Page 52 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 52
"'.. s Thursdav. December 7, 1978 An Exclusive Interview With. Tom _& Jerry Jim Teramani On the subject of BBH's Then Tom and Jerry agreed to wisdom Cor the female population they just wouldn't believe what a My editor looked me square in (boyfriends back home), Tom give a run through of how to: First of the campus through this article. nice dress will do for a guy. It just the eye and told me to get an in- said, "I think any female that has a - look for dresses. "Anybody who They said, "Not to be quite so sends shivers up his spine and all terview of the best known males of BBH should be forced to wear doesn't have a date by that time is obvious in their ploy to get a date, that other mush." Western Maryland College. Who some kind of a bright red arm- usually wearing a dress, if they're like suddenly wearing dresses and Armed with this knowledge, I was she thinking of, I wondered. band, so they can be easily iden- female." Jerry noted he likes hanging around the same room returned to write my article. I Would I be going through the Quad- tified." Jerry continued, "Because women who wear dresses "low cut eight hours a day." Continuing, know my editor will never believe up and down Rouzer-in Blanche many of them, I don't think, have in the front and high cut on the TOI!! said, "Wear dresses, t mean, this stuff. I'm not sure Ido. (where else would the best known BBH's." Reminded of many sides" and Tom agreed. Next, stay male be?). Even worse, I had to women's pictures of guys on their away from the ones who are Do You Want POWER? track down...Torn and Jerry. wall} Jerry remarked, "casual hanging around a couple of days Impossible I cried, they only talk acquatntenees.' before Uie dance - they're usually Are you willing to have your before you go home for break. to females. But she. wouldn't The best, method of discovering desperate. Using Tom and Jerry opinion carefully considered in the Letters" of application should in- relent. So olf I went looking for the BBH is the upperclassmen with methods, they've' assured me, a' decision process of choosing the elude previous experience in Tom and Jerry. co~nections erecalled Jerry. The male.can ne~~r be turned down. events we have on Campus? Apply sponsoring activities, your class Where was' I to find them? r- strangest methods were the 'hiding Jerry likes ttc take fils date to then, for membership to the (Freshperson, etc.) and why you would look for the largest group of under her bed' method and the dinner somewhere fancy - Mc- Lecture/Concert Committee. More would be an asset to the Com- females and Tom and Jerry would 'check her outgoing mail for Donald's or Gino's - Tom said, if. new students, Sophomores and mittee. Questions concerning the be there, I hoped. Up ahead, I saw smelly letters to guys' method. she is special, splurge - take her to Juniors, need to be added in order Lecture/Concert Committee may a group, (gagle) of women - could I asked them if they really get Pizza Hut. Concerning dancing, to see the dreams of this year's be directed to any present Com- this be - no wrong, it's only the field women with their methods, "Jim," Tom said, "Of course - slow dances planning explode into successful mittee member: Beth Dunn, Con hockey team. Drat, I thought I had said Tom, "we have so many we only." "A recommendation to the energy next year, as well as to ehlp Darcy, Keitfi R\chwine, Cheryl found them. Then, this beautiful just don't know what to do with JR~~k'Rwoea~tke~:,MT;im"hwe:;~~!