Page 109 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 109
Drug bust Grand theft auto A WM C student was arrested Two W.M.C. students were and charged with Grand Theft arrested Tuesday, April 8th for Auto last Friday. several narcotics violations. A Peter Edson, a Preacher pledge, midnight r.ild conducted by the has been charged with stealing a Westminster police resulted in the thevy Blazer from a town near arrest of Michael Goldstein and Frederick. According to the State · I ti James Sullivan. Both live In the pollee, Edson and Rich Donovan Bete'ssection. (another pledge) had beendropped V 10 a ODS po~~~edo:n~~~;~~~dwa~;~~u~~~~:~f=~s~~~;:~d;:::ee~ob:t:a~a~ In cash, reported cocaine $675 residue and suspected car to return to campus. Donovan seeds, a large declined to take part. State Police spotted the Blazer quantity of drug paraphernalia. John Hines Goldstein and Sullivan were on Rt. 194when the Police caught charged with possession with in- up with the car, it had been parked tent to distribute marl luana and on the side of Rt. 194 and Edson possesslon~of both merttvene and had fled on foot. Edson was later cocaine. spotted and stopped on Rt.. 194.He According to 'police, no one on was questioned and returned to campus knew of the raid until campus. Later that day the state minutes before It took place. At police retur.ned and received a that time Dean Mowbray was confession from Edson at which Students remlnde.d that laws from "the outside world" notified of the search. time hewas arrested. I apply .here, too. -- . Western Maryland . . . . . College, . . : Volume XI Number 7 ~~~~~~~ . . . .. .' y. Thursday April 17, 1!i~o SGA budget. finalized News Analysis Rethink Concert Lee Maxwell Dave Clevelqnd The social committee ignored TheSGA.,e"',edo",,oflt,two New budget tops $34,000 Social Committee chairperson Is my advice, brought in a no. name a thankless iob, which requires a band, spent $5,000, and attracted ;:~~~f~~;t~':;~ :~;::~:raf9~_~~ The SGA Budget, 1980·B1 lot of hard work. For most of this only 250people. S20.00per listener Media Is a lot of money. The social ~:~:~za~I~~'~~~~;~t req~::':;~~ ~~::~e~an $100 - Scrimshaw $6700 year, Mike Cantrell and Mitchell committee could have bought Alexander have been doing a good 100 Contrast - 1250 block tickets to Beatlemania at the ~~~ln~h~th~I:~!:~~nc~r~~uets~; ~~~~:rmore 1000 Yearbook 6100 iobwlthlt. Capital Center for the 250 people, 100 WWMC 258 But I am badly disappointed by. rented five buses, and taken them college. ~~~~~ SGA their performance on the Spring all to see a real concert free this That Thursday's meeting was Young Democrats 175 Homecoming 100 Concert. Oh, the concert was fiarly Saturday for less money. Or they well run. The sound was alright, ~:~;c:~~::tab:dfh:~:~~er~~~ ~~~::~-Unlon ~~ ~~~I~~~~~e~lttee ~: the lighting was good, and so-was could have bought Pousette-Dart the musrc- There were problems albums. In bulk and give!, one to ~~:~~C:~II~~:a':t:: s~~~:~~~:g~j -DB.eS•.'uC.IUb 450 Office Committee 100 with scheduling the concert for a every student here for about the 590 Social Committee 16 192 same cost. Or they could ha.....e done Thursday night lust before a lot of ~:~!r~1 t~~:':~d~o~t ~~~!m:;;~ ~~ L_"_'"_'e '_75__ T_o_t._' ---"-:37-' ... people were having tests. The Ihe same with a Pink Floyd album. order to help pair down the SGA advertising would have been more Perhaps these suggestions are budget. However, some angry the Social Work Club, becausethey one mixer and one movie to go effective If It had started more wasteful of money, but they are -rt faces could be seen on the part of were not a recognized from $17,800to S16,192.All other than three days before the concert, less of a waste than what the social , and If there had been a lot more of committee actually did wlt~ It. I ::,';~:s. organization represen- or~:~~a:~o;~$6~~e groups who ~;~P:~t:x~e:~ ~':of:r $2c~a:~~ it. But these are only minor Essentially they took more than The meeting began with the were, In relation to their total each allotment. problems. $3.00 from all of us and threw It report of Treasurer MlkeO'Nlell of requests, cut substantially; The only vocal protests to the The meter problem Is In the Idea away. how much the totaled requesfs WWMC, who had agreed budget cuts came from WWMC of a Spring Concert Itself. Earlier Why? amounted to, $43,630, and the beforehand to take the first cuts If and Ctrcle-K. The WWMC rep this year I pointed out that the I know the editor of Scrimshaw allotment for the next year from the whole budget was In deficit, calmly took a cut from SSOOOto average attendance at the last four came out In support of the Spring the college, $34,375. Mike then was slashed In two moves from $500, but attacked a second cut to concerts we have held has been Concert because she wanted to dealt with several clubs who for SSOOOto 5238.ctrcte-K. apparently S238,claiming that WWMC needed only 300people, and that $5,000Is a hear one. She admitted that few one reason or another had their full because their budget requesf ln. some money