Page 51 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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f'"SPORTS I Scrimshaw "Team of the Year" page 7 Football Terrors Named v- ball Third in East Bill Spring the helm the of western Maryland, had an B-1 record. finished ninth coached to a 7-1·1 The WMC Terrors Terrors Western Maryland's jump from record. Last season Western in Lambert Bowl ranktngs, (top a 2·6-1 season last year to a 7-1-1 MaryJand was 2-6·1. small college in North East), and most ortne Hindman started his coaching were ranked nationally career in the Randallstown Op- season in the National Collegiate at~~~e~Ot~:niAi:~e{~~~~aT~:~ The results were ~hi~d place in :~:~;~t t~~~s~~arfO;a~h~eT!~~~~ on November 17 and IB, only to be the Eas~ern Ass~latton of In- being named Maryland College timist League in 1971. Three years Athletic Association (NCAA). The defeated in the championship tercollegiate Athelucs for Women Team of the Year by the Greater later he became the defensive Terrors lead the nation in rushing round Tournament, beaten only by East Baltimore Chapter of the National coordinator at the Community defense, averaging 43.4 yards per WMC began the tournament by Stroudsburg (second In the. tour- Football Foundation Hall of Fame, College of Baltimore. Hindman game on the ground. beating York College 2 games to 1. nament) ~nd George. washington said Bob Patzwail, chairperson of came to WMC in 1976 as the Western Maryland College York College was the only regular College (ftrst place In the 'Tour- the eight member Hall of Fame assistant defensive coach and was finished first in the MAC and season loss of the WMC team. ;::~~t,and the team to beat next selection committee. named head coach in the spring of second in the nation in total 1977. ...9!lfense, with a 112.3 yard per Individual honors were also game average. They were Iifth in ~~nCche;:~~d ~l~~~d ~::;:;~~i~~·c!~~erC~~1 S~~zViS~~~ O~oh:~ ~i:~s;~~nhO~:;:~~!Sdy.~:lf;: f~~~ accorded to several Terror the nation in scoring defense players. Guard Wayne Lowman, allowing 7.7 points per game. ~~a~~e:lit~~dov:~~~~d:t.,;hey e~~. their15s~ason' ~ith an cut- ~~~:~;~~ :~~ t~~i~~~f~e~O!~g~~ The team now went on to their s n mg . regu ar season state tackle Jerry Fisher, running back The defense was spearheaded second victory of the tournament, r~rd. Ellen Scroggs, o.f R~k. "We pick the college team which Eric DeGross, and kicker Craig by a strong defensive line of ends, beating Springfield, the No. 1 ville, l~d th~ team In sconng ~Ith has made the most significant Walker were named to the All- Ricci Bonaccorsy and Bob Up" ranked team. "We came to play 129 POInts m the setter position achievement on its level of corn- state offensive team .shaw, tackles Harry Peoples and The strength of the team was the I Tom Baugher. Linebackers Joe Sprignfield and we did," com- ~:~~~~a~~~;:en ~~:~~n~c~~yn: petition. W_es~ern Maryland defense and it too received many a ~enendez, Steve James and Eric ~:~~~~ ~~~~t::~tz~~~Sf~~~g~~~I~ with 128 pOi.nts.· .~. gg ~~.g~:Uj:s~d U:~n:~~~~dth~~~slt~ awards. Defensive end Ricci Walker upheld the Terrors' pass little overconfident because they The Princeton. Invitational significant achievement and that it Bonnaccorsy, and safley Randy nd run aggression. Halsey were named to All-state A great deal of the WMC offense had beaten us beIore." !~~~~~~n~o ~:ea~iti~~~~d :~~ ~~1~t to be honored," said Patz- defensive team arne from junior college transfer S T~e:ri.r~~roun:~n~ ~ith.~~C, honors compiled by the women Head football coach Jim Hind. • Receiving honorable mention on raig Walker. Walker lead the in scoring He 71 points. tg~m t~;'~;o rpo~~~fo~s ?