Page 105 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 105
hursday. April 10, 1980 Scrimshaw Page 3 SGA: a critical perspective ee Maxwell The SGA is still only a small are all the people who brought all, either: the SGA does little for ignored. In fact, the pattern is "Students are looking for a group of students who for various Mike to power? He's opened the or to them, so why should they circular; the SGA does little for hange... Many students feel they personal reasons,go to meetings; SGAtothem; where are they now? care? students, students pay little at· ave noreal VOicein the formation some because they hold elected Last fall the SGA was doing We should not neglect SOCial tentlon to SGA.SGA Is a shell 0-'an f policies that affect their lives. positions and thus have some dynamic things; it was working Ofl Committee. In sheer volume they organization, a set of meaningless he SGA Is Ineffective and the function to perform: those who the Honors Requirements issue present a near monopoly of the rituals, a game. reef majority of students have no have some vested Interest In the (and was marginally successful), entertainment on campus, In· This is the way SGA is now and I deaof what the SGAIsdoing." issue the SGA Is considering, like and there were real rumblings eluding mixers, movies, dances, has been for years. Is It -.Campaign statement, "The the bid for a dance; and a very over the banning of section parties novelt)t acts, and the Concert(s). irredeemable? Would be better Icket," of Mike Steinmetz, Sue small number of those who really and over disciplinary procedures. They get nearly half of the SGA just to forget the whole thing, obbs, and Mike O'Nlell, In want the SGAto work on a problem But slowly the dynamism bled budget. The Senate gives etmcst abolish SGAaltogether? Certainly crimsMW, 4/19119, page5 and those (an even smaller away, and now only a bare-bones all of the other half to other not, for student problems would number) who want to work on organization exists, with maybe recognized student groups In a essentially remain untouched and problems. some Laidlaw-baiting thrown in. yearly allocation process which is what headway has been made will My, howour words do comeback And that's all. The great number What happened? mainly a nuisance better carried be lost. But neither can It be left o haunt us! Not only Mij(e of peoplethe SGAdrew for Its first It would be easy to blame Mike outby the Office of StudentAffairs. the way It .ls. Do any alternatives telnmetz' ticket, but almost all two or three meetings last faU Steinmetz; somepeoplealready do Theseare the two biggest functions extst to nonexistence. or prec- I he candidates in last year's SGA dwindled away and never came that. But that's the easy way out, carried out by the SGA, and tical1y the same thing, the status lectlons were saying about the back. Thosewho were left either are and taking the:easy way bypasses wlthoutthem.. quo? arne thing and its effect on the sc-ceuee Old Guard or those the truth. Mike Steinmetz has, in' You may think this awfully I can seetwo. The first is to scale ommon student problems; Its not new people waiting to form their my opinion, been working hard to harsh, but look at It this way. The down the SGA, abolish the Senate orking, I know why, elect me (or ownOld Guard. get the SGA moving. He brought SGAcouldbedoingmanythingslts and simply make It a voluntary us), and we'll change it. Oh yes, I What ever happenedto all those momentum to It, and with that not doing now. It could be making problem.solving organization Imost torgot: Vote, get Involved, people? I'm sure Mike Steinmetz momentum has \ made some decisions on several different designed to challenge Ad- we need your support, we can would like to know. They are the nominally important changes and Issues concerning campus life, ministration policy or to institute makeSGAwork,·if ... - main reason why he became someheadway inoneor two issues. such as the quality of cafeteria actions itself, all In the purpose of If. president last year. He came in But his own personal momentum food, the quality of dormitory Improving student life on this If you the reader can perceive a representing their interests after has beensuckedaway by SGA. He facilities, the quality of social life campus. Social Committee would whiff of cynicism in my tone, the last administration failed to continues to try to do things, but on campus, the quality of be a separate entity with Its own f you're right. It's very easy to get aChievetheir demands. .his efforts are doing little for the academics on campus, and other funds, and money would be given cynical after watching the SGAfor Mike did his best to open more SGA) and how long will It take decisions affecting student life on to student groups by Dean lover two years. The SGA has channels into the SGA from the before evenhequits in disgust? campus. 