Page 110 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 110
~~~~~~~w Death lnthe slow lane· Animal mutilation: "Everyday" happening There is one outstanding factor about the election for complished nothing except to decide next years budget. at Western Md. the SGA Presidency; been no one wants the job. To date, few That could have been done in one block of time, leaving have none been petitions have up, and picked of weekly meetings free from the burdens the students ... So read the headline to a front page story in the returned. Everyone is busy figuring out who else wants where nothing was done. by Lee Maxwell in his thejoband r how fast theSGA will fold next year. idea was proposed Another April 8 edition of the CARROLL COUNTY TIMES. An Clearly, the SGA as an institution is in serious trouble. article on the SGA in last week's Scrimshaw. Lee attention grabbing headline to say the least. But there is It has lost nearly all of its power, and no one seems in- suggested that the SGA be given the same amount of more to JOUrnalism than catchink the reader's eye to sell terested in maintaining what little power it has. At one power over student affairs as the faculty has over newspapers. Responsible journalism demands that the time the SGA, via its housing council, controlled what faculty affairs. If this happened, obviously represen- facts be presented in a c1ear.and truthful manner. Such was considered acceptable and non-acceptable behavior tation would become far more effective than it has ever was not the case last week. in the dorms. Now the 'disciplinary hearing board has been, and the job of student rep would be an important The TIMES ran stories on Tuesday and Thursday of taken over that function. The S.GA is in danger of losing position which would wield enough power to slay the last week concerning charges Ihatmembers of a WMC the other two powers it has lef~; the power of the social dragon of apathy. fraternity (the Preachers) had' mutilated animals committee and the power to decide how the budget will Simply abolishing the SGA is not the answer. Letting it during Hell Week initiation. ceremcntes. SCRlMSHA W is be distributed among the various organizations. die slowly will eventually have the effect of stripping not questioning the TIME$'" right to investigate such There is something important that we are forgetting- students of what little remaining voice they now have in charges. (If the rumours are true, the community has a and that is that if we lose the SGA, we have lost a vital the decision-making process and administrative process right to be informed so that the practice can be stopped.) at this school. But SCRIMSHAW does have some qUeS~ions about how ~~~e:~ :~~~d~ ~~~I~te~r!g~;. ~~i~~:n~o~::s:e:~! Sadly, it may already be too late to make students the issue was handled.. ... ' . . can't blame the administraticn-fhey aren't going to realize the importance of the power that the SGA could Tuesday's story was filled: ~ith tneccuracles and take the SGA seriously if the students themselves don't have. fragmented quotes ..The article states that "two college take it seriously. What if ,an issue 0.£ major importance One has only to remember what the phrase Catch 22 housekeeping supervisors admitted yesterday their staff does come up-where else are. we going to find, the referred to. The basic idea was that they're going to. do members had cleaned up 'blood and animal parts' from majority student- opinion to -.present to the ad- to us anything we can't stop them from doing. And the club room of a college dormitory." In fact, -no' ministration? What win stop the administration from without some form of an SGA, how can we stop them? housekeeping personnel ever entered': (rriuch': less .issuing whatever policies they. please since- they will cleaned up) the Preacher's club room >iii -the days . hear only a few unorganized opinions from individual following the initiation ceremonies .. _. . _. . students? As people, we.sbould seek. the maximum Thursday's TIMES ran a follow-up aro.Cl~which in- possible control over our. environment. It will be hard to New art form cluded denials of any wrongdoing by Preacher president gain control if. the admirustratlon bas a competent Tim Stump and reports that college housekeeping staff established system of handli~ problems while we have had stated that they had been misquoted in. 