Page 50 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 50
page 6 Scrimshaw Scrimshaw Thursday, December 7, 1978 Women's B-Ball Gearing Up Roundbsllers Start Strong Neena Bakshi I Tim Hackerman Noot Mathias rebounder last year, will also help A balanced Middle Atlantic lettermaen. But so co me Terrors. Even though the Western lead the team. Southwest Conference pia yo£{ race This years team is made up of nine Maryland Women's Basketball Associate Athletic Director! combined with a veteran Western returners. "Experience," stresses team got off to a slow 0-5 start last Coach Carol Fritz is aided this Maryland College men's coach Alex Ober, "should be the year, the Terrors came alive to year by graduate assistant Lauren basketball squad indicates that key to our succcess." This was finish the season with an 8·8 Swivel. Student coaches Brenda Green Terrors will provide its fans record. Eccard and M.L. Jones are also with another series of down-la-the- ~=~~!evident in the victories over Starter Kelly Dargon graduated new to the 1978-79 coaching staff. wire, last-second contests. Muhlenberg (75-73) and Lebanon last year but the Terrors have The basketball team may head "So many of the teams in the ValJey(72-67). eight returning varsity players as another slow start this year due to conference are alike. Even though Senior Mike Walter has provided well as a large turnout of freshmen player and season overlap with the GeUysburg won the MAC title last the spark thus far for the Terrors. talent for the 1978-79"season. volleyball team which competed in year we beat Gettysburg. Any Walter came off the bench to score Seniors Ellen Scroggs and Sue regionals. The hustle that sparked team could win the title this year," 17 points against the Mules and 12 Sulllivan will take command as co- the Women Terror Basketballers said Dr. Alex Qber, head against the Flying Dutchmen. has basketball coach. Mike games scored key. baskets in to to lilt the both team The Terrors finished an 8-13 victory. Sophomore Lester season last year. Eight lettermen, Wallace, this years leading scorer. including four starters, are joined has dmped in 19 points and 12 by freshmen guards Mike Hart and points respectively. Rob Lardner, jv grad Kevin McLaughlin, and transfer Scott I "This years team is tougher Peters. AI Fultz, who lettered as a _ _ _ Glen Barlow I mentally and physically," said freshman two years ago, rounds Mike Walter going for two against Ober. Junior Rieb Braver and out the team. Lebanon Valley Sophomore Steve Farley have Co-captains Vince Wesley and sbown this consistently. But senior leading scorer Lesler Wallace Crucial Game Vince Wesley and Junior Pete return along with top rebounder Randall have caught the fever. Steve Farley and 55 shooter Rich Tonight Wesley sees the biggest factor thus Braver. Last year's top subs Mike far as "the team is having fun, Walter and Pete Randall continue Tonight WMC's cagers take on winning or losing." to provide excellent depth and will Gettysburg in a crucial MAC Once again come on out and push for startingberths along with conference game in Gill Gym. G- support the team tonight against Bernie Jankowski and Hugh Burg, last years con(erence G-Burg and let's break the curse Tilghman. champions, have seven returning THEY have on WMC. Intremurels Updates .•• B:~~~~~l ~::an~;n~o~~~;~ The Terrors were trailing by two , season with an away game at points most of the second half, but U «& ~b"ul~t~!!d~~rW",;athel~tth:e~~!o'";ecA'l~b~,,mgbeh"t'!~~~::~!p;~I~;~~7y~f fE~~ga~?~ s~~ A~~:tr:7:ven hundred in- Softball was second with lOS votes lacrosse (16), badminton (15), field .... " <::U ".... tramural student surveys and basketball a close third with hockey, cross country, SSM",Wt"n"wte,'~thM:rhy"laghnd~405,.,B~CoknY_;~~;ingcet~~e:UghdOr~~~~~ngl~~~ distributed, a total of 181 were 99. Football totaled 84 with 46 for backgammon, fending, archery, "" .,....".... actually completed and returned. I touch and 38 for powder puff. rugby. and squash. Requests were tributing 10 points while Maureen many insideandoutsideshots. would like to thank these students Following were ping pong ~79) and also made fo-r a gynmastics area ~~~an and Barb Brazis each had D~~~a;:~:~y ';;~e~be~I:~I~~ ~~~ i~::m~or~~~~gar:c:n~nterest in ~;~:g~~;!)~i~~i~e:a~~t~~~- ~~~~~fJ;~~:~;.n'C~~~d~&?~~ e~~TelTorsjustcouldn'tgetthe 2:00 p.m. at home. The Terr?rs Here are the results obtained piece. Next were pool (36), water eluded a need for greater par- lead. Sparking ahead once in the have Just begun and are IOO~lllg and listed in the order of polo (30), indoor soccer (27), ticipation for women and im- first half by two points, the f?rward toa successful season Just preference. Volleyball was the swimming (24J, and golf (251. provement in the way intramurals Albright team led by 6 at.half time hke the rest of us, so get our and leader receiving 179 votes (men's, Those activities receiving less than have been run in the past. women's our team. support votes included -, ,..