~ Terrors th~s season. Despite their man was selected as the Coach of the state squad were center defensive Terrors 17 field goals and 20 for 20 Bruce kicked tackle Tom Baugher, prechampi?ns~ip rounds. WMC _ ~:.~t~~e~or;_~~~:~~lr~~: the Year by football coaches in the England, halfback Glenn extra points. Walker's 48 yard field lost to ~prI~gfleld, but both. WMC invitational and gained the title Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Cameron, linebacker Joe goal against Lycoming tied the and Springfield beat _Fredom~, and from a competitive East Strouos- Athletic Conference. Menendez, and defensive back MAC record and set a new school ~~I:a~Oa~~e~~g~~n~:~h~:I;~ burg College in the playoffs. Hindman, in his _second year a.t Mike Sanders. record. Walker's 35.9 yard punting a ALL- Named Intrsmursls ~ont.••• MAC team to the coaches Lowman average kept WMC in good field were Wayne position all season long. Y~~e~~~~;!~::~;:~ti~~~~%~ (offensive guard) Tom Baugher The green Terror wishbone was fated to lose to East Strouds- (defensive tackle) and Craig attack was crippled part of the burg, 2 games to 1. However, the from page 6 Bonacorci, and Dennis Hanratty. Walker (kickerl. season with injuries to running team looked so good in its' com· deleared the Boobettes in three Members of second place team The Terrors were the second backs Glynn Cameron, Eric petition that the officials of the games; 15-2,8-15, 15-1. But being a (The Bachelor Boobettes) include: best team in overall defense in the DeGross, Sam Mitchell, and Rip tournament offered WMC an at- double elimination tournament the Kris Bova, Linda Palmer, Leah nation in Division III sUyidings, Jamison. However, quarterback large berth to the national (usually Boobettes had only one loss and the Cox, Lynn Glaeser, Kate Boadway. and were the best in the nation in Joe Damiano and split end Mark only the first·place team goes to contest continued with the Spikes Leon Brook, Bo Hickey, Andy rushing defense. Chadwick added an aerial attack the nationals). The team turned finally becoming the champions Weber, Tim Shank, and Joe Western Maryl~nd College to WMC repertoitre. down the offer, as Coach Fritz after almost two hours of play by a Damiano, thought they would have had to score of 15-9, 11-15, 15-10. I would like to say a special ~:;~~rT~~ f~:i~~~~:~n:i~-l~! Raquetball Tourney capture at least second place to be Members of the winning team thank·you to'all who gave their Middle Atlantic Conference Dec. 8-11, the intra-mural competitive in the nationals. (The Spikes) include: Cheryl time to ref and scorekeep and South~rn Division, behind raquetball tournament will take "We were seated eighth and we Stotler, Myra Oram. CinC:ty helped to make this year's coed defend~ng s~all college natio~al place at the raquetball court under really hustled. The .team played Cherrix, Ann Dryden, Phyllis volleyball tournament a success. champIOn Widener College which _the swimming pooL hard. played smart. They McMahon, Mark Chadwick, Tom Be looking forward to men's and win and did." Eric Degross, Ricci women's volleyball intra murals this February and good luck to all A movie foreveryone who those partiCipating in the racquetball :to tournament this has ever dreamed ofasecond weekend Dec. 8, 9, 10 & 11. chance 140 Photo 848·2166 ELLEN BURSTYN 140 Village Shopping Center KRIS KRISTOFFERSON IN AUCE- Westminster, Md. IIford Pental< DOESNT UVE HERE Kodak Minolt. Sigma Mayima ANYMORE lenses ffi- 10% off to students f,omWARNE:RBROS.D_AWARN£RCOMMUNICATIONSCOMPANV TE:CHNICOLORO!> Friday. December. 8, 1978 Free 7:00,9:30,12:00 In the Forum PreglaI1CV Breakfast Test Lunch Dinner PromrL COllfidl'nlial h.,lr. including !-mth ('olltml and ah
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