'ruesday's nothing. graces campus, article. But this second article also stated that: "The . However, the fact remains that the SGA is incredibly sources (in Tuesday's article) were quoted accurately ineffective. It has been crippled by an Action Committee and the editors of the TIMES stand by them.' " that can't seem to get things' done', and It jowenhas been Apparently the TlMES·was·not satisfied with.repor- _ eeten away bystudent apatjty.. . . " ". Congratulations should be extended to Wasyl for the ling rumours of mutilation about only the Preachers. The structure of the SGA must be changed. However, creation of his newest sculpture on campus. "Portrait of Tuesday's story also included inforrnCiitiop about a some form of structure which gives students the chance a Backhoe in an Uncaring World" located outside the "related incident" in which a housekeeping staff to unite, to gather information, to organize, and to " dining porch makes an unequaled statement about the member reported seeing students from WMC "pitch" a legislate decisions must remain! Such 'an organization is complete existential nature of the universe. Formerly rabbit out of a car window. essential to keeping our freedoms and rights as mem- located behind Forlines, Wasyl's sculpture culminates To perceive that the TIMES had gone: overbcardon bers of this community. L in meaning (and in nostalgia as it is faintly reminiscent this issue, it was unnecessary to read past the headline One suggestion might be to have an Assembly similar of an earlier construction) on the gently sloping grounds of the first story. When rumours (supported only by to the Maryland General Assembly. This new SGA would near the swimming pool. For added effect, old men in questionable quotes) of two related (???) incidents of meet rarely for lengthy sessions (for example, there yellow hats are hired by the Art Department to climb cruelty to animals make animal mutilation an might be meetings three nights in a row once a about the sculpture each day. Once again, Wasyl has 'everyday' occurenee at Western Maryland, it i~ clear, semester) and hold additional meetings if any major transformed an ordinary landscape into an artistic that objectivity has taken a backseat to sensationalism. concern pops up. Perhaps there simply are not enough . paradise. But what else can be expected from the paper that issues to require a bi-weekly Senate. This would demand Unfortunately, "Backhoe in an Uncaring World" was brought! us "WMC students say: 'Nuke them til they less of students, since it would not drag on every week, such a masterpiece that it has been moved to the glow." yet still retain the same decisive power. It could be Museum of Fine Arts and Caterpillar Tractors located in convincingly argued that this Spring the SGA has ac- Washington, D.C. Letters to the Editor Respect, please t~~I:;e ~aC~I~~;;:~ dO;f~I~:omt~:~ :~~are;::;~~s~~~~!;~e~~ara~~~ ~~':t!