Page 48 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 48
....4 Thursday, December 7, 1978 Epic Christmas Story Chris Bohaska Tim Windsor story. Let's go." "I want something on cnnstmas and I want it by tomorrow mor- ning." 'OK:: editor glowered at us Windsor and Bohaska crept from across uie desk, her opaque behind the bush. "There they are," green visor casung an eerie whispered Windsor, "I can see shadow across her race, "And I them over by McDaniel. " don't want you two to come back "Yeah," Bohaska said, "it looks until it's finished," she boomed. like they're lining up to sing now." "But Chief," Bohaska pleaded, "Wow!" Windsor's eyes lit up. "we've go too much other work to "Just last year t was writing lowly do. I've got three tests this week." record reviews and here I am now, He reached into his pocket for his working on," he paused for notepad and pencil. Ever the alert dramatic effect, "an investigative reporter, he had that hungry look report on the Christmas Carolers. seen only in the eyes of Lou Grant here Icome! " psychopaths and future Pulitzer "Forget that Lou Grant crap. Prize winners. Even in his moment This is the real world. We've got a of sheer and utter exhaustion, he job to do-we'd better do it well." stood posied, pencil resting on He was right. Windsor knew it paper, wailing for his editor's too but he was still green; he was command. unable to comprehend the gravity, He stepped gingerly over the the seriousness, the danger of his sleeping body of Windsor and assignment. Why,' any moment one addressed his famous editor, of the carolers could have spotted "Where do I start chief'!" the two reporters and bludgeoned "Don't ask me. Do Ilook like I'm them to death. The annals of in the Christmas spirit? I've got to reporting lore are filled with many grade thousands of tests for these such gruesome accounts of min- stupid little cretin ninth graders dless violence, blood and (eccht) and you're asking me what to do!" gore. She threw her hands in the air. And where would this report "Now please leave file alone and have been then? Nowhere, that's :ioyourjob." where. But did our reporters shirk Caught in the Act, Watering Plants Bohaska jumped backwards, their duties; did they run from the waking Windsor u'p in the process. confrontation; did they slink away "Wha ... What's going on," on their yellow bellies? leslie Renshaw Center's Lounge area on the upper other campus jobs, but also tour, love Windsor asked from the floor. You bet they did No, those girls hiding behind level. The of each and plants' a brief because can they not both understand plants. They description care how those plants are not waiting for a Bohaska tugged at his arm, took approximately two hours. The fellow students can abuse their "Come on, we've got a hot story. The two reporters sat in the moment to walk off unseen with girls were to begin their job of surroundings, especially when the the beautiful foliage in the Decker Grab a Milky Way bar and let's office torturing defenseless College Center. They are working watering, pruning, fertilizing and college has spent time and money run." cockroaches and reminiscing over for Mike Cosgrove, owner-partner any special care the plants may making it nice for the students. Windsor squinted his eyes, their latest experiences. of the Sunset Hills E:oJiage, a need on their own the following Plants were found torn out of their struggled to his knees and waited "What do you think" Windsor Sykesville plant wholesaler day, November 9th. pots; branches were broken off for the double vision to clear up. asked, "you think they'll make a commissioned to decorate and Miss Renshaw was seen clearing trees; bubhlegum. matches, "Will someone turn off that radio," movie out of this?" care for the-plants in the building. dead leaves out of the grape ivy cigarettes, food, etc. found thrown Windsor rasped, "I can't stand Before Bohaska could answer, Sharon O'Connor and Leslie border 'between the first 'and toto the contetners Foreigner." the phone rang and Windsor picked second levels of the Center when itup. Renshaw saw the job-offered card Dr. Lightner startled her out of her ca~!an~ r;~~~:elota~dind:;~~~~ Bohaska held out his hand to help He listened into the receiver a on the Career Counseling Bulletin him up. Windsor leaned forward to few seconds then started looking Board and called for applications. ~~~~e~~:~i~~e ~~s~~~:~~~;y ~~ healthy. Enough plants have been After interview, an informal grab hold. Just then the phone rang impatient. "Look," he said, "We girls were given the "grand tour" the the-plants had been stolen ear-ly in ~~~lec:~;f~I~;V;I!