Page 56 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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Scrjmshaw. Thursday, February 15. 1979 Quality Honored. in Award Selection Members of-the Maryland Ballet performingvl'ribute,' The time is here to nominate the group of campus student leaders, last Frfday, February 9', in selected by the Sigma Alumnae will Club, the newly renovated Alumni :stt~~~~~o/i:lc~~er~~a~~~ rate Qie nominees by "ill. ALL Juniors and Seniors are asked secret ballot which will then be to participate in this selection placed in sealed envelopes and process. submitted to the Student Affairs The Distinguished Teaching Office for mailing to the club ~ward is presented annually by an president. The Club tallies the Interested alumnae club at the rating sheets and selects the Spring Honors and Investiture recipient. Convocation to commend a WMC Remember to make vcur faculty member for excellence in nominations on Tuesday, Feb. 20 the field of teaching. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to Seniors Juniors and to select who vote 4:30 p.m. in the Student Center and lobby during meal in the cafeteria will be asked not more .- h S _'. eligible 5 nominees members. the list of hours. for the method of than from ~O n tates P iti The formula To be faculty Dr • oJ OSI Ion eligible a faculty member must n0":li~ating of ~nd the selecting thef reclpl~nt and 'each at least 3 Distinguished have tenure from page' Teaching Award was revised in . continued allow these events to be scheduled monitoring in the application of credit hours each semester. Past 1975 by a joint student-alumnae sibly handle •the freedom In-' with the Dean of Student Affairs in college rules, including the ones ~:i:::.ents are eligible after eight committee in an effort to sample a broader base of student opinion :~1i~~nynotn~nlYs~~~~. s~~~~' ~~~~~~~~i/t~~r~:~ t~~~t a~~ ~~~~ar~hi~~er~e~lc::~eei'S ~~~~ Ballots will be totaled by the Formerly only the Junior and lit b t d c ti II . th soon as a college t ld be cerned. This hits at the fun- SGA Action Committee, with the Senior members of the SGA made ~~r~ ~efe~i~leuo~el.ol~in~ivli~ual:' completed this ty~~~ ;r~~;:'ould I ~~~:~~~nt. basis of student ~~~i~~tio~C~i~~~g fO~:rde~o~~ the selection ~~~' t~S d~O::tt =:~~o~~e~e~:~~: ~at~~~~ferred to this other the Office of Student Affairs. A consequences for themselves or Most of the problems that we OP~it:~~;~~~t~!~~n ~:::ov~~: r;..;.;;;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;::..:;;;;;;:.:,;..::..-------".. ... ./ others. If this lesson is learned at fear~d developed in the fraternity alcohol policies and the related WMC, if it has not been learned sections, so that come fall, 1978. we a.dmini~trative arrangments in the previously, all weiland geed. did what was a part of the initial first place. COLD BE,ER ."},~ ~~~~~~~. ,GOLD BEER The administration still holds understanding. We believe that Contrary to what seems to be the fundamentally to this position. On I when all is taken into account, case, "The Pub" will open - j Thi" W~ek's Sp~~ial balance the new policy has had including five years' experience someday. To serve light wine and some success over the past six, wit? th.e al.ternative, the present beer in this new location will lor. efI6 012 wiIwb;. .. . years, but disappointments also policy limiting open parties to the- require a license. Again the ad- have persisted. There have been College Center is the best one. ministration took a positive _S~'a 'Beet, - -$1.4211 ai~ serious alcohol related problems in Very seldom do I unilaterally recommendation to the Board of the dormitories (noise, destruc- exercise my authority as president Tru.stees, arguing the case from the at- ~~=~~====~~=~~....;:~=~/~'=! lion, dismantling of the safety of the. college and, happily, it is ~aslcally the same set of assump- 848-3466 _ Cotleqe ID required ,OU- uda u.Zl equipment, and sometimes im- only infrequently that I feel it nons. By then, however, by r possible study conditions), as n~cessary. I much prefer to work mosphere had been clouded elsewhere on campus. Some in- with ~olleagues and students in some of the things discussed in this dividuals have developed problems. statement. We came away this "drinking problems" (they might During the recent January term, ti~e with "conditional approval," have anyway, but the college has howev~r, there was an outbreak of which mea.ns that t~e permission GOLDSMITHS put itself in the position of aiding vandalism that was distressing WIll be reviewed periodically, and and abetting), and some faculty and discouraging, including to on the call of the Board of SiLVERSMiTHS have complained that 'students most students. This again Trustees, after the operation sometimes come to class, with correlated with drinking, par- begins. We could end up with Pepsi EYORS OF FINE CRAFTS I admission evening stamped party on the licula~ly .at mid-week parties (or and Mountain upon the users. Pub, in The Dew to a drinking the the drmkmg depending previous that started there and l back of their hands, incapable per- of then contmued in the dorms by or in alcoholic beverages pertaining campus to Custom·designed jewelry Leather policies Present acceptable on result town). any The academic formance. Recently there has been reasonable educational, legal or demand reevaluation. The present . an outbreak of intolerable van. moral standard was inexcusable. system has not worked satisfac- Hand·blown glass Wood dalism that is alcohol related. For this reason, and because of torily in all respects. I believe that Mon .. Sat. Pottery Candles These things have' forced the renewed. complaints from the we can - and will - do better under 10·5 Cards and posters ~~r~f~~tr~~o~~~ c:;~~~ ~~iC~r~ ~~~~~~ts on i~he t~:nd~~~~~r~~~m: ~~~~~~Ssi~l~cesciti!~~~hiprey~e:J sonally have had to get back into mmonty to be sure, I suspended educational integrity. Fri. LOCUST LANE MALL an area normally left to Dean mid-week parties. If they are again Ralph C. John 10·8 Mowbray and theSGA. allowed, which is not foregone at President DOWNTOWN WESTMINSTER You request comment on what is all, it will be under different February 9,1979 regarded by some as a progressive conditions and !ith a different "tightening" of drinking rules in result. FRISCO this academic year. I .~e have talked to many in- In 1973, when the question of dlVlduals and groups about this "Where'?" was posed on open problem ov~r the past two or three FAMILY PUB parti~, it was recognized that we weeks. Mimmally we are· coming did not have a college center to to. understand it better. The one accom!J"lodate them. Since the ~mg, .so far, - that is the most Carroll Plaza Shoppin~ Center fraternity club~ roorru; served to dIsillUSIOning to me is that student • e'r!o",e ~ \\~1 \\",,,,1 some extent as all-college social leaders candidly (which we ap- cen.te~, we ~luctantly agreed to .preciate) ...have told me that we <:,~~~~~ . <:,~\~ c.o\~ cannot expect students to be self- Call Ahead for Takeout O,ders 876-3550 Brt
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