~~~:~S~'h:~~~I~~: t~~:i~ ~~S~~f~~~~t:a~e;o:s b~l~e~e gl~~ Dear Editor, -envone connected with the concert professional and very competent. fill out survey, however, any There Is a homosexuai'rlght here I would like to express my was treated with any note of Respectfully, student who took thetlmetoflll out at Western Maryland. un. protest concerning the lack of respect. Mitchell Alexander the survey, however, any student fortunately, I am not as com- ~~~~:~:~t~~~~ln trhe~at~:~~at~~ coTr~~st~:;tsn;tO~~~:!n t~~~ ':: Suryey apology ~~~rnm~~e ~~~~e:e:~n~~~I~~~~ ~~:~~~~c~iits~ ~~ ~~;~~:: ~\~;~ Spring Concert. In spite of the adults and the college complains of ro the campus: type of explanation is please asked to be. hesitation from the students; the disrespect on ·the part of the Last Thursday I randomly to disc;ard the present questlon- I just wish to say thank you from dissatisfaction of certain depart· students. Ttie heart of the matter is placed in the mailbox of 100 male naire due to .the above reasons. the bottom of my heart. because ments; and the contract problems· that both·a·re not- looking _at the and 100 female WMC students a Thank you for your cooperation. without support from outsiders between the group and the Social other as human beings, first: The questionnaire on sexual attitudes. Dawn Sweeney such as yourselves, people such as ~~~r~b~t:~:X~;:S~V~I~~::~:r:~:: ~;~:~r~t~~~t~:~!~~:~fsP~~~! Needless to $3Y I. had nO.ldea or Matlovich fan ;7 ,.m~Y'_.I_fW.,O.."'~d!O~":;",~d"\","t,"f,-"om=w",M,,,,c range of problems that t!'le Soelal' to act .In ~naracter when., ~=:~I::r:ft~~: ~:~~~os~'~ir~~,I~ De-ar Editor, oem Committee had to face in putting ironically, the department head would like to.mak!! one ImpC!rtant On Monday, April 14, Leonard on a concert. The Social Com· tacks the qualify to be sensitive to· clarification, the survey was sent Matlovltch was, for several hours, All AI zatari ~~~~als~~~u:~1 tt~~hn:~~!r~~; - :~~d;ne:.~ :O:~d-~~~C:~~:t f::;~:' ~~~C:!rog~:,' :~e~~~~ ~~:ss:hl~ ~a~~~st hl;d ~~c~':.'t;:~~~t h:~~ no that Indicated to him what-extras toactfromthehearthewouldhave was fOr my project for the class, enlightening experience. Mr. ~~~:~~:!~i~~~ht ~~~~s ~a~;oc;~t ~~~r:;;a:,:!; ::s~~;t70~;art, or Is that a f~lse ;~~~:;~:~':~~s _~~~U~dps;:~~I~; ~;~~~I~~~~ :fs~n:,r~;'ar~~I~te~ ,andra~d my sister before myeye ~~h~~~Gtl~~:II~~~~ AI~:~~I~:II, ~~:., t:h!ric~~~~~~s~~;>~~c~~~~~~~~ ;~:!departmeQt or more specifically ;:~~!~~~el~;e~:tS~~~:~~ak~n~ ~:~~ek~':~~~!:~ushes my bones , . -. ~~~ ~:~:t~~t:~~~h~~es~~Or~j:~~; dlvldual he met. He asked about ~~~s::I~;I~~ )1~~r:~t ~s~d~~i:::~: ~~t~~~f.i;:~sAi~~~~~~~ :;-~; wlthout.m~~h coo~lderatlon of the my major, my family background e~:;~t!;:es~~ r;:.~:~ycell down to as if they were childish should prove to that department answers _that' Cbul~ -have been and what I thought about going to and took her as my god and IncomPetent. 'It was not untll that there are st.udents on ca~p~ i ~~~~':o~~~e;-:~do~ot~~c:~:~o~ :~~C:~:;~'y~:=~~b!~.I:f~r~~~ now, Iam chalnless, Iam free !:~~;~0~~~~::;:;~?£!2~"~~i;~:::~~~~i.~~~:i:~~~~:!~.~:::~.~~:~~o~:~~~'.'m' made, '1 d)d not receive the ap- Committee' for glvirig me the Op:: as loud as I can be proval for' thl~ questionnaire. I portunlty to m~t so. as violent as Ican be w.ovld ,also like: to reassure any courageous and excitlng'a'man: "no" will overcome your cell studel1J'.who receiv~ the survey . '. AnnflackmflO andiwillbefree that is was completely confidential -- Vote of thanks·' . love, my friend, cannot be chained and random, I.e.,-the sheets were Dear Editor, will not be ialled Photography Edito~ This Is a letter of thanks to all the not coded .rn any manner so the .Vernon Roberts i answers' cannot be-traced bac::k to people who were responsible for she won't listen to your wisdom the ray with-me she worships '-)F': ~~i~j ~riJ"fi!l:Jane Bielefield :~~ ~~~~:~~. !~oa~c!:~a~:~~~~~:~ !:e I:~t IS:~:o~~~rl:~:aw ::: your chains are worthless &9 F~ost. Lea'Maxwell" Diana Palaynes pffenslye in any manner, It was not responsible for inviting Leonard you can't chain the word .....1) Mimi Griffi.n J~:~e~~~~:?~ m~ant for that-purpose but instead Matlovlch to speak here at you can't kill the voice Special As~istant'!. to fudge the double standards Western Maryland. you can't take her away from me t... ~_" G-raphier,""': .'.~.,:."."'. ,"'~alpb . found '." i.n many prema:"ltal -: Mr. MatLovrch;s- IKtur~ 'really 'we:reforev:erfree •
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