. Imporfanfto give around with pockets filled with Here on campus the stereotypes the coml~g gener~tlons a Viarless ~ money and surrounded by beauty about the Arabs In general arid t~ world, ,don~tyou agr~?, .. queens from ali over the world; or Palestinians In particular are alive. you see a bunch of savages; ugly and circulating. How many of you Aboction 848-3466 ,College 10 required" camel ,riders that have nothing to think of Arabs without camels; let do but to kidnap European women me rephrase the questIon, how ' senices. '.:~ and rape them. What we see of you many of you think of Arabs as \ Is only ten percent of the truth, and people? Notmany. . 'hL't' prl!gn<"tlcl.· tlc'sl· .: '1I1~, "Biril1't'OIilr;11 , PrIH;,il'" House o/.LiqIJor ~, jja~ Specials ('ul)hll'lli1alh~lp' Carroll Plaza, Westminster Speciaf of tile Week' I Stroh's 6i:Jak Soft Ice Cream $1.99 a six ~'i ,I .Sundaes . A short walk from ca.mpUi 12 oz. cans pholll> for inform<"tion Banana Sp~!s< with'lut obligallon~ Baltimore. Maryland with this coupon 848.1314 101) """ .H/\I"I Rt. 140 Westminster 0,.. 6 AMtil 12 , I~ '~ 848.9110 Sat rda dS d 1===..===0'="'==:;"='="="=' ====.=.~__~,,=.=..=,=.= ..=..========~~~~----------~,~{J,.L- ~~--~~~_u--v--an--_u_n~a¥~J
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