to keep its hopes ret of money to spend for one people would come, but apparently requests cut: College Republicans, creased too much, was cut from alive; the Senate was not Im- evening's entertainment for only had no compunctions about I because they were presently S700to $400. The SGA itself was cut pressed. The Clrcle-K rep com- 300people. The SGA movies draw spending other people's money. inactive and because they already in Homecoming from'S175tO$HlO. plained both during and after the an average of about 300people at a (Editor's note: Grrrrrrr) have some banked away, S200; other groups who took relatively meeting of almost half its budget, cost to the SGA of about $50. I I also know that the social Cheerleaders, because they minor decreases were Yearbook, although the rep would net. com- suggested that the SGA look at the committee was required to hold a (supposedly) were getting money who went from $6500to $6100,and ment to Scrimshaw. compared costs and benefits. referendum on the spring concert. from the College Itself, S25O;and \ Social Committee, who dropped They gave students a choice between a big group or two little Soviet threat: only one of many ones, but (or perhaps craftily) ones to the with little foolishly both play on the same night. The Keith L Arnold small groups won that referendum Professor Melvin Lefler, author, 'to that Interest. Furthermore the feels that Carter, Is frustrated "of advocates strenghtenlng stability anyway but the social committee historian and teacher, who Is Soviets' move reveals their in-trying to deal with indigenous In the Middle East, but was unable decided to find a large grol.lp In presently working at the Pentagon, tentlons. It also enhances their developments in the Persian gulf, to suggest any real plan for doing stead. I remarked to a friend that gave a speech on the Russian capabllltles. and has decided to use the Soviet so. I the social committee Is required by threat last Thursday. Professor Dr. Lefler disputed this line of threat as the real p.coblem In the All In ali, It was an enteveere the constitution. to . hold a Lefler presented both sides of the reasoning. In his opinion our In- gulf." Dr. Le!!er feels that this Is lecture for the surprising number referendum, but nothing required argument, while, making clear terest lies In developing alfernate the easy way out. Strong response of students and faculty who at- them to holdby tbe results. where his feelings lie. sources of. energy and con- often provokes stronger response tended, In spite of the competition 00 I sound cynical? My cynicism Dr. Lefler compared today's servatlon. The real threat comes from the, other side. Instead the of the Spring concert. is borne out by the events which foreign policy situation with the from Islamic unrest! Dr. Lefler followed. Immediately after the situation lust after WWII. In both also cemts., out that the Soviet 3 cases for board small bands won the referendum, cases he feels that the United Union's action had mobilized the social committee made a S500 States mistakenly changed its ISlamic: countries and fled down commitment to a large band, policy fears from other problems the Soviets In a worthless country. The Disciplinary Hearing Board rooms, ninety (90); abuse of Orleans: Then they went to the one (1); to the Russians. Carter upon He felt that If Russian intentions has heard three (3) cases since the cafeteria privileges, to the safety SGASenate. conduct threatening assuming the presidency felt the were towards the Persian gulf they beginning of the year. All involved and welfare of others, five (5). The Senate bears the ultimate domestic problems were the most would have gone into Iran. Russian disorderly conduct. which was Sanctions imposed for party . responsibility-for deciding how the pressing. especially energy_.Now Intentions are In fact defensive disturbing to others. Sanctions violations ranged from warning to social committee's money is spent Carter says that Russia is "the support a communist regime, fear ranged from reprimand and By making the commitment to greatest threat since WWII? Dr. of Islamic instablllty, paranoia of warning to suspension. disciplinary probation with fines Orleans before even mentioning to Lefler then discussed the policy encirclement and, Dr. Lefler In other violations reported, the from $5.00to $50.00.Sanctions for the Senate that they were ignoring process that brought on this admits, energy needs, even though main offence was: noise, five (5) other violations included letters of the referendum, the social cern- change. Our interest is In the this agrees with the Carter In- cases; party, eight (B); abuse of or reprimand, warnings, conduct mittee was osorctnc the power of probation, restitution, fines (Sl.00- Persian Gulf. The Soviet Union's terpretatlon. damage to college property, four Sl().OO)'andrestrlctions. the Senate. Then they bullied the i~vaslon of Afganistan Is a threat What should be done? Lefler (4); college property_In student continued page 4
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