11could make changes in Mowbray. Much fat in the form of managed to flounder along, with student body. His reforms included Of course, the name of the the fabric of student life here, purposeless structure (what has sparsely attended or cancelled a newsletter; a new, problem that plagues the SGAis so either by acting on the ed- Office Committee done recently? committee meetings, and SGA assembly; a proposed all.cclfeqe overused its a shame to stili have ministration to change Its policies, Publicity? Action?) would be cut Senate meetings which rarely, if council; and an expansion of the to deat with: Apathy. There are or by making changes itself. This away and the final product would ever, have quorems, of the number of SGA reps to equalize about a thousand people on this is what the SGAwas chartered for 'become a more active, minimum number of delegates representation. These reforms, campus to whom SGA is of very (check the preamble of the SGA streamlined group, relying on neededto hold a meeting. In fact, along with the traditional Action little salience or meaning. Except Constitution for yourself), And goals to draw members rather Ihe SGApresently'has taken up the Committee, have opened a larger for Social Committee and maybe though this purpose of the SGA than organizational prestige. I habit of handing out voting cards to number of channelsof information the SGA allotments to other may be quite central and The second Is a little more anyonewho representsa floor, not and motivation between the SGA student groups, the whole struc- multidirectional, progress along daring. It involves the just elected representatives and the students, and the students ture could be just folded up and put this purpose toward goals can be students the same power over I (Think what would happen if the and the Administration through away, and no one would notice it measured. student ettetrs as the faculty have Congress or the Stafe Assembly the SGA. But no one has been for quite a long while. And I'm not The SGA Is making. very tittle over facutty affairs. The meansthe this purpose. Administration must get approval progress towards didthat.J taking advantage of them. Where putting blame on these people at There is some: work,on the Honors for changes in policy from the One Christian's. perspective unknown progress towards some policy on its own and has the final SGA. and that SGA can change Requirements change, the almost grade review process, the equally control over student policy. Have you noticed, through ~r unknownbeing initiated In housing Students would no longer have to from page 2 ~:r:ed~;nn;~o~~~r~h~~e:~nS~~r~~ association with capitalism, how policy by the Housing Committee; ask for or lobby for something, od's creallon. It is seen as con. therefore, why there Is not a we have certainly diffused the the creation of a Student Advocate they could just vote on it and 11 rary to nature. The context of c.rusade against gr.eed,and those many teachings of Jesus against to represent students in the would be so. This is the ultimate neee passages Is Romans 1:18· of us who berate each other, as wealth? Or how Christians almost disciplinary process (and as a power studentscould exercise over 1 :20, in which Paul lists many well as homosexuality. Through from the beginning, haverefracted byproduct clearing up the am- their own affairs, which can be things which r.esult from our at. what exegtical hoopdo we jump to the example of Jesus' nonviolence bigulty surrounding..that process), legitimately be argued to belongto tempt to up-end the order of the ignore the entire list and con- and love? And really not get bent and hopefully the all college students as tulttcn-peyers and untverse-whet he would call centrateon oneitem? out of shape about it? And more council, which may promote patrons of this Institution. I idolatry. When the creature (the recently, many Christians nave communication between students, These two proposals are two finite) tries to be fhe Creator (the Genesis1and2 overcome the deficiency of Paul's faculty, and administration. But extreme solutions to be SGA infinite), the whole of life becomes culturally bound teachings on all of these are just flickers in the problem; they could be diluted to dis.crlented, including our sexual Another important Bibllcat slavery and the place of women In dark: worse yet, they are only be made acceptable to all parties. life. Of Kate Millet's thesis that perspective is the Creation story the Church. Can It be that Christ coming about becauseof the"flard But I see these as the only two most neterosexue!intercourse Is a itself. In the tirst two chapters of can help us overcome homophobia work' of a few individuals who viable alternatives to the present power play, a "political act." GenesisGod Is apparently dealing and see that sexuality is a matter aren't willing to seetnelr Ideasdie horrendous situation. SGA will not Somescholarswonder