Page 106 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 106
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 10, 1980 ections By Melissa Allen problems through traditional won'f heve to tr aln." He does not feel that Carter has the bills without rocketing From the enterprise. .,..Re.publican John Anderson is done a good job in Iran and ad- own taxes. He also wants Wilson CollegeNewspaper Bush wants to limit federal considered by many to be too vocates that the hostages be crease trade by forming a As I research the major can. spending, but he does not favor a honest to be elected for he tells of released to a third country or the American Common Market. didate's platforms I realized how constitutional amendment to the hard facts instead of promising Red Cross and to set up an tn. Reagan advocates a lillie the press concerns ltsett with balance the budget, He believes easy solutions which never work. ternational tribunal to Investigate active military reserve. the issues as compared to the that the federal regulatory Anderson believes the grain em. the Shah. He opposes retn. place bases in Oman space it dedicates to their personal agencies are' "out of control," but bargo was justified. He advocates statement of the draft. He strongly believes statistics. For example Iknow that he is vague about what action he that gas be taxed 50 cent~a gallon. Kennedy is against nuclear arms to Pakistan and George Bush is 6"2", weighs 190 would take. In front of a meeting of the power and sponsors a two year pounds and jogs three miles daily, Bush calls for a strong national Na/ional Rifle Association in moratorium on licensing new but I am not sure of the relevance defense, cr"iclzing Carter for Maine, he was the only candidate nuclear plants. Hewould phaseout of this Information on the job that overemphasizing human rights who spoke for gun contr.ol stating all current nuclear plants as soon hewould doas president. and instead calls for a foreign that he is for the licensing of as alternative sourcesare found Compiled below are profiles of policy based on strategic interests' concealable pistols. Governor Brown is the only the candidates' platforms com. and keeping commitments. Bush Ted Kennedy says he will stop liberal choice in this election. piled from Newsweek, Time, The has said that he would steer a Inflation with a 6 month wage and Brown wants to lower taxes and New York Times, The Washington middle course in the Middle East price freeze and then witt"! strict balance the budget but he wants Post, National Review and The maintaining ties to Isreal while' controls especially on rents, the cuts linked to a constitutional New York Times Magazine. also strengthening our relationship profits, interest and dividends. It Is limit on the growth of federal George Bush holds the standard with moderate Arab States. Bush historically seenthat food, housing spending. He is against a con- conservative position. Although his thrnks that Ceeter did right in Iran and energy do not respond well to stitutional amendment to balance platform is original, he borrows all allhough he says the President controls. He is playing down his 17 the budget saying that It would his ideas from the other can. should have done more to shore up year old Senaterecord as a liberal infringe on the ability of govern didates. His stance is not that far the Shah's regime. He advocates big spender and emphasizing his ment to ect. He would Increase from Reagan except that Bush development of a new manned economic "pragmation." He trade by having a North American seemsmore flexible. bomber and the neutron bomb, and supports Carter's budget paring common market. Brown hasstated Under the economic advisement also wants the CUA beefed up. efforts but Kennedy fought to save that our throwaway economy of Arthur Burns, Paul McCraken, Bush opposesthe Panama Treaty. social spending programs. Still no squanders scarce resources -but Herbert Stein and Paul MacAvoy, He is against "Sail It" but is for a one is sure how much his National he isunclearona solution. headvocatesa $20 billion tax cut in "Salt III" if the U.S. gets a fair Health Insurance would cost, His most famous stand is in the 1981 with 50 percent going towards deal. estimates range between $28 antinuclear dectarations. Hewould individuals and 50 percent for billion to $45 billion a year. Ken- put a ban on nuclear power plants, business to spur productivity and Although he is personally op nedy feels that gasoline rationing stopping construction on the 92 investment as a way of curbing posedto abortion he doesnot favor is going to to necessary and he is plants now under construction. He Inflation. He supports the a constitutional amendment to