Page 107 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 107
Thursday, April 10, 1980 Scrimshaw Page 5 Track team shines again WMC's men's track team opened Championships. Three freshmen its season Saturday in what has were among this number: Bruce deserves special mention. Because become traditional style by wallop- McCallon who won the discus at of faulty veutt facilities at Lycom- ing Lycoming 81-18.Led by [unlor 125', Paul Wallin winning the ing they were unable 10 compete John Kebler's wins in the mile and [evelln with 1'79'7and high jumper after traveling over three hours to 880, the men won all but two Mark Cockerill who took second do so. Instead of bemoaning their events. with a leap of 6'0. situation, however, the three found In a more betanced contest, the Other qualifiers were Eric other ways to contribute. Led by women's team prevailed over DeGross and Mark Chadwick, who Jamison who finished in 5:03, they Lycoming 48-31. As usual, senior took one-two in the 100meter dash, all ranthe mile and lies and Guy captain Phyllis Landry keyed the Eliot Runyon who clicked off a ran legs of the "B" mile relay victory by whooshing the fields in neat 51.9 quarter mile, and Sam teamwaswell! both the 100-and 22{1-yarddashes Mitchell who also cleared 6'0" In The highlight of the meet, and by anchoring the winning 440- the high jump. Perhaps the best Ihough, was the inspired per relay squad of Anne Royston, performance Iro the men came formance of tennis player turned Allison Ward, and Sherry Linkoff. from Dane Colbert in the shot put. track star Ward Street. Ward and A:nne also placed third in the 120· His beave.ot 46'51h" is a Western the rest" of the tennis team had Is this one of the squirrels involved in the can. yard hurdles and Sherry took se- finished their matches and were spiracy? . cond In the 220with a personal best Maryland College "Am,erican" watching the conclusion of the record-the only Terrors who ever meet. Upon hearing that Coach Squirrel menance looms of 29.2seconds. threw further were both Nor Carpenter needed one more leg on weglan. By far the most exciting races of the "B" mile relay squad, Ward the day were the women's mile lind The 440 relay squad of Fred responded, "Well, some of them mile relay. Leslie Mcintyre passed Smyth, DeGross, Mitchell, and gamely volunteered and led off the relay with an Impressive 62.Ssplit. Three weeks ago unbeknownst to looked like mini Ayatollahs and her Lycoming opponent on the Chadwick also qualified for MAC's Ward, WMC track salutes you! most members of the W.M.C. com. some even had the unmitigated homestretch of the mite and then with a 45.0docking. Mile relayers munity, there was a take over at- audacity to carry around pictures held her off to the tape, finishing in Smyth, Sam HopkIns, Kirby Light, tempt of the W.M.C. campus. The of Kh·omeini." The Ayatollah Kho- 6:32. In the mile relay Berit Kill- and Runyon qualified a week ingstad, who had earlier won the take over was attempted by a meini was unavailable for com earlier by running 3:28_2 at the Contrast group of·50to 100Iranian squirrels. ment. «O-yard dash in 68seconds, was 40 Towson State Invltatfcnal." yards behind when she got the The attempt was centered on When the first unit of guardsmen baton for the anchor leg. Un- Also scoring against Lycoming Decker College Center although arrived on campus, there were no were: Russell Johnsen. first in the The deadline, for Contrast sub- similar attempts were made at signs of Iranian squirrels, only daunted, Berit turned on the juice, triple [urnp and second in the long missions is Friday, April 11. All every W.M_C. dorm and annex. American ones. All subsequent caught her foe as they came out of [ump behind Chadwick; Ught, submissions must be turned in to the first turn and went on to win by Tom La Rosa, who was building guard units were recalled. Army 60 yards! Her split was a sterling with a third in the 880; a third for either- Ann Hackman (Apt, 2C) or manager at the time of the attack, intelligence was immediately call- 62.3! Hopkins in the 440; 'ooug Renner Rick Roecker (Apt. rei. reported, "They all wore dis- ed in to 'investigate the Incident. The women also had good per- with a second in the mile and a fine guises. They were dressed up like Their report states that the Iranian winning effort in the 3-mile, follow college students and they had ltttte squirrels evidently attemped to formances in the field events as eel by Rollins Briggs and Iguana fake I.D.'s, green ones! But I saw take over the student center by freshman' Kathleen Crooks took Bob Holcombe; Runyon, who came Poem of first in the discus with a toss of through their plot." La Rosa im signing out all the keys and by sen- back with a strong second in the mediately called Dean Mowbray, ing the cafeteria. Evidently they 72'4" and second in the shot with 880 just 20 minutes after his wtn. who was in the game room playing plann~ the cafeteria seizure by in- 28'4 1 /2". Sophomore Rosemarie ning sprint in the 440;Mitchell who the Week "Break-out," who in turn called citing a student food strike. Action Walsh placed second in the long ran for second in Ihe 