~~::r~~~e~~~ and Bohaska dashed off to answer. don't do policitical stories. You of the plant locations, covering all Windsor screamed and fell on his want Woodward and Bernstein on ~~:~I:~::n::s~~s~ae:~;l~i~:~~g ~~~ ones that do remain don't need to face. extension 987." three levels of the Center. They are job. However, no one tried to stop ~:glig~~~:~ through student the Administration in Windsor was just getting back up He hung the phone up, a puzzled located The Book Store, the still the girls as they carried a "sick" offices, when Bohaska returned from the look on his face, and asked unopened Pub area, and the pining plant from the cafeteria entrance Once a routine is set, the plant phone. "That was the chief," he Bohaska, "Have you ever heard of Porch, as well as the cafeteria to be transplanted, although they care should take between five and week, a as long said, "and she had a hot tip on a a guy named Nixon?" entrance near Rouzer and the did receive the many strange looks too: ten hours. helps to do their share as of Maybe thieves everyone weren't discreet after all... looking and not touching. Future Love Beach •••••Embarrassing because girls the salary the job mainly students may appreciate their took The was better than beauty if given the change. Mary Cole The album is a disappointing minimally. "Canario's" theme is Get Out and Ski! . After seeing the cover and account of what Keith, Greg and repeated so often that it is a relief listening to Emerson Lake and Carl did on their summer vacation. once the song ends. Lake's vocals, Rich Desser numerous day trips to local ski Nowhere does the sound go beyond Palmer's new product, I believed bored mediocrity" not one of the with the aid of Peter Sinfield's The WMC Ski Club is a relatively areas over January term and one of my friends who said, "They three sunds as if he had played in shallow lyrics, make most of the new organization on campus, only second semester. The highlight of were just mellowed out by the ages. I guess that's what hapens record sould like leftovers from the three years old. The club received the season will be the 3rd annual environment. That and too much when you set your goal on the Lake side of Works, Vo!.l. formal recognition last year under ski trip to Sugarbush. Vermont. If rum in the afternoons. That has a perfect tan, not recording an After the release of the mish- the direction of Judd Miller, and you are interested in plenty of lot to do with it." I'm not sure album. mash known as Works, Vol. 2. continues to thrive. under the skiing and wild times at a CHEAP whether it was rum or too much Emerson Lake and Palmer needed direction of Richard Desser price this is the trip for you. sun, but if their new album, Keith Emerson's ernbarasstng a strong album to prove that they The purpose of the club is to Sugarbush mountain is without blushingly titled Love Beach, is keyboards are matched by Greg still had some creativity. The introduce the sport of skiing to as. peer in the Northeast. In August, any indication of what ELP Lake's nondescript guitar and bass release of Love Beach doesn't even many individuals as possible and Sugarbush Valley Corporation produces in Nassau, then they out while Carl Palmer provides a nice come close to filling this need. to provide a number of inexpensive purchased G len Ellen, the to go back to dreary old England if beat and nothing else. Lake's Unlike their previous albums, this ski trips to the students of WMC. mountain next to Sugarbush. This they'd like to try recording again. vocals, while retaining a rich sund one will probably who knows? Maybe The ski club rarely holds formal the new addition will increase will the get the most FM meetings, number to spend of ski trails to 70 and the throughout the album, fail to entice prefering airplay and of lifts to 13. Skiers time on the slopes. number into a single song with the listener Barry, Manilow .._ merely - This year th~e club is planning have access to both by a shuttle will be the opening mountains more than half-hearted interest. act when they go on tour. which are connected I.~'1o~':::,:"!~~;..;:;..~,,~c",loug"(''''''" Possibly he most disturbing • ..,. _ 2. .... _ ",,"" ""'" """F, .... v(n.,o$;!.~)Tho thing about Love Beach (aside bus that runs on the half hour. from the title itself or the Bee Gee slope The ski club will be stay which in . condominiums side lookalike cover which should make anifty picture disc) is that ELP is Yearbooks in Saturday are equipped and with full kitchens, other such fireplaces, reconstructing old songs and ideas. Bits of "Piano Concerto luxuries. Reduced rates will be No.1" drift in and out of The 197~ yearbooks will be delivered to WMC this Saturday, offered for rental equipment and "Memories of an Officer and an lessons. A bus will provide round Gentleman." The gradual December 9, 1978. The yearbook staff will be distributing trip transportation from WMC to crescendo of "Honourable the books outside of the cafeteria (Rouzer side) between the Sugarbush, plus aU necessarv Comapny (A March)" parallels transportation while in Vermont. . "Abaddon's Bolero" from Trilogy. hours of 11 a.m. and. 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Be sure The trip dates are January 28 . "Canarto." with its "Pirates" - February 3. It is not too late to sign ,......... --"',.,.".._.. ..._.,--_ .... sound and construction is the only to bring your sales receipts. up! If interested contact Rich ~~"" ..'.'...... "~....-....'-.._" piece where the three break out of Desser before December 14 in lethargy and exert themselves Apartment IC (876-6164). See you on the slopes!
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