Page 55 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 55
Thursday, February 15, 1979 Scrimshaw page 3 Swimmers Victorious GinnVD."jes Western Maryland swimmers "were kept busy over Jan-term. Rick Benitez set a new school and Steve Bainbridge pool record in the lOOl_! yd. freestyle Although Western Maryland's men at 11:35.5. O'Loughlm set a new and women got off to a slow start school mark of 23.2 in the 50 yd. I "The best balanced team I've losing to Gettysburg (M:63-61; freestyle. For the women, ever coached." That's how Sam W: 88-16), the women came back to Sullivan, O'Connor, Carstensen, Case summed up this years beat Loyola (60-34) in the next and Doremus set a new school wrestling team, with their well meet, while the men seemed record in the 400 yd. medley relay 'balanced (although not im- unable to attain a win (60-43). F&M at a time of 4:53.1. Carstensen, was a close meet for both men and Doremus, Sullivan and Thompson pr~~~e~~-8o;n~~~ forfeit victory women. The women fell to F&M also set a new school and pool over University of Baltimore to (5747) and the fate of the men record of 4: 13.2 in the 400 yd. free last Saturday's split meet against rested on the outcome of the final relay. In the 100 yd. backstroke, Delaware Valley and Loyola, the relay, F&M out touched WMC by a Sullivan set a school mark of Terrors have had an uphill fraction of a second (56-48), 1:12.0 struggle. They've also wrestled Despite the tough competition, WM In the coed meet against broke 7 records. Bruce Dumler, ~!:e~l~ed ~e~la~~fostnd they've ';-':::-'Q7ir,:r1'A1:"--:;:':'.:''lI':~;~Cn:i Mike O'Loughlin, Larry Gallager Georgetown, WM was ~gam vic- (65-48). Rick Benitez broke torious and Mike Benitez teamed together his own 1000 yd. freestyle time and The Terrors opened with wins After two close losses to Get- should have won. pu.t on ;, in the 400 yd. medley relay to set a over Baltimore (forfeit), Hopkins tysburg (19-28) and Towson {I6- superb performance a I new school and pool record of set a school record of II :25.3. (23-17), and Lebanon Valley (37- 28), the wrestlers were totally superior York team, losing 111 the 3:55.1. Gallager set a new school Carstensen set a new school. mark 18l. The final meet of first outclassed, losing to nationally final match of the night (18-221 in the 200 yd. butterfly at a time of and pool record of 2:09.1 in the 200 2:59.5. In the 200 yd. backstroke, semester they split beating ranked Ashland (2--42) and Division '(again the lack of a ua pound yd. 1M and a new school record of Sullivan set a new school record at Juniata (23-18) but lOsing to I Shippensburg (11-32). Coming off wrestler severely hurt the team.. 51.6 in the 100 yd. freestyle. In the Susquehana (16-24). that tough pair 01 losses, the Last Saturday the Terrors lost to Mary Gately set 100 yd. backstroke, Dumler set a 2:42.6. Co-captain school record of The team returned for Jan. Terrors gave what many consider tough Delaware Valley 02-34) but a new women's new school mark of 1:00.54 and 13:30.6 in the 1000 yd. freestyle. term, now minus the 118 pound their worst performance of the humiliated Loyola (46-8) O'Loughlin set a new school and wrestler, which meant that most season, narrowly beating an ob- Saturday, the wrestling team pool record of 2: 23.0 in the 200 yd. Against Swarthmore, the men teams picked up six forfeit points viously inferior George goes to Ly~oming, a team that breaststroke. Missy Sullivan set a lost after their 400 yd. free relay against WMC right away. This Washington team 21-18. many feel Will win the MAC'~. Next new women's school and pool was disqualified (49-37). However, burden has hurt the team greatly, Entering the final stretch before weekend is the MAC championship record of 2:34.3 in the 200 yd. 1M the women won by a large margin there were several matches when the MAC championships, the at Getlysburg. Many of our and Sharon O'Connor .set a school (62-24).The men finished Jan-term the presence of a 118 wrestler could Terrors lost- to Messiah (15-30), wrestlers should have a good ~hot record of I :21.0 in the 100 with a 5-4 record and the women breaststroke. with a 6-3 record have turned a match around and beat Juniata again (27-18), and lost at placing well in their weight The Terrors were victorious-in a given the Terrors a win where-they to Ursinus (20-27) in a match thev classes ended up losing. coed meet against Wilkes (72-32). - Chalk Up Swimmers Stroke Error Explained a Cue and Ginnv Davies Maryland swimmers of6:05.46 in the 500 yd. freestyle Western' The Terrors won their Saturday I Play Pool . ~:~~~~ogo~~~;~~~~~~~n~~~; ~r:e;e ~~;r ~~~f~~~l~~~~:~~. MEMO FROM THE DESK OF does is send to us press print releases. I What them THE SPORTS EDITOR: we do is either About this time, of 2:16.0 and set I think I should whole, I College Activities, in