220and Harry the National Guard. When asked committee chairman Mike Davis [ump. Peoples who placed third, second, how he spotted that the squirrels is now under 'investigation for Despite the windy conditions and and third, respectively in the shot, were cif Iranian descent, La Rosa treason. lack of quality competition, nine discus, and javelin. Terror men performed well The pole vaulting squad of Rip The SeaHorse enough to qualify for the M~C Jamison, Bill ties, and Dan Guv Long tail beats Baseball season underway entwines with the water, another. through water, -1 The WMC baseball team swept a third before Walker brought him the threat. The Terrors then went eyes vision was "tape measure St. Kent I doubleheader from Messiah last home with a base hIt. The Blue down in order before John Sato blast" ... K. Zawacki has slammed nostrils breathe. babies live, Wednesday (4.1, 11-2), then Jays scored twice in the sixth to singled off Gosnell to start the Blue three home run on season whlle nurtured In dropped two one run ballgames to cut the Terror lead to 6-4and set up Jay eighth, thereby signalling the Cameron, aern, Frick, and mate's pouch. arch rival Johns HopkIns on the fatal seventh. . righthander's departure. Rob Hanratty each have one. male companions Saturday, t1"]us bringIng their Brad Rosborough's leadoff Bowell relieved Gosnell, but a .Mulholland and Hanratty share rn tne see. overall record to 5-6. homer prompted Coach Pete Clark walk, a mIshandled bunt, and a team lead In steals with six, while waterless, In the first game of the twin bill to remove pitcher Brian Zawacki wild pitch dealt the Terrors their RBI leaders are: K. Zawacki (9), -he ceases. . vs. Messiah, righthander Frank in favor of Brooke. A check swing second lossof the afternoon. Frick tal, and Bob Heath m_ Trautz picked up the win while single, followed by three more The Terrors had opened their .Batting average leaders are as --anonymous blankIng the Pennsylvanians on singles, sandwiched around a season over spring break while follows: Frick (.438), K-. Zawacki four hits over the first five InnIngs, throwing error by Brooke on a participating in the Sanford (.379), and Della Badia (.318). before Carl Strozyk finished up to sacrIfice bunt, sealed the Terrors Memorial Tournament in Sanford, tete.z-s. notch his first save of the season. Florida. The 3-4week included two The Terrors got all the scoring The second game saw the wins over Plymouth State College CoIVIiage HIJU6e ~ they needed In the fifth Inning on Terrors once again In the lead, I{N.H.), one of them a one-hit, route singles by Scott Peters, Brian only to lose in extee Innings. Frick going performace by Brian 113 W. Main s.. offense ~,~Ci Baln, Joe Della Badia, and Kent and Glenn Cameron produced run ZawackI. The other victory was a COLD BEER "At tho Forks" COLD BEE_R Mulholland. Dennis Hanratty laid scoring singles In the first and 22-6 thrashing of Farlelgh down a perfect suicide squeeze in Brian Zawacki laced a two run Dickinson. Kevin Zawacki (.474), ....... Budweiser and Schlitz .:..~ the Inning to drive In a run. single in the second as the Terrors Frick (.4S0), and Hanratty (.435), In the 11-2victory, Bruce Frick spotted pitcher Mike Gosnell a 4-1 sparked the Terror $2.25 a six ~~,p was the hitting star, driving In four lead. Hopkins chlpped away, throughout the week. 12 oz. cans runs while rapping out two however, and entering their half of doubles, a homer, and scoring the seventh, the score w~s knotted Diamond Dust. __Terrors first twice himself. Kevin Zawacki at four. Ij,onferencegames were yesterday 848-3466 'OFFER EXP_ 4/t7/80 Cotlege ID required' aided the Terror cause with a two The Blue Jays loaded the bases vs. Franklln and Marshall. .. They ~~~!i!'2!!2l!!!!~~!!2!!2!!22S~5I2~2S!2S!:!!!l~ run blast, as Scott Kohr, wIth relief with one out but the gutsy Gosnell travel to MI. St. Mary's tomorrow OIl help from Leon Brooke, picked up induced George Coutras to foul out f9l" sIngle game and to Moravian ~'. his first win of the year on the to Baln, then got Tom Muerer on a on Saturday for conferl!nce . . ..,. . mound_ comebacJc;e!:..!~the mound to end doubleheader. .Cameron's HR vs. .Breakfast ~ • ~ Against Hopkins, the first game saw the Terrors take a 6-4lead Into 'Lunch ''''''''SS;;/ the final frame, only to loseIt In the ..:. home half of the seventh_ The House 0/ Liquor Dinner _ Daily Specials ._ Terrors trailed, 2-1, entering the fifth, when Della Badia singled and Carroll Plaza, Westminster 50' off any pizza ()r whole sub grounder was mishandled by Blue Special of the Week moved to secondas Craig Walker's Jay shortshop Bill Stromberg_ Soft Ice Cream Zawacki promptly roped a double Stroh's ~ak up the alley In right center to score $1.99 a six Sundaes A short walk Della Badia and Walker before from campus Frick did the same to tally 12 oz. cans Banana Splits Zawacki. The visItors pushed two more with this coupon 848·1314 Rt. 140 Westminster across In the sixth as Baln tripled Open 6 AM 'il12 and came across on Mulholland's 848·9110 Saturdav and Sunday single. Mo then stole second and
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