~~a,~~~~i blond came up to me and said (in them all, it's through strict bands of the future though," Jerry the Committee speak to the tastes ''"" '""'""' • '" "More slow dances." inferjected, ofeverycJass. the sexiest voice I've ever heard), adherence to our methods." Jerry After the dance, you can use the The Committee is interested in Quinn, Rick Powell, Mary Ellen "Tom heard you're looking for' remarked that quantity over sock on the door to signal the finding those students who could Truax, Ira Zepp, Nancy Palmer him. Follow me." Who wouldn't? quality is their motto _ roommate, pencilling the door offer a continuity over the years to (Sabbatical) or Joan Avey Nixon The closer we got to Tom and I asked them, with their infinite shut, or "putting a big poster out come. A willingness to work and an Below are the events sponsored Jerry, the greater the number of wisdom, to comment on topics in there that says "Roomie go away, interest in what students want and by Lecture/Conert Committee this beautiful women who appeared. other fields: I have a girl in the room.'" The needareallthatarerequired year: Wow, this assignment isn't had room should be prepared. "It's New Committee members will SEPTEMBER: Playfair, after all, and maybe Tom and On the cafeteria _ "It'll be much very effective if you fold down the be involved in selecting and George Plimpton Jerry could give me a few tips. nicer when the side porch is sheets on the bed," according presenting artists and lecutrers for OCTOBER: Annapolis Brass Finally, t entered their lair. There finished and you can sit out and toTom. "And putting two pillows this academic year as well as Quintet, Dr. A1vinPoussaint side by side," added Jerry. determining what will be on our NOVEMBER: Cecile Licad, ::S~!f~':Si~~s~~~~~l;s~ ~:t~~~~~~:~~~s_s,~~!n~i~~l view Another option is .to "co~er your. Campus next year. Keith Berger roommate~ bed ~Ith engine pa.rts Submit your application to join January: National Players ~~~:~thi~il I3::n~~~e~o ~~~~ ~:~:;:v:~~~~~.,~oor win- or ,electrlcal "PIeces, anything (don't be threatened by the word FEBRUARY: Maryland Ballet, enough to get my questions On the football team "NO that s greasy... "application," it's really a letter of A. Grace Lee Mims, Nikki started. GIRLS." Commenting to the males on intent we're looking for) at the Giovanni How did 'For Males Only' start, I On the volleyball team _ "I'd like to campus, Tom and Jerry said, "Try College Activities OffiCe by APRIL: Dick Gregory asked. "A friend on the floor think they'd have a winning season to be bold with a couple of the ones Wednesday, December 12, or MAY: MayCarnival suggested it...we were talking even it they didn't win their (females) you're interested in andl about typical females, and he (the games." Also, "I like their Complete Jewelry, Watch, and e,ngraving repair friend) said we should write uniforms _the lack there of." '''J.~~W:i:.''!.'~;::~;:;;'are never :';~~i~S~~!~~'~~I:!cti;o~~ ~~t's th:ou~~n:;R~~~: ::~~=n; :~~w~r~yre~dth::;:lu.:~:o~ done on the premtses. Moving on, Jerry stated his women trying to ask us out,' said favorite group of women is the Phi Tom. Jerry remarked, "My throat AJphs, while Tom said his favorites became hoarse from turning so Diamond City are those who smile. But they both many girls down." Tom and Jerry there should be more both thought agreed, the innocent freshmen are 'On favorite • the best, especially if you're an dances so they could spread upperclassman. themselves around more. 848-8660 140 Village Shopping Center 876-1559 I wanted to know what their best On the Student Center _ "You can Westminster, Md. 21157 article was. "We heard the best get to know somebody a lot better ((ockrp's m:abrrn best was the first, on how to get her on a couch than ina chair." to sit next to you." All their students _ 'She's not 216E ..MainSt. methods are tried somewhere my favorite because-of her ability We~minst~r. Md. 21157 FRISCO 848· 4202 along the line. The next article on as a student..." Jerry said with a labeling, Tom thought, is also one sly grin, "But I have some Lee Cembas of their better ones. favorites." FAMILY PUB ·r----------------~···································t Carroll Plaza Shopping Center "Shore Good Chicken" ,: - \C"c'O ~~\} .. 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BringMeFlowers SS_~: : ~ 12116/78 :' * All Mixed Drinks· Bud lite 848.3939 : : ., 95e Bud Dark : 876.6700 : Carroll Plaza, Westminster :' Premium Br~nds E~cjuded Schlitz} ICE COLD 140ViIIlgtShoppil'llliAn1lr ,. 848·1314 :I, * Frosted Mug of Beer * = . Wes~instar,MarylllJd ........................ ~ L- SOt _J
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