conjunction night. Co-captain winner Mike O'Loughlin backstroke mark record of 2:14.35. Larry explain a little of the process of reporters chop article them and up with our a a new and set two' was a triple make. with-the Scrimshaw, and the SGA new school records and a new pool Gallager won the 500 yd. freestyle Social Committee, are co- record. He won the 50 yd. freestyle, and set a new record of 5: 12.5 ~~:s~~~tsg:~t:~lf~~~~~i;~ut~e~~i~~1 :~~~e:ti~~:ile~~. us~ it as an Ill- All of our I sponsoring the "First Annual Opcn - setting school record of 23.1, breaking Rick Benitez's old record . will read on this page. Well, in our last Issue, we !'Ised g-Ball Tournament." breaking his own previous record of 5:26:2_ Mike O'Loughlin won the stats come from the Publicity Publicity releases about the wutter The tournament is open to all of 23.2. In the 200 yd.breaststroke, 200 yd. 1M with a timeof2:09.5 and 'Department. After they get. the! sports previews and had our own Western Maryland students (both he set a new school and pool record the 200 yd. breaststroke at 2:22.0. ~;e~~:e g;::~ men ANQ women) and will. begin ofI2,:iH.,2,·hreaking hts.owneeoorc- Rick Benitez won the 200 .yd. I ~~~I~:~op~:~:n~a:~~p:O~~t ~~~~~I~re~t~~ p:i~r~ on 'Sunday February 25 In the of 2:23.0. Also, he anchored the ~ freestyle at 1:59.2. Gallager which ever is easiest for the both of the credit for the articles on. t~e gameroom. To enter, just go to the yd. free relay teaming with Mike. teamed with Dumler, O'LoughIin, us. If you don't see an article there wrong part. Lo and behold, wI~hm information desk and tell them you Benitez, Steve Palmer, and Ed, and Mike Benitez to win the 400 yd are 3 basic reasons: 1) the team two hours I had several co,:,plamts I ~~~~a~e~g~~t:~ ~~e ~~r ~~~l~~ ~:;: 6~~~'~t~~:oa ~~~~h~( ~~.~: ~~~~: ~~:!ea~!;~~~,a~~:~~~~ didn't get the information to the form the publicity staff (Wish I got .from the~ response as didn't as fast Office 2) Publicity Publicity 1 d ( a is registered until backstroke, breaking his old Smith to win the 400 yd. free relay get it to us, or 3) we didn't get the when the stats come in). We .dld I ~~:y~yn~he~~I:ar-NoexcePtio~S) record 2:16.9 to set a new school with a time of 3:35.9. Kate Bead- article in. There is no special trend make the mistake. We apolo~lZe. and give it to the person signing record of 2:16.0. Rick Benitez, way and Pat Donovan took first - any or all of those reasons happen We will label credi.l all articles you up. You're on your way. broke his old record of 5:27.1, anrf and second place respectively in , in any given week. . from now on, and will try to keep set a new school mark of 5:26.2 in both required and optional diving. Another thing which PubliCity the names correct. the 500 yd. freestyle. In the 200 yd. The men's record is 6-5 and the butterfly, Jane Carstensen set a women's 7-4 alter beating Kings. new pool and school record of The team finishes .the season Volleyball Organized - 2'519 breaking her own school before the MAC's With a home . r~cbrd of 2:59.5. Jenny Doremus I meet \\"ednf:sday against Men's and Women's In.lramural pJaced on .a team .. A.ISf ple~~: , - seta new women's record of6:.02.8, Dickinson and .an away meet Volleyball Tournament I.S in the designate two (2) offlcla s on breaking Carstensen's old re~ord against LycomingSaturday. forming stage. To be lllvolved, roster. Game times will be posted in the ~~~~~eb~~~ ~ili~et~ ~~i~~XU:::i. Intramural ha~dball books Gameroom next Wednesday for If you are interested and not part containing the entire Intramural those in the tournament. The of a team, give your name to Sue schedule and rules a~e now tournament is 2 out of 3 games for Armstrong (857-4819) or Steve available at the InformatIOn desk a match, and a double match MorItz (ext and you Will be III thf'}l..ecker College Center I elimination. All. the rules are \ availabl~ either m the gameroom i or at the mformation desk. of There .are three categories NOVICE competition. The play for those who occaisionally ~lass the game and feel like entering the tiiurny _ For the player who truely likes the game there is the In- termediate class. And for \ who are sure they can play (and a great chance to prove i~) the Superior class. Prizes win be awarded for each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prompt. cOllild ....n!i<'l1 I place IN EACH DIVISION. ho!lr. IOdudiny nlrth ("olltrol and d\"lllrtion FISH AND ,>!-'n::cI'S FEATHER jPET SHO 452 E. Main St. ~r-f1 Open For Lunch 11:OOA.M_- 1:OOA_M_ - 27 Westminster Shopping Coming to the Pit Feb. 24, BLUEGRASS, MUSIC- ~ Center 25\off your choice of Pizza ~Ii' 10% discount to all students with Beer, Wine, or Liquor Baltimore. Maryland Phone 876-7047 WITH THIS AD (3m) 788-4400 College ID required
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