Page 53 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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ht -Parties Banned ,Bill Byrne Vanoalism appeared to ex- of this type, they are kept [rom 'perience a resurgence during performing other important ac- January Term when broken tivities. windows and other acts of Phones on campus seem to have destruction could be discovered been a particularly popular target throughout the campus. With each of abuse. Dean Wray Mowbray had report that came in, the cost in received repeated warnings from terms of money and safety became the C & P Telephone Company that more apparent the school is in danger of losing its An expected $300 to $500 worth of pay phones. In a letter received damage was done to the Men's ~as~ year, C & P listed over thirty bathroom in the Decker Center incidents of damage to their - This was one of the more obvious equipment which, in their opinion, incidents, but according to Mr occored under abnormal err- Preston Yingling, the problem is cumstances. They went on to state more widespread. From 180 to 200 that " children will be windows were broken in Daniel children " but clearly more could McClea alone during the first be expected of the WMC com- semester. Some $6,000 to $7,000 muntty. worth of electrical equipment must When questioned about what- be repaired or replaced each year. action would be taken against Fire extinguishers are constantly vandalism offenders, Dean in need of attention due to un- Mowbray said that while he would necessary use. Mr. Yingling handle. each case individually, pointed out that vandalism of this most incidents of malicious van- nature was costly not only dalism would lead to suspension monetarily, but in other areas also. He added that a more effective The fire hazards of empty ex- solution to the problem might be a .unguishers and stolen exit signs more responsible attitude on the are serious threats to the safety of part 0.£ students concerning the all students. And when College activities of themselves and those workers are busy undoing damage; around them. Frats Fairly Blamed? Present Policies Bill Byrne currently divides the ad- 1 and other school buildings, but .MarYland Demand Review I that Weste~n Will no longer College's ministration and the fraternities The is they feel it is unfair to blame students them for which of responsibility. for fraternihes informed have been the question actions be per- they complexities of this issue have led Scrimshaw asked Dr. John fora possible problems and woulo 'mitted to sponsor 'open' parties in to confusion on both sides. Dean should be held individually responsible statement explaining the ad- handle the new freedom respon- the section clubrooms. Clubrooms Mowbray insists that the frater- The loss of section parties will be ministration's new rules regarding sibly, was a basic factor in the can still be used by Frat members nines accept more responsibility in felt by most of the student body. alcohol and weekday parties. The trustee vote to give the president ,and their dates, but the section seeing that guests at their parties The large numbers of students following is his response. and dean of student affairs parties which have been the are not allowed to drink so much which have attended these parties To the Students: authority to change the rule when mainstay of the College's social that they might cause trouble [or in the past few years is evidence of You have requested a statement they felt effective policies and life during the past few years are themselves and others. The frats their popularity. Preacher from me on the position of the procedures had been worked out gone for the present time. In- understand the need to take ac- president Warren Lowman em- administration on coljese atcchonc Accordingly, drinking was first terviews with the rratemuv ticns 1.0 make such events unlikely, phasized the differences between beverages policies: lricluding permitted, under the general presidents revealed feelings of but question the link the Ad- section and Forum parties, saying comment on what you construe to pattern of present regulations, confusion and resentment con- ministration has drawn between that in many students' opinions the be a tightening of the regulations, beginning fall, 1973. cerning the Administration's section parties and such campus section parties were preferable. particularly for this academic As the foregoing suggests, the willingness to place what they problems as vandalism and Another side effect of ending year. If the following is helpful, I administration believes that under interpreted as an unfair share of I alcohol. section parties is that it eliminates am glad. conditions that conform to the blame for college problems Bachelor president Jim Mariner one of the most important methods When the present administrative requirements ot the law, are 'with alcohol and vandalism. on explained that if a student began by which freshmen males were team was organized in 1972, my consistent with the educational their-shoulders. . acting violent at a section party, able to meet members of the dif- first year at Western Maryland, goals of the college, and respect In defen:>e of the open parties, I then the sponsors of the party Ierent Iraternities. drinking was not permitted on the integrity of people and 'Bete president Ron Bowen ex- should take steps to see that he At the present time, it appears campus. Student government and property, students should be free plained that efforts had been made doesn't wander off and cause that the administration and the [acuity-administrative com- to consume alcoholic beverage on ,by the .Frats to abide by the ru.les Itrouble. Unfortunately, it isn't th~t fraternities are deadlocked. The mittees had recommended a campus. Drinking is not something governing such events. Speaking 'cut and dry. He pointed out that It Administration is pushing for change, which was one of the first that is advocated or encouraged for the Betes, he said that un- is not possible to pick out who has changes concerning what the items on our agenda. We made a (the preference of the non-drinker derage members of the community had too much to drink and know fraternities to be one of their most positive recommendation to the always is to be respected), but were not being served and that the ! that they are going to start important privileges. Whether or Board of Trustees, which after within reason the 'campus should debris left around the section from destroying school property. The not these changes will be harmful serious discussion was accepted. be an open one for those who prefer the parties was being cleaned up. [rats would like to see an end to the or beneficial to the college corn- Our stated belief that stuuents it that way and who can respon- Even the one o'clock curfew was ; (OUld cooperate in minimizing (contlnl!~-, ~.a9!"il bffing enforced mosf of the time The central issue which 'This, Our New Beginning' Rededication Opens Alumni Hall Sue Quinn Director Brent E. Hylton. Tribby spoke following the Safurday, February 10, 1979, was The ceremonies marked the simple Actof Rededication recited indeed "a unique afternoon. '.. for renewal of the commitments and by both the Chairman o[ the Board how often do we rededicate a goals ascribed to the building at its o[ Trustees, Wilbur D. Preston, building?" So stated Professor of dedication in 1899. The speaker for D.C.L., and the audience. Dramatic Arts, Bill Tribby, who the Rededication was Walter The culmination of the 'spoke at the Rededication of the Kaufman, Ph.D. in his talk en- Rededication activities occurred newly renovated Alumni Hall at titled, "Humanity and the with the conferring of the honorary Western Maryland. Humanities," he stated, "we Doctor of Fine Arts degree upon Major changes to the campus discover our own humanity" Esther Smith, Associate Professor have evolved during the academic through humanistic study. He of Dramatic Arts Emeritus. Miss year 1978-79; the Rededication .described the importance of a . Smith is widely known for her 44 highlights the year o[ "Humanities humanistic tradition - ! years o[ teaching at Western andaHumaneWorld." WMC - in "Changing setr-" Maryland, and her love and in- The ceremony held Saturday unaerw.nding, increasing self- struction were gratefully included much: the WMC Brass' awareness, and ultimately acknowledged by the many Quintet played prior to the' enabling man 'o make his own students present at the .i;:=:!~n a~d st~~::~~r:.aCl~~e di~Cj~t;,r;~by elucidated this point R~~iC~~~'h spoke the most Processional was followed by an in showing appreciation for the simply and eloquenUy o[ Alumni Invocation by the Reverend Clyde incompleteness of the building. He Hall when she said it is "the only A. Spicer, Jr., and the choral felt the inside of Alumni Hall building I ever truly loved." selection "Make a joyful noise -speaks more fully of the processes. WhatEsther Smith said of unto the Lord" - was performed by of building and learning which are Alumni Hall applies to the whole . John speaks at the Rededication of Alumni I Hall last the Western Maryland College 'occurring there than a finished campus - "This beautiful place .. Choir under the direction o[ .building could. .bas been born again." .~~~~~~~~~a~WIvbe:ino~~~;~~~Wr~s~,~be~i;~i~~~h~~e;:~est4n,
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