--..:..--------------- .....='-----------------:::---, Every effort will be made lor twenty and coed included). women's and then stayed ahead. I ;re~~-::;;sbli~::d the in~~~i~~~:~ Splash requested These activities will be by the student survey results. published in a student intramural handbook which will be available The .Western Maryland College Conference (MAC). • soon containing the schedule of Women's Swim Team will be Last season's men's and when each sport will be played. competing in its second season this women's teams broke 44 records.' The fall tennis tournament was a year, under head coach Kim Both teams have the depth this success involving over thirty-five Eisenbrandt. The women closed a year to break more, said head. participants. Winners included 1-2 record last year after coach Kim Eisenbrandt Gary Stearn (men's singles), Sue separatinglrom the men's team. Freshman Larry Gallagher, Armstrong (women's singles) and The men's and women's squads with his fast free and butterfly Greg Buck & Sue Armstrong broke team records 44 times last times, is an example of this depth. (mixed doubles). Men's touch year. and have the depth this Sophomore Dave Binckley wili be football is underway at present season to break more. .... returning in fly events to hold on to with a good turnout. Leading the women's team this the200-yd. 2:05.5 min. fly record he Don't be left out. Keep a look out season will be sophomore Jane setlast year. in WMC Today for the dates when Carstensen, who holds the school Challenging breast stroke team rosters or individual entries record in the 1000yd. butterfly contenders will be junior Mike are due for the various sports. event with a 1:14.2 min. time and in O'Loughlin, who holds the college's Turn in all info. to Box 687. Get involved and help make our in- th~~:~dB~rhw~~:~~~56w~~~~ f~ 2:~5~6t~~C~~~ t=~!OZ;~:.:~~ehing tramuretprogram a success. the top contender in the back j Glenn Barlow the divers will be sophomore Brian . [cent. p. 7 stroke where she hopes to beat her i Women's Marv Gately starts from the block as Beth Hickey. Hickey will be aided by CO-&! Voll~ball 1:1'1.9 min. in the loo-yd. back and! Thompson cheers the women on. senior John Little and Junior Dan 2:44.34 min. in the "200-yd. back I?onn~ Quesad~. Boadway.placed The Western Maryland College Sack. stroke school record she holds. fifth In the Mldd~e. AUanlic Con- Men's Swim Team closed .Iast Captains for the 1978-79 season Tourny Sophomore Kay Boadway will be feren,ce (MAC) diving meet last season ,:",ith a 6-8 r~cord and mn~h are Rick Benitez and D'Loughlln. diving for WMC backed by junior ~ear. place In the Middle Atlantic The intramural Swim Team Trounces Shephard tournament playoffs coed volleyball a held Satur- December was 2nd day, success. Set up as a "srnashmg" double elimination tourney, a total Ginny Davies of nine teams were involved. w~o~~eM~e~o~~I~;~ ~t~~~g~i':keiik~,~~~~~:nndth~ri~ pa~~ :~~:~'~:'~i~:t~~tt;arstensen and Mary GatelY~On Matches consisted of winning the Sheppard swim team 54-50. The ~individual medley and the 200 Jenny Doremus won the 200 ~~a:~rs~IS:~e~~te th~oa~a~ tC::k ~~e:~o out of three IS-point meet was won on the last event, the breaststroke. He set a new pool freestyle, 100 freestyle, and an- first place in diving, Jane Car- The Spikes versus the Bachelor 400 freestyle relay. The four' record in the breaststroke at chored the 400 freestyle relay. She stensen took the 500 yd. freestyle Boobettes were the two teams in swimmers, Larry Gallager, Bruce 2:27.0, wiping out an old record of teamed with Missy Sullivan, Jane event, and Sharon O'Connor won the final match. The BoobeUes Dumler, Mike O'Loughlin, and 2:27.4. Hickey won the optional and Car.;;tensen, and Mary Gately to the 100 breaststroke. were thus far undefeated and the :~~d B~fnii~~.~~t T~e n:- ~::~, r,'!cC: :!i:r~vae~~hman, set a set ';h~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ ~~;m The teams finish out December' Spikes dropped to the loser's was 3:34.17. new school record after winning the start. The team squad of Beth ~~~~:~~~ay meet against Ursinus ::~~~!~m~~:~n:.~~U~d :~~ ~~i: t...T:;:"":..;.t",,;.m_ha_d_tw_o,;.d.;,;OU,;.bl::,,.:w;::;n:;.__ t_h'_200_"'_Ck_,"_O_k_,,_,_,"_t_;n_'_'I_','_,_T_ho_m_",_o_n_,S_ha_,_on_o_'c_o_nn_o,_,_J,_"' .I~~ition. in the finals. The Spikes
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