Page 108 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 108
Scrimshaw Jennet,!!! opens w The Ukrainian Art Exhibit shirts, blouses, as well as the understand the arts of the many opened Wednesday April 2nd at 7 towels draped over Ikons. different ethnic groups and make p.m. The show displayed A Bandura is displayed along them more aware of the diverse decorated Easter eggs, prints, with many woodcarvings where cultures that contribute in making embroidery, and Kllems {carpet. the wood is carved Into the inlayed America as great as it is since like wail hangings). There are also with mother of pearl. ethnic groups, such as Blacks, a couple of displays of the dress of The Ukraine's were subjugated Indians, Greeks, Poles, dNferent areas of Ukraine. These by Russia for almost 400years. In Ukrainians, Chinese, Chicanos, two displays show the differenceln the beginning, around 1,000 B.C., and many others, have done their dress between the Pcuava region as Russia developed their own share tobufld this country." or the middle and lower part of culture, they borrowed from many The Ukrainian exhibit will Ukraine and the mountian region. Ukrainian cultural patterns. As continue through April zaro, The Easter egg collection in Wasyl pointed out "there are flf- weekdays between 10 a.m. and 4 cluded elaborately decorated teen nallons within the Soviet p.m. The exhibit has been chicken and goose eggs. Wasyl Union, but most people refer to arranged by the Ukrainian Palijczuk explained that these nations as Russia which Isan Community of Baltimore and decoration is done by a "wax resist insult." It Is Wasyl's hopethat "the Chapter 1~5of the Organization of method applied to a plain uncooked ethtnlc-exhlblt will help students Ukrainian Women. which WO'yl explained, Kershner replaced egg." Kilems are the large wen- 'I honglng, "are woven on large looms. The , ' :~ta~~n~~~:t~~~~d~:~:Yb~o~:~: Helga Hein surtent in cytogenetics. In ad usually shepherds who have time be~~~e L~UI~emAberP:fqU;est:~~ ~~t~~i~'ati~~:~n~a~yr::~=i~ed 17 ~~~i~h~:~i~:~e:t ~~n;:~ib~~~~: Maryland's Biology Department The process to fill the position more earthy colored Kilem shows ~ehx:fi~II'r~~~:~~i7hl~r ~~~~~~h~~~ ~:~~~~~;~ S~~:e:~~::;df~;S~e~~~ ~~~orsfl~;~;2cte~~~~00~i~;~0~ni:~ Paquin was the first choice among verttsed widely for the job (for art. Wasyl remarked that "the ;o::~~n.Of 70 applicants for the :~~i~~ilo~'s). ~~e s:acr~~n~;~~ ~~~~~~~e~~'t;:~ ~~Ce~~:%I~~:e~g~~ Dr. Paquin graduated from mittee, headed by Biology Kllems, an_dwoodwork is done." Trinity College in 1968 al"!d Department Chairman, Dr. There is also an Ikon on exhibit. received her Ph.D from Brown, then employed the Af- Ikons are decorated with an em. Georgetown University In 1976, firmative Action Search procedure broidered towel. Wasyl explained, studying the genetics of higher to screen candidates, looking at ~'hla~~~tSeri~~Ceof h~~~hJo~ct~I~:~ .~;~:n~~~s~o;:e~mat 1~6;9i~:r~~~~ :~~::ut ~:;~~~~:nt'~f s~:e:~nr~~~~ which are saved for an honorary ;~::lr~~H::~~~~~'~~ ~:~~r!~;~t ;;~fl~ld ::: th;:r:ar~~~~~i~~~~~ t---:-::,.--,----------------le ~~:~;~~~~~s~~ce:~ro~';;.:e .s: Chairperson from 1968-70and as leading toa final decision. place In the home." Embroidery is '- ....;.__ ~----------.;.:.;.;.;.:.---_../: Assistant Principal' from 1970-72. Dr. Brown believes that because in experience Paquin's She also sat on Regina's Board of of Dr. ill BSU sti a force n ca pus Directors as from an 1976·77 while at Maryland genetics, the Western m o human teaching Instructor Genetics course will Ken Ballou we must get together and resolve new members are wanted, white or Catholic University of America. become more humanly oriented. black. If anyone Is Interested In Presently, she holds the position of Dr. Paquin Is interested In In. Lester Wallace, one of the the problems of the single person. lolnlng, they can contact Lester at research assistant at the stitullng an advanced course in members of the Black Student If all the blacks on campus said 848.9798. UnIversity of Massachusetts human genetics, and In bringing Union, wonders If the lack of they just wanted to be individuals, There was one point Lester Medical School is teaching a societal concerns related to participation In Black Hlsfory they couldn't cope with some of wanted to be made clear: "We genetics course to medical biology into the students' per Month this past February doesn't thejr problems." don'twanttobeseparatist." students and Is acting as a con- spectlves. refle
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