not sure but thinks a pump advocates more subsidy to solar decontrol of energy prices and make abortions illegal. He does priming cut may be necessary in power, where the payoff 'is favors a winfall· profits tax on the agree that no federal funds should 1980. He also wants to close doubtful. oil companies but only if it Includes go towards abortions. Generally "loopholes" and "tame'·' Under the economic advice of a "plowback" provision to en. against gay rights legislation, monopolies although he hasn't Martin Anderson, Ronald Reagan courage research and exploration. Bush believes that homosexuality devised a clear strategy for either. advocates a 33 percent cut in taxes Bush considers this a production is not "normet." He favors ERA. Advising Kennedy are keynesian to boost businessquickly into more orIented energy policy with a According to his campaign slogan, economists such as Waller Heller, productivity that in theory would greater emphasis on solving he is considered "A President we Joseph Pechman and ArthurOkun. generate increased tax receipts and cut the budget deficit. He calls Candidates fight for life tcr-cthe indexing of income tax rates so peoplewould pay taxes on the real not the tnuattcn.btceted increases in their salary. He sponsors the Kemp-Roth tax bill Keith Arnold win? Carter stands ahead, 60% to election could be close. The now in congress. To further abate el:cttJ~~~p~~~~Ina~~~:~~:~de~!~~ 31% overall, and by an even Republican that would have a inflation Reagan wants to I d k R greater margin among young better chance that Reagan would eliminate the minimum wage and :sr~~ct~:S~\~re :~~as~i~t:';ea:st7~ ~:::~ S:;I~ c:o~~~ w~e:ICi:~na; ~thF~:~g::r~n:a~~~te~uti~a~:; the inheritance tax. in order to the t~a:e' however; exactly what age and lack of experience, such polls but, since it appears that hold federal spending low, Reagan would shift federal welfare costs ar~or e~~~h~~~:;rats, only Ken. analysts assume that Carter Is a Reagan has the nomination, this back onto the states but he remains nedy remains. However, according ~~~e~hl,~rh;t~I:n:~~~~~c~~c~~~~!~ P06~lar!z:~~:0 :Im ~~~~~~afic would pay ~ira~il;e th:'~a~~in~e a f:r~~!Cs~~ hasalready showna predisposition organization has been formed. Carter hasthe nomination. Despite :~ ~~~~ec~h~~r~:~~;~ililnlth\~~~~~ They plan speakers and a voter a comeback in New York, Kennedy t registration drive for this spring. still lags behind the president in ~e:~:::~t~: ~~~~~eerc!~:r~a~e;~ ;fhet~:Jf~~~ ~~~bl~~~~s~I~~e~~~~~ popularity (according to the latest moved to the right, and thus the p ~~~~~~n~!~~~%hisfOpa!!~~rs~;~ R'lI()(;I()(;I()(;I()(;I()(;IOCIOCIOCIOC.c".c".c".c' .c"ic ')(")(')(O'X'Y)(d0)C,)Cm:ic'")C")()C3ft According to Gallup, Kennedy ~o,. PIZZA & SUB SHOP :::':''',:ff::h:':'~Y~~~;;~'~~',;:,~~~q.t-fJ. 22 W. Main 51. Westminster, Md. 2t 157 Salad Bar 50%. But, even amongst the yuth - Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Sandwiches hetraJls.· Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876·3550 The Republicans stilt fighting 10% Discount are Bush and Anderson. Bush, Call Ahead after a strong start, and a recent With This Ad for Takeout ~ losing his home state of J victory in his home state of Conn., Open: Is fighting a losing·race. If Reagan Mon.-Thurs. 11:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. 848-5276 !:g~~~t~I::eA~~~;:r\~~I::e~ Frlday-5at. 11:00 A.M.-1:00 A.M. cashing in on the Independantvote ~~s!!,!u!!,!n.~~!!!4:!!:O!!:O!!:P!!:.M!!:,.!!:"!!::!!:OO!P!,!M!!,!!.!!!!!!!!Co!!!!1I8g~'!!'D!!R~,!!q"!!ire!!d~! . drawing on his liberal positions compared to Reagan's. However, after ~~;~t!::=~~~:,·:::~:~wU"eeh.....~~eFnlethWSehaeT.....t!!-...L . stili the alternative of a third party shot. Even here the chances are slim. Such an effort would be flnancfally difficult and without a Fairground Village 857-4949 successful precedent. Pur- Van HalennewRelease LPfTP$5.49 thermore the deadline for filing to UndaRoodststNewRelease LPfTP 5.86 ........ be on the ballot has already passed ~ BobSeager NewRelease LPfTP 5.86 u...... In two states, Ohio and Maryland, BillyJoelNewRelease LPfTP 5.86 ~~:n~!s h:l~a: ~~~nl~:m:~~ BfothersJohnsonNewAelease LPITP 5.86 ANnaL aeutIr Even if Anderson took enough LedZepplin"~r"Ne~Aelease LPITP 6.19 votes to put the declslol] In the Lowestpricesin mld.Maryland Plays Fr i d,ay night In the forum House of Representatives, most Admission 75- with toga analysts feel that Carter would Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular price, $1.00 without win, 2nd at half price . ',', Showtlmes 7:00, 9:30 and midnight It Carter and .Reagan win their respective nominations, who will
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