what Paul- with a heterosexual couple who is of over human warmth, self- (though some may be close to function adequately until some meant by "nature" in this section. told to be fruitful and to multiply. esteem and personal dignity-- and deathdespite their work.) drastic changes are made. Is it something innate or unlver- Oneargument goesthat if God had when these are not present, in Beyond all this, 'and the Students will not willingly par- sally applicable as in Store Intended nemceexcentv he would homosexual or heterosexual aforementioned sett.retorms by tkipate in significant numbers philosophy or Is it a matter of have created two men and two relationships, in or out of the SGA, SGA has done nothing. until the SGA is made truly et- social custom as in I Corinthians womenas well asAdamand Eve. marriage, God's ideal of human Nothing has come out of Action tecttve. Some changes are : 11:14when long hair for men Is not But an evangelical scholar, John wholenessand humanizing activity Committee. Nothing has come out definitely needed, but who will in Jesusis absentin our lives? of the Senate. The new com· make them and when will they be ( ~~~~~~~;ng~hfi~r:tr~~;~\~\o~~~ ~i~,a~:~~te;;i:~:~ :~ t~:en~:~~ munkatlon channels have been made? I wish I knew.. Paul to say what we want him to order of things as set forth in Personal Viewpoint - say. Genesis"leaves out homosexuality also leaves out A right to discriminate- I Corinthians 6:9·10 singleness and masturbation as (Seeparallel passage well. If the purpose of sex if for John Hines set should be totally up to me, not portant. If oneparent is concern~, InITim.1:B-1l childbearing and for heterosexual What are gay rights? The right the taw, becauseI haveto live with he/she should be able to voice relationships, then masturbation is to live and work where they please the results. If for any reason, I feel his/her concern. If a majority of wrong lust like homosexuality...1f are the two I hear most. They are ,that an Individual is unsatisfactory the parents in a school district "Do you not know that the we make an e)(ception for also the two that bother me the as a prospective leasee,Ihen so be voice the same concern, then the unrighteous will not inherit the masturbation, why not for most. ShouldI compelled by law to il. My houseis my kingdom. law should not prohibit them from Kingdon of God.- Do not be hOmOSe)(uality? let a homosexual rent my The question of education can be removing a homose)(ualfrom his ~ ~:~I~\~~~~n~:~er !~:::~~~~I, ~~~ In summary, the Biblical case basement apartment? Should my arguecfina similar way. post,or refusing to hire him I would liketo say that both these Education Is and always has school district be forbldden from homose)(uals,nor thieves, nor the against homosexuality is basedon greedy, nor drunkards, nor this scant and debatable material. . discriminating on the basis of been conducted on a local basis. viewpoints stem from belief that revilers, nor robbers wilt inherit Is this sufficienl basis for the sexual preference if they believe The local ~chool board and PTA's the govrtrnment should not the Kingdom of God:' current uproar over Gay rights? they are protecting their children? have dictated what is taught, and legislate morality. The govern· 11is significant that Paul does Are we usually so excited about a In the first situation, I do not feel how it is taught. If a homose)(ualis men! should not tell me whS'tkind not single out homosexuality. (And few verses in the Bible? Or is the that the law should tell me what employed by, or seeing ~m- of sex is right or what kind is there is serious scholarly dispute issue a Biblical one at all? Is the doesor doesnot go on in my house. ployment from a schoo! district, wrong. I consider that a personal whether the words malakoi and Bible used as a cover for our The decision of what goeson in the and for any reason the school choice. I consider homosexuality - arsenokoitai describe what we call cultural biases and personal fears house that I paid for and that 1 district is "afraid" of fobe a personal choice. But I also homosexuality today.) It is simply which we bring to Scripture and raise my family in is up to me and homosexuality or "worried about feel that if I chooseto discriminate included in a long list of sins which which help us to emphasizethefew only me. If I decide to rent my the influence on the children" why again~t a homosexual for the prevent entrance into the Kingdom problematical, but real Biblical basement, fhat is my choice, just should they be required to ignore. above reasons, legislative or cf God, e.g., greed, abusive versus which call homose)(ualitya as it should be up to me who I let those concerns? views Logical im- morality should not stand in my way. are their Illogical, inhabit my domain. The criteria I language, lying, stealing, etc. Paul sin?
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