Page 57 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 57
Dean Explains Policy Changes !jill Byrne Explanations supporting the ~~P~~r:ht~yn~:~;~~~ t~~sth:o~S: administration's new policy right, but a privilege.·A privilege concerning parties and the use of with responsibilities. The com- alcohol on campus came from plaints of faculty members and the many sources during the opening costly destruction of school days of the first semester. Recent property were two signs that outbursts of vandalism were "Students were not fully accepting designated as the most visible of these responsibilities. many causes for the decision to In defense of his refusal 10 ap- discontinue the approval parties on prove open fraternity parties in the weeknights and open parties in the clubrooms, Dean Mowbray in- fraternity clubrooms at all times. dicated that the frat's were not On the iast Thursday of January- enforcing the regulations con- Term, College President Dr. Ralph cerning such gatherings. Their John announced the new policy on failure to stop serving beer at the ended parties which one o'clock cut-off time and to keep Pub Opening schoolnights. With the assistance the parties were confined as the two to the of Dean Wray Mowbray, Dr. John clubrooms cited explained the policy to members of most serious violations. Chris Bohaska and from the Howard Johnso~ chain man-jug-bandl ) that students can the SGA and other student Dean Mowbray went on to ex- Amanda Walker for three hundred similar units. enjoy as they relax with food and organizations. Dr. John pointed plain that he felt that students A definite date for the opening of ~ntil this order is filled, we will drink from the pub. These events towards the frequent complaints should be allowed to drink on the Pub-Snack Bar has yet to beset Just have to wait are not intended to be competitive, which he had been receiving from campus and that he did not enjoy due to minor adjustments which Once the stainless steel unit is in but to occur simultaneously with faculty members concerning the having to enforce regulations must be completed ~efore the place, the health department in- other events. Pub Events will have inability of students to function which limited this privilege. But health department can inspect the spection will be little more than a a minimal charge and everyone properly in class and the general when students began smashing premises.. . .. .. quick formality and the pub and will be able to come and go as they attitude of students toward their windows and destroying school ··.The Pub IS basically finished, snackbar will be open soon after wish. These events will be held in academic responsibilities as the property for entertainment while claimed Dean Mowbray. Mowbray that the pub's Terrace Room, .,.. primary motives for making this other students stood by and let it said that ~he only thing holding up The College Activities Center Now for the good news ... Rather decision. The destruction of the happen, then somewhere along the the opemng IS a stainless-steel and the SGA Social Committee than wait until the pub opens for Men's bathroom in the Decker line something went wrong. The panel which separates the cooking have, perhaps, been the most the events to begin, "pre-Pub Center earlier that week could not recent changes in school policy apparatus fro~ the rest of the Pub. eager for the pub's opening. Funds Events" have been scheduled. This. be discounted as a precipitating towards the use of alcohol on The reas~n th~s "panel" has not have been secured and plans made entertainment will be featured on factor in the development of this campus represent an attempt to been obtal.ned IS tha.t the company by them for "Pub Events," which the Dining Porch. policy. develop an awareness of this th~t supplies them IS the only o~e will encompass a number of dif- The next Event is tentatively In an interview last week, Dean problem and some understandings of Its kind on the east coast, and IS ferent kinds of entertainment 'set for February 24. Watch for Mowbray elaborated on Dr. John's about what can be done to improve currently bogged down in all_order (ranging from pianists to a one- further information in WM,?: today. the situation. Campus Radio-Potential Nears Reality Dave Cle~e.'and and broadcasting systems that can be the A.M. carrier curr~nt is just as requesting$l,OOOfrom the S.G.A. A the only requirement being that he Sl!~~1] Hubich used by radio stations: A.M. strong and less expensive. raffle and a marathon basketb.all must stay within one musical area. Since the beginning of last b d Ii F 1 b . The F.M. broadcasting tran- game are also methods by whtch "We haven't made any direct semester, an S:G.A. subcommittee a~': AC~.I~~'rri~r\u;;:ndt~~IJcn~, smitter equipment would cost m?ney for the stat!on .will be decisions yet about how we'll chose has been studying the feasibility of Western Maryland's stat;;n' around ~lO,OOO an~ the A.M. raised. On~e the station I.S under D.J.'.s" Lee explained. "One starting a campus radio station WWMC ld be . h ,broadcastmg transmitter between wiltbe sold tobusinesses requirement will be that he have I here at Wes~ern Maryland College. carrier~;~~nt using t e A.M $6,000 and $7,000. B?th of these Plans f~r the type of WWMC's experience in music so that he can I r1~eXwce~rmg:~~ c~n:~~~ Ofl\1;~ "Acarri~rc~rrentsyste~w~uld ~i~~~S~,sw~f~~d~~~?dUl~ek~1aii~~;i ~~~:::.stJng have already been ~~!I~k~~h:~o~e~o~~~~:.,~hOW. We Belcher Jean Eliot a d' W d s~nd "" signal through el~ct.rJcal one year to obtain. . D,J, in Control Finding Students Gross, 'with Lee 'Ma:weU en a; wires WIthin. the campus buildings "The. A.M. carrier current chairman. ~o extra WIres would need to be transmitter- equipment would cost a~~~:r:~~ta~i~~t; wtZw~~ld1~: Lee estimated that it would take Lee had s.tarted. the idea of the ~~~I~~ s~~hd~~t~h~~e ~ld~~:~~ ~~~~t ~~~ :~~i:es :aric:~;~ to be as diversified as possible," between 20 and 30 people to keep campus radio statIOn. ".1 like radio Lee explained. "With this syste~, Lee s~id. ' Lee began. "We're going to have the station running. 15 to 20 of these ~tatlOns, an? would "like to ~et the station will be hea'rd within the L f F d many different kinds of music and would be D.J.'s, each putting in ~~volved. WIth.. o~e, he saId. buildings but not far beyond." ack 0 un S programming: rock, jazz, three or four hours weekly